- Truffle v5.0.5 (core: 5.0.5)
- Solidity v0.5.0 (solc-js)
- Node v11.13.0
To install run the following command
npm i
truffle compile
To run:
npm run dev
It will open a window on Chrome. You need to install MetaMask chrome extension, set up an account and connect to the Rinkeby network to be able to use this program
- contracts/ : contains the contracts code in Solidity
- src/: contains the frontend code in html and javascript
npm run dev
run a server (lite-browser) process configured by bs-config.js
If you want to contribute to this repo, you can start your own blockchain using ganache then run:
truffle migrate --reset
Then you can modify the code locally.
Our example contract is online on Ethereum and rinkeby
rinkeby: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x244ac8ca6af07e3f5dd28bfa3c8fafcd2222628c#code
Ethereum: https://etherscan.io/address/0xCe8296F1daCd7C6ECa28453f37fE15E0596CDaEA
Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNgvUu5HJRU&ab_channel=LinhHo%C3%A0ng
Read our report: report