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Project configuration example

Issue tracker integration

Example for JIRA

Go to your project directory and run wizard.

$ commithook tracker:wizard
Set up issue tracker connection.

 Tracker type:
  1 - jira
  2 - github
  3 - redmine
 > 1

 'jira' URL:

 'jira' username:
 > my.username

 'jira' password:
 > mypassword111

 Current 'jira' project key:
 > PRJ1

Configuration updated.
Do not forget to share project .commithook.xml file with your team.

You may check generated files.

$ cat .commithook.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
$ cat ~/.commithook/.commithook.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Password reset

To reset your password you may use command (example for JIRA):

$ commithook config --global --tracker jira password pass123

Define path to PHP interpreter

Default path: c:/xampp/php/php.exe

$ commithook config --xpath code/interpreter/php d:/s/php-5.5.38/php.exe --global

It will update file ~/.commithook/.commithook.xml.

NOTE: You may set this up per project. Just use --project-self instead --global.

Install GIT hook files

$ commithook install

Here full documentation.

PHPCodeSniffer integration

NOTE: all files within directories .commithook and .coding-standards should be shared with your team. So just add those into VCS.

Fetch PHPCS package:

$ composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer:~2.0@stable

Option #1. Fast install (Magento 1.x ECG standards)

$ cd my-project
$ curl | tar zxf -
$ mv -f commithook-standards-magento-ecg/.co* .
$ rm -rf commithook-standards-magento-ecg/

Fetch magento-ecg standards

$ composer --working-dir=.coding-standards install -o

Option #2. Install step by step

Now you need to set up PHPCS. Example with using magento-ecg standards.

$ mkdir -p .coding-standards/phpcs

Paste content to rule file .coding-standards/phpcs/ruleset.xml

$ vim .coding-standards/phpcs/ruleset.xml


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="CommitHooks">
    <description>Internal Magento coding standard. (extended from Magento ECG)</description>

    <!-- Include the whole magento-ecg standard -->
    <rule ref="../vendor/magento-ecg/coding-standard/Ecg">
        <!--Exclude TO-DO comments blocking-->
        <exclude name="Generic.Commenting.Todo" />

Fetch magento-ecg standards

$ composer --working-dir=.coding-standards require magento-ecg/coding-standard:~2.0 -o

Ignore vendor dir within .coding-standards/ directory.

$ echo vendor >> .coding-standards/.gitignore

Declare PHPCS rule.

$ commithook config --xpath validators/CodeSniffer/rule/directory .coding-standards/phpcs

Enable PHPCS validator.

$ commithook validator:disable --enable CodeSniffer

Test integration

You may make quick test for the integration here.

Share commithook files with your team

$ git add .commithook .coding-standards .commithook.xml
$ git commit -m '@@through Added commithook files.'
$ git push

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