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Protobuf definitions for the gRPC connections between the script host and the language workers


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Azure Functions Languge Worker Protobuf

This repository contains the protobuf definition file which defines the gRPC service which is used between the Azure WebJobs Script host and the Azure Functions language workers. This repo is shared across many repos in many languages (for each worker) by using git commands.

To use this repo in Azure Functions language workers, follow steps below to add this repo as a subtree (Adding This Repo). If this repo is already embedded in a language worker repo, follow the steps to update the consumed file (Pulling Updates).

Learn more about Azure Function's projects on the meta repo.

Adding This Repo

From within the Azure Functions language worker repo:

  1. Define remote branch for cleaner git commands
    • git remote add proto-file
    • git fetch proto-file
  2. Index contents of azure-functions-worker-protobuf to language worker repo
    • git read-tree --prefix=<path in language worker repo> -u proto-file/<version branch>
  3. Add new path in language worker repo to .gitignore file
    • In .gitignore, add path in language worker repo
  4. Finalize with commit
    • git commit -m "Added subtree from Branch: <version branch>. Commit: <latest protobuf commit hash>"
    • git push

Pulling Updates

From within the Azure Functions language worker repo:

  1. Define remote branch for cleaner git commands
    • git remote add proto-file
    • git fetch proto-file
  2. Pull a specific release tag
    • git fetch proto-file refs/tags/<tag-name>
      • Example: git fetch proto-file refs/tags/v1.1.0-protofile
  3. Merge updates
    • Merge with an explicit path to subtree: git merge -X subtree=<path in language worker repo> --squash <tag-name> --allow-unrelated-histories --strategy-option theirs
      • Example: git merge -X subtree=src/WebJobs.Script.Grpc/azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf --squash v1.1.0-protofile --allow-unrelated-histories --strategy-option theirs
  4. Finalize with commit
    • git commit -m "Updated subtree from Tag: <tag-name>. Commit: <commit hash>"
    • git push

Releasing a Language Worker Protobuf version

  1. Draft a release in the GitHub UI
    • Be sure to inculde details of the release
  2. Create a release version, following semantic versioning guidelines (
  3. Tag the version with the pattern: v<M>.<m>.<p>-protofile (example: v1.1.0-protofile)
  4. Merge dev to master

Consuming FunctionRPC.proto

Note: Update versionNumber before running following commands


set NUGET_PATH="%UserProfile%\.nuget\packages"
set GRPC_TOOLS_PATH=%NUGET_PATH%\\<versionNumber>\tools\windows_x86
set PROTO_PATH=.\azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf\src\proto
set PROTO=.\azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf\src\proto\FunctionRpc.proto
set PROTOBUF_TOOLS=%NUGET_PATH%\\<versionNumber>\tools
set MSGDIR=.\Messages

if exist %MSGDIR% rmdir /s /q %MSGDIR%
mkdir %MSGDIR%

mkdir %OUTDIR%
%GRPC_TOOLS_PATH%\protoc.exe %PROTO% --csharp_out %OUTDIR% --grpc_out=%OUTDIR% --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=%GRPC_TOOLS_PATH%\grpc_csharp_plugin.exe --proto_path=%PROTO_PATH% --proto_path=%PROTOBUF_TOOLS% 


In package.json, add to the build script the following commands to build .js files and to build .ts files. Use and install npm package protobufjs.

Generate JavaScript files:

pbjs -t json-module -w commonjs -o azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf/src/rpc.js azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf/src/proto/FunctionRpc.proto

Generate TypeScript files:

pbjs -t static-module azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf/src/proto/FunctionRpc.proto -o azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf/src/rpc_static.js && pbts -o azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf/src/rpc.d.ts azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf/src/rpc_static.js


Maven plugin : protobuf-maven-plugin In pom.xml add following under configuration for this plugin ${basedir}//azure-functions-language-worker-protobuf/src/proto




This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.


Protobuf definitions for the gRPC connections between the script host and the language workers







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