By calling the trainModel function you can train a new model
trainModel(model, dataloader=dataLoader, dataLoaderVal=dataLoaderVal, criterion=criterion, scheduler=scheduler,epochs=20, optimizer=optimizer, name=name, startEpoch=startEpoch)
You should provide the parameters.
model = modelType()
transforms = trans.Compose([
dataset = ImageFolder(root="C:\\Users\\best_intern\\Documents\\imagesColor", transform=transforms)
dataLoader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, shuffle=True, batch_size=128)
datasetVal = ImageFolder(root="C:\\Users\\best_intern\\Documents\\imagesColorVal", transform=transforms)
dataLoaderVal = DataLoader(dataset=datasetVal, shuffle=True, batch_size=128)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(
params=filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()),
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer=optimizer, mode="min", factor=0.1, patience=2, verbose=True)
criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss()
trainModel(model, dataloader=dataLoader, dataLoaderVal=dataLoaderVal, criterion=criterion, scheduler=scheduler,epochs=20, optimizer=optimizer, name=name, startEpoch=startEpoch)
Scheduler is not necessery can be None, but there is no validation. Or call the train function in
train(modelType={MODEL_TYPE}, name={MODEL_NAME})
Load the model and pass it the images.
It's possible to call
test(modelType : type, imagesPath:str, path : str)
And see the original as well as the decoded image
Can compare multiple models with
testMultiple(modelType : type, imagesPath : str, paths : list[str])
Where imagesPath is the path to your image folder, paths is the list of paths to your saved models.
AutoEncoderDecoder : ~9.7M params AutoEncoderDecoderM : ~10.2M params
Changes after training
First image is the original, second after 1 epoch, third after 5 epochs, fourth after 10 etc.
First image is the original, second after 1 epoch, third after 5 epochs, fourth after 10 etc.
First image is the original, seconda after 1 epoch, third after 10 ...
- pytorch 2.0.1
- opencv 4.8 - not really needed only for testing