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52 lines (36 loc) · 2.2 KB

File metadata and controls

52 lines (36 loc) · 2.2 KB


[2.15.0] - 2024-05-28

  • Allow spying on multiple protocols #34

[2.12.0] - 2022-04-04

  • Change Clojure and ClojureScript dependencies to be provided.

[2.11.0] - 2022-04-04

  • Support mocking multiple protocols via protocol/mock

[2.8.0] - 2021-06-21

  • Support mocking a single protocol via protocol/mock
  • Made protocol/protocol-methods private

[2.5.0] - 2021-06-11

  • Fixed a regression where cljs files were not included in the release jar.

[2.4.0] - 2020-11-18

  • assert-expr implementation for spy.core/call-matching?.

[2.3.0] - 2020-11-17

  • Miscellaneous improvements and bugfixes in Clojure and ClojureScript assert-expr implementations.
  • Modernized ClojureScript build with shadow-cljs.

[2.2.0] - 2020-11-16

  • Rich assertions for Clojure and ClojureScript, you can now require spy.test to register spy functions with clojure.test/assert-expr resulting in better error messages. This can be used instead of spy.assert which will likely be deprecated in the longer term in favour of assert-expr.

[2.0.0] - 2019-05-7

  • Rewrite of spy.protocol/spy to work as a spy, the previous implementation was not really a spy as it didn't proxy to a real implementation. You now need to provide a protocol and an implementation of the protocol to spy on.


  • Accidental release (actually 2.0.0)

[1.6.0] - 2019-01-27

  • Added called-n-times-with?

[1.5.0] - 2019-01-15

  • Added call-matching? so users can provide their own matching fn.

[1.4.0] - 2018-05-31

  • Simplified the way spies are created for Protocols, now using reify instead of defrecord. This introduces a breaking change as spies are now added to the reified object as metadata so must be extracted before assertions can happen on them, see the README or tests for an example.

[1.2.0] - 2018-05-24

  • Assert ns with macros for Clojure and fns for ClojureScript
  • Project restructured but API remains the same

[1.1.0] - 2018-05-13

  • Support for spying on Protocols (Clojure only - no ClojureScript support yet).

[1.0.0] - 2018-04-29

  • spy.core functions providing basic stubbing / spying functionality and checker functions returning booleans.