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Getting started

This repository contains a dev container that installs the toolchain and the gold model emulator. The easiest way to use this is with GitHub Code Spaces: simply press . to open an editor with all of the tools set up. You can achieve the same locally by cloning the repository and opening it in VS Code with the Dev Container Extension installed.

If you do not wish to use the dev container then please read the section on how to build the dependencies.

The dev container installs the toolchain and emulator in /cheriot-tools/bin. If you have installed them somewhere else then replace /cheriot-tools/ with your install location in the following instructions.

Cloning the repository

This repository contains submodules and so must be cloned with:

$ git clone --recurse

Building the test suite

To make sure that everything is working, a good first step is to build the test suite. If you are using the dev container with VS Code / GitHub Code Spaces, then this is the default target and so can be built by running the XMake: Build command from the command box.

Whether you are building the test suite in the dev container or elsewhere, you can build it from the command line as well. The build system requires a configure step and a build step:

$ cd tests
$ xmake config --sdk=/cheriot-tools/
$ xmake

To get more verbose output, you can try adding --debug-{loader,allocator,scheduler}=y to the xmake config flags. These will each turn on (very) verbose debugging output from the named components.

One of the final lines in the output should be something like:

[ 96%]: linking firmware build/cheriot/cheriot/release/test-suite

This tells you the path to the firmware image. You can now try running it in the simulator:

$ /cheriot-tools/bin/cheriot_sim -V build/cheriot/cheriot/release/test-suite

The -V flag disables instruction-level tracing so that you can see the UART output more clearly.

Running the examples

There are several examples in the examples/ directory of the repository. These show how to use individual features of the platform. Each of these is built and run in exactly the same way as the test suite. For more detailed instructions see the examples documentation.

Generating compile_commands.json

The clangd language server protocol implementation depends on a compile_commands.json file to tell it the various flags for building. If you are using the dev container then this is generated automatically but in other scenarios you must create it yourself from the test suite's build by running the following commands after you have configured the test suite:

$ cd tests
$ xmake project -k compile_commands ..

Building the dependencies

If you do not wish to use the dev container, you will need to build:

  • The LLVM-based toolchain with CHERIoT support
  • The emulator generated from the Sail formal model of the CHERIoT ISA
  • The xmake build tool
  • [Sonata only] u2futils to create images that Sonata's loader can boot

Building LLVM is fairly simple, but requires a fast machine and several GiBs of disk space. Building the executable model requires a working ocaml installation.


To build LLVM, you will need cmake and ninja installed from your distribution's packaging system. For example on Ubuntu Linux distributions you would need to run (as root):

# apt install ninja-build
# snap install cmake --classic

On FreeBSD:

# pkg ins cmake ninja

The version of LLVM that you need is in the cheriot branch of the CHERI LLVM repository. This branch is temporary and will eventually be merged into the main CHERI LLVM branch and upstreamed to LLVM.

First, clone this repo somewhere convenient:

$ git clone --depth 1 cheriot-llvm
$ cd cheriot-llvm
$ git checkout cheriot
$ export LLVM_PATH=$(pwd)

If you want to do a custom build of LLVM, follow their build instructions and adjust any configuration options that you want. If you want to just build something that works, keep reading.

Next create a directory for the build and enter it:

$ mkdir -p builds/cheriot-llvm
$ cd builds/cheriot-llvm

This can be inside the source checkout but you may prefer to build somewhere else, for example on a different filesystem. Next, use cmake to configure the build:

$ cmake ${LLVM_PATH}/llvm -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra;lld" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install -DLLVM_ENABLE_UNWIND_TABLES=NO -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=RISCV -DLLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS="clang;clangd;lld;llvm-objdump;llvm-objcopy" -G Ninja

It is very strongly recommended that you do a release build, debug builds can take several minutes to compile files that take seconds with release builds. The LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS flag will let us build only the components that we want. You can change the install location to somewhere else, for example ~/cheriot-tools if you want a more memorable path.

Finally, build the toolchain:

$ export NINJA_STATUS='%p [%f:%s/%t] %o/s, %es'
$ ninja install-distribution

The first line here is optional, it will give you a more informative progress indicator. At the end of this process, you will have the toolchain files installed in the location that you passed as the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option to cmake (the install directory inside your build directory if you didn't change the cmake line). This will include:

  • clang / clang++, the C/C++ compiler.
  • ld.lld, the linker.
  • llvm-objdump, the tool for creating human-readable dumps of object code.
  • clangd, the language-server protocol implementation that is aware of our C/C++ extensions.

Configuring your editor

If your editor supports the language-server protocol then you should tell it to use the version of clangd that you have just built. There are more ways of doing this than there are editors and so this is not an exhaustive set of instructions. The clangd binary to use with any of them will be bin/clangd inside your LLVM install location.

If you are using VS Code, then you can install the clangd extension. Open its settings and find the entry labeled Clangd: Path. This should be set to your newly built clangd location.

Vim and NeoVim have a number of language-server-protocol implementations. The ALE extension has separate configuration options for C and C++. You may wish to set these to the CHERIoT clangd only for paths that match a pattern where your CHERIoT code will live, by adding something like the following to your .vimrc:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /home/myuser/cheriot/* let g:ale_c_clangd_executable = "/my/cheriot/llvm/install/bin/clangd"
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /home/myuser/cheriot/* let g:ale_cpp_clangd_executable = "/my/cheriot/llvm/install/bin/clangd"

Building the emulator

The emulator is generated from a Sail formal model. Sail is an ISA specification language that is implemented in ocaml. None of the ocaml components (or any dependencies other than are needed after the build and so you may prefer to run this build in a disposable container and just extract the emulator at the end.

The first step in building it is to install the dependencies, including your platform's version of opam, the ocaml package manager. On Ubuntu:

# apt install opam z3 libgmp-dev cvc4

On FreeBSD:

# pkg ins ocaml-opam z3 gmp gmake pkgconf gcc

You can then install Sail with opam:

$ opam init --yes
$ opam install --yes sail

Now clone the CHERIoT Sail repository:

$ git clone --depth 1 --recurse

Make sure that all of the relevant opam environment variables are set and build the model:

$ cd cheriot-sail
$ eval $(opam env)
$ make csim

Note that this is a GNU Make build system, if you are running this on a non-GNU platform then GNU Make may be called gmake or similar and not make.

This will produce an executable in c_emulator/cheriot_sim. This can be copied to another location such as somewhere in your path.

Installing xmake

There are a lot of different ways of installing xmake and you should follow the instructions that best match your platform. For Ubuntu, you can do:

# add-apt-repository ppa:xmake-io/xmake
# apt update
# apt install xmake

Installing u2futils

If you are working with Sonata, you will need to convert the ELF files that the linker produces to USB Flashing Format (UF2). The firmware on the RPi 2040 on the Sonata board can then load these files onto the CHERIoT Ibex and run them.

The uf2utils project provides a tool to generate this format, which can be installed from pip. You will need to have Python 3 and pip installed. You can then follow their instructions to install. On *NIX systems, this is typically simply:

python3 -m pip install --pre -U git+

Or the following on Windows:

py -3 -m pip install --pre -U git+

The xmake run command for firmware using the sonata board will automatically invoke this correctly and provide the correct file.

Running on the Arty A7

We previously ran the test suite in the simulator. Let us now run it on the Arty A7 FPGA development board.

We will first build the CHERIoT small and fast FPGA emulator (SAFE) configuration and load it onto the FPGA. Then, we will build, install, and run the CHERIoT RTOS firmware on the board.

Building and Installing the SAFE FPGA Configuration

We will add documentation for this part later. In the meantime, our blog post provides pointers on how to do this.

There are two default clock speeds that SAFE configuration can be synthesised at following the build instructions, 20MHz and 33MHz. The expected clock speed for the Arty A7 board in this project is 33MHz, but can be changed if the FPGA design is running at a different clock speed. If you want to use the 20MHz, or any other clock speed, implementation, please update the timer_hz field in the board file sdk/boards/ibex-arty-a7-100.json

Building, Copying, and Running the Firmware

We have now configured the FPGA. The LD4 LED on the FPGA board should be blinking green. We are ready to build, copy, and run the firmware.

Building the Firmware

We first need to reconfigure the build, and rebuild. For this example, we'll show rebuilding the test suite, but the same set of steps should work for any CHERIoT RTOS project (try the examples!):

$ cd tests
$ xmake config --sdk=/cheriot-tools/ --board=ibex-arty-a7-100
$ xmake

Note that /cheriot-tools is the location in the dev container. This value may vary if you did not use the dev container and must be the directory containing a bin directory with your LLVM build in it.

Then, we need to build the firmware. This repository comes with a script to do this:

$ ../scripts/ build/cheriot/cheriot/release/test-suite

The ./firmware directory should now contain a firmware file cpu0_iram.vhx. This is the firmware we want copy onto the FPGA development board.

Installing and Running the Firmware

To copy the firmware onto the FPGA board, we will use minicom, which you can obtain through your your distribution's packaging system. For example on Ubuntu Linux distributions you would need to run (as root):

# apt install minicom

Now, plug the FPGA development board to your computer. We need to identify which serial device we will be using. On Linux, we do this by looking at the dmesg output:

$ sudo dmesg | grep tty
[19966.674679] usb 1-4: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB1

The most recent lines of this command appear when plugging and unplugging your FPGA board, and indicate which serial device corresponds to the board. Here, it is ttyUSB1.

Now we can open minicom (replace ttyUSB1 with the serial device you just determined):

$ sudo minicom -c on -D ttyUSB1
Welcome to minicom 2.8

Port /dev/ttyUSB1, 13:51:28

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

Ready to load firmware, hold BTN0 to ignore UART input.

Hitting the RESET button on the FPGA should produce the "Ready to load firmware..." line, which is the output from the loader on the FPGA.

The "Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys" message tells you which meta key is configured on your system. Here, the meta key is CTRL-A. The meta key varies across systems (the default on macOS is <ESC>) and configurations and so we refer to it as <META>.

We must now configure a few things:

  • Hit <META> + U to turn carriage return ON
  • Hit <META> + W to turn linewrap ON
  • Hit <META> + O, then select Serial Port Setup, to ensure that Bps/Par/Bits (E) is set to 115200 8N1, F to L on No, and M and N on 0.

In particular, make sure that hardware and software flow control are off. On macOS, the kernel silently ignores these if they are not supported but on Linux the kernel will refuse to send data unless the flow control is in the correct state. Unfortunately, the hardware flow control lines in the Arty A7's UART are not physically connected to the USB controller.

We can now send our firmware to the FPGA. Hit <META> + Y, and select the cpu0_iram.vhx file we produced earlier. Minicom should now start outputing:

Ready to load firmware, hold BTN0 to ignore UART input.
Starting loading.  First word was: 40812A15

Minicom may block after printing a small number of dots. If it does, then it will resume if you press any key that would be sent over the serial link. Each dot represents 1 KiB of transmitted data.

Once the firmware is fully loaded, the test suite will start executing:

Ready to load firmware, hold BTN0 to ignore UART input.
Starting loading.  First word was: 40812A15
Finished loading.  Last word was: 0300012C
Number of words loaded to IRAM: 00006892
Loaded firmware, jumping to IRAM.

Test runner: Checking that rel-ro caprelocs work.  This will crash if they don't.  CHERI Perm
issions are:
Test runner: Global(0x0)

Running on Sonata

The Sonata board from lowRISC is an FPGA prototyping platform designed specifically to work with the CHERIoT Ibex. If you have installed a release of their system firmware that is at least v0.2, everything should be ready to work out of the box.

Building, Copying, and Running the Firmware

The steps to build firmware are the same as for any other CHERIoT hardware, this time specifying sonata as the board. Let's build the test suite again:

$ cd tests
$ xmake config --sdk=/cheriot-tools/ --board=sonata
$ xmake

Note that /cheriot-tools is the location in the dev container. This value may vary if you did not use the dev container and must be the directory containing a bin directory with your LLVM build in it.

Running the firmware

You can usually run firmware on Sonata simply with xmake run:

$ xmake run
[100%]: build ok, spent 4.52s
Converted to uf2, output size: 258048, start address: 0x101000
Wrote 258048 bytes to test-suite.uf2
Firmware copied to /Volumes//SONATA/

If the last line instead says something like the following, one extra step is needed:

Please copy {some path}/cheriot-rtos/tests/build/cheriot/cheriot/release/firmware.uf2 to the SONATA drive to load.

If your SONATA board is connected, you should have a filesystem mounted called SONATA as a USB mass storage device. You can copy the file mentioned in this line to the SONATA drive to run it. The script that xmake run invokes looks in common mount locations for macOS and some Linux distributions to try to find the SONATA device.

If you are running in the dev container, you are in an isolated environment with no access to this filesystem. On most systems, you can add this as an explicit mount by adding the following to the devcontainer.json file:

  "mounts": [

Replacing {/your/SONATA/mount/point} with the mount point of your SONATA filesystem. Your editor should prompt to rebuild the container at this point.

If you invoked the dev container directly, rather than via an editor such as VS Code, then you will need to instead add the following to your docker run command:

--mount source={/your/SONATA/mount/point},target=/mnt/SONATA,type=bind

Again, replacing {/your/SONATA/mount/point} with the real mount point.

If you are on Windows, this will not work because Docker on Windows runs containers in a WSL2 VM and needs to have host filesystems mounted explicitly (Docker on macOS does this automatically). In theory, the following steps should work (run in the WSL2 terminal in the Docker WSL2 VM):

sudo mkdir /mnt/d
sudo mount -t drvfs D: /mnt/d/

Assuming that SONATA is mounted as D: on Windows. The above commands should then work. Unfortunately, they do not. The cause of this is not currently known but will hopefully be fixed in a newer version of the Sonata RPi2040 firmware.

Seeing UART output

If you ran the above xmake run commands, you will have noted that there is no output from the test suite. When you use a simulator, the UART output goes directly to the simulator's standard output. In contrast, when you run on an FPGA the output will go to a USB serial device.

You will need to connect a terminal emulator to the corresponding serial port. The Sonata system exposes four serial devices, typically numbered 0-3. The UART is device 2. On Linux, this is usually /dev/ttyUSB2 (if no other USB serial devices are connected). On macOS, the device name includes the serial number of the device and so will be something like /dev/tty.usbserial-LN28292 (the last digit is the serial port number). On Windows, it will be a COM port, but unfortunately Windows is not always consistent about the order in which the ports appear.

If you install a serial terminal (for example, minicom on *NIX or PuTTY on Windows), you can point it at the relevant serial port.

The serial setup is the same as for the Arty A7 above, aside from the different device name.

Once a serial terminal is connected, running xmake run should show the output from the test suite.

If you are unsure which of Sonata's serial ports is the correct one, you can connect your serial console to all four and see which produces output from the test suite.