diff --git a/_sources/r/environments.md.txt b/_sources/r/environments.md.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f3b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_sources/r/environments.md.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# R environments
+## How to set-up renv for reproducible research
+Create `DESCRIPTION` file e.g.
+Title: quarto_huang_2019
+ R (>= 3.7)
+ knitr (==1.47),
+ rmarkdown (==2.27),
+ remotes (==2.5.0),
+ tiff (==0.1-12)
+Then start new empty environment with `renv::init(bare=TRUE)`.
+When initialising, you should be prompted to only install from the `DESCRIPTION` - select yes to this. Otherwise, run the command yourself: `renv::settings$snapshot.type("explicit")`.
+You can then install the packages from DESCRIPTION by running `renv::install()`, and then create the lock file by running `renv::snapshot`.
+If you make any changes to the packages and versions, simply modified the `DESCRIPTION` file and then run `renv::install()` followed by `renv::snapshot`.
+If you run into issues where it cannot find a specific package/version, this may be due to the formatting of the version number. For example, for the package `tiff`:
+* `tiff` - installs latest version (0.1.12)
+* `tiff (==0.1.11)` - cannot find package
+* `tiff (==0.1-11)` - installs older version (0.1.11)
+The error was due to how those versions are formatted on CRAN, as you can see on the [tiff archive](https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/tiff/).
+## Basic renv commands
+To start new project environment, creating .RProfile: `renv::init()`
+To save state of project library to lockfile renv.lock: `renv::snapshot()`
+To return to environment in lockfile: `renv::restore()`
+## Binder
+Created using instructions from [here](https://ajstewartlang.github.io/23_introduction_to_binder/slides/23_introduction_to_binder.pdf) and [here](https://github.com/binder-examples/r).
+1. Create runtime.txt file with R version
+2. Create install.R file with package installations
+3. Navigate to https://mybinder.org/, paste in GitHub repository, set to "URL to open (optional)" and type in "rstudio", then launch
+## Rough notes
+R -
+ \item Renv
+ \item Posit Public Package Manager - can use Snapshot (earliest is Oct 2017, and 5 most recent versions of R), for Linux can install binary packages (which is much quicker, as usually R installs from source rather than binary unlike for Windows and Mac which makes it really slow) - \href{https://packagemanager.posit.co/client/#/repos/cran/setup}{source 1}, \href{https://docs.posit.co/faq/p3m-faq/#frequently-asked-questions}{source 2}
+ \item Groundhog - can go back to R 3.2 and April 2015 (and apparently can patch to go earlier) - \href{https://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2023-01-12-repro_r/}{source 1}
+ \item miniCRAN - \href{https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/machine-learning/package-management/create-a-local-package-repository-using-minicran?view=sql-server-ver16}{source 1}
+ \item Docker - requires license for non-academic (e.g. NHS) use - but Podman can drop in as replacement. To do development inside a container isn't natively supported by RStudio but can use RStudioServer via Rocker. By default, it runs in ephemeral mode - any code created or saved is lost when close - but you can use volume argument to mount local folders - \href{https://towardsdatascience.com/running-rstudio-inside-a-container-e9db5e809ff8}{source 1}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_sources/r/general.md.txt b/_sources/r/general.md.txt
index ebdc130..48b1f1b 100644
--- a/_sources/r/general.md.txt
+++ b/_sources/r/general.md.txt
@@ -4,19 +4,10 @@
:hidden: True
-R -
- \item Renv
- \item Posit Public Package Manager - can use Snapshot (earliest is Oct 2017, and 5 most recent versions of R), for Linux can install binary packages (which is much quicker, as usually R installs from source rather than binary unlike for Windows and Mac which makes it really slow) - \href{https://packagemanager.posit.co/client/#/repos/cran/setup}{source 1}, \href{https://docs.posit.co/faq/p3m-faq/#frequently-asked-questions}{source 2}
- \item Groundhog - can go back to R 3.2 and April 2015 (and apparently can patch to go earlier) - \href{https://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2023-01-12-repro_r/}{source 1}
- \item miniCRAN - \href{https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/machine-learning/package-management/create-a-local-package-repository-using-minicran?view=sql-server-ver16}{source 1}
- \item Docker - requires license for non-academic (e.g. NHS) use - but Podman can drop in as replacement. To do development inside a container isn't natively supported by RStudio but can use RStudioServer via Rocker. By default, it runs in ephemeral mode - any code created or saved is lost when close - but you can use volume argument to mount local folders - \href{https://towardsdatascience.com/running-rstudio-inside-a-container-e9db5e809ff8}{source 1}
## Function setting default inputs
If default input is different to the input name, you won't have an issue. If it's the same you'll have an error.
@@ -58,17 +49,6 @@ for (i in seq_along(output[[1]])){
-## Reproducible environment: renv
-To start new project environment, creating .RProfile: `renv::init()`
-To save state of project library to lockfile renv.lock: `renv::snapshot()`
-To return to environment in lockfile: `renv::restore()`
-## Reproducible environment: binder
-Created using instructions from [here](https://ajstewartlang.github.io/23_introduction_to_binder/slides/23_introduction_to_binder.pdf) and [here](https://github.com/binder-examples/r).
-1. Create runtime.txt file with R version
-2. Create install.R file with package installations
-3. Navigate to https://mybinder.org/, paste in GitHub repository, set to "URL to open (optional)" and type in "rstudio", then launch
## Linting
diff --git a/objects.inv b/objects.inv
index e36de6a..7e06176 100644
Binary files a/objects.inv and b/objects.inv differ
diff --git a/r/environments.html b/r/environments.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6853795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/r/environments.html
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
Then start new empty environment with renv::init(bare=TRUE).
When initialising, you should be prompted to only install from the DESCRIPTION - select yes to this. Otherwise, run the command yourself: renv::settings$snapshot.type("explicit").
You can then install the packages from DESCRIPTION by running renv::install(), and then create the lock file by running renv::snapshot.
If you make any changes to the packages and versions, simply modified the DESCRIPTION file and then run renv::install() followed by renv::snapshot.
If you run into issues where it cannot find a specific package/version, this may be due to the formatting of the version number. For example, for the package tiff:
tiff - installs latest version (0.1.12)
tiff(==0.1.11) - cannot find package
tiff(==0.1-11) - installs older version (0.1.11)
The error was due to how those versions are formatted on CRAN, as you can see on the tiff archive.
To start new project environment, creating .RProfile: renv::init()
+To save state of project library to lockfile renv.lock: renv::snapshot()
+To return to environment in lockfile: renv::restore()
R -
+\item Renv
+\item Posit Public Package Manager - can use Snapshot (earliest is Oct 2017, and 5 most recent versions of R), for Linux can install binary packages (which is much quicker, as usually R installs from source rather than binary unlike for Windows and Mac which makes it really slow) - \href{https://packagemanager.posit.co/client/#/repos/cran/setup}{source 1}, \href{https://docs.posit.co/faq/p3m-faq/#frequently-asked-questions}{source 2}
+\item Groundhog - can go back to R 3.2 and April 2015 (and apparently can patch to go earlier) - \href{https://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2023-01-12-repro_r/}{source 1}
+\item miniCRAN - \href{https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/machine-learning/package-management/create-a-local-package-repository-using-minicran?view=sql-server-ver16}{source 1}
+\item Docker - requires license for non-academic (e.g. NHS) use - but Podman can drop in as replacement. To do development inside a container isn’t natively supported by RStudio but can use RStudioServer via Rocker. By default, it runs in ephemeral mode - any code created or saved is lost when close - but you can use volume argument to mount local folders - \href{https://towardsdatascience.com/running-rstudio-inside-a-container-e9db5e809ff8}{source 1}
R -
-\item Renv
-\item Posit Public Package Manager - can use Snapshot (earliest is Oct 2017, and 5 most recent versions of R), for Linux can install binary packages (which is much quicker, as usually R installs from source rather than binary unlike for Windows and Mac which makes it really slow) - \href{https://packagemanager.posit.co/client/#/repos/cran/setup}{source 1}, \href{https://docs.posit.co/faq/p3m-faq/#frequently-asked-questions}{source 2}
-\item Groundhog - can go back to R 3.2 and April 2015 (and apparently can patch to go earlier) - \href{https://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2023-01-12-repro_r/}{source 1}
-\item miniCRAN - \href{https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/machine-learning/package-management/create-a-local-package-repository-using-minicran?view=sql-server-ver16}{source 1}
-\item Docker - requires license for non-academic (e.g. NHS) use - but Podman can drop in as replacement. To do development inside a container isn’t natively supported by RStudio but can use RStudioServer via Rocker. By default, it runs in ephemeral mode - any code created or saved is lost when close - but you can use volume argument to mount local folders - \href{https://towardsdatascience.com/running-rstudio-inside-a-container-e9db5e809ff8}{source 1}
To start new project environment, creating .RProfile: renv::init()
-To save state of project library to lockfile renv.lock: renv::snapshot()
-To return to environment in lockfile: renv::restore()