- Added support for COLVARS package
- Updated three.js to v165
- Added memory usage to statistics output
- Added plotting of variables (equal style variables)
- Added plotting of fixes (currently only plotting fix ave/time)
- Fixed bad labels on compute plots
- Added synchronization of fix ave/time. Useful for smooth RDF time averaging or other time averages
- Fixed bad radii for particles after LAMMPS sorting
- Fixed bug where dynamic number of particles and bonds did not work
- Added feature to create new simulations where you can upload your own files
- Added plotting of computes (e.g. kinetic energy vs time or compute RDF)
- Improved SSAO and lighting settings
- Fixed so sidebar can be collapsed on mobile devices
- Fixed so modifier active state is preserved when simulation summary is reopened
- Showing modifiers (syncing of particles and bonds etc) in simulation summary
- Can click example images to start example
- Can color atoms by per atom compute (kinetic energy etc)
- Added simulation summary sidebar
- Added simulation summary overlay
- Added Voro++ package to LAMMPS
- If analysis notebook is specified in the example, open it directly when Notebook is clicked
- Removed simd optimization since this breaks on Safari (both Mac and iOS)
- Added support for ## customizing simulations
- Improved example grid rendering
- Added JupyterLite for post simulation analysis
- Only sync particles and bonds when View is active
- Improved light settings
- Added new example simulations
- Added SSAO support for improved rendering
- Added render settings
- Added progressbar during simulation
- Adjusted default size on particles and bonds
- Syncing with LAMMPS during energy minimization
- Fixed bad coloring when LAMMPS changes ordering of atoms
- Showing last LAMMPS command in error
- UI is more mobile friendly
- Showing console after simulation is finished
- Added stop button
- Added console to show LAMMPS output
- Handling exceptions from LAMMPS to show command errors
- Added rendering of dynamic bonds using LAMMPS neighbor lists
- Fixed canvas size
- Can browse GitHub tree and run simulations
- Using React 18
- Can modify sync frequency
Initial prototype with ## OMOVI rendering data from ## LAMMPS in the browser.