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Alex Hallam edited this page Nov 17, 2021 · 20 revisions

Release TODO

tv is getting closer to being the finished product that was envisioned from the start. I assume that when tv is "complete" releases/patches will become less frequent. This page is to be a reminder of tasks I need to do when new versions are pushed. I am making this now while the steps are fresh in my mind.

  1. Documentation checklist
    • has the version been bumped in the help section
    • say what has changed in
  2. Bump the version in Config.toml
  3. Release. Push and merge a "prep" commit before commiting
  4. git checkout main. git pull. Add a tag locally that matches the version number. Push the tag to main. (This triggers GHA) git tag 0.0.0 and git push origin 0.0.0
  5. Use cargo deb to build a debian binary (maybe add this to GHA in the future). Upload to releases page.
  6. Update the homebrew tap. Get the sha256sum of the apple darwin build and change the version numbers.
  7. Publish cargo publish

Release notation <major>.<minor>.<patch>

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