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## README for PHANGS-ALMA Pipeline Version 2.0


Contents: This is "version 2" of the [PHANGS]( post-processing and science-ready data product pipeline. These programs use CASA, as well as the Python package astropy and other affiliated packages (analysisutils, spectral-cube, reproject), to process data from calibrated visibilities to science-ready spectral cubes and maps. The procedures and background for key parts of the pipeline are discussed in the Astrophysical Journal Supplements Paper "PHANGS-ALMA Data Processing and Pipeline" by Leroy, Hughes, Liu, Pety, Rosolowsky, Saito, Schinnerer, Usero, Faesi, Herrera et al. [LINK]( Please consult that paper for more background and details.

What this pipeline is for: This pipeline is devised to process data from radio interferometer observations (from, e.g., ALMA or VLA). It is applied to calibrated visibilities, as those generated by the CASA software, and delivers science-ready spectral cubes and moment maps, along with associated uncertainty maps. In this regard, the PHANGS-ALMA pipeline offers a flexible alternative to the scriptForImaging script distributed by ALMA. A detailed list of the derived data products can be found in Section 7 of the paper mentioned above.

Pipeline and Configuration Files: These are the programs to run the PHANGS-ALMA pipeline. Configuration files for a large set of PHANGS projects, including the live version of the files for the PHANGS-ALMA CO survey, exist in a separate repository. We include a frozen set of files that can be used to reduce PHANGS-ALMA as examples here. If you need access to those other repositories or need examples, please request access as needed.

Contact: For issues, the preferred method is to open an issue on the github issues page. If you have specific other topics to discuss you should reach out to Adam Leroy, Erik Rosolowsky, or Daizhong Liu via email. But opening issues is better.

Earlier Versions: If you are looking for Version 1.0 of the pipeline, you can access it by changing branches to "version1.0". Note that this will mostly be for historical reasons. We suggest using Version 2.0 moving forward.

Total Power: The pipeline can feather interferometer data with complementary Total Power observations. However, as of Version 2.0 it cannot process Total Power data on its own and assumes that a Total Power cube has been produced by other means. For the PHANGS-ALMA data release, these Total Power cubes were produced with the scripts and pipeline described by Herrera et al. here: .


The pipeline runs in two separate software environments:

We recommend a standard [anaconda]( distribution for python.


There are two ways that this pipeline might be useful. First, it provides an end-to-end path to process calibrated ALMA data (or VLA data) of the sort produced by the scriptForPI script distributed by ALMA into spectral cubes and maps. That end-to-end approach is described in "Workflow for most users." Second, the phangsPipeline directory contains a number of modules for use inside and outside CASA that should have general utility. These are written without requiring any broader awareness of the pipeline infrastructure and should just be generally useful. These are files named and and, to a lesser extent,


If you just want to use the pipeline then you will need to do three things:

( 0. Run to apply the observatory-provided calibration to your data. The pipeline picks up from there, it does not replace the ALMA observatory calibration and flagging pipeline. )

  1. Make configuration files ("key files") that describe your project. Usually you can copy and modify an existing project to get a good start. We provide PHANGS-ALMA as an example.
  2. Put together two small scripts: one to run the CASA stuff and another to run the pure python stuff. In theory these could be combined or generalized, but we usually just write a few small programs.
  3. Run these scripts in order. The CASA stuff runs inside a CASA shell - the pipeline seems to work up through CASA 5.7 and has been heavily used in 5.4 and 5.6, In theory it should be workable in CASA 6.1+ but this isn't for sure yet. The pure python stuff expects a distribution with numpy, astropy, spectral-cube, and scipy and python 3.6+ or so.

The Easiest Way This release includes the full PHANGS-ALMA set of keys and the scripts we use to run the pipeline for PHANGS-ALMA. These are heavily documented - copy them to make your own script and configuration and follow the documented in those scripts to get started. To be specific:

The PHANGS-ALMA keys to reduce the data end-to-end from the archive, along with heavy documentation are in: phangs-alma_keys/

The script to run the CASA part of the pipeline is:

The python (v3.x) script to create derived products is:

These can run the actual PHANGS-ALMA reduction, though in practice we used slightly more complex versions of a few programs to manage the workflow. Copying and modifying these is your best bet, especially following the patterns in the key files.


The full procedure is described in our ApJ Supplements paper and the programs themselves are all in this repository, so we do not provide any extremely detailed docs here. Many individual routines are documented, though we also intend to improve the documentation in the future. Therefore we just note that broadly, the pipeline runs in four stages:

  1. Staging (in CASA) Stage and process uv-data. This step includes continuum subtraction, line extraction, and spectral regridding.
  2. Imaging (in CASA) Image and deconvolve the uv-data. This runs in several steps: dirty imaging, clean mask alignment, multi-scale deconvolution, re-masking, and single convolution.
  3. Post-Process (in CASA) Process deconvolved data into science-ready data cubes. This stage includes merging with the total power and mosaicking.
  4. Derived Products (in python) Convolution, noise estimation, masking, and calculation of science-ready data products.

The simplest way to run these is to write two small scripts and do the following:

  1. Initialize CASA
  2. Run a script that initializes a keyHandler object pointed at your key directory (see below). Then use this keyHandler to initialize handler objects for uv data, imaging, and postprocessing. Optionally restrict those objects of interest for each handler to a subset of targets, array configurations, or lines.
  3. Inside the same script, run the main loop commands for each handler object.

Then exit CASA and

  1. Initialize a python environment with scipy, numpy, astropy, and spectral-cube installed.
  2. Run a script that initializes a keyHandler again pointed at your key directory, then use this keyHandler to initialize a derived product handler.
  3. Run the main loop for the derived product handler.

These two scripts are the ones listed above. They are heavily annotated and should provide a good starting point.

### SINGLE DISH PROCESSING (still in development)

The pipeline also includes scripts to execute the single dish processing described by Herrera et al. (2020). These capabilities are still somewhat in development.

To use this capability:

  1. The measurement set key (e.g., ms_file_key) should include entries labeled "tp" or similar. These "tp" entries in the measurements set should refer to the root directory for the delivered data set (i.e., up one level from calibrated/ scripts/ etc.).
  2. The configuration key (e.g., config_definitions) should include a "singledish_config" named, e.g., "tp" or similar to be associated with the measurement set entries. Associated keywords are 'bl_order' and 'chan_dv_kms'.
  3. Output singledish file names need to be defined in the singledish_key file. These are also later used to feather or sdint image the interferometric data.
  4. Then there is a script


Architecture: The pipeline is organized and run by a series of "handler" objects. These handlers organize the list of targets, array configurations, spectral products, and derived moments and execute loops.

The routines to process individual data sets are in individual modules, grouped by theme (e.g., casaImagingRoutines or scNoiseRoutines). These routines do not know about the larger infrastructure of arrays, targets, etc. They generally take an input file, output file, and various keyword arguments.

A project is defined by a series of text key files in a "key_directory". These define the measurement set inputs, configurations, spectral line products, moments, and derived products.

User Control: For the most part the user's job is to define the key files and to run some scripts.