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Trying to make Starship and Blesh work together flawlessly

[help] u/willowia

Hello. My current ~/.bashrc is this:

eval "$(starship init bash)"
source /usr/share/blesh/ --noattach
[[ ${BLE_VERSION-} ]] && ble-attach

bind '"\e[A": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B": history-search-forward'

While it works fine as it is, each time I add new terminal in the same workspace, it prints new line to all existing windows. Same happens when I close the window. How do I stop this empty line appearing when I close/open windows?

Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:35:08 No.84474126 Archived▶>>84474218 >>84474949
>>84476049 >>84476418 >>84476721 >>84476761 >>84479100 >>84481092

This kills zsh, powershell, fish, oilshell, nushell forever. Rest in piss.

(I'm not using it though because I'm not a kid)

| Anonymous 11/27/21(Sat)01:19:00 No.84479100▶
| File: trial1.gif (1.47 MB, 420x300)
| 1.47 MB
| >>84474126 (OP)
| Love!
| It has so many features it's unbelievable how this was crammed into one
| shellscript.
| Gladly the user has fine grained control over what specific features to
| disable via a config file.

| Anonymous 11/27/21(Sat)04:06:39 No.84481092▶
| >>84474126 (OP)
| Nice. Thanks for sharing this, OP.

| Anonymous 11/27/21(Sat)05:47:15 No.84482372▶
| If it is just a bash script, then where the fuck is it?!
| The whole repo should just be a "here is the .sh file" but instead you have
| 6 different languages according to git and need to use make to even create
| it. This is why nu-programmers are fucking horrible pieces of shit I would
| never give a job in my company.

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:38:20 No.84474155▶>>84474193
| File: disgusted-nigger.jpg (18 KB, 612x408)
| 18 KB
| ion be fuckin wit dat chinese shit man, them mf is wylin' no cap fr fr
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:42:47 No.84474193▶
|   >>84474155
|   Kys zoomer nigger trash

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:41:06 No.84474171▶>>84474229
| This seems like a whole lot of bloat just to get rid of the GPL'd GNU
| readline library.
| Why do you retards hate GPL so much you'll use inferior software like clang
| and musl libc.
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:45:48 No.84474229▶>>84476049
|   tried it. pretty cool but i'm too old for these ..features.
|   >> 84474171
|   it has gnu readline shortcuts but also vim bindings. it has all features
|   of gnu readline but it adds lots of shit upon it. all sorts of
|   completions, suggestions, multi line editing, it's basically a christmas
|   tree. i'm waiting for that text user interface to be ready so i can
|   disable some of these things.

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:42:31 No.84474188▶>>84474263 >>84475946
| >Bash
| Not portable, not Unix-philosophy adherent
| Belongs in the trash. Simple as.
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:49:48 No.84474263▶>>84474989
|   >>84474188
|   >Not portable, not Unix-philosophy adherent
|   Bash is the de facto shell and by far the most popular implementation of
|   posix shell.
|   it's not "unix philosophy" because it comes from MIT school of thought,
|   where they don't sacrifice interface and completeness for the sake or
|   implementation simplicity. gnu guys are real programmers that empower the
|   users.
|   - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)17:28:23 No.84474989▶>>84475946 >>84476783
|     >>84474263
|     > > Bash is the de facto shell and by far the most popular
|     > > implementation of posix shell.
|     >
|     > it's not "unix philosophy" because it comes from MIT school of
|     > thought, where they don't sacrifice interface and completeness for
|     > the sake or implementation simplicity. gnu guys are real programmers
|     > that empower the users.
|     tldr: not unix-philosophy, not adherent to the vision of the
|     founders. into the trash it goes for all time.
|     - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)21:24:27 No.84476783▶
|       >>84474989
|       GNU is inspired after Unix but GNU Is Not Unix (the acronym)
|       Instead its founder was... guess what... an MIT hacker
|       They arent breaking any philosophy because they never even pretended
|       following it
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)19:45:02 No.84475946▶
|   File: emac.jpg (8 KB, 200x200)
|   8 KB
|   >>84474989
|   >>84474188
|   Fak the unix faakheads, faak C and faak you tech geeker

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:44:54 No.84474218▶>>84474231
| >>84474126 (OP)
| who the heck writes programs within the shell itself? just use a text
| editor with syntax highlighting if you're going to write multiple lines
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)15:46:05 No.84474231▶>>84474443
|   >>84474218
|   Any time I've found myself wanting to write one liners, I'll write it in
|   a text file and then run it with sh script.txt if I'm too lazy to add the
|   shebang.
|   - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)16:18:57 No.84474443▶
|     >>84474231
|     ive never write shebangs since bash is the only shell i use

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)17:24:13 No.84474949▶
| File: 1637862279653.jpg (753 KB, 1212x940)
| 753 KB
| >>84474126 (OP)
| >
| cuck license

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)19:29:26 No.84475820▶>>84476006 >>84476049 >>84476779 >>84477647
| Honestly I see a lot of people don't know how to use bash really. You don't
| need all those colors or another readline or vim keybindings. Bash has
| powerful built in interactive features already. It also improves a lot on
| posix sh while retaining its performance. If you go higher or lower than
| bash, you suffer.
| you want to go to beginning of line? ctrl+a
| you want to go to the end of line? ctrl+e
| you want to clear the screen? ctrl+L
| you want fish-like suggestions? ctrl+r and type your command. also press
| ctrl+r to cycle through results. or you can just `grep "foo" .bash_history`
| you can find more here
| it also works with cua bindings. ctrl + arrow left/right to move one word
| at a time.
| you want to search through program flags? `command --help | grep "foo"`
| etc.
| i tried using zsh with plugins, but it's slow. and the startup is even
| slower. and it doesn't improve on anything. bash already has all the zsh
| features you install with plugins.
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)19:51:45 No.84476006▶
|   >>84475820
|   This. I have some small customisations in bashrc but they are my own
|   (fuck ohmyzsh) and it feels vanilla so I feel at home on any server I ssh
|   to.
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)21:24:06 No.84476779▶
|   >>84475820
|   > i tried using zsh with plugins, but it's slow. and the startup is even
|   > slower.
|   oh-my-zsh?
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)22:53:59 No.84477647▶>>84477896 >>84478296
|   >>84475820
|   >I tried zsh and its slow
|   this just means you're a mongoloid and did everything wrong. zsh with
|   like 5 or so plugins is FASTER than bash. you just used chinese indian
|   pajeet skeet oh-my-zsh xiao piao shit.
|   - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)23:22:38 No.84477896▶
|     >>84477647
|     > zsh with like 5 or so plugins is FASTER than bash.
|     good joke, friend.
|   - Anonymous 11/27/21(Sat)00:00:40 No.84478296▶
|     >>84477647
|     Why would you need more than three plugins (, zsh-completions,
|     zsh-autosuggestions are my picks). i don't think it's any slower than
|     bash, and certainly has a lot more features than vanilla bash.

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)19:57:31 No.84476049▶
| >>84474126 (OP)
| There is literally nothing wrong with GNU Readline. Take your meds.
| >>84474229
| >>84475820
| > vim bindings
| You can set vim bindings for readline in inputrc or with set -o vi. I use
| them, comfy as fuck.

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)20:02:25 No.84476082▶>>84476149
| Is there such a thing as "pure bash" when the point of a shell scripting
| language is to call external programs? Unless it only uses built-ins I
| don't see what he could mean.
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)20:11:00 No.84476149▶
|   >>84476082
|   > Unless it only uses built-ins I don't see what he could mean.
| only uses bash builtins. it has 22k lines.

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)20:32:12 No.84476344▶>>84476372 >>84476679
| bash is crap. i rather call prorams from C
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)20:35:23 No.84476372▶
|   >>84476344
|   they are the same thing.
| - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)21:13:35 No.84476679▶>>84476765
|   >>84476344
|   I'd rather write 100 lines of C and compile and link them than write a
|   single line, perhaps even a single word, of bash and immediately be able
|   to run it and achieve the same thing with no extra overhead
|   - Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)21:22:56 No.84476765▶
|     >>84476679
|     in my yoth people werent lazy like nowadays

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)20:40:29 No.84476418▶
| >>84474126 (OP)
| > Pronunciation: The easiest pronunciation of that users use is
| > /blɛʃ/

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)21:17:19 No.84476721▶
| File: rest in piss.png (58 KB, 118x219)
| 58 KB
| >>84474126 (OP)
| > Rest in piss.

| Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)21:22:24 No.84476761▶
| >>84474126 (OP)
| > Pronunciation: The easiest pronunciation ofble.shthat users use is
| > /blɛʃ/, but you can actually pronounce it as you like. I do not specify
| > the canonical way of In fact, I personally read it
| > verbosely as /biːɛliː dɑt ɛseJtʃ/ in my head.  as /biːɛliː dɑt ɛseJtʃ/
| Holy shit the autism
| does he also say
| > bee eh ess aich

Justine Smithies [email protected]: Just stumbled upon what I think might be my answer to continuing to use Bash like suggested by so many people. It claims to give Bash auto suggestions just like Fish and ZSH. It's called Ble and I'll be giving it a whirl this morning. So expect my findings later today in the reply to this toot. #Linux

Oh yeah is looking very promising indeed. It has given Bash auto suggestions just like you can get in Fish and ZSH. It certainly hasn't slowed down my ThinkPad as some folk report. I just need to read up a little so I can refine a few things to my liking and then I'll push the configs to my dotfiles on GitHub.




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日付 oh-my-bash bash-it
2020-08-21 171 1195 11.7k
2020-08-27 176 +2.92% 0.00% 1215 +1.67% 0.00% 11727 0.00%
2020-09-01 181 +2.84% 2.84% 1228 +1.07% 1.07% 11737 +0.09% 0.09%
2020-10-07 190 +4.97% 7.96% 1316 +7.17% 8.31% 11805 +0.58% 0.67%
2021-01-17 259 +36.3% 47.2% 1617 +22.9% 35.3% 12039 +1.98% 2.66%
2021-02-23 291 +12.4% 65.3% 1733 +7.17% 42.6% 12112 +0.61% 3.28%
2021-04-10 319 +9.72% - 1874 +8.14% - 12202 +0.74% 4.05%
2021-05-12 354 +11.0% 101.1 1971 +5.18% 62.2% 12273 +0.58% 4.66%
2021-07-27 404 +14.1% 129.5 2165 +9.84% 78.2% 12404 +1.07% 5.77%
2021-11-30 618 +53.0% 251.1 2535 +17.1% 108.6 12638 +1.89% 7.77%
2022-02-23 714 +15.5% 305.7 2825 +11.4% 132.5 12806 +1.33% 9.20%
2022-05-03 796 +11.5% 352.3 3045 +7.79% 150.6 12923 +0.91% 10.2%