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252 lines (240 loc) · 9.23 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (240 loc) · 9.23 KB

Supported AVM Features


ARC Name Description
4 Application Binary Interface (ABI) ABI method routing is automatically down for public methods. All ABI types are natively supported. Compiler outputs ARC4 JSON
22 Add read-only annotation to ABI methods Decorating a method with @abi.readonly will mark it as readonly
28 Algorand Event Log Spec Use EventLogger to log ARC28 events
32 Application Specification Compiler generates an arc32 JSON file

ABI Types

ABI Type TEALScript
address Address
uintN uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, uint128, uint256, or uint<N>. AssetID and AppID are encoded as uint64
bool boolean
ufixedNxM ufixed<N, M>
T[] T[]
T[N] StaticArray<T, N>. bytes32, bytes64, or bytes<N> for static byte arrays
[T1, T2, ..., TN] [T1, T2, ..., TN] or {keyone: T1, keytwo: T2, ..., keyN: TN}
string string
application AppReference
asset AssetReference
account AccountReference
txn Txn
pay PayTxn
keyreg KeyRegTxn
acfg AssetConfigTxn
axfer AssetTransferTxn
afrz AssetFreezeTxn


Flow Control

Opcode TEALScript
err throw Error()
bnz Used automatically in loops and conditionals
bz Used automatically in loops and conditionals
b Used automatically in loops and conditionals
return Used when the top-level function returns
assert assert
bury Stack manipulation is not officially supported
popn Stack manipulation is not officially supported
dupn Stack manipulation is not officially supported
pop Stack manipulation is not officially supported
dup Stack manipulation is not officially supported
dup2 Stack manipulation is not officially supported
dig Stack manipulation is not officially supported
swap Stack manipulation is not officially supported
select Not officially supported yet, but could be used to optimize conditionals in the future
cover Stack manipulation is not officially supported
uncover Stack manipulation is not officially supported
callsub Used when calling a function
retsub return
proto Used automatically in functions
frame_dig Used automatically in functions
frame_bury Used automatically in functions
switch Not officially supported yet, but could be used to optimize conditionals in the future
match Not officially supported yet, but could be used to optimize conditionals in the future


Opcode TEALScript
sha256 sha256
keccak256 keccak256
sha512_256 sha512_256
ed25519verify ed25519Verify
ecdsa_verify ecdsaVerify
ecdsa_pk_decompress ecdsaPkDecompress
ecdsa_pk_recover ecdsaPkRecover
ed25519verify_bare ed25519VerifyBare
sha3_256 sha3_256
vrf_verify vrfVerify
ec_add ecAdd
ec_scalar_mul ecScalarMul
ec_pairing_check ecPairingCheck
ec_multi_scalar_mul ecMultiScalarMul
ec_subgroup_check ecSubgroupCheck
ec_map_to ecMapTo


Opcode TEALScript
+ Natively supported
- Natively supported
/ Natively supported
* Natively supported
< Natively supported
> Natively supported
<= Natively supported
>= Natively supported
&& Natively supported
|| Natively supported
== Natively supported
!= Natively supported
! Natively supported
itob Natively supported
btoi Natively supported
% Natively supported
| Natively supported
& Natively supported
^ Natively supported
~ Natively supported
mulw mulw
addw addw
divmodw divmodw
shl <<
shr >>
sqrt Natively supported
bitlen bitlen
exp **
expw expw
divw divw

Byte Array Manipulation

Opcode TEALScript
len .length on bytes
concat concat or +
substring String.substring or substring
substring3 String.substring or substring
getbit getbit
setbit setbit
getbyte getbyte
setbyte setbyte
extract extract3
extract3 extract3
extract_uint16 extractUint16
extract_uint32 extractUint32
extract_uint64 extractUint64
replace2 replace3
replace3 replace3
base64_decode base64Decode
json_ref jsonRef

Loading Values

Opcode TEALScript
intcblock Constant block not officially supported
intc Constant block not officially supported
intc_0 Constant block not officially supported
intc_1 Constant block not officially supported
intc_2 Constant block not officially supported
intc_3 Constant block not officially supported
bytecblock Constant block not officially supported
bytec Constant block not officially supported
bytec_0 Constant block not officially supported
bytec_1 Constant block not officially supported
bytec_2 Constant block not officially supported
bytec_3 Constant block not officially supported
arg LogicSig.logic arguments
arg_0 LogicSig.logic arguments
arg_1 LogicSig.logic arguments
arg_2 LogicSig.logic arguments
arg_3 LogicSig.logic arguments
txn this.txn
global globals
gtxn this.txnGroup or transaction argument
load ScratchSlot
store ScratchSlot
txna this.txn
gtxna this.txnGroup or transaction argument
gtxns this.txnGroup or transaction argument
gtxnsa this.txnGroup or transaction argument
gload Txn.load
gloads Txn.load
gaid this.txnGroup or transaction argument
gaids this.txnGroup or transaction argument
loads ScratchSlot
stores ScratchSlot
pushbytes Used by TemplateVar
pushint Used by TemplateVar
pushbytess Not used yet, but could be used for optimizations in future
pushints Not used yet, but could be used for optimizations in future
bzero bzero
txnas this.txn
gtxnas this.txnGroup or transaction argument
gtxnsas this.txnGroup or transaction argument
args LogicSig.logic arguments
gloadss Txn.load

State Access

Opcode TEALScript
balance Address.balance and Address.hasBalance
app_opted_in Address.isOptedInToApp()
app_local_get Method call on LocalStateKey on LocalStateMap
app_local_get_ex Application.local()
app_global_get Method call on GlobalStateKey on GlobalStateMap
app_local_put Method call on LocalStateKey on LocalStateMap
app_global_put Method call on GlobalStateKey on GlobalStateMap
app_local_del Method call on LocalStateKey on LocalStateMap
app_global_del Method call on GlobalStateKey on GlobalStateMap
asset_holding_get Address.assetBalance and Address.hasAsset
asset_params_get Method calls on Asset
app_params_get Method calls on Application
acct_params_get Method calls on Address
min_balance Address.minBalance
log log or EventEmitter
block blocks

Byte Array Arithmetic

Opcode TEALScript
bsqrt Natively supported
b+ Natively supported
b- Natively supported
b/ Natively supported
b* Natively supported
b< Natively supported
b> Natively supported
b<= Natively supported
b>= Natively supported
b== Natively supported
b!= Natively supported
b% Natively supported

Byte Array Logic

Opcode TEALScript
b| Natively supported
b& Natively supported
b^ Natively supported
b~ Natively supported

Inner Transactions

Opcode TEALScript
itxn_begin this.pendingGroup.add... or send...
itxn_field this.pendingGroup.add... or send...
itxn_submit this.pendingGroup.execute or send...
itxn this.itxn
itxna this.itxn
itxn_next this.pendingGroup.add...
gitxn this.lastInnerGroup
gitxna this.lastInnerGroup
itxnas this.itxn
gitxnas this.lastInnerGroup

Box Access

Opcode TEALScript
box_create Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_extract Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_replace Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_del Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_len Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_get Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_put Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_splice Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap
box_resize Method call on BoxKey or BoxMap