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File metadata and controls

110 lines (81 loc) · 6.23 KB

1 Introduction

Understanding the microarchitectural resource characteristics of datacenter jobs has become increasingly critical to guarantee the performance of jobs while improving resource utilization. We provide a new open trace, AMTrace (Alibaba Microarchitecture Trace ), which is profiled from 8,577 high-end physical hosts from Alibaba’s datacenter by a hardware/software co-design monitoring method. AMTrace provides the microarchitectural metrics of 9.8 × 10^5 Linux containers with "per-container-per-logic CPU" granularity. AMTrace provides a new perspective to analyze the microarchitectural resource characteristics of datacenter jobs.

Table of Contents

2 System Architecture


Most LC jobs in Alibaba are Java-based e-commerce trading applications. They are containerized and scheduled by Kubernetes. Batch jobs are data processing batch jobs, such as Map-Reduce jobs, Spark jobs, and machine-learning training jobs. They are scheduled by Fuxi. To improve resource utilization, Alibaba uses a colocation architecture (shown in Figure 1), which can colocate LC jobs and Batch jobs on the same host and adopt several resource management technologies to mitigate resource contention.

To reduce CPU contention, we divide all logic CPUs into three groups: Batch CPUSet Pool, LC CPUSet Pool, and LC CPUShare Pool. The sizes of the three pools change dynamically with job scheduling. Jobs are scheduled to the corresponding groups according to their priority. The largest resource consumer, CPUShare Batch jobs, are allowed to utilize the resources in both LC CPUSet Pool and LC CPUShare Pool, but their resource priority is the lowest.

Other adopted resource isolation technologies, including CAT, BVT scheduling, and noise clean, are shown in our paper.

3 Tables


Columns Description Type Example Entry
ts Timestamp, the number of seconds from the start Long 46309
node_id ID of the node String e7a66b9189940e9d6102
container_id ID of the container String 213aff2b3dbec1f7c212
cpu logic cpu id Int 23
core_id core id Int 23
socket_id socket id Int 0
instructions number of instructions happened on the logic cpu Long 694470820
cycles number of cycles happened on the logic cpu Long 1391935375
ref_cycles number of reference cycles happened on the logic cpu Long 1284610800
llc_misses number of LLC cache misses happened on the logic cpu Long 6667696


Columns Description Type Example Entry
ts Timestamp, the number of seconds from the start Long 2787
node_id ID of the node String 68451b8967ad23a10681
socket_id socket id Int 0
channel_id ID of the memory channel String 4
read_bw read bandwidth (MiB/s) Double 2540.7185
write_bw write bandwidth (MiB/s) Double 1493.8240
latency memory read latency (ns) Double 16.7503


Columns Description Type Example Entry
node_id ID of the node String dd070834956a25c0c531
container_id ID of the container String a40de288d9455ba121db
pod_id ID of the Pod String bf74c065cd443d178474
cpu_mode cpu allocation mode String CPUShare
app_name the name of applicaton,Batch jobs are all "Batch" String Batch
deploy_group Deployment group, one application may have multiple deployment group String Batch
container_type container type String Batch-ops
container_cpu_spec Deprecated Ratio of logic CPUs requested by the container to the number of logic CPUs of the node (0-1) Double 0.04
container_mem_spec Deprecated Ratio of memory requested by the container to the memory of the node (0-1) Double 0.003
pod_cpu_spec Ratio of logic CPUs requested by the Pod to the number of logic CPUs of the node (0-1) Double 0.04
pod_mem_spec Ratio of memory requested by the Pod to the memory of the node (0-1) Double 0.003

cpu_mode is one of the following enumeration strings:

  • CPUSet: CPUSet means the job will be pinned to several logic CPUs and will not share the logic CPUs with other LC jobs.
  • CPUShare: CPUShare means the job will be scheduled among dozens of logic CPUs but share the logic CPUs with other LC jobs.

container_type is one of the following enumeration stirngs:

  • Batch-Set: Batch job that running in CPUSet mode.
  • Batch-Share:Batch job that running in CPUShare mode.
  • Batch-ops: The operations container of Batch jobs.
  • biz: The business container of LC jobs.
  • other: Some sidecar containers.
  • sys: System containers.


Columns Description Type Example Entry
node_id ID of the node String 3201ea36ad240dc51d6c
cpu_num The number of logic CPUs of the node Int 96
machine_model The model of the node, one model is one kind of specification String machine-1
cpu_model The model of the CPU String skylake
ref_freq_Ghz The frequency of the CPU(Ghz) Int 2.5
dimms_per_channel The number of DIMMs of every memory channel Int 2

4 Data

Consindering that the raw trace is pretty large (8,500 host data, more than 2TB), in this version, we sampled 1000-hosts data from the raw trace. The sampled trace data has the same distribution with the raw trace. The size of the sampled trace is 300 GB.

Before the downloading, please make sure that your disk have more than 300 GB available space.

Then, you can run the to download the data and use gzip -d file_name to unzip the files.

In the future version, we will find a lower-cost way to store/distribute the whole data.

5 Analysis Scripts

Coming soon.