This submission of ggplot2 fixes \donttest{} examples.
- OS X, R 3.1.3
- OS X, R-devel
- Ubuntu 14.04, R 3.1.3
- win-builder (devel and release)
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs in R 3.1.3. On R-devel with --as-cran, there was also this NOTE:
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: From: man/mpg.Rd Status: 404 Message: Not Found
This URL is accessible through a web browser, though apparently not via R CMD check.
On R-devel for Windows x64, the tests hung and did not complete. We encountered some similar strange errors in our local testing, until we rebuilt and reinstalled packages from source. After doing that, the R CMD CHECK passed as above without problems.
We did not run checks on downstream dependencies, because there were no behaviour modifying changes to the code.