I'll be updating this readme.md with my steps and a timestamp each update (will push to the repo after each new update)
13:20 - project start. I've started by reading the project requirements and researching documentation for each item
13:47 - Wordpress local install, .gitignore and readme.md creation
14.12 - Created theme folder and barebones theme files: index.php, header.php, footer.php, style.css, screenshot.png and functions.php
14.45 - Updated repo with all WP files. Spent some time reducing errors at Theme Check
14.53 - Added theme sidebars
15.00 - Added theme menu location
15.07 - Added theme bakgrounds support
16.49 - Added social and about widgets, changed Text Domain
17.00 - Started with frontend HTML markup. Added site name and navigation menu
17.10 - Added homepage posts loop and featured image size, regenerated thumbnails.
17.28 - Added the categories, readmore link , and reordered the post elements a bit
17.54 - Added the main sidebar and updated the widgets rendering
18.24 - Added footer widgets and some logic to hide/show the section based on sidebars availability
19.40 - started CSS
20.40 - first CSS commit
21.12 - added sidebar and footer css, added responsive layout
21.36 - added single page, comments and comments css
9:50 fixed theme check errors
9:55 added page and page fullwidth templates
10:23 Fixed a bug with the wp_link_pages( ) function, added responsive menu and dropdown menu features
10:50 created search function. moved homepage query to loop.php to reuse at search.php template. updated h1 css for search and page titles.
- I spent much more time than I anticipated (almost 40 minutes!) working on the image upload widget.