This project is an end-to-end (E2E) automated test for the SauceDemo web application, using Serenity BDD with the Screenplay pattern and Gradle.
- JDK 17 or higher.
- IntelliJ IDEA (or any other preferred IDE).
- Gradle 7.6.1 (optional if using the included wrapper).
- Git (for cloning the repository).
- Google Chrome browser.
git clone
cd SaucedemoSerenity
- Open IntelliJ IDEA.
- Select Open on the welcome screen or go to File > Open.
- Navigate to the folder where you cloned the repository and select the project folder.
- IntelliJ IDEA should automatically detect the build.gradle file and begin configuring the project.
IntelliJ IDEA will automatically download and configure the dependencies specified in the build.gradle file. Ensure that the project is set up with the Java 17 SDK:
Go to File > Project Structure > Project. Ensure that Project SDK is set to 17.
In the serenity.conf file, ensure that the browser configuration is correct:
webdriver {
driver = chrome
autodownload = true
capabilities {
"goog:chromeOptions": {
args = ["--remote-allow-origins=*"]
serenity { = "SaucedemoSerenity"
Via Command Line You can run the tests with the following command from the project root:
./gradlew clean test
- Navigate to the CheckoutTest class in src/test/java/com/saucedemo/features.
- Right-click on the class and select Run 'CheckoutTest'.
Serenity automatically generates a report in target/site/serenity/index.html. You can open this file in your browser to view the test results.
This project demonstrates how E2E tests can be automated using Serenity BDD with the Screenplay pattern. Follow the steps mentioned to set up and execute the tests from scratch in IntelliJ IDEA.