Query in an easy way the public API of wordpress.com, with a set of functions that bring all the data with 1 or 2 parameters 📞
Installation in your project 📁
npm install nodewp.com
Import the module with an alias or a specific function from the library 📦
import express from 'express'
// esmodules
import wp from 'nodewp.com'
// commonjs
const wp = require('nodewp.com').default
const app = express()
const api = wp('Your id site or domain site')
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
const data = await api.getPosts()
data: data.results,
found: data.found
} catch (error) {
res.send('error request')
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('[APP]: the app listening in http://localhost:3000')
import wp from 'nodewp.com'
const api = wp('Your id site or domain site')
const render = async () => {
const app = document.getElementById('app')
const { results } = await api.getPosts()
results.map(({title, post_thumbnail}) => {
app.innerHTML += `
<img src='${post_thumbnail.URL}' />
document.addEventListener('load', () => {
Changed all development to typescript ✅
Compatible with both commonjs and esmodules ✅
Added the query options in methods of the module ✅
Added a new website information search method ✅
Added a new website information search method ✅
Added a new method for searches and also in the method options, making it easier to create searches from api ✅
The response of the object in the methods that return arrays was changed, which will always be { results: Array, found: Number, status: Number} ✅
Changed the object response in methods that return a single object, which will always be { data: Object, status: Number } ✅
The imports of the types are in the global object of the module ✅
All the execution of the methods will be available when firing the main function of the module.
// commonjs
const main = require('nodewp.com').default
// esmodules
import main from 'nodewp.com'
const api = main('Your site url or id')
const getData = async () => {
const { data } = await api.getSiteInfo()
return data
- getPosts: Returns an array of posts. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site' })
- getPostById: Returns an object from a specific publication. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', id: 'ID post' })
- getPostBySlug: Returns an object from a specific publication. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', slug: 'Slug post' })
- getPostsByCategories: Returns array of posts from a certain category. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', category: 'The category' }) and that the post only has one category
- getCategories: Returns an array of all site categories. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site' })
- getCategoryBySlug: Returns an object from a specific category. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', slug: 'Slug category})
- getComments: Returns an array of all comments on the site. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site' })
- getCommentByIdPost: Returns an array of comments from a specific post. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', id: 'ID post' })
- getCommentById: Returns a specific comment object searched for by id. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', id: 'ID comment' })
- getTags: Return an array of tags from your site. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site' })
- getTagBySlug: Returns an object from a specific tag. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', slug: 'Slug tag' })
- [NEW] getPostBySearch: Returns an array of posts by search terms in string. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site', search: 'string terms' })
- [NEW] getSiteInfo: Returns object from data of the wordpress site. Requiere ({ site: 'Your id site or domain site' })
Even if you have no idea about TypeScript, see the links to see what you can access if you use JavaScript after using one of the methods
- Types of the posts
- Types of the comments
- Types of the categories
- Types of the tags
- [NEW] Types of the site
import express, { Request, Response, Application } from 'express'
import type { Post } from 'nodewp.com'
import wp from 'nodewp.com'
const app: Application = express()
const api = wp('Your site id or url')
app.get('/', async (_req: Request, res: Response) => {
const data: Array<Post> = await api.getPosts({site: 'Your id site or domain site'})
} catch (error) {
res.send('error request')
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('[APP]: the app listening in http://localhost:3000')
Navigator example (use vite as recommendation) 🔎
import wp from 'nodewp.com'
import type { Post } from 'nodewp.com'
const render = async () => {
const app = document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('#app')
const data: Array<Post> = await wp.getPosts({site: 'Your id site or domain site'})
data.results.map(({title, post_thumbnail}) => {
app!.innerHTML += `
<img src='${post_thumbnail.URL}' />
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
- REST API Resources | Developer Resources (wordpress.com)
- Insert url in your navigator changing what goes between the {} for the url or id of your site: https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.1/sites/{your site id or url}/help