This policy is a "living" document, and subject to refinement and expansion in the future. It was inspired by Android Study Group Code of Conduct
The Android Dev BR should be a safe place for everybody regardless of:
- Gender, gender identity or gender expression
- Sexual orientation
- Disability
- Physical appearance (including but not limited to body size)
- Ethnicity
- Age
- Religion
As someone who is part of this Slack, you agree that:
- We are, collectively and individually, committed to safety and inclusivity.
- We have zero tolerance for abuse, harassment, or discrimination.
- We respect the boundaries and identity of people.
- We refrain from using language that can be considered oppressive (systemically or otherwise), eg. sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, etc. - this includes (but is not limited to) various slurs.
- We avoid offensive topics as a form of humor.
- We do not tolerate piracy and violation of the terms of use of other software and services.
We actively work towards:
- Be a safe community.
- Cultivate a network of support and encouragement for all.
- Encourage varied forms of expression in a responsible way.
We condemn:
- Create profile pretending to be someone else for entertainment purposes, fraud or encouraging code of conduct violations (i.e. impersonation).
- Persecution, "doxxing" (investigating the life of a person without authorization) or undue publication of private information.
- Threats of all kinds and harassment.
- Any behavior that compromises the safety of other members.
- Listen without interruption.
- Believe what the person is saying & do not attempt to disqualify what they have to say.
- Ask for tips / help with avoiding making the offense in the future.
- Apologize and ask forgiveness.
Failing to follow the community guidelines as described in this document carries consequences. For minor infractions, you may be temporarily suspended from the Slack. Upon repeat offenses, or if the community believes you are not acting in good faith, you may be blocked permanently.
Moderation reserves the right to verify the authenticity of users suspected of committing impersonation. Verification will be private between moderation and user.
If you experience any type of abuse, harassment, discrimination, or if you feel unsafe, talk to an admin. This is the list of moderators and their Slack IDs:
- Ana Coimbra - @anacoimbrag
- David Conceição - @davidtiagoconceicao
- Douglas Drumond - @douglasdrumond
- JP Ventura - @jpventura
- Marcello Galhardo - @marcellogalhardo
- Rafa Araujo - @rafaaraujo
- Walmyr Carvalho - @walmyrcarvalho
The admin position is for unbiased moderation purposes, they will not moderate or edit anything written in Slack, unless this is the result of a discussion and agreed to all.
This group is aimed at professionals working with Android. This includes developers and designers, and excludes journalists or HR recruiters / professionals. No prior experience with Android is required, but it is important to make it clear that the group's purpose is to bring together Portuguese-speaking Android developers around discussions and collective learning. Therefore, any message that distances too far from this focus will be subject to exclusion or banishment. Messages that are advertising only, whether advertisements for apps or companies, will not be allowed. Questions about ROMs, maintenance of Android devices or procedures that violate guarantees and proper functioning are also not the focus of this group. It is the duty of all active members to monitor and report, whenever possible, to any of the administrators any suspicious messages or that violate the group rules, as well as to point out possible improvements and adjustments to this Code of Conduct.
Given the representativeness of this community, moderators reserve the right to suspend or ban members of this group from violating this Code of Conduct outside Slack or other communication media in our community, including, but not limited to, other Slack groups, GitHub , social networks or instant messaging application.
In this way, if you are comfortable with participating in the group, access the link below and ask for your invitation:
Many members of this group use Slack at work, or have it installed on their cell phone. Therefore, the @channel and @everyone commands have been disabled for normal users and are only used by moderators only when needed.
If in doubt about using Slack or some specific command, look for an admin.
Before asking a question, take the time and search Google as well as the Android documentation for your question. If after that the answer is not clear to you, please refer to the sources you consulted to answer your question. Sending your question to the most appropriate channel can also facilitate discussion and resolution.
When asking and answering questions, avoid any imperative or impatient language, and be cordial, after all we here are just trying to help each other.
After posting your question, be sure to look for alternatives to solve your problem. Send new messages with updates and alternatives you've tried. If you can solve your problem on your own, spread the knowledge you have gained by describing the solution.
At any situation repeat the same message several times. In addition to generating spam, the community will show much more interest in helping those who are trying to advance on their own.
Avoid messages without content, merely to agree to previous messages, loose words or excessively long messages without need. Use the options that Slack offers, such as the Reactions option. Also considered messages without content questions such as: Has anyone used the XYZ tool? or someone can help me ?. In case of doubts, problems or other situations, directly send your question or situation in the correct channel, avoiding to pollute the channels with messages without content. In addition to these cases, complaints without constructive purpose and for mere outburst are also messages without content. Remember that multiple channels have thousands of participating members, so value the channels and the space to exchange information avoiding messages without purpose.
When responding, asking or commenting, avoid aggressive or disproportionate tone messages. Remember that our group is open and highly diversified. We have members with extensive experience in application development as well as beginners who have just met the platform. We also have different opinions and visions on almost every subject. And that's what makes Android Dev BR a great place to learn and develop.
Pay attention to your posts to keep communication enjoyable and interesting for everyone.
All messages sent in Slack, through public or private means, are the sole responsibility of the author. Android Dev BR enhances the communication between developers from Brazil and the World, but is not responsible for published information or opinions. All members are free to submit information and opinions that they deem most appropriate, given no Brazilian Law or Code of Conduct rule is violated. Any measures around messages should be applied to the author of the message. AndroidDevBR is not responsible for sensitive information shared on channels or private messages. When sending snippets of code, be careful not to send credentials (endpoints, API keys, and the like). If any of this information is shared, immediately notify any administrator to have the message deleted.
Android Dev BR has no responsibility for links or files shared by its members. Each member must carefully observe the quality and content of any link or file before sharing it. It is also the responsibility of each member to verify the ownership application on shared files or download links.
The admins will not tolerate the disclosure of files or links that:
- Violate private properties.
- Contain malware of any kind, including but not limited to viruses, phishing and scams.
- Point to content that violates this Code of Conduct.
Any messages that violate the points above will be deleted by the administrators without prior notice, causing possible penalties for the member that sent the message.
Slack allows any member to create new channels. Android Dev BR has multiple channels for general or specific discussions. The goal of having multiple channels is to allow members with an interest in a particular subject to talk in a more focused manner, as well as allowing several conversations to occur in parallel. Before creating a channel though, check to see if there is interest from other members in joining the channel, if there is no equivalent channel, and if the channel focus is in line with the larger purpose of Android Dev BR and this Code of Conduct . The Admins team reserves the right to close and archive duplicate or inactive channels for long periods. Placements ending in -alerts (#job-alerts, #channel-alerts) are for automated messages or the moderation team. So do not post messages on these channels. Any other messages sent in these channels will be deleted by the moderation team without previous notice.
Are you new to Slack? No problem, Android Dev BR is open to everyone's participation. Want to get the most out of the tool? Take the time to read a little of the help available, check the available shortcuts or ask your question about the tool in #random. It is also essential that all users know how to make the most of the threads offered by slack. Learn more about how to use the threads in Slack's official post.
This Code of Conduct is a living document that leads our group to be better and greater. Therefore, we are open to comments and adjustments that can be proposed through pull Requests or Issues.