- allow multi select during trim
- variable fillet broken (gizmo disappears) when adjust main distance
- bug: run fillet; in the middle of fillet try move; fillet commits but without item in undo history ...
- creating sphere 2nd point on vertical z axis errors
- escape out of fillet command to restart
- bug: dialogs sometimes incorrectly cache previous value (e.g., mirror checkbox for union) - run mirror twice changing value
- convert selectionmode to bitmap
- turn on --noimplicitoverride
- offset face whilst holding control should show phantoms?
- add xor selection modifier
- draw diagonal line on box face; can't cut
- delete region by hitting x
- extrude a region after drawing on a face; the region should have the face as a bound
- toggle boolean diff which is + and which is - while running command
- ortho cube goes to ortho mode
- matcap shinier
- redo max fillet
- fillet: span keybinding
- fillet: prolong keybinding
- fillet two corners of a curve, not all
- turn on/off visual display of edges
- autodelete coplanar faces
- angle snaps (5deg)
- drawing on face -- boundary edges need to be extendable as snaps
- cutting contour needs to extend to infinitiy
- autojoin curves at same endpoint
- boolean keep tool
- optimize the draw curve to offset (multiline) flow
- cut body: select edge after starting command
- upper-left box select of straight lines is too eager
- another mirror bug
- focus topology
- move snapmanagergeometrycache to editor
- when you shift a helper leave it visible
- select all of type
- bug: select face, change mode to solid, shift select solid. face is still selected but shouldn't be
- separate floor from grid
- ctrl in object select should temporarily enable everything (point solid etc)
- popup quickmenu a la fusion
- Refactor gizmos and controls event entry code - there should be a single class handling hover and pointerdown to disambiguate
- colored helpers for basic axis snaps
- move mirror gizmo origin
- Napi::Promise::Deferred const &d rename _deferred
- dialog keybindings
- copy fillet radius by clicking on another fillet surface
- bug: box selected, while mouse down, zoom
- Fusion-like multigizmo
- Solid cut by face: face cutter offset along normal
- perf: get rid of traverse in viewport -- use separate pass without overwriting depth
- picture in viewport
- PointPicker: CHOICE should allow points to be projected even if they don't strictly match the restriction
- ProxyCamera/LOD: write custom :: const distance = _v1.distanceTo( _v2 ) / camera.zoom;
- Audit re-used icons
- in xray mode, control points not visible
- currently FINISH is always available, even at step 1 of 3 points box. #bug - registry.add(command:finish) should maybe not happen in command executor but in await this.finished
- PointSnap resolution for nearby seems wrong
- move all static buuild() methods to builder, using var ts decl
- Refactor curve extension code
- bug: control points, when one selected and another hovered, everything unhighlighted
- PointPicker: Restrictions are ignored with choice -
- Redesign set resolution of line2 etc
- parentId of edge and face should be set directly and not actually in the tree?
- fillet face
- Helper for center (of arc) point snap
- See if we can get rid of get child() in visualmodel
- Move/Translate allows face selection #bug
- get rid of all snappers in snap
- refactor IntersectableLayers
- Snap points should always be before their geometry if they're visible
- panning and release mouse outside of window errors #bug
- Incorporate parcel https://github.com/parcel-bundler/watcher
- outline for e.g., mirror command is strange - only outline visible items
- Redo titlebar to save space
- crash https://discord.com/channels/893157887847845908/894216409188565012/896502833057243196
- Add settings for loft
- memoize and discretize calculations like fillet #performance
- memoize mesh generation of faces in mesh creator (for the duration of a command). #performance
- showPhantoms() in ModifyContourPointFactory needs implementation
- Nearpointprojection needs to be errorbool
- Trim command should allow splitting segments
- Trim command should allow points
- Trim should allow box selecting
- Box select during active command allows selecting faces that will be deleted #bug
- rename Id() .id
- audit array conversion is reserving and freeing elements:
- ::AddRefItems( curveArray );
- ::ReleaseItems( curveArray );
- and especially check if instantiated RPArray/etc. is freed altogether - convert MbCartPoint3D and Vector to isPOD
- icons normalized
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34225008/how-to-reuse-an-embedded-svg-element-in-the-same-page
- top view axes aren't aligned
- orbit above top
- deselect face when orienting construction plane
- trim right click to confirm doesn't work
- gizmos for elementary solids