- Look into implementing AAindex2 & 3
- Visualise function in class where you can do histogram/heat map etc of each amino acid and corresponding value.
- Implement functionality to work with AAindex 2 and 3 (https://github.com/Pymol-Scripts/Pymol-script-repo/blob/master/aaindex.py , https://github.com/pycogent/pycogent/blob/master/cogent/parse/aaindex.py)
- Move aaindex into init file, change imports in folders and readme's.
- Get rid of AAINDEX_FILENAME - make aaindex1 name static.
- Add references section to readme.
- Remove ds_store from all folders.
- Ensure all files listed in readme of /data
- Go through flake8 and bandit output.
- Search by keyword, other ways to search?
- Use aaindex API URLs search_url = 'https://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bfind_sub?locale=en&serv=gn&keywords=charge&page=1&max_hit=0&dbkey=aaindex' , record_url = 'https://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?aaindex:KLEP840101'
- Parse main URL to check last updated: "Last updated: February 13, 2017"
- Pull request to biopython for aaindex.
- Add "python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*" to test pypi workflow.
- Add Keywords to setup.py & cfg
- Add demo using jupyter notebook.
- Update build/test workflow, similar to pySAR.
- Add readthedocs badge -
- Add emojis to readme - test if they show up on Mac and Windows.
- Check variable naming conventions.
- Change "secrets.PY_PI..." to "secrets.PYPI...".
- Add comments to .circle/workflow.
- Add spacing in between individual references, see if it improves readability, revert if not.
- Add documentation section in readme.
- Add path-ignore keywords to GitHub Action.
- Reorder software metadata in setup.py to be in order of main func, create description var.
- Add download_url to setup.py - url of zipped package.
- Add category to output object - aaindex1['CHOP780206']['category']
- Remove get_category_from_record function, just use aaindex1['XXXX']['category'] to get category.
- Test aaindex_json has correct list of keys.
- Test last updated - self.last_updated = "February 13, 2017" #as shown on homepage (https://www.genome.jp/aaindex/)
- Remove one-hot encoding from aaindex, and sci-kit learn library.
- Below aaindex record image in readme - add description of each record key.
- Unit tests to check that aaindex1 can be accessed using dot notation.
- Double check usage in aaindex/readme.md
- Remove all camel casing function names/vars, change to underscores and lowercase (https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/#function-and-variable-names).
- Update dependancies so non-specific pandas/numpy version required.
- Think about removing download_using and download function all together.
- Add and fix codecov and coverage installs from github workflow.
- Update workflows.
- Can aaindex1 object accept lowercase version of index - add unit tests of lowercase indices.
- Remove delayed==0.11.0b1 from requirments.txt.
- Update setup.cfg.
- Change all comment underlining from "------" to "=======".
- Add methods comments to aaindex class and test classes.
- Mention its lightweight and requires no external python libraries to use.
- Change all refs of AAIndex to AAindex.
- Go over all modules etc.
- Go over main readme.
- Read over code.
- Read over tests.