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Lisp Package Preamble

TODO: Line 51 below: … along with the expected bijection.

;;; agda-editor-tactics.el --- An editor tactic to produce Σ-types from Agda records  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (c) 2021 Musa Al-hassy

;; Author: Musa Al-hassy <[email protected]>
;; Version: 1.0
;; Package-Requires: ((s "1.12.0") (dash "2.16.0") (emacs "27.1") (org "9.1"))
;; Keywords: abbrev, convenience, languages, agda, tools
;; URL:

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; Agda uses a number of editor tactics, such as C-c C-c, to perform case
;; analysis or to extract inner definitions to the toplevel. We add a new
;; tactic.
;; Select an Agda record, then press M-x agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ:nested,
;; tabbing along the way, to obtain a transformed Σ-product form of the record.
;; This tactic was requested in the Agda mailing list,
;; I will likely produce other tactics as requested ---time permitting.
;; This file has been tangled from a literate, org-mode, file.

;;; Code:

;; String and list manipulation libraries

(require 's)               ;; “The long lost Emacs string manipulation library”
(require 'dash)            ;; “A modern list library for Emacs”
(require 'cl-lib)          ;; New Common Lisp library; ‘cl-???’ forms.

(defconst agda-editor-tactics-version (package-get-version))
(defun agda-editor-tactics-version ()
  "Print the current agda-editor-tactics version in the minibuffer."
  (message agda-editor-tactics-version))


The following more elaborate version is for when the package has stuff to enable/disable when being toggled.

(define-minor-mode agda-editor-tactics-mode
    "An Emacs editor tactic to produce Σ-types from Agda records."
  nil nil nil
  (if agda-editor-tactics-mode
      ) ;; Must be on a new line; I'm using noweb-refs
    )) ;; Must be on a new line; I'm using noweb-refs

User configurable settings —~agda-editor-tactics-format-𝒳~

;; ⟨0⟩ The tactic prodcues a Σ-type, what should its name be?
(defvar agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming "%s′"
"The format string for the new Σ-variant.

The new name of the Σ-variant: By default, if R is the record name,
then R′ is the Σ-variant name.  Another useful naming scheme may be

;; ⟨1⟩ There are two coercions, to and from the orginal, what are they named?
(defvar agda-editor-tactics-format-record→Σ-coe "%s-as-%s"
"The format for the name of the “record to Σ-variant” coercion.

The first ‘%s’ is the record name and the second ‘%s’ is the
Σ-variant name as determine by ‘agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming’.
A useful scheme may be \"%s-as-iterated-Σ\".")

(defvar agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ→record-coe "%s-as-%s"
  "The format of the name of the “Σ-variant to record” coercion.

The first ‘%s’ is the Σ-variant name as determine by
‘agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming’ and the second ‘%s’ is the
record name. A useful scheme may be \"from-%s\".")

;; ⟨2⟩ These coercions are inverse, what should the proof names be?
(defvar agda-editor-tactics-format-to∘from≈id "%s-Σ-to∘from≈id"
  "The format of the name for the proof that the foward cocerion is invertible.

The first and only ‘%s’ is the name of the record.")

(defvar agda-editor-tactics-format-from∘to≈id "%s-Σ-from∘to≈id"
  "The format of the name for the proof that the foward cocerion is invertible.

The first and only ‘%s’ is the name of the record.")


(defun agda-editor-tactics-indent (s)
  "Determine the current indentiation of the string S.

That is, return the number of whitespace at the start of S."
  (length (car (s-match "\\( \\)+" s))))
(defun agda-editor-tactics-record-info (r)
  "Parse an Agda record R as a Lisp plist.

The resulting plist has the following keys.

:name   The name of the record.

:level  The overall type level of the record type.

:body   The sequence of declarations constituting the record.
        Each declaration is a list (qualifier entry),
        where qualifier is a symbol from:

        :param This entry is in the parameters list.
        :local This is a local declaration.
        :field This entry is a field declaration.

For instance, on the input

   record R (X : Set) (x : X) (y : Y x) : Set where

     w : Set
     w = X

     m = w

       a : X

     b : X
     b = X

       c : Y a

We obtain the following, modulo missing quotes:

   (:name  R
    :level \"\"
    :body ((:param X : Set) (:param x : X) (:param y : Y x)
           (:local w : Set) (:local w = X) (:local m = w)
           (:field a : X)
           (:local b : X) (:local b = X)
           (:field c : Y a)))

For now,
 + The ‘field’ keyword must appear by itself on a line.
 + No ‘{implicit}’ arguments supported; nor telescoping.
 + The ‘private’ keyword for Agda records is not supported."
  (-let* ((((header . preamble) . rest)
             (--split-when (s-contains? "field" it) (s-lines (s-trim r))))
          ((_ lhs lvl)
             (s-match "record \\(.*\\) : Set\\(.*\\) where" header))
          ((nom . parms₀)
             (s-split " " lhs))
          (parms (s-join " " parms₀))

    ;; ⟨0⟩ Every parameter is part of the body.
    (mapc (lambda (it) (push (list :param (cl-second it))
                        (cl-getf plist :body)))
          ;; "(x : A) (y : B)    (z : Z x y)"  ↦  ("x : A" "y : B" "z : Z x y")
          (s-match-strings-all "(\\(.*?\\))" parms))

    ;; ⟨1⟩ Every local declaration before the first ‘field’ keyword is part of
    ;; the body
    (mapc (lambda (it) (push (list :local (s-trim it))
                        (cl-getf plist :body)))

    ;; ⟨2⟩ The rest of the body.  Agda allows varying, but consistent,
    ;; indentation levels, so we check indentation case by case.
    (cl-loop for p in rest ;; i.e., p is a chunk of lines immediately after a
                        ;; ‘field’ keyword.
          for indent = (agda-editor-tactics-indent (cl-first p))
          ;; The lines sharing the same indentation are fields,
          ;; everything else is a local definitional extension.
          ;; These claims are true provided
          ;; the record actually typechecks in Agda.
          do (mapc (lambda (it)
                     (push (list (if (= indent (agda-editor-tactics-indent it))
                                 (s-trim it))
                           (cl-getf plist :body)))

    ;; ⟨3⟩ Omit blank lines
    (setf (cl-getf plist :body)
          (--reject (s-blank? (s-trim (cl-second it))) (cl-getf plist :body)))

    ;; ⟨4⟩ Ensure order of :body is params, then everything else.
    (setf (cl-getf plist :body) (reverse (cl-getf plist :body)))

    ;; ⟨5⟩ Register the level and name of the record
    (setf (cl-getf plist :level) lvl)
    (setf (cl-getf plist :name) nom)

    ;; ⟨7⟩ Yield the record as a Lisp plist.
(agda-editor-tactics-record-info ” record R (X : Set) (x : X) (y : Y x) : Set where

w : Set w = A

m = w

field a : A

b : A b = A

field c : Y a


(defmacro agda-editor-tactics-open-record-with-pp (r &rest body)
  "Open Agda record as plist R with various projections.

r-name         : The name of the given record.
r-name-applied : The name of the given record along with any required arguments.
body           : The declarations excluding the prefix of ‘:param’s.
fields         : The name:type strings belonging to entries qualified ‘:field’.
field-names    : The list of names of declarations qualified ‘:field’.
paramsPV       : The longest prefix of (:param name:type) declarations.
params         : The list of param names and their types, as strings.
pp-params      : The params as an (explicit) Agda telescope.
{pp-params}    : The params as an {implicit} Agda telescope.
{pp-params}→   : An implicit telscope of the params then a function arrow.
args           : The list of param names.
pp-args        : The param names with spaces between them;
                 e.g., to be used for an application or a λ.
record{xᵢ=xᵢ}ᵢ : The record pattern matching idiom."
  `(-let* ((r-name (getf r :name))
           ((paramsPV body) (--split-with (equal :param (cl-first it)) (cl-getf r :body)))
           (fields (mapcar #'cl-second (--filter (equal :field (car it)) body)))
           (field-names (--map (cl-first (s-split " : " it)) fields))
           ;; paramsPV is a list of pairs (:param value).
           (params (mapcar #'cl-second paramsPV))
           (pp-params    (s-join " " (--map (format "(%s)" it) params)))
           ({pp-params}  (s-join " " (--map (format "{%s}" it) params)))
           ({pp-params}→ (concat {pp-params} (if params "" "")))
           (args (--map (s-trim (cl-first (s-split ":" it))) params))
           (pp-args (s-join " " args))
           (r-name-applied (concat r-name " " pp-args))
           (record{xᵢ=xᵢ}ᵢ (thread-last field-names
                             (--map (format "%s = %s" it it))
                             (s-join " ; ")
                             (format "record{ %s }"))))


(cl-defmacro agda-editor-tactics-regonify
    (f &optional
       (from-string 'it)
       (on-region `(progn
                     (kill-new it)
                     (message "Result of %s is now in your %s"
                              (quote ,f)
                              "clipboard -- press C-y to paste it (•̀ᴗ•́)و"))))
"Given an unary function F, extend it to work interactively on regions.

Override the existing function F to be interactive and to work on
selected regions.  When F is called in Lisp code, it will act as the
orginal function.  When F is called interactively on a selected region
of text, we use the function-body FROM-STRING to prepare the selected
text as appropriate intoput to F, then we act on the region using
the function body ON-REGION.

FROM-STRING is an expression that transforms ‘it’, the input string,
into the approriate datatype required by F.

ON-REGION is an expression involving ‘it’, the output of F,
as well as ‘start’ and ‘end’, the boundaries of the region.

Below is a full example, where the output is pasted over a region.

   (defun myupcase (s)
     \"Shout the string S.\"
     (upcase s))

   (regonify myupcase it (progn (delete-region start end) (insert it)))

Moreover, evaluating a ‘regonify’ sexp multiple times results
“works fine”; i.e., this is an idempotent operation (mostly).
[Each invocation increases the documentation; and more.]"
  `(defun ,f (x &optional start end)
     ,(concat (documentation f)
             "\nWhen invoked interactively, works on the selected region.")
     (interactive (list nil (region-beginning) (region-end)))
     (let* ((input  (or x (funcall (lambda (it) ,from-string)
                                   (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))))
            (output (funcall ,(symbol-function f) input)))
       (if x ;; i.e., not working on a region
         (funcall (lambda (it) ,on-region) output)))))


(defun agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-nested (r)
  "Transform an Agda record R, as a plist, into an Agda Σ-type."
  (-let* (((paramsPV body) (--split-with (equal :param (cl-first it)) (cl-getf r :body)))
          ;; paramsPV is a list of pairs (:param value).
          (params (mapcar #'cl-second paramsPV))
          (args (--map (s-trim (cl-first (s-split ":" it))) params)))


     ;; ⟨0⟩ Type declaration
     (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming (cl-getf r :name))
     " : "
     (when params (concat (s-join " " (--map (format "(%s)" it) params)) ""))
     "Set " (cl-getf r :level) "\n"

     ;; ⟨1⟩ Body definition
     (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming (cl-getf r :name))
     " = "
     (if (not args)
       (format "λ %s" (s-join " " args)))

    ;; Arrange record as a sequence of let-clauses and Σ-quantifiers.
        (cl-loop for (q e) in body
              for e′ = (if (equal q :field) (s-replace ":" "" e) e)
              concat (format (if (equal q :field) "Σ %s • " "let %s in ") e′))
      (s-replace "in let" ";")
      (s-replace "; ;"    ";")
      (s-replace "let ;"  "let ")
      (s-replace "; in"   " in"))

     ;; Final element of a Σ-type will be, consistently, the unit type.

;; Perhaps when they press “M-x agda-editor TAB” they will discover it.

;; Give users interactive access to this function at the top level.
(agda-editor-tactics-regonify agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-nested
                              (agda-editor-tactics-record-info it))
(agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-nested (agda-editor-tactics-record-info "
record R (A : Set) (n : ℕ) : Set where

  Alias = A

  id : Set → Set
  id X = X

    x : id Alias

  m : ℕ
  m = n

    y : m ≡ n
    z : A

  more : Set → ℕ
  more = λ _ → n

record R (A : Set) (n : ℕ) : Set where

Alias = A

id : Set → Set id X = X

field x : id Alias

m : ℕ m = n

field y : m ≡ n z : A

more : Set → ℕ more = λ _ → n


(defun agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-to (r)
  (agda-editor-tactics-open-record-with-pp r
    (let ((to (format agda-editor-tactics-format-record→Σ-coe
                     (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming r-name))))
       ;; Coercion declaration
       to " : " {pp-params}→
                (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming r-name) " " pp-args
       ;; Coercion definition
       to " = λ r → "
       (s-join " , " (--map (format "%s.%s r" r-name it) field-names))
       " , tt"))))
(agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-to (agda-editor-tactics-record-info "
record R (A : Set) (n : ℕ) : Set where

  Alias = A

  id : Set → Set
  id X = X

    x : id Alias

  m : ℕ
  m = n

    y : m ≡ n
    z : A

  more : Set → ℕ
  more = λ _ → n


(defun agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-from (r)
  (agda-editor-tactics-open-record-with-pp r
    (let ((from (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ→record-coe
                        (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming r-name)
      ;; coercion, the other way around
      from " : " {pp-params}→
      (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming r-name) " " pp-args
      from " = λ{ (" (s-join " , " field-names) " , tt) → "
              " }")))) ;; closed the pattern matching λ
(agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-from (agda-editor-tactics-record-info "
record R (A : Set) (n : ℕ) : Set where

  Alias = A

  id : Set → Set
  id X = X

    x : id Alias

  m : ℕ
  m = n

    y : m ≡ n
    z : A

  more : Set → ℕ
  more = λ _ → n

iso proofs

;; to∘from≈id
(defun agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-iso-proofs (r)
  (agda-editor-tactics-open-record-with-pp r
    (let ((to (format agda-editor-tactics-format-record→Σ-coe
                     (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming r-name)))
          (from (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ→record-coe
                        (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming r-name)
          (to∘from≈id (format agda-editor-tactics-format-to∘from≈id r-name))
          (from∘to≈id (format agda-editor-tactics-format-from∘to≈id r-name)))
       ;; ⟨0⟩ from∘to≈id
       " : " {pp-params}→
            "{r : " r-name-applied "} → "
            from " (" to " r) ≡ r"
       from∘to≈id " {r = " record{xᵢ=xᵢ}ᵢ "} = refl"


       ;; ⟨1⟩ from∘to≈id
       " : " {pp-params}→
             "{σ : " (format agda-editor-tactics-format-Σ-naming r-name)
                     " " pp-args "} → "
             to " (" from " σ) ≡ σ"
       to∘from≈id " = refl"))))
(agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-iso-proofs (agda-editor-tactics-record-info "
record R (A : Set) (n : ℕ) : Set where

  Alias = A

  id : Set → Set
  id X = X

    x : id Alias

  m : ℕ
  m = n

    y : m ≡ n
    z : A

  more : Set → ℕ
  more = λ _ → n


(defun agda-editor-tactics-record-to-Σ (r) ;; Inserts results of the above 4 defuns.
  (s-join "\n\n" (list
                  (agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-nested r)
                  (agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-to r)
                  (agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-from r)
                  (agda-editor-tactics-as-Σ-iso-proofs r))))

;; Give users interactive access to this function at the top level.
(agda-editor-tactics-regonify agda-editor-tactics-record-to-Σ
                              (agda-editor-tactics-record-info it))
record R (A : Set) (n : ℕ) : Set where

Alias = A

id : Set → Set id X = X

field x : id Alias

m : ℕ m = n

field y : m ≡ n z : A

more : Set → ℕ more = λ _ → n

R′ : (A : Set) (n : ℕ) → Set R′ = λ A n → let Alias = A ; id : Set → Set ; id X = X in Σ x ∶ id Alias • let m : ℕ ; m = n in Σ y ∶ m ≡ n • Σ z ∶ A • let more : Set → ℕ ; more = λ _ → n in ⊤

R-as-R′ : {A : Set} {n : ℕ} → R A n → R′ A n R-as-R′ = λ r → R.x r , R.y r , R.z r , tt

R′-as-R : {A : Set} {n : ℕ} → R′ A n → R A n R′-as-R = λ{ (x , y , z , tt) → record{ x = x ; y = y ; z = z } }

R-Σ-from∘to≈id : {A : Set} {n : ℕ} → {r : R A n} → R′-as-R (R-as-R′ r) ≡ r R-Σ-from∘to≈id {r = record{ x = x ; y = y ; z = z }} = refl

R-Σ-to∘from≈id : {A : Set} {n : ℕ} → {σ : R′ A n} → R-as-R′ (R′-as-R σ) ≡ σ R-Σ-to∘from≈id = refl

Lisp Postamble


(provide 'agda-editor-tactics)

;;; agda-editor-tactics.el ends here

MELPA Checks
  1. In Github repo: Add file ⇒ Create new file ⇒ License.txt ⇒ Select template ⇒ GNU 3
  2. Ensure first line ends with: -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
  3. Include appropriate standard keywords;
    (pp finder-known-keywords)

  4. Use #’ instead of ’ for function symbols
  5. Use ‘-’ as a separator, not ‘/’.
  6. Consider reading:
  7. Use cl-loop, cl-first, cl-second, cl-third instead of loop, first, second, third
  8. byte-compile and address any concerns
  9. M-x checkdoc on the lisp file to ensure it passes expected style issues.
    • Symbols nil, t should not appear in single quotes.
    • (progn (setq fill-column 80) (display-fill-column-indicator-mode))
  10. Ensure it byte-compiles without any problems.
  11. Ensure that package-linter raises no issues; i.e., the following has no result.
    (use-package package-lint)
    (-let [it "agda-editor-tactics.el"]
     (ignore-errors (kill-buffer it))
     (find-file-other-window it)
     (package-lint-buffer it)
     (switch-to-buffer "*Package-Lint*")) ;; Should say: “No issues found.”
  12. Commit and push everything in your project’s repo!
  13. Create a recipe file by invoking: M-x package-build-create-recipe —first: (use-package package-build)
    • Place it in: melpa/recipes/
    • The name of the file should be the name of the package, no extension.

    Or: Uncomment this section & just tangle the following.

        (agda-editor-tactics :fetcher github :repo "alhassy/
  14. Ensure the recipe builds successfully:
    cd ~/melpa; rm ~/melpa/packages/agda-editor-tactics-*; make recipes/agda-editor-tactics

    If you have trouble, make a file “~/bin/emacs” with the following which ensures “emacs” can be run from the command line within macos.

    /Applications/ "$@"
  15. Ensure the package installs properly from within Emacs:
    (package-install-file "~/melpa/packages/agda-editor-tactics-")
  16. Produce a dedicated pull request branch
    (magit-status "~/melpa")
    • F p to update the repo.
    • Now b c to checkout a new branch: Select master then name the branch by the name of the package, e.g., agda-editor-tactics.
    • Commit your recipe.
    • Push this branch on your melpa fork: P p.
    • Go to the repo and there’ll be a big green PR button ^_^