This MATLAB source code provides an implementation along with examples of a the diferent modulations candidate to substitute OFDM in the next generation of cellular systems 5G. I am sharing them with the idea of letting other members in the research community, who are working on the same or similar fields, to take advantage of our efforts and be able to repeat and improve our same experiments in their respective labs.
It contains both transmitter and receiver ends for OOK, OFDM, FBMC, GFDM, and UFMC multicarrier modulations. They are standalone and can be adapted for all types of simulation.
Cite our paper (
author={S. {Sarmiento} and A. {Gran} and J. A. {Altabas} and M. {Scalabroni} and S. {Spadaro} and I. {Garces} and J. A. {Lazaro}},
booktitle={2018 Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC)},
title={Experimental Assessment of 5-10Gbps 5G Multicarrier Waveforms with Intensity-Modulation Direct-Detection for PONs},
These codes have been built during the Introduction to Research Program from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, while working under the Optical Communications Lab.
I am only responsible for the adaptations performed. Licenses from the original sources cited below should be taken into consideration.
OFDM, FBMC and UFMC codes have been created departing from the examples provided by
Mathworks, available to the public in the following links:
GFDM codes are just an adaptation of the 5GNOW test vector provided by
Vodafone chair/TU Dresden in:
They are not standalone. Notice that for them to work properly, the GFDM library
available on the link above should be included in the project before execution.
Note: I have received messages saying that the 5gnow link seems to be down.
Here is an alternative:
Copyright (c) 2014 Technical University Dresden, Vodafone Chair Mobile Communication Systems
All rights reserved.