Kubernetes follows a master-worker architecture, consisting of two main types of nodes:
- Control Plane (Master) Nodes
- Worker Nodes
Together, these nodes form a Kubernetes cluster. Let's dive into each component in detail.
The Control Plane is responsible for managing the cluster state and making global decisions. It consists of several components:
- Primary entry point for all cluster operations
- Exposes the Kubernetes API
- Handles REST operations and validates them
- Acts as a front-end to the cluster's shared state
Key features:
- Horizontal scaling for high availability
- Authenticates and authorizes API requests
- Serves as the cluster's gateway
- Distributed key-value store
- Stores all cluster data (configuration, state, metadata)
- Provides reliable, strongly consistent storage
Important characteristics:
- Highly available (typically deployed as a cluster)
- Uses the Raft consensus algorithm
- Supports watch operations for change notifications
- Assigns newly created pods to nodes
- Takes into account factors such as:
- Resource requirements
- Hardware/software constraints
- Affinity and anti-affinity specifications
- Data locality
- Deadlines
Scheduling process:
- Filtering: Finds feasible nodes for the pod
- Scoring: Ranks the feasible nodes to choose the best one
- Runs controller processes
- Monitors the cluster state through the API server
- Works to move the current state towards the desired state
Key controllers:
- Node Controller: Manages node lifecycle
- Replication Controller: Maintains the correct number of pods
- Endpoints Controller: Populates the Endpoints object
- Service Account & Token Controllers: Create default accounts and API access tokens
- Integrates with cloud-specific control logic
- Allows cloud providers to integrate with Kubernetes
- Manages cloud-specific components like load balancers and storage volumes
Worker nodes are the machines that run containerized applications. They include:
- Primary node agent that runs on each node
- Ensures containers are running in a pod
- Works with PodSpecs (YAML or JSON object describing a pod)
- Reports node and pod status to the control plane
Key responsibilities:
- Pod lifecycle management
- Volume mounting
- Container health checks
- Resource monitoring and reporting
- Network proxy that runs on each node
- Implements part of the Kubernetes Service concept
- Maintains network rules on nodes
- Performs connection forwarding or load balancing for Service cluster IPs
Modes of operation:
- IPTABLES mode (default)
- IPVS mode (for high-performance requirements)
- Userspace mode (legacy)
- Software responsible for running containers
- Kubernetes supports several container runtimes:
- containerd
- Docker Engine (via cri-dockerd)
- Any implementation of the Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface)
These are additional components that extend Kubernetes functionality:
- Cluster DNS server (typically CoreDNS)
- Provides DNS records for Kubernetes services and pods
- General-purpose web-based UI for cluster management
- Records generic time-series metrics about containers
- Provides a UI for browsing that data
- Mechanism to save container logs to a central log store
Kubernetes uses various objects to represent the state of your cluster:
- Pod: Smallest deployable unit, contains one or more containers
- Service: Defines a logical set of Pods and a policy to access them
- Volume: Directory accessible to containers in a pod
- Namespace: Virtual cluster, used for multi-tenancy
- ReplicaSet: Ensures a specified number of pod replicas are running
- Deployment: Provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets
- StatefulSet: Manages stateful applications
- DaemonSet: Ensures all (or some) nodes run a copy of a Pod
- Job: Runs a task to completion
- CronJob: Creates Jobs on a time-based schedule
Understanding this architecture is crucial for effectively deploying, managing, and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters.