diff --git a/.dockerignore b/.dockerignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be537c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dockerignore
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# env/
+# !/**/env
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
+# pyenv
+# celery beat schedule file
+# dotenv
+# virtualenv
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdd346c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
+# IPython
+# pyenv
+# pipenv
+# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
+# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
+# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
+# install all needed dependencies.
+# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow
+# Celery stuff
+# SageMath parsed files
+# Environments
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
+# mkdocs documentation
+# mypy
+# Pyre type checker
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b549090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+FROM python:3.7-slim
+LABEL maintainer="a.faskhutdinov@yclients.tech"
+LABEL name="tools/tracker-exporter"
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
+# Configure timezone
+RUN apt-get -qq update
+RUN apt-get install -yqq tzdata
+ENV TZ=Europe/Moscow
+RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
+RUN dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
+# Configure exporter
+RUN mkdir -p /opt/exporter
+COPY ./requirements.txt requirements.txt
+COPY . /opt/exporter/
+# Install exporter
+WORKDIR /opt/exporter
+RUN python3 setup.py install
+CMD ["tracker-exporter"]
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec9cb3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2022 Akim Faskhutdinov
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..381b468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+.PHONY: clean clean-build clean-pyc dist help
+.DEFAULT_GOAL := help
+ @echo "clean - remove all artifacts"
+ @echo "clean-build - remove build artifacts"
+ @echo "clean-pyc - remove python artifacts"
+ @echo "install - install the package"
+ @echo "init - initialize the development environment"
+ @echo "dist - build package"
+ @echo "release - upload package to PyPi"
+ @echo "lint - check style with pylint"
+clean: clean-build clean-pyc
+ rm -rf build/
+ rm -rf dist/
+ rm -rf .eggs/
+ find . -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -rf {} +
+ find . -name '*.egg' -exec rm -rf {} +
+ find . -name '.DS_Store' -exec rm -f {} +
+ find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
+ find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
+ find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
+ find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -rf {} +
+ pylint --max-line-length=120 --rcfile=setup.cfg tracker_exporter
+ python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
+release: clean dist
+ @make clean
+ @make dist
+ python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
+install: clean
+ python3 setup.py install
+ pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..150a0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# Yandex.Tracker Exporter
+Export issue metadata & agile metrics to OLAP data storage. Metrics based on issue changelog.
+## Self-hosted arch example
+So, you can install Clickhouse with Clickhouse Proxy via Ansible role inside project.
+Edit the inventory file `ansible/inventory/hosts.yml` and just run ansible-playbook.
+> **Attention:**
+> For the role to work correctly, docker must be installed on the target server.
+pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
+cd ansible
+ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml playbooks/clickhouse.yml --limit agile
+## Serverless arch example
+### Create a Managed Clickhouse cluster
+> How to: https://cloud.yandex.com/en/docs/managed-clickhouse/operations/cluster-create
+* Set user for exporter, example: `agile`
+* Set a database name, example: `agile`
+* Enable `Serverless access` flag
+* For testing enable host public access
+* Enable `Access from the management console` flag
+* Run migration or manual create tables (see migration block [here](#migration), see [sql](/migrations/clickhouse/))
+### Create Cloud Function
+> How to: https://cloud.yandex.com/en/docs/functions/quickstart/create-function/python-function-quickstart
+* Use Python >= 3.7
+* Copy/paste example content from `examples/serverless` ([code](/examples/serverless/))
+* Set entrypoint: `main.handler` (for code from examples)
+* Set function timeout to `600`, because the launch can be long if there are a lot of updated issues during the collection period
+* Set memory to `512MB` or more
+* Add environment variables (see variables block [here](#environment-variables-settings))
+ ```bash
+ EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_CERT=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
+ EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_HOST=rc1b-xxxxxx.mdb.yandexcloud.net
+* Release function
+* Run test
+* See logs
+##### Serverless database connection without public access
+If you don't want to enable clickhouse public access, use service account with such permissions - `serverless.mdbProxies.user` and set environment variables below:
+> How to create database connection: https://cloud.yandex.com/en/docs/functions/operations/database-connection
+Also, the `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD` variable with service account must be replaced by IAM-token. Keep this in mind.
+Probably, you should get it in the function code, because the IAM-token works for a limited period of time.
+### Create Trigger
+> How to: https://cloud.yandex.com/en/docs/functions/quickstart/create-trigger/timer-quickstart
+* Create new trigger
+* Choose type `Timer`
+* Set interval every hour: `0 * ? * * *`
+* Select your function
+* Create serverless service account or use an existing one
+* Save trigger
+# Visualization
+You can use any BI tool for visualization, for example:
+- Yandex DataLens
+- Apache Superset
+- PowerBI
+- Grafana
+# Migration
+Based on [go-migrate](https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate) tool.
+## Download and install go-migrate tool
+### macOS
+wget https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/releases/download/v4.15.2/migrate.darwin-amd64.tar.gz -O migrate.tar.gz
+tar xvf migrate.tar.gz
+mv migrate ~/bin
+### Linux
+wget https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/releases/download/v4.15.2/migrate.linux-amd64.tar.gz -O migrate.tar.gz
+tar -xvf migrate.tar.gz
+mv migrate /usr/local/bin
+## Run migration
+Example bash script
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -Eeuo pipefail
+prepare_migration() {
+ curl "http://${CLICKHOUSE_HOST}:${CLICKHOUSE_HTTP_PORT}/?user=${CLICKHOUSE_USER}&password=${CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD}" --data-binary @-
+run_migration() {
+ migrate -verbose \
+ up
+# Environment variables (settings)
+| variable | require? | default | description |
+| `EXPORTER_LOGLEVEL` | ❌ | `info` | One of: `debug`, `info`, `warning`, `error`, `exception` |
+| `EXPORTER_ENABLE_UPLOAD` | ❌ | `false` | Enable/disable upload to Clickhouse storage |
+| `EXPORTER_MONITORING_ENABLED` | ❌ | `false` | Enable send statsd metrics |
+| `EXPORTER_MONITORING_HOST` | ❌ | `localhost` | Monitoring statsd hostname |
+| `EXPORTER_MONITORING_PORT` | ❌ | `8125` | Monitoring statsd UDP port |
+| `EXPORTER_MONITORING_PREFIX` | ❌ | `tracker_exporter` | Prefix for all sent metrics, i.e.: `{prefix}_{metric_name}` |
+| `EXPORTER_SENTRY_ENABLED` | ❌ | `false` | Send exceptions and errors to Sentry |
+| `EXPORTER_SENTRY_DSN` | ❌ | None | Sentry DSN like https://{id}@{sentry_url} |
+| `EXPORTER_TRACKER_TOKEN` | ✅ | None | Yandex.Tracker OAuth token |
+| `EXPORTER_TRACKER_ORG_ID` | ✅ | None | Yandex.Tracker organization ID for Yandex.Tracker |
+| `EXPORTER_TRACKER_ISSUES_SEARCH_RANGE` | ❌ | `4h` | The query search range for recently updated issues, i.e: `Updated >= now() - {VARIABLE}` |
+| `EXPORTER_TRACKER_ISSUES_SEARCH_QUERY` | ❌ | None | The query search string like `Queue: SRE and status: closed` |
+| `EXPORTER_TRACKER_ISSUES_FETCH_INTERVAL` | ❌ | `120` | Exporter job run interval in minutes for issue and metrics |
+| `EXPORTER_CLOSED_ISSUES_STATUSES` | ❌ | `closed,rejected,released,resolved,cancelled` | Lowercase comma-separated status, which will be flagged as `is_closed` |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_PROTO` | ❌ | `http` | Clickhouse protocol - HTTP or HTTPS |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_HOST` | ❌ | `localhost` | Clickhouse hostname |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_HTTP_PORT` | ❌ | `8123` | Clickhouse HTTP(S) port |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_USER` | ❌ | `default` | Clickhouse read-write username |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD` | ✅ | None | Clickhouse user password. **If your clickhouse/user can work without password just ignore this variable.** |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_CACERT_PATH` | ❌ | `None` | Path to CA certificate. Only for HTTPS |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_SERVERLESS_PROXY_ID` | ❌ | `None` | Database connection ID. Only for serverless |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE` | ❌ | `agile` | Database for exporter CH tables |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_ISSUES_TABLE` | ❌ | `issues` | Table when store issues metadata |
+| `EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_ISSUE_METRICS_TABLE` | ❌ | `issue_metrics` | Table when store issue metrics |
+# Usage
+## Native
+### Install from source
+python3 -m venv venv
+source venv/bin/activate
+python3 setup.py install
+export EXPORTER_TRACKER_ORG_ID="123456"
+export EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD="strongpassword"
+export EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_HOST="clickhouse01.example.com"
+export EXPORTER_LOGLEVEL="info"
+### Install from pypi
+pip3 install tracker-exporter
+### Use .env file
+tracker-exporter --env-file /home/akimrx/tracker/.settings
+## Docker
+cd yandex-tracker-exporter
+touch .env # prepare the environment variables file (dotenv), like the example above
+docker-compose up -d --build
+docker logs tracker-exporter -f
+# Monitoring
+| Metric name | Metric type | Labels | Description |
+| `tracker_exporter_clickhouse_insert_time_seconds` | `time` | `project` | Insert query time |
+| `tracker_exporter_clickhouse_optimize_time_seconds` | `time` | `project` | Optimize query time |
+| `tracker_exporter_clickhouse_inserted_rows` | `gauge` | `project`, `database`, `table` | Inserted rows to Clickhouse from last update |
+| `tracker_exporter_cycle_time_total_processing_time_seconds` | `time` | `project` | Total issues processing time |
+| `tracker_exporter_issue_transform_time_seconds` | `time` | `project` | Time of transformation of one issue into an object |
+| `tracker_exporter_issues_search_time_seconds` | `time` | `project` | Yandex.Tracker search time |
+| `tracker_exporter_issues_processing_time_seconds` | `time` | `project` | Time of transformation of batch issues into objects |
+| `tracker_exporter_issues_total_processed_count` | `count` | `project`, `source` | Processed issues from Yandex.Tracker |
+| `tracker_exporter_issues_without_metrics` | `gauge` | `project` | Issues with empty metrics |
+| `tracker_exporter_upload_status` | `gauge` | `project` | Status of data upload to storage |
+| `tracker_exporter_last_update_timestamp` | `timestamp gauge` | `project` | Timestamp of the last data upload to the storage |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansible/ansible.cfg b/ansible/ansible.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a8769a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/ansible.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+forks = 30
+poll_interval = 1
+transport = smart
+gather_subset = all,!facter,!ohai
+host_key_checking = False
+stdout_callback = skippy
+callback_whitelist = profile_tasks, timer, skippy, actionable, counter_enabled
+remote_user = root
+display_ok_hosts = no
+display_skipped_hosts = no
+private_key_file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+ansible_managed = Generated by Ansible
+retry_files_enabled = False
+deprecation_warnings = False
+ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o IdentitiesOnly=yes
+pipelining = True
+highlight = white
+verbose = dark gray
+warn = bright purple
+error = bright red
+changed = bright blue
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansible/inventory/group_vars/all.yml b/ansible/inventory/group_vars/all.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/ansible/inventory/hosts.yml b/ansible/inventory/hosts.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5dab98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/inventory/hosts.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ children:
+ agile:
+ hosts:
+ server01:
+ ansible_host: localhost
+ ansible_user: root
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/clickhouse.yml b/ansible/playbooks/clickhouse.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..944962a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/clickhouse.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- hosts: agile
+ roles:
+ - role: clickhouse
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/defaults/main.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd2e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+clickhouse_general_owner: root
+clickhouse_system_user: root
+clickhouse_system_group: root
+clickhouse_base_root_dir: /opt
+clickhouse_base_config_dir: "{{ clickhouse_base_root_dir }}/conf"
+clickhouse_base_data_dir: "{{ clickhouse_base_root_dir }}/data"
+clickhouse_data_dir: "{{ clickhouse_base_data_dir }}/clickhouse"
+clickhouse_config_dir: "{{ clickhouse_base_config_dir }}/clickhouse"
+clickhouse_prompt: "{{ inventory_hostname }} - internal agile"
+clickhouse_listen_http_port: 8123
+clickhouse_listen_tcp_port: 9000
+# $clickhouse_zookeeper_hosts: (dict)
+# - fqdn: zoo1.example.com
+# port: 2181
+# - fqdn: ...
+clickhouse_zookeeper_hosts: {}
+clickhouse_zookeeper_enabled: false
+clickhouse_docker_limit_cpu: 4
+clickhouse_docker_limit_memory: 12gb
+clickhouse_max_concurrent_queries: 300
+clickhouse_max_connections: 4096
+ default:
+ username: default
+ password: defaultpassword # CHANGEME
+ profile: default
+ quota: default
+ exporter:
+ username: exporter
+ password: exporterpassword # CHANGEME
+ profile: default
+ quota: default
+ readonly:
+ username: readonly
+ password: readonlypassword # CHANGEME
+ profile: readonly
+ quota: default
+clickhouse_proxy_enabled: true
+clickhouse_proxy_version: 1.16.0
+clickhouse_proxy_binary_dir: /usr/local/bin
+clickhouse_proxy_systemd_service_dir: /lib/systemd/system
+clickhouse_proxy_base_cache_dir: "{{ clickhouse_base_data_dir }}/chproxy"
+clickhouse_proxy_cache_dir: "{{ clickhouse_proxy_base_cache_dir }}/cache"
+clickhouse_proxy_binary_name: chproxy
+clickhouse_proxy_config_dir: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/proxy.yml"
+clickhouse_proxy_service_name: chproxy
+clickhouse_proxy_listen_http_port: 8080
+ - readonly
+ - # DataLens
+ - # DataLens
+ - # DataLens
+ - # DataLens
+ - # DataLens
+ - # DataLens
+ -
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/handlers/main.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/handlers/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46bca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/handlers/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- name: clickhouse - restart docker composition
+ docker_compose:
+ project_src: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}"
+ build: no
+ restarted: true
+ ignore_errors: true
+ when: not ansible_check_mode
+- name: clickhouse - restart proxy service
+ systemd:
+ daemon_reload: true
+ name: "{{ clickhouse_proxy_service_name }}"
+ state: restarted
+ when: not ansible_check_mode
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/chproxy.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/chproxy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea560c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/chproxy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+- name: clickhouse - check proxy binary exists
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ clickhouse_proxy_binary_dir }}/{{ clickhouse_proxy_binary_name }}"
+ register: clickhouse_proxy_binary
+- block:
+ - name: clickhouse - download proxy binary
+ get_url:
+ url: "https://github.com/ContentSquare/chproxy/releases/download/v{{ clickhouse_proxy_version }}/chproxy_{{ clickhouse_proxy_version }}_linux_{{ system_arch }}.tar.gz"
+ dest: "/tmp/chproxy-{{ clickhouse_proxy_version }}.linux-{{ system_arch }}.tar.gz"
+ mode: "0644"
+ register: download_binary
+ until: download_binary is succeeded
+ retries: 5
+ delay: 2
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ - name: clickhouse - unpack proxy binary
+ become: false
+ unarchive:
+ src: "/tmp/chproxy-{{ clickhouse_proxy_version }}.linux-{{ system_arch }}.tar.gz"
+ dest: "/tmp"
+ creates: "/tmp/chproxy-{{ clickhouse_proxy_version }}.linux-{{ system_arch }}/{{ clickhouse_proxy_binary_name }}"
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ check_mode: false
+ - name: clickhouse - propagate proxy binary
+ copy:
+ src: "/tmp/chproxy"
+ dest: "{{ clickhouse_proxy_binary_dir }}/{{ clickhouse_proxy_binary_name }}"
+ mode: "0755"
+ owner: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ when: not clickhouse_proxy_binary.stat.exists
+- name: clickhouse - create cache dir for proxy
+ file:
+ path: "{{ item }}"
+ state: directory
+ mode: "0755"
+ with_items:
+ - "{{ clickhouse_proxy_base_cache_dir }}"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_proxy_cache_dir }}"
+- block:
+ - name: clickhouse - configure proxy systemd service
+ template:
+ src: templates/proxy/chproxy.service.j2
+ dest: "{{ clickhouse_proxy_systemd_service_dir }}/{{ clickhouse_proxy_service_name }}.service"
+ mode: "0644"
+ owner: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ - name: clickhouse - configure proxy
+ template:
+ src: templates/proxy/config.yml.j2
+ dest: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/proxy.yml"
+ owner: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ mode: "0644"
+ notify:
+ clickhouse - restart proxy service
+- name: clickhouse - start proxy
+ systemd:
+ daemon_reload: true
+ name: "{{ clickhouse_proxy_service_name }}"
+ enabled: true
+ state: started
+ when: not ansible_check_mode
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/configure.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/configure.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f440e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/configure.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+- name: clickhouse - create clickhouse dirs
+ file:
+ path: "{{ item }}"
+ state: directory
+ mode: "0755"
+ owner: "{{ clickhouse_system_user }}"
+ group: "{{ clickhouse_system_group }}"
+ with_items:
+ - "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_data_dir }}"
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse-install
+- name: clickhouse - server configuration
+ template:
+ src: templates/server.xml.j2
+ dest: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/config.xml"
+ mode: "0644"
+ notify:
+ - clickhouse - restart docker composition
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse-config
+- name: clickhouse - users configuration
+ template:
+ src: templates/users.xml.j2
+ dest: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/users.xml"
+ mode: "0644"
+ notify:
+ - clickhouse - restart docker composition
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse-users
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/install.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/install.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08b40ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/install.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+- name: clickhouse - prepare docker composition
+ template:
+ src: templates/docker/docker-compose.yml.j2
+ dest: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/docker-compose.yml"
+ mode: "0644"
+ register: compose_file
+- name: clickhouse - clean previous docker composition
+ docker_compose:
+ project_name: clickhouse
+ project_src: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}"
+ state: absent
+ remove_volumes: true
+ remove_orphans: true
+ ignore_errors: true
+ when: compose_file.changed
+- name: clickhouse - up docker composition
+ docker_compose:
+ project_name: clickhouse
+ project_src: "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}"
+ state: present
+ build: false
+ pull: true
+ nocache: false
+ when: compose_file.changed
+- name: clickhouse - wait while docker composition become ready
+ wait_for:
+ port: "{{ item | int }}"
+ delay: 10
+ with_items:
+ - "{{ clickhouse_listen_http_port }}"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_listen_tcp_port }}"
+- name: clickhouse - prune docker useless artifacts
+ docker_prune:
+ containers: true
+ images: true
+ networks: true
+ volumes: true
+ builder_cache: true
+ when: clickhouse_docker_prune_after_up
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c355e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+- import_tasks: preflight.yml
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse
+ - clickhouse-install
+ - clickhouse-config
+- import_tasks: configure.yml
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse
+ - clickhouse-install
+ - clickhouse-config
+- import_tasks: install.yml
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse
+ - clickhouse-install
+ - clickhouse-docker-config
+- import_tasks: chproxy.yml
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse
+ - clickhouse-install
+ - clickhouse-proxy
+ when: clickhouse_proxy_enabled
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/preflight.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/preflight.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4964d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/tasks/preflight.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+- name: clickhouse - create base directories
+ file:
+ path: "{{ item }}"
+ state: directory
+ mode: "0755"
+ owner: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ group: "{{ clickhouse_general_owner }}"
+ with_items:
+ - "{{ clickhouse_base_root_dir }}"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_base_config_dir }}"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_base_data_dir }}"
+ tags:
+ - clickhouse-install
+ - clickhouse-config
+- name: clickhouse - create group
+ group:
+ name: "{{ clickhouse_system_group }}"
+ state: present
+ system: true
+ when: clickhouse_system_group != "root"
+- name: clickhouse - create user
+ user:
+ name: "{{ clickhouse_system_user }}"
+ groups: "{{ clickhouse_system_group }}"
+ append: true
+ shell: /usr/sbin/nologin
+ system: true
+ create_home: false
+ when: clickhouse_system_user != "root"
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/docker/docker-compose.yml.j2 b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/docker/docker-compose.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04077e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/docker/docker-compose.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+version: '3'
+ agile-clickhouse:
+ image: "yandex/clickhouse-server:{{ clickhouse_version }}"
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ container_name: agile-clickhouse
+ hostname: agile-clickhouse
+ volumes:
+ - "{{ clickhouse_data_dir }}:/var/lib/clickhouse"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml:ro"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/users.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml:ro"
+ cpus: "{{ clickhouse_docker_limit_cpu }}"
+ mem_limit: "{{ clickhouse_docker_limit_memory }}"
+ cap_add:
+ ports:
+ - "{{ clickhouse_listen_tcp_port }}:{{ clickhouse_listen_tcp_port }}"
+ - "{{ clickhouse_listen_http_port }}:{{ clickhouse_listen_http_port }}"
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/proxy/chproxy.service.j2 b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/proxy/chproxy.service.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..474fb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/proxy/chproxy.service.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# {{ ansible_managed }}
+Description=ClickHouse HTTP proxy and load balancer
+After=network-online.target systemd-resolved.service
+Wants=network-online.target systemd-resolved.service
+User={{ clickhouse_general_owner }}
+Group={{ clickhouse_general_owner }}
+SyslogIdentifier={{ clickhouse_proxy_service_name }}
+ExecStart={{ clickhouse_proxy_binary_dir }}/{{ clickhouse_proxy_service_name }} \
+ -config={{ clickhouse_config_dir }}/proxy.yml
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/proxy/config.yml.j2 b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/proxy/config.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8204f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/proxy/config.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#jinja2: trim_blocks:True, lstrip_blocks:True
+hack_me_please: true # disable config security checks
+log_debug: false
+ http:
+ listen_addr: "{{ clickhouse_proxy_listen_address }}:{{ clickhouse_proxy_listen_http_port }}"
+ read_timeout: 5m
+ allowed_networks:
+ {% for network in clickhouse_proxy_allowed_networks %}
+ - {{ network }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ metrics:
+ allowed_networks:
+ {% for network in clickhouse_proxy_allowed_networks %}
+ - {{ network }}
+ {% endfor %}
+- name: agile
+ nodes:
+ -{{ clickhouse_listen_http_port }}
+ kill_query_user:
+ name: "{{ clickhouse_users.default.username }}"
+ password: "{{ clickhouse_users.default.password }}"
+ users:
+ {% for user in clickhouse_users %}
+ {% if user in clickhouse_proxy_allowed_users %}
+ - name: {{ clickhouse_users[user].username }}
+ password: {{ clickhouse_users[user].password }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% for user in clickhouse_users %}
+{% if user in clickhouse_proxy_allowed_users %}
+- name: {{ clickhouse_users[user].username }}
+ password: {{ clickhouse_users[user].password }}
+ to_cluster: agile
+ to_user: {{ clickhouse_users[user].username }}
+ allowed_networks:
+ {% for network in clickhouse_proxy_allowed_networks %}
+ - {{ network }}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/server.xml.j2 b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/server.xml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..809f8a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/server.xml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+ warning
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log
+ 50M
+ 3
+ {{ clickhouse_prompt }}
+ {{ clickhouse_listen_http_port }}
+ {{ clickhouse_listen_tcp_port }}
+ /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt
+ /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key
+ /etc/clickhouse-server/dhparam.pem
+ none
+ true
+ true
+ sslv2,sslv3
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ sslv2,sslv3
+ true
+ RejectCertificateHandler
+ 5788
+ {{ inventory_hostname }}
+ {{ clickhouse_listen_address }}
+ {{ clickhouse_max_connections | int }}
+ 3
+ {{ clickhouse_max_concurrent_queries | int }}
+ 8589934592
+ 5368709120
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/tmp/
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/user_files/
+ users.xml
+ default
+ default
+ false
+ {% if clickhouse_zookeeper_enabled and clickhouse_zookeeper_hosts -%}
+ {% for host, port in clickhouse_zookeeper_hosts.items() -%}
+ {{ host }}
+ {{ port | int }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ 120000
+ 30000
+ {% endif %}
+ 01
+ {{ inventory_hostname }}
+ 3600
+ 3600
+ 60
+ system
+ toYYYYMM(event_date)
+ 7500
+ *_dictionary.xml
+ /clickhouse/task_queue/ddl
+ 0
+ click_cost
+ any
+ 0
+ 3600
+ 86400
+ 60
+ max
+ 0
+ 60
+ 3600
+ 300
+ 86400
+ 3600
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/format_schemas/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/users.xml.j2 b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/users.xml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b268a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/templates/users.xml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ 10000000000
+ 0
+ random
+ 2
+ {% for user in clickhouse_users -%}
+ <{{ clickhouse_users[user].username }}>
+ {{ clickhouse_users[user].password }}
+ ::/0
+ {{ clickhouse_users[user].profile }}
+ {{ clickhouse_users[user].quota }}
+ {{ clickhouse_users[user].username }}>
+ {% endfor %}
+ 3600
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/vars/main.yml b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/vars/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb0b723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/playbooks/roles/clickhouse/vars/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+clickhouse_docker_prune_after_up: true
+ i386: "386"
+ x86_64: "amd64"
+system_arch: "{{ system_arch_map[ansible_architecture] | default(ansible_architecture) }}"
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8effd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+version: '3.1'
+ tracker-exporter:
+ container_name: tracker-exporter
+ hostname: tracker-exporter
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ build: .
+ volumes:
+ - ./.env:/opt/exporter/.env:ro
+ command: |
+ tracker-exporter --env-file /opt/exporter/.env
diff --git a/docs/diagrams/agile_metrics.drawio b/docs/diagrams/agile_metrics.drawio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..365504c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/diagrams/agile_metrics.drawio
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/images/agile_metrics.png b/docs/images/agile_metrics.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0467692
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/agile_metrics.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/agile_metrics_cloud.png b/docs/images/agile_metrics_cloud.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..077bb6a
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/agile_metrics_cloud.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/datalens_example.png b/docs/images/datalens_example.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d4b4d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/datalens_example.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/logs.png b/docs/images/logs.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b14e37
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/logs.png differ
diff --git a/examples/serverless/main.py b/examples/serverless/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daf86b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/serverless/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import logging
+from tracker_exporter.main import export_cycle_time
+def handler(event, context):
+ try:
+ export_cycle_time(ignore_exceptions=False)
+ response = {"statusCode": 200, "message": "success"}
+ except Exception as exc:
+ response = {"statusCode": 500, "message": exc}
+ finally:
+ return response
diff --git a/examples/serverless/requirements.txt b/examples/serverless/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00843fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/serverless/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/migrations/clickhouse/000001_create_table_issues.down.sql b/migrations/clickhouse/000001_create_table_issues.down.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66583e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/clickhouse/000001_create_table_issues.down.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/migrations/clickhouse/000001_create_table_issues.up.sql b/migrations/clickhouse/000001_create_table_issues.up.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f6951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/clickhouse/000001_create_table_issues.up.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ `version` DateTime DEFAULT now(),
+ `queue` LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'Queue key',
+ `title` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Issue summary',
+ `issue_key` String COMMENT 'Unique issue key like TEST-1',
+ `issue_type` LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'Issue type',
+ `priority` LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'Issue priority',
+ `status` LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'Last issue status',
+ `resolution` LowCardinality(String) DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Issue resolution',
+ `assignee` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Issue assignee',
+ `author` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Issue creator',
+ `qa_engineer` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'QA engineer who conducted the testing',
+ `tags` Array(String) COMMENT 'Issue labels',
+ `components` Array(String) COMMENT 'Issue components',
+ `created_at` Date COMMENT 'Issue creation date',
+ `updated_at` Date COMMENT 'Date of the last update of the issue',
+ `deadline` Date DEFAULT toDate('1970-01-01') COMMENT 'Deadline for completing the issue',
+ `closed_at` Date DEFAULT toDate('1970-01-01') COMMENT 'Closing date of the issue without resolution, based on custom closing statuses',
+ `resolved_at` Date DEFAULT toDate('1970-01-01') COMMENT 'Closing date of the issue with the resolution',
+ `start_date` Date DEFAULT toDate('1970-01-01') COMMENT 'Start date (fact, manual field, gantt)',
+ `end_date` Date DEFAULT toDate('1970-01-01') COMMENT 'End date (fact, manual field, gantt)',
+ `is_subtask` UInt8 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Subtask flag',
+ `is_closed` UInt8 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Issue completion flag (based on custom closing statuses)',
+ `is_resolved` UInt8 DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Issue completion flag (with resolution)',
+ `story_points` Float32 DEFAULT 0.0 COMMENT 'Estimating the cost of the issue',
+ `sprints` Array(String) COMMENT 'Sprints in which the issue participated',
+ `parent_issue_key` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'The key of the parent issue, like TEST-1',
+ `epic_issue_key` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Epic key, like GOAL-1'
+ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(version)
+PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(updated_at)
+ORDER BY issue_key
diff --git a/migrations/clickhouse/000002_create_table_issue_metrics.down.sql b/migrations/clickhouse/000002_create_table_issue_metrics.down.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2145c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/clickhouse/000002_create_table_issue_metrics.down.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `issue_metrics`;
diff --git a/migrations/clickhouse/000002_create_table_issue_metrics.up.sql b/migrations/clickhouse/000002_create_table_issue_metrics.up.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c18bca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/clickhouse/000002_create_table_issue_metrics.up.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ `version` DateTime DEFAULT now(),
+ `last_seen` DateTime COMMENT 'The date when the issue was last in this status',
+ `issue_key` String COMMENT 'Issue key',
+ `status_name` LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'Status name',
+ `status_transitions_count` UInt8 COMMENT 'The number of transitions to this status',
+ `duration` UInt32 COMMENT 'Time spent in the status in seconds (for all time)',
+ `human_readable_duration` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Human - readable format for duration',
+ `busdays_duration` UInt32 COMMENT 'Time spent in the status in seconds (busdays only)',
+ `human_readable_busdays_duration` String DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Human - readable format for busdays_duration'
+ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(version)
+ORDER BY (issue_key, status_name, last_seen)
diff --git a/migrations/clickhouse/000003_create_view_issues_view.down.sql b/migrations/clickhouse/000003_create_view_issues_view.down.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d25829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/clickhouse/000003_create_view_issues_view.down.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `issues_view`;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/migrations/clickhouse/000003_create_view_issues_view.up.sql b/migrations/clickhouse/000003_create_view_issues_view.up.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b2636b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/clickhouse/000003_create_view_issues_view.up.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+FROM `issues`
diff --git a/requirements-dev.txt b/requirements-dev.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..872513a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements-dev.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0deb057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1329ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+name = tracker-exporter
+description-file = README
+ignore = D203, W503, E722, W605
+extend-ignore = E203
+exclude =
+ ansible,
+ scripts,
+ docs,
+ migrations,
+ .git,
+ .env,
+ build,
+ dist,
+ venv,
+ .eggs,
+ tests,
+ scripts
+ setup.py,
+ .example,
+ .yaml,
+ .vscode
+max-complexity = 15
+max-line-length = 120
+disable =
+ W0511,
+ C0114,
+ C0115,
+ C0116,
+ W1203,
+ W0703,
+ R0903,
+ C0116,
+ R0913,
+ R0902,
+ R1719
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..793b603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from os import path
+from setuptools import find_packages, setup
+def readme():
+ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
+ long_description = fh.read()
+ return long_description
+cwd = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
+def metadata():
+ meta = {}
+ with open(path.join(cwd, "tracker_exporter", "__version__.py"), "r") as fh:
+ exec(fh.read(), meta)
+ return meta
+def requirements():
+ requirements_list = []
+ with open("requirements.txt") as requirements:
+ for install in requirements:
+ requirements_list.append(install.strip())
+ return requirements_list
+metadata = metadata()
+readme = readme()
+packages = find_packages()
+requirements = requirements()
+def main():
+ setup(
+ name="tracker-exporter",
+ version=metadata.get("version"),
+ author=metadata.get("author"),
+ author_email=metadata.get("author_email"),
+ license=metadata.get("license"),
+ description=metadata.get("description"),
+ long_description=readme,
+ long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
+ url=metadata.get("url"),
+ download_url=metadata.get("download_url"),
+ keywords=["yandex tracker exporter", "agile", "cycle time"],
+ platforms=["osx", "linux"],
+ packages=packages,
+ classifiers = [
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
+ ],
+ install_requires=requirements,
+ include_package_data=True,
+ python_requires=">=3.7",
+ entry_points={
+ "console_scripts": [
+ "tracker-exporter=tracker_exporter.main:main"
+ ]
+ },
+ zip_safe=False
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/__init__.py b/tracker_exporter/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/__version__.py b/tracker_exporter/__version__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2218d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/__version__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# pylint: disable=C0103,W0622
+version = "0.1.17"
+url = "https://github.com/akimrx/yandex-tracker-exporter"
+download_url = "https://pypi.org/project/tracker-exporter/"
+appname = "yandex_tracker_exporter"
+description = "Yandex.Tracker issue metrics exporter"
+author = "Akim Faskhutdinov"
+author_email = "a.faskhutdinov@yclients.tech"
+license = "MIT"
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/defaults.py b/tracker_exporter/defaults.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b9586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/defaults.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import os
+import datetime as dt
+# Common settings
+LOGLEVEL = os.environ.get("EXPORTER_LOGLEVEL", "info")
+UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE = os.environ.get("EXPORTER_ENABLE_UPLOAD", "false").lower() in ("true", "yes")
+# Business days settings
+BUSINESS_HOURS_END = dt.time(22)
+WEEKENDS = (5, 6,) # Monday is 0, Sunday is 6
+# Monitoring settings
+MONITORING_ENABLED = os.environ.get("EXPORTER_MONITORING_ENABLED", "false").lower() in ("true", "yes")
+MONITORING_HOST = os.environ.get("EXPORTER_MONITORING_HOST", "localhost")
+ "project:internal",
+SENTRY_ENABLED = os.environ.get("EXPORTER_SENTRY_ENABLED", "false").lower() in ("true", "yes")
+# Tracker settings
+# Clickhouse settings
+CLICKHOUSE_HOST = os.environ.get("EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_HOST", "localhost")
+CLICKHOUSE_USER = os.environ.get("EXPORTER_CLICKHOUSE_USER", "default")
+# Exporter settings
+_DEFAULT_CLOSED_ISSUE_STATUSES = "closed,rejected,resolved,cancelled,released"
+ "TEST",
+ "created_at",
+ "resolved_at",
+ "closed_at",
+ "updated_at",
+ "released_at",
+ "deadline",
+ "start_date",
+ "end_date",
+ "start_time",
+ "end_time",
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/errors.py b/tracker_exporter/errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72e0709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+class TrackerExporterError(Exception):
+ pass
+class ClickhouseError(TrackerExporterError):
+ pass
+class TrackerError(TrackerExporterError):
+ pass
+class NetworkError(TrackerExporterError):
+ pass
+class ExportError(TrackerExporterError):
+ pass
+class TimedOut(TrackerExporterError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__("Timed out")
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/exporter.py b/tracker_exporter/exporter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15f9372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/exporter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import time
+import logging
+from typing import Union, Tuple, List
+from tracker_exporter.services.tracker import YandexTrackerClient
+from tracker_exporter.services.clickhouse import ClickhouseClient
+from tracker_exporter.services.monitoring import DogStatsdClient
+from tracker_exporter.utils.helpers import to_human_time
+from tracker_exporter.defaults import (
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+tracker = YandexTrackerClient(token=TRACKER_TOKEN, org_id=TRACKER_ORG_ID)
+monitoring = DogStatsdClient(enabled=MONITORING_ENABLED)
+class Exporter:
+ # TODO: configure class instance
+ # TODO: parse migration from sprint to sprint by changelog (field changed),
+ # by default exported only last sprint (tracker logic)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.clickhouse = ClickhouseClient(
+ )
+ @monitoring.send_time_metric("issues_processing_time_seconds")
+ def _bulk_issue_cycle_time(self,
+ query: str,
+ limit: int = 50) -> Tuple[List]:
+ """Collects and transforms metrics for found tasks."""
+ issues = []
+ metrics = []
+ issues_without_metrics = 0
+ found_issues = tracker.search_issues(query=query, limit=limit)
+ logger.info("Prepare cycle time metrics...")
+ for tracker_issue in found_issues:
+ try:
+ issue, metric = tracker.issue_cycle_time(tracker_issue.key)
+ if metric is None:
+ logger.debug(f"Ignore {tracker_issue.key} because metrics is empty")
+ issues_without_metrics += 1
+ issues.append(issue)
+ else:
+ issues.append(issue)
+ for m in metric: # pylint: disable=C0103
+ metrics.append(m)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ logger.exception(f"Issue {tracker_issue.key} can't be transformed, details: {exc}")
+ monitoring.send_gauge_metric("issues_without_metrics", value=issues_without_metrics)
+ logger.info(
+ f"Total issues: {len(issues)}, total cycle time metrics: {len(metrics)}, "
+ f"ignored issues with empty metrics: {issues_without_metrics}"
+ )
+ return issues, metrics
+ def _upload_data_to_storage(self, payload: list, table: str) -> None:
+ """Inserts a batch of data into the Clickhouse with deduplication."""
+ logger.info(f"Inserting batch ({len(payload)} rows) to Clickhouse ({table})...")
+ self.clickhouse.insert_batch(CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE, table, payload)
+ logger.info(f"Optimizing table '{table}' for deduplication...")
+ self.clickhouse.deduplicate(CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE, table)
+ @monitoring.send_time_metric("cycle_time_total_processing_time_seconds")
+ def cycle_time(self,
+ exclude_queues: Union[list, tuple] = EXCLUDE_QUEUES,
+ search_range: str = TRACKER_ISSUES_SEARCH_RANGE,
+ upload: bool = True) -> int:
+ """Export issues cycle time and upload its to storage."""
+ logger.info("Started processing issues...")
+ if query:
+ logger.warning("Arguments `excluded_queues`, `search_range` has no effect if a `query` is passed")
+ queues = ", ".join([f"!{q}" for q in exclude_queues])
+ _default_query = f"Queue: {queues} AND Updated: >= now() - {search_range}"
+ search_query = TRACKER_ISSUES_SEARCH_QUERY or _default_query
+ start_time = time.time()
+ issues, metrics = self._bulk_issue_cycle_time(
+ search_query,
+ )
+ if upload:
+ self._upload_data_to_storage(issues, table=CLICKHOUSE_ISSUES_TABLE)
+ self._upload_data_to_storage(metrics, table=CLICKHOUSE_ISSUE_METRICS_TABLE)
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Upload to Clickhouse is disabled")
+ elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
+ logger.info(
+ f"Processing issues completed. Elapsed time: {to_human_time(elapsed_time)}, "
+ f"total tasks processed: {len(issues)}"
+ )
+ return len(issues) if upload else 0
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/main.py b/tracker_exporter/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e866e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import signal
+import logging
+import warnings
+import argparse
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+import sentry_sdk
+from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("tracker-exporter")
+ "-e", "--env-file",
+ metavar="file",
+ dest="env_file",
+ type=str,
+ required=False,
+ help="Path to .env file"
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# pylint: disable=C0413
+from .errors import ExportError
+from .services.monitoring import DogStatsdClient, sentry_events_filter
+from .exporter import Exporter
+from .__version__ import appname, version
+from .defaults import (
+ level=LOGLEVEL.upper(),
+ datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
+ format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] [%(name)s.%(funcName)s] %(message)s"
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
+monitoring = DogStatsdClient()
+exporter = Exporter()
+logger.debug(f"Environment: {os.environ.items()}")
+def signal_handler(sig, frame) -> None: # pylint: disable=W0613
+ if sig == signal.SIGINT:
+ logger.warning("Received SIGINT, graceful shutdown...")
+ scheduler.shutdown()
+ sys.exit(0)
+def configure_sentry() -> None:
+ assert SENTRY_DSN is not None
+ sentry_sdk.init(
+ traces_sample_rate=1.0,
+ release=f"{appname}@{version}",
+ before_send=sentry_events_filter
+ )
+ logger.info(f"Sentry send traces is {'enabled' if SENTRY_ENABLED else 'disabled'}")
+def export_cycle_time(exclude_queues: str = EXCLUDE_QUEUES,
+ upload: bool = UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE,
+ ignore_exceptions: bool = True) -> None:
+ try:
+ inserted_rows = exporter.cycle_time(exclude_queues=exclude_queues, upload=upload)
+ if inserted_rows > 0:
+ monitoring.send_gauge_metric("last_update_timestamp", value=int(time.time()))
+ monitoring.send_gauge_metric("upload_status", value=1)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ monitoring.send_gauge_metric("upload_status", value=2)
+ logger.exception(f"Something error occured: {exc}")
+ if not ignore_exceptions:
+ raise ExportError(exc) from exc
+def main() -> None:
+ configure_sentry()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+ scheduler.start()
+ scheduler.add_job(
+ export_cycle_time,
+ trigger="interval",
+ name="issues_cycle_time_exporter",
+ max_instances=1,
+ next_run_time=datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=5)
+ )
+ signal.pause()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/models/__init__.py b/tracker_exporter/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/models/base.py b/tracker_exporter/models/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d0184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/models/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import json
+from abc import ABCMeta
+class Base:
+ """Base class for objects."""
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return str(self.to_dict())
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return str(self)
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ return self.__dict__[item]
+ @classmethod
+ def de_json(cls, data) -> dict:
+ """Deserialize object."""
+ if not data:
+ return None
+ data = data.copy()
+ return data
+ def to_json(self) -> dict:
+ """Serialize object to json."""
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ def to_dict(self) -> dict:
+ """Recursive serialize object."""
+ null_cleaner = lambda value: "" if value is None else value # pylint: disable=C3001
+ def parse(val):
+ if isinstance(val, list):
+ return [parse(it) for it in val]
+ if isinstance(val, dict):
+ return {key: null_cleaner(parse(value)) for key, value in val.items() if not key.startswith("_")}
+ return val
+ data = self.__dict__.copy()
+ return parse(data)
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/models/enums.py b/tracker_exporter/models/enums.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bea1b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/models/enums.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class TrackerChangelogEvents:
+ ISSUE_WORKFLOW = "IssueWorkflow"
+class TrackerWorkflowTypes:
+ TRANSITION = "status"
+ RESOLVE_ISSUE = "resolution"
+class YandexTrackerLanguages:
+ RU = "ru"
+ EN = "en"
+class TimeDeltaOut:
+ SECONDS = "seconds"
+ MINUTES = "minutes"
+class ClickhouseProto:
+ HTTPS = "https"
+ HTTP = "http"
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/models/issue.py b/tracker_exporter/models/issue.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c3c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/models/issue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import logging
+from tracker_exporter.models.base import Base
+from tracker_exporter.models.enums import (
+ TrackerChangelogEvents,
+ TrackerWorkflowTypes,
+from tracker_exporter.services.monitoring import DogStatsdClient
+from tracker_exporter.utils.helpers import (
+ calculate_time_spent,
+ string_normalize,
+ validate_resource,
+ to_simple_datetime,
+ to_snake_case,
+ to_human_time,
+from tracker_exporter.defaults import CLOSED_ISSUE_STATUSES
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+monitoring = DogStatsdClient()
+class TrackerIssueMetric(Base):
+ """This object represents a issue metrics for TrackerIssue object."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ issue_key: str,
+ status_name: str,
+ status_transitions_count: int,
+ duration: int,
+ busdays_duration: int,
+ last_seen: str):
+ self.issue_key = issue_key
+ self.status_name = status_name
+ self.status_transitions_count = status_transitions_count
+ self.duration = duration
+ self.human_readable_duration = to_human_time(self.duration)
+ self.busdays_duration = busdays_duration
+ self.human_readable_busdays_duration = to_human_time(self.busdays_duration)
+ self.last_seen = last_seen
+class TrackerIssue(Base):
+ """This object represents a issue from Yandex.Tracker."""
+ def __init__(self, issue: object) -> None:
+ self._issue = issue
+ self._transform(self._issue)
+ def _transform(self, issue: object) -> None:
+ """Formation of a task object based on its metadata."""
+ self.queue = issue.queue.key
+ self.issue_key = issue.key
+ self.title = string_normalize(issue.summary)
+ self.issue_type = to_snake_case(validate_resource(issue.type, "name"))
+ self.priority = validate_resource(issue.priority, "name")
+ self.assignee = validate_resource(issue.assignee, "email")
+ self.author = validate_resource(issue.createdBy, "email")
+ self.status = to_snake_case(validate_resource(issue.status, "name"))
+ self.resolution = to_snake_case(validate_resource(issue.resolution, "name"))
+ self.tags = issue.tags or []
+ self.components = [c.name for c in issue.components if issue.components]
+ self.created_at = to_simple_datetime(issue.createdAt, date_only=True)
+ self.updated_at = to_simple_datetime(issue.updatedAt, date_only=True)
+ self.deadline = validate_resource(issue, "deadline")
+ self.resolved_at = to_simple_datetime(issue.resolvedAt, date_only=True)
+ self.start_date = validate_resource(issue, "start")
+ self.end_date = validate_resource(issue, "end")
+ self.story_points = validate_resource(issue, "storyPoints") or 0
+ self.sprints = [s.name for s in issue.sprint if issue.sprint]
+ self.parent_issue_key = validate_resource(issue.parent, "key", low=False)
+ self.epic_issue_key = validate_resource(issue.epic, "key", low=False)
+ self.is_subtask = True if any((self.parent_issue_key,)) else False
+ self.is_closed = True if self.status in CLOSED_ISSUE_STATUSES else False
+ self.is_resolved = True if self.resolution is not None else False
+ self.qa_engineer = validate_resource(issue.qaEngineer, "email")
+ @monitoring.send_count_metric("issues_total_processed_count", 1, tags=["source:issues"])
+ def metrics(self) -> list:
+ """
+ All metrics are based on status change events in the task history.
+ The method has the ability to filter only the necessary statuses
+ passed in the argument.
+ The metric of being in the status is considered
+ only after the end of being in the calculated status.
+ For example, the task has moved from the status "Open"
+ to the status "In progress", in this case only the metric
+ for "Open" will be considered.
+ As soon as the status "In progress" is changed to any other,
+ it will be calculated as a metric for "In progress".
+ In other words, the current status of the task will not be
+ calculated.
+ """
+ metrics_storage = {}
+ for event in self._issue.changelog:
+ if event.type == TrackerChangelogEvents.ISSUE_WORKFLOW:
+ logger.debug(f"Issue workflow fields found: {event.fields}")
+ worklow_type = event.fields[0].get("field").id
+ # Keep only status transition events, drop otherwise
+ if worklow_type != TrackerWorkflowTypes.TRANSITION:
+ logger.debug(f"Skipping {event.fields[0].get('field').id} for {self.issue_key}")
+ continue
+ status = to_snake_case(event.fields[0].get("from").name.lower())
+ event_start_time = event.fields[1].get("from")
+ event_end_time = event.fields[1].get("to")
+ # Custom logic for calculating the completion date of the task,
+ # because not everyone uses resolutions, sadly
+ transition_status = to_snake_case(event.fields[0].get("to").name.lower())
+ if transition_status in CLOSED_ISSUE_STATUSES and self.status in CLOSED_ISSUE_STATUSES:
+ self.closed_at = to_simple_datetime(event_end_time, date_only=True) # pylint: disable=W0201
+ if event_start_time is None or event_end_time is None:
+ continue
+ # Calculation of the time spent in the status
+ start_time = to_simple_datetime(event_start_time)
+ end_time = to_simple_datetime(event_end_time)
+ total_status_time = calculate_time_spent(start_time, end_time)
+ busdays_status_time = calculate_time_spent(start_time, end_time, busdays_only=True)
+ try:
+ metrics_storage[status]["duration"] += total_status_time
+ metrics_storage[status]["busdays_duration"] += busdays_status_time
+ metrics_storage[status]["status_transitions_count"] += 1
+ except (KeyError, AttributeError):
+ metrics_storage[status] = dict(
+ issue_key=self.issue_key,
+ status_name=status,
+ status_transitions_count=1,
+ duration=total_status_time,
+ busdays_duration=busdays_status_time,
+ last_seen=to_simple_datetime(event_end_time)
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"Metrics for {self.issue_key}: {metrics_storage}")
+ metrics = [TrackerIssueMetric(**metric) for _, metric in metrics_storage.items()]
+ return metrics
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/services/__init__.py b/tracker_exporter/services/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/services/clickhouse.py b/tracker_exporter/services/clickhouse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adaec02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/services/clickhouse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import json
+import logging
+from typing import List, Dict, Union
+from requests import Response
+import requests
+from tracker_exporter.errors import ClickhouseError, NetworkError, TimedOut
+from tracker_exporter.utils.helpers import retry
+from tracker_exporter.services.monitoring import DogStatsdClient
+from tracker_exporter.models.enums import ClickhouseProto
+from tracker_exporter.defaults import (
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+monitoring = DogStatsdClient()
+class ClickhouseClient:
+ """This class provide simple facade interface for Clickhouse."""
+ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=W0102
+ host: str,
+ port: int = 8123,
+ user: str = "default",
+ password: str = None,
+ proto: ClickhouseProto = CLICKHOUSE_PROTO,
+ serverless_proxy_id: str = CLICKHOUSE_SERVERLESS_PROXY_ID,
+ params: dict = {},
+ http_timeout: int = 10) -> None:
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.user = user
+ self.password = password
+ self.proto = proto
+ self.cacert = cacert
+ self.serverless_proxy_id = serverless_proxy_id
+ self.params = params
+ self.timeout = int(http_timeout)
+ self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ if self.proto == ClickhouseProto.HTTPS:
+ assert self.cacert is not None
+ @retry((NetworkError, TimedOut))
+ def execute(self, query: str) -> Union[None, Response]:
+ url = f"{self.proto}://{self.host}:{self.port}"
+ if self.proto != ClickhouseProto.HTTPS:
+ url += f"?user={self.user}"
+ if self.password is not None:
+ url += f"&password={self.password}"
+ else:
+ self.headers["X-Clickhouse-User"] = self.user
+ self.headers["X-Clickhouse-Key"] = self.password
+ if self.serverless_proxy_id:
+ self.params["database"] = self.serverless_proxy_id
+ if self.params:
+ params = "&".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.params.items()])
+ url += f"&{params}" if self.proto != ClickhouseProto.HTTPS else f"?{params}"
+ try:
+ if self.proto == ClickhouseProto.HTTPS:
+ response = requests.post(
+ url=url, headers=self.headers, data=query,
+ timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.cacert
+ )
+ else:
+ response = requests.post(
+ url=url, headers=self.headers, data=query, timeout=self.timeout
+ )
+ except requests.Timeout as exc:
+ raise TimedOut() from exc
+ except requests.ConnectionError as exc:
+ raise NetworkError(exc) from exc
+ except Exception as exc:
+ logger.exception(
+ f"Could not execute query in Clickhouse: {exc}"
+ )
+ raise ClickhouseError(exc) from exc
+ else:
+ if not response.ok:
+ msg = (
+ f"Could not execute query in Clickhouse. "
+ f"Status: {response.status_code}. {response.text}"
+ )
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise ClickhouseError(msg)
+ return response
+ # TODO: add sort by partition key (i.e. `updated_at`) for best insert perfomance
+ @monitoring.send_time_metric("clickhouse_insert_time_seconds")
+ def insert_batch(self, database: str, table: str, payload: List[Dict]) -> Union[None, Response]:
+ if not isinstance(payload, list):
+ raise ClickhouseError("Payload must be list")
+ _tags = [f"database:{database}", f"table:{table}"]
+ data = " ".join([json.dumps(row) for row in payload])
+ logger.debug(f"Inserting batch: {data}")
+ query_result = self.execute(f"INSERT INTO {database}.{table} FORMAT JSONEachRow {data}")
+ monitoring.send_gauge_metric("clickhouse_inserted_rows", len(payload), _tags)
+ return query_result
+ @monitoring.send_time_metric("clickhouse_deduplicate_time_seconds")
+ def deduplicate(self, database: str, table: str) -> Union[None, Response]:
+ return self.execute(f"OPTIMIZE TABLE {database}.{table} FINAL")
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/services/monitoring.py b/tracker_exporter/services/monitoring.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f197ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/services/monitoring.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# pylint: disable=W0102
+import logging
+from functools import wraps
+from datadog import DogStatsd
+from yandex_tracker_client.exceptions import (
+ TrackerError,
+ TrackerServerError,
+ TrackerRequestError,
+ TrackerClientError,
+from tracker_exporter.defaults import (
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DogStatsdClient:
+ """This class represents interface for DataDog statsd UDP client."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ host: str = MONITORING_HOST,
+ port: int = MONITORING_PORT,
+ base_labels: list = MONITORING_BASE_LABELS, # pylint: disable=W0102
+ metric_name_prefix: str = MONITORING_METRIC_BASE_PREFIX,
+ use_ms: bool = True,
+ enabled: bool = MONITORING_ENABLED):
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = int(port)
+ self.base_labels = base_labels
+ self.prefix = metric_name_prefix
+ self._enabled = enabled
+ self.client = DogStatsd(
+ host=self.host,
+ port=self.port,
+ use_ms=use_ms,
+ constant_tags=self.base_labels
+ )
+ if self._enabled:
+ assert self.host is not None
+ assert self.port is not None
+ logger.info(f"Monitoring send metrics is {'enabled' if self._enabled else 'disabled'}")
+ def send_count_metric(self,
+ name: str,
+ value: int,
+ tags: list = []):
+ metric = f"{self.prefix}_{name}"
+ def metric_wrapper(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if not self._enabled:
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.client.increment(metric, value, tags=tags)
+ logger.debug(f"Success sent count metric: {metric}")
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+ return metric_wrapper
+ def send_gauge_metric(self,
+ name: str,
+ value: int,
+ tags: list = []):
+ if not self._enabled:
+ return
+ metric = f"{self.prefix}_{name}"
+ self.client.gauge(metric, value, tags=tags)
+ logger.debug(f"Success sent gauge metric: {metric}")
+ def send_time_metric(self,
+ name: str,
+ tags: list = []):
+ metric = f"{self.prefix}_{name}"
+ def metric_wrapper(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if not self._enabled:
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ with self.client.timed(metric, tags=tags):
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ logger.debug(f"Success start time metric: {metric}")
+ return wrapper
+ return metric_wrapper
+def sentry_events_filter(event, hint): # pylint: disable=R1710
+ # Drop all events without exception trace
+ if "exc_info" not in hint:
+ return
+ exception = hint["exc_info"][1]
+ if isinstance(exception, (TrackerError, TrackerClientError, TrackerRequestError, TrackerServerError)):
+ event["fingerprint"] = ["tracker-error"]
+ return event
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/services/tracker.py b/tracker_exporter/services/tracker.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af92657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/services/tracker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import logging
+from typing import List, Tuple
+from yandex_tracker_client import TrackerClient
+from yandex_tracker_client.collections import Issues, IssueComments
+from tracker_exporter.models.issue import TrackerIssue
+from tracker_exporter.models.enums import YandexTrackerLanguages
+from tracker_exporter.utils.helpers import fix_null_dates
+from tracker_exporter.services.monitoring import DogStatsdClient
+from tracker_exporter.errors import TrackerError
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+monitoring = DogStatsdClient()
+class YandexTrackerClient:
+ """This class provide simple facade interface for Yandex.Tracker."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ org_id: str,
+ token: str,
+ lang: YandexTrackerLanguages = YandexTrackerLanguages.EN):
+ self.token = token
+ self.org_id = str(org_id)
+ self.lang = lang
+ if self.lang.lower() not in ("en", "ru"):
+ raise TrackerError("Tracker client language must be 'en' or 'ru'")
+ self.client = TrackerClient(
+ token=self.token,
+ org_id=self.org_id,
+ headers={"Accept-Language": self.lang}
+ )
+ def get_issue(self, issue_key: str) -> Issues:
+ return self.client.issues[issue_key]
+ def get_comments(self, issue_key: str) -> IssueComments:
+ return self.client.issues[issue_key].comments.get_all()
+ @monitoring.send_time_metric("issues_search_time_seconds")
+ def search_issues(self, query: str, limit: int = 100) -> List[Issues]:
+ found_issues = self.client.issues.find(query, per_page=limit)
+ logger.info(f"Found {len(found_issues)} issues by query '{query}'")
+ return found_issues
+ @monitoring.send_time_metric("issue_transform_time_seconds")
+ def issue_cycle_time(self, issue_key: str) -> Tuple[List[dict]]:
+ issue = TrackerIssue(self.get_issue(issue_key))
+ metrics = issue.metrics()
+ if not metrics:
+ return fix_null_dates(issue.to_dict()), None
+ return fix_null_dates(issue.to_dict()), [m.to_dict() for m in metrics]
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/utils/__init__.py b/tracker_exporter/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tracker_exporter/utils/helpers.py b/tracker_exporter/utils/helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b26237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker_exporter/utils/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import re
+import time
+import logging
+from functools import wraps
+from typing import Union, Tuple
+from datetime import datetime
+import holidays
+import pandas as pd
+from businesstime import BusinessTime
+from tracker_exporter.models.enums import TimeDeltaOut
+from tracker_exporter.defaults import (
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_timedelta(end_time: datetime,
+ start_time: datetime,
+ out: TimeDeltaOut = TimeDeltaOut.SECONDS) -> int:
+ """Simple timedelta between dates."""
+ assert isinstance(start_time, datetime)
+ assert isinstance(end_time, datetime)
+ delta = int((end_time - start_time).total_seconds())
+ if out == TimeDeltaOut.MINUTES:
+ return delta // 60
+ if out == TimeDeltaOut.SECONDS:
+ return delta
+ return delta
+def calculate_time_spent(start_date: datetime,
+ end_date: datetime,
+ busdays_only: bool = False,
+ weekends: Tuple[int] = WEEKENDS,
+ business_hours: Tuple = (BUSINESS_HOURS_START, BUSINESS_HOURS_END,)) -> int:
+ """
+ Calculate timedelta between dates with business days support.
+ Weekdays: Monday is 0, Sunday is 6, so weekends (5, 6) mean (Sat, Sun).
+ """
+ if not isinstance(start_date, datetime):
+ start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date)
+ if not isinstance(end_date, datetime):
+ end_date = pd.to_datetime(end_date)
+ if busdays_only:
+ bt = BusinessTime(business_hours=business_hours, weekends=weekends, holidays=holidays.RU()) # pylint: disable=C0103
+ result = bt.businesstimedelta(start_date, end_date).total_seconds()
+ else:
+ result = (end_date - start_date).total_seconds()
+ return abs(int(result))
+def fix_null_dates(data: dict) -> dict:
+ to_remove = []
+ for key, value in data.items():
+ if key in NOT_NULLABLE_FIELDS and (value is None or value == ""):
+ to_remove.append(key)
+ for key in to_remove:
+ del data[key]
+ return data
+# pylint: disable=R1710
+def validate_resource(resource: object,
+ attribute: str,
+ low: bool = True) -> Union[str, list, bool, int, None]:
+ """Validate Yandex.Tracker object attribute and return it if exists as string."""
+ if hasattr(resource, attribute):
+ _attr = getattr(resource, attribute)
+ if isinstance(_attr, str):
+ if low:
+ return _attr.lower()
+ return _attr
+ return _attr
+def to_snake_case(text: str) -> str:
+ """Convert any string to `snake_case` format."""
+ if text is None or text == "":
+ return text
+ text = re.sub(r"('|\")", "", text)
+ string = re.sub(r"(_|-)+", " ", text).title().replace(" ", "")
+ output = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', string)
+ return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', output).lower()
+def to_simple_datetime(dtime: str,
+ source_dt_format: str = TRACKER_DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT,
+ date_only: bool = False,
+ shift: int = 3) -> str:
+ """Return (Unicode) date format `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss` or `YYYY-MM-DD` if `date_only`."""
+ if dtime is None:
+ logger.debug("dtime is empty, can't transform date to simple string.")
+ return
+ if date_only:
+ fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
+ else:
+ fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ timestamp = time.mktime(datetime.strptime(dtime.split(".")[0], source_dt_format).timetuple())
+ if shift > 0:
+ timestamp += 60 * 60 * shift
+ elif shift < 0:
+ timestamp -= 60 * 60 * shift
+ return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)).strftime(fmt)
+def retry(exceptions: tuple, tries: int = 3, delay: Union[float, int] = 1, backoff: int = 3):
+ """Decorator to retry the execution of the func, if you have received the errors listed."""
+ def retry_decorator(func):
+ @wraps(func)
+ def func_retry(*args, **kwargs):
+ mtries, mdelay = tries, delay
+ counter = 0
+ while mtries > 0:
+ try:
+ counter += 1
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ except exceptions as err:
+ mtries -= 1
+ if mtries == 0:
+ logger.warning(f"{func.__name__} has failed {counter} times")
+ raise err
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Error in func {func.__name__}, cause: {err}. "
+ f"Retrying ({counter}) in {mdelay} seconds..."
+ )
+ time.sleep(mdelay)
+ mdelay *= backoff
+ return func_retry
+ return retry_decorator
+def to_human_time(seconds: Union[int, float], verbosity: int = 2) -> str:
+ """Convert seconds to human readable timedelta
+ like a `2w 3d 1h 20m`
+ """
+ seconds = int(seconds)
+ if seconds == 0:
+ return "0s"
+ negative = False
+ if seconds < 0:
+ negative = True
+ seconds = abs(seconds)
+ result = []
+ intervals = (
+ ("y", 31104000),
+ ("mo", 2592000),
+ ("w", 604800),
+ ("d", 86400),
+ ("h", 3600),
+ ("m", 60),
+ ("s", 1),
+ )
+ for name, count in intervals:
+ value = seconds // count
+ if value:
+ seconds -= value * count
+ result.append(f"{value}{name}")
+ delta = " ".join(result[:verbosity])
+ return f"-{delta}" if negative else delta
+def string_normalize(text: str) -> str:
+ """Remove all incompatible symbols."""
+ emoji_pattern = re.compile("["
+ u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F" # emoticons
+ u"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF" # symbols & pictographs
+ u"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF" # transport & map symbols
+ u"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF" # flags (iOS)
+ "]+", flags=re.UNICODE)
+ return emoji_pattern.sub(r"", text)