Contains resources for CadSoft's Eagle EDA tool:
To use, clone the repository then add each subdirectory to Eagle's search paths.
On Windows:
- Install and set up Git for Windows
- Clone lgxlogic/Eagle-Resources using the Git client
- Open the repository, click Tools->Open in Explorer
- In the Eagle Control Panel, click Options->Directories
- Append the path to each of the subdirectories in the repository to the corresponding field, seperated by a semicolon (templates/ goes in the Projects field)
- If using the EagleUp models, follow instructions in EagleUp-models/
In this repository:
- EagleUp-models/ - SkethUp component models for EagleUp, see EagleUp-models/
- cam/
- - Generates rs274x Gerbers and an Excellon drill file
- - Same as above plus a v-score layer
- lbr/
- logic-supply.lbr
- BeagleBone cape parts
- BBH - BeagleBone header sub-assembly
- BBHD - BeagleBone header sub-assembly with BB Black with debug header
- BBHD-NH - Same as BBHD but with the pins reserved for HDMI unpopulated
- Graphics
- LOGO-LGX - LGX logo, believe it or not
- OSHW-LOGO - Open Source Hardware logo
- EEPROM-I2C - Standard 8-pin i2c EEPROM footprint (e.g. BB cape EEPROM)
- And lots more...
- BeagleBone cape parts
- logic-supply.lbr
- templates/ - Eagle project templates
- BeagleBone/
- BB-cape-mitered-0603.sch/.brd - BB cape, mitered corners, EEPROM, 0603 passives
- BeagleBone/
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Created by Alexander Hiam for Logic Supply.
All included files, unless stated otherwise, are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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All text above must be included in any redistribution.