In Aliyun OSS, the basic data unit that user operation is the Object. A single Object maximum size varies according to the way of uploading data, Put the Object way most can't more than 5 GB, using multipart Object way to upload size must not exceed 48.8 TB. Object contains the key, meta, and data. Among them, the key is the name of the Object. Meta is user's description of the object consists of a series of name-value pairs; The data is the object data.
- Use utf-8 encoding
- Length must be between 1 to 1023 bytes
- Don't begin with "/" or "" character
- Can not contain "\r" or "\n"
Client#bucket_create_object support file or bin data to upload.
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
file ="path/to/image.png")
res = client.bucket_create_object("image.png", file, { 'Content-Type' => 'image/png' })
puts res.success?, res.headers
res = client.bucket_create_object("hello.txt", "Hello World", { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' })
puts res.success?, res.headers
The Upload limit Data to 5 GB, if large than, visit Multipart Upload.
To Create a folder, it's easy, just pass key with "/" at last:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
res = client.bucket_create_object("images/", "")
puts res.success?, res.headers
Create simulations folder nature created a object with size equals 0. Uploads and downloads, for this object can only console to end with "/" object to display the folder. So the user can use this way to implement to create simulation folder. And access to the folder can see files below the folder.
OSS allow users to customize the http headers of object. The following code set the expiration time for the Object:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
file ="path/to/image.png")
res = client.bucket_create_object("image.png", file, { 'Content-Type' => 'image/png', "Expires" => "Sun, 25 Oct 2015 05:38:42 GMT" })
puts res.success?, res.headers
Except Expires, it also support Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, Content-MD5, more details visit: Client#bucket_create_object.
OSS Support set some user meta information for object. Here we set x-oss-meta-user to username for object:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
file ="path/to/image.png")
res = client.bucket_create_object("image.png", file, { 'Content-Type' => 'image/png', 'x-oss-meta-user' => 'baymax' })
puts res.success?, res.headers
user meta information stored as headers with prefix: "x-oss-meta", the maxinum limit is 2KB for all meta information.
Note: the user meta key is case-insensitive, but value is case-sensitive.
OSS Allow users to append data to a object, but only for appendable object, Objects created with Append Upload is Appendable object, Upload via Simple Upload is Normal object:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
# Step-1 create a appendable object
position = 0
res = client.bucket_append_object("", "init information", position)
# Step-2 get next append position
position = res.headers['x-oss-next-append-position']
# Step-3 append upload
res = client.bucket_append_object("", "append information", position)
puts res.success?, res.headers
Users upload with Append mode, the most important is to set position correctly. When a user creates an Appendable Object, additional position to 0. When the Append additional content for Object, the postion is the current length of the object. There are two ways to get the Object length: one is through response after the append upload. Another is fetch with [Client#bucket_get_meta_object( the next position information is stored with key --- x-oss-next-append in headers.
Note: You can set meta information only when create appendable object(the first append). Later, if you want to change the meta, use Client#bucket_copy_object -- set source and destination for the same Object.
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
res = client.bucket_list_objects
puts res.success?, res.parsed_response
the method support many Parameters to get flexible results:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
# list objects with prefix: pic and end with "/"
res = client.bucket_list_objects(prefix: 'pic', delimiter: '/')
puts res.success?, res.parsed_response
It list results with prefix: pic and end with "/", for example: "pic-people/". More about the Paramters, visit: Client#bucket_list_objects
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
res = client.bucket_get_object('image.png')
puts res.success?, res.parsed_response
It Support Parameters, Range, If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match. With Range, we can get range data from a object, it's useful for download partly and so on.
To get meta information of a object, use Client#get_meta_object:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
res = client.bucket_get_meta_object('image.png')
puts res.success?, res.headers
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
# Delete one object
res = client.bucket_delete_object('image.png')
puts res.success?, res.headers
# Delete many objects at once
# the second Paramter used to control the response information. Quiet or Verbose
res = client.bucket_delete_objects(['image1.png', 'image2.png'], true)
puts res.success?, res.headers
With Client#bucket_copy_object, we can copy objects from some bucket to others.
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
res = client.bucket_copy_object('new_image.png', 'origin-bucket-name', 'origin.png')
puts res.success?, res.headers
Note: the origin bucket and target bucket must locate at same region.
Now, it allow to modify User meta information.
With Copy object, specify the source object and target object to the same one, we can implement modify user meta information.
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
headers = { "Content-Type" => "image/japeg" }
res = client.bucket_copy_object('image.png', 'bucket-name', 'image.png', headers)
puts res.success?, res.headers
That's it, Here we visit Multipart Upload