This week's data is all about Australia, including it's climate over time and recent fires. A good article currently is from the New York Times. The BBC also has an article with maps and news, but I am not 100% convinced their use of scale for fire points is 100% appropriate. It is using the NASA FIRMS data.
A group of #rstats
contributors have put together a list of resources for community help for those affected, please take a look at it here.
This is an ongoing situation, and the goal of sharing data here is to spread awareness of the Australian fires. PLEASE be cautious when plotting maps of ongoing fires - there are many considerations when using the NASA "Active Fires Dataset" via FIRMS - potential pitfalls are outlined here and at the source from NASA. It is nuanced in interpretation and plotting (1 km estimations). There is a very long user guide if you want to look further. It is apparently suggested to use nighttime data for most accuracy, but I have never used this data before.
A live update of the fires from NASA can be seen here
A safer dataset to use is from the New South Wales Rural Fire Service - this JSON file can be rapidly turned into a map, courtesy of Dean Marchiori.
url <- ""
contains the newest updated data, I downloaded it for today (2020-01-06).
I also found some The Guardian fire data, but it has not been updated. Some shapefiles/json/geojson though.
Nicholas Tierney has a good overview of plotting Australian climate data on GitHub. THe original heatmap is here.
The overall climate of Australia can be found on Wikipedia. The list of cities by population is here.
For climate data, temperature and rainfall was gathered from the Australian Bureau of Meterology (BoM). A number of weather stations were chosen, based on their proximity to major Australian cities such as Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Canberra, and Adelaide. The South East region of Australia appears to be the most affected.
Rainfall data was sourced from:
Subiaco, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide
Temp min/max data was sourced from:
# Get the Data
rainfall <- readr::read_csv('')
temperature <- readr::read_csv('')
nasa_fire <- readr::read_csv('')
# For JSON File of fires
url <- ""
aus_fires <- sf::st_read(url)
# Or read in with tidytuesdayR package (
# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!
# Install via devtools::install_github("thebioengineer/tidytuesdayR")
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2020-01-07')
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2020, week = 2)
rainfall <- tuesdata$rainfall
Please note that all weather station locations and metadata are in weather_station_ids.txt
variable | class | description |
city_name | character | City Name |
date | double | Date |
temperature | double | Temperature in Celsius |
temp_type | character | Temperature type (min/max daily) |
site_name | character | Actual site/weather station |
variable | class | description |
station_code | character | Station Code |
city_name | character | City Name |
year | double | Year |
month | character | Month |
day | character | Day |
rainfall | double | rainfall in millimeters |
period | double | how many days was it collected across |
quality | character | Certified quality or not |
lat | double | latitude |
long | double | longitude |
station_name | character | Station Name |
variable | description |
latitude | Center of 1km fire pixel but not necessarily the actual location of the fire as one or more fires can be detected within the 1km pixel. |
longitude | Center of 1km fire pixel but not necessarily the actual location of the fire as one or more fires can be detected within the 1km pixel. |
brightness | Channel 21/22 brightness temperature of the fire pixel measured in Kelvin. |
scan | The algorithm produces 1km fire pixels but MODIS pixels get bigger toward the edge of scan. Scan and track reflect actual pixel size. |
track | The algorithm produces 1km fire pixels but MODIS pixels get bigger toward the edge of scan. Scan and track reflect actual pixel size. |
acq_date | Date of MODIS acquisition. |
act_time | Time of acquisition/overpass of the satellite (in UTC). |
satellite | A = Aqua and T = Terra. |
confidence | This value is based on a collection of intermediate algorithm quantities used in the detection process. It is intended to help users gauge the quality of individual hotspot/fire pixels. Confidence estimates range between 0 and 100% and are assigned one of the three fire classes (low-confidence fire, nominal-confidence fire, or high-confidence fire). |
version | Version identifies the collection (e.g. MODIS Collection 6) and source of data processing: Near Real-Time (NRT suffix added to collection) or Standard Processing (collection only). "6.0NRT" - Collection 6 NRT processing."6.0" - Collection 6 Standard processing. Find out more on collections and on the differences between FIRMS data sourced from LANCE FIRMS and University of Maryland. |
bright_t31 | Channel 31 brightness temperature of the fire pixel measured in Kelvin. |
frp | Depicts the pixel-integrated fire radiative power in MW (megawatts). |
day_night | D = Daytime, N = Nighttime |
Plot Fires courtesy of Dean Marchiori
# Mapping NSW Current Incidents in R -------------------------------------------
#' Current Incidents Feed (GeoJSON)
#' This feed contains a list of current incidents from the NSW RFS,
#' and includes location data and Major Fire Update summary information where available.
#' Click through from the feed to the NSW RFS website for full details of the update.
#' GeoJSON is a lightweight data standard that has emerged to support the sharing of
#' information with location or geospatial data.
#' It is widely supported by modern applications and mobile devices.
url <- ""
fires <- st_read(url)
#' Hacky way to get rid of points within geometry collections
fire_poly <- fires %>%
st_buffer(dist = 0) %>%
st_union(by_feature = TRUE)
fires %>%
mutate(pubdate = as.character(pubDate),
pubdate = as.Date(pubdate))
read_file_list <- list.files(here::here("2020", "2020-01-07")) %>%
.[str_detect(., "tmax|tmin")]
read_clean_temp_data <- function(file_name){
temp_descrip <- if_else(str_detect(file_name, "min"), "min", "max")
read_csv(here::here("2020", "2020-01-07", file_name)) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
fill(site_name, site_number) %>%
filter(! %>%
rename(temperature = contains("temp")) %>%
mutate(temp_type = temp_descrip) %>%
mutate(city_name = word(site_name, 1)) %>%
select(city_name, date, temperature, temp_type, site_name)
# Get Clean Temp Data -----------------------------------------------------
clean_df <- read_file_list %>%
map(read_clean_temp_data) %>%
write_csv(clean_df, here::here("2020", "2020-01-07","temperature.csv"))
##### Prep for Clean Rain Data
name_df <- tribble(
~station_code, ~city_name, ~lat, ~long, ~station_name,
"009151", "Perth", -31.96, 115.79, "Subiaco Wastewater Treatment Plant",
"023011", "Adelaide", -34.92, 138.6, "North Adelaide",
"040383", "Brisbane", -27.51, 153.05, "Greenslopes Private Hospital",
"040913", "Brisbane", -27.48, 153.04, "Brisbane",
"066062", "Sydney", -33.86, 151.21, "Observatory Hill",
"070351", "Canberra", -35.31, 149.2, "Canberra Airport",
"086232", "Melbourne", -37.83, 144.98, "Melbourne Botanical Gardens"
read_precip_list <- list.files(here::here("2020", "2020-01-07")) %>%
.[str_detect(., "IDCJ")]
read_clean_precip_data <- function(file_name){
read_csv(here::here("2020", "2020-01-07", file_name)) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
select("station_code" = bureau_of_meteorology_station_number,
year, month, day,
"rainfall"= rainfall_amount_millimetres,
"period" = period_over_which_rainfall_was_measured_days,
quality) %>%
mutate(station_code = as.character(station_code)) %>%
left_join(name_df, by = "station_code") %>%
select(station_code, city_name, everything())
# Get Clean Rain Data -----------------------------------------------------
clean_rain_df <- read_precip_list %>%
map(read_clean_precip_data) %>%
write_csv(clean_rain_df, here::here("2020", "2020-01-07","rainfall.csv"))