diff --git a/source/manual/manage-assets.html.md.erb b/source/manual/manage-assets.html.md.erb
index 57c3f2231b..96f26c5bdb 100644
--- a/source/manual/manage-assets.html.md.erb
+++ b/source/manual/manage-assets.html.md.erb
@@ -8,28 +8,14 @@ parent: "/manual.html"
## Get an asset's ID
-You can get an asset's ID by using it's URL:
+If the asset URL starts with `/media`, the asset ID is in the URL.
+For example, for the URL `https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65f2c1110e1c2f8c4dffaa53/my_file.jpg`, the ID is `65f2c1110e1c2f8c4dffaa53`.
-1. Open a Rails console:
+For assets that do not start `/media`, obtain the ID by running the following rake task:
- ```sh
- k exec -it deploy/asset-manager -- rails c
- ```
+<%= RunRakeTask.links("asset-manager", "assets:get_id_by_legacy_url_path[SLUG]") %>
-2. Find the asset:
- ```ruby
- asset = Asset.find_by(legacy_url_path: "/slug")
- id = asset.id
- ```
- For example, if the URL is
- ```
- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1234/document.pdf
- ```
- the slug would be `/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1234/document.pdf`
+For example, for `https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/uploaded/hmrc/realtimepayetools-update-v23.xml"`, you would pass `/government/uploads/uploaded/hmrc/realtimepayetools-update-v23.xml` as the argument.
## Remove an asset
@@ -43,17 +29,7 @@ If it isn't feasible to remove the asset in the publishing app, you can use
these steps to remove the asset from `assets.publishing.service.gov.uk` in
Asset Manager.
-1. [Get the asset ID](#getting-an-asset39s-id). This can be obtained from the URL for most assets, e.g. the asset ID
- for `https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65f2c1110e1c2f8c4dffaa53/my_file.jpg`
- is `65f2c1110e1c2f8c4dffaa53`.
- For Whitehall assets that do not start `/media`, the ID can be obtained using the slug,
- e.g. for `https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/uploaded/hmrc/realtimepayetools-update-v23.xml"`,
- run the following in an Asset Manager rails console:
- ```ruby
- WhitehallAsset.find_by(legacy_url_path: "/government/uploads/uploaded/hmrc/realtimepayetools-update-v23.xml").id
- ```
+1. [Get the asset ID](/manual/manage-assets.html#get-an-assets-id).
1. Decide if the asset can be marked as deleted or whether all traces need to be
removed (e.g. if it contains secret information).
@@ -111,25 +87,11 @@ an associated document wasn't unpublished correctly.
If it isn't possible or desirable to redirect the asset in the publishing app, use these
steps to remove the asset in Asset Manager:
-1. Get the asset ID. This can be obtained from the URL, e.g. the asset ID for
- `https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65f2c1110e1c2f8c4dffaa53/my_file.jpg`
- is `65f2c1110e1c2f8c4dffaa53`.
- For Whitehall assets that do not start `/media`, the ID can be obtained using the slug,
- e.g. for `https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/uploaded/hmrc/realtimepayetools-update-v23.xml"`,
- run the following in an Asset Manager rails console:
- ```ruby
- WhitehallAsset.find_by(legacy_url_path: "/government/uploads/uploaded/hmrc/realtimepayetools-update-v23.xml").id
- ```
+1. [Get the asset ID](/manual/manage-assets.html#get-an-assets-id).
1. Run the following rake task:
<%= RunRakeTask.links("asset-manager", "assets:redirect[ASSET_ID,REDIRECT_URL]") %>
-Also see [getting an asset's ID](#getting-an-asset39s-id) if you have only been
-provided the URL.
For Whitehall assets you will have to run:
<%= RunRakeTask.links("whitehall_redirect", "assets:redirect[LEGACY_PATH_URL,REDIRECT_URL]") %>
@@ -209,10 +171,10 @@ steps to remove the asset in Asset Manager:
k exec -it $POD -- rails c
-1. Find the asset:
+1. Find the asset by its ID (see "[Get an asset's ID](/manual/manage-assets.html#get-an-assets-id)"):
- asset = Asset.find("asset-id-from-url") # e.g. `57a9c52b40f0b608a700000a`
+ asset = Asset.find(asset_id)
1. Check the asset is what you think it is.
@@ -232,6 +194,6 @@ steps to remove the asset in Asset Manager:
- attachment_data = Asset.find_by(asset_manager_id: asset-id-from-url).assetable # e.g. 57a9c52b40f0b608a700000a
+ attachment_data = Asset.find_by(asset_manager_id: asset_id).assetable # e.g. 57a9c52b40f0b608a700000a
attachment_data.update(file_size: 123, number_of_pages: 28) # file_size in bytes
- ```
\ No newline at end of file
+ ```