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🚧 Organize the translation content related to http status 🌐 #2

aiyoudiao opened this issue Aug 28, 2024 · 2 comments
📚 docs 对文档的改进或补充。 Improvements or additions to documentation 🌱 padding 正在做。Doing...


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aiyoudiao commented Aug 28, 2024

As the subject, organize the translated content related to the translated http status 🌐

@aiyoudiao aiyoudiao added 📚 docs 对文档的改进或补充。 Improvements or additions to documentation 🌱 padding 正在做。Doing... labels Aug 28, 2024
@aiyoudiao aiyoudiao self-assigned this Aug 28, 2024
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100 -> 继续:服务器已收到请求头,客户端应继续发送请求正文。

101 -> 切换协议:客户端请求切换协议,服务器确认将切换协议。

102 -> 处理中:服务器正在处理请求,但尚未有响应。

200 -> 成功:请求成功,服务器返回请求的资源。

201 -> 已创建:请求成功,已创建一个新的资源。

202 -> 已接受:请求已被接受但尚未处理,处理成功不作保证。

203 -> 非权威信息:服务器成功处理请求,但返回的信息可能来自其他来源。

204 -> 无内容:服务器成功处理了请求,但不返回任何内容,通常用于响应DELETE请求。

205 -> 重置内容:类似于204无内容,但客户端必须重置文档视图。

206 -> 部分内容:服务器仅提供了客户端通过Range头请求的部分资源。

207 -> 多状态:响应体包含多个状态码,通常以XML消息的形式表示不同子请求的状态。

208 -> 已报告:DAV绑定成员已经在之前的响应中枚举过,不再重复包含。

226 -> 已使用IM:服务器已完成GET请求,并对当前资源实例应用了一次或多次实例操作。

300 -> 多种选择:客户端可以选择多个可供遵循的选项。

301 -> 永久移动:资源已永久移动到新的URI,所有未来的请求应使用新的URI。

302 -> 临时移动:资源已临时移动到另一个URI,通常用于响应POST请求。

303 -> 参见其他:可以通过GET方法访问一个不同的URI来获取资源,通常用于响应POST、PUT或DELETE请求。

304 -> 未修改:自上次请求以来,资源未被修改,通常根据If-Modified-Since或If-Match头判断。

305 -> 使用代理:请求的资源只能通过响应中提供的代理访问。

306 -> 切换代理:已废弃,最初用于要求客户端切换到指定代理。

307 -> 临时重定向:请求的资源暂时在不同的URI下可用,但未来的请求应继续使用原始URI。

308 -> 恢复未完成(Google):用于可恢复的HTTP请求以恢复中止的PUT或POST操作。

400 -> 错误请求:由于语法错误,服务器无法处理请求。

401 -> 未授权:需要认证,认证失败或未提供。

402 -> 需要付款:保留供将来使用,某些服务用于速率限制或高级功能。

403 -> 禁止访问:服务器理解请求,但拒绝授权,认证无效。

404 -> 未找到:服务器上找不到请求的资源。

405 -> 方法不允许:请求的资源不支持所使用的HTTP方法。

406 -> 不可接受:无法根据请求中的Accept头提供资源的指定格式。

407 -> 代理认证要求:需要通过代理进行认证后才能处理请求。

408 -> 请求超时:服务器等待客户端请求超时。

409 -> 冲突:由于资源当前状态的冲突,无法完成请求。

410 -> 已消失:请求的资源已永久消失且不会再返回。

411 -> 需要内容长度:服务器要求指定Content-Length头字段。

412 -> 前置条件失败:服务器不满足客户端设置的前置条件。

413 -> 有效载荷过大:请求的内容过大,服务器无法处理。

414 -> URI过长:提供的URI过长,服务器无法处理。

415 -> 不支持的媒体类型:服务器不支持请求的媒体类型。

416 -> 范围不满足:客户端请求了文件的部分内容,但服务器无法提供该部分。

417 -> 期望失败:服务器无法满足请求头中的期望要求。

418 -> 我是个茶壶:一个幽默的代码,来自HTCPCP/1.0协议,表示服务器是个茶壶,不能煮咖啡。

421 -> 请求导向错误:请求被导向一个无法响应的服务器。

422 -> 无法处理的实体:请求格式正确,但由于语义错误无法遵循。

423 -> 锁定:请求的资源当前已被锁定,无法访问。

424 -> 依赖关系失败:请求失败,因为它依赖的另一个请求也失败了。

426 -> 需要升级:客户端应切换到不同的协议,如TLS/1.0。

428 -> 需要前置条件:服务器要求请求必须是条件性的,通常是为了避免与其他客户端的冲突。

429 -> 请求过多:用户在规定时间内发送了过多的请求(速率限制)。

431 -> 请求头字段太大:服务器拒绝处理请求,因为头字段太大。

440 -> 登录超时(微软):会话已过期,特定于微软服务。

444 -> 无响应(Nginx):服务器没有返回任何信息并关闭连接,通常用于防止恶意软件。

449 -> 重试(微软):应在执行适当操作后重试请求。

450 -> 被Windows家长控制阻止(微软):访问被Windows家长控制阻止。

451 -> 重定向(微软):用于Exchange ActiveSync,当有更高效的服务器或服务器无法访问用户邮箱时。

494 -> 请求头太大(Nginx):请求头过大,服务器无法处理。

495 -> SSL证书错误(Nginx):内部Nginx代码,表示SSL证书错误。

496 -> 没有SSL证书(Nginx):客户端未提供证书,特定于Nginx。

497 -> HTTP到HTTPS(Nginx):一个纯HTTP请求发送到HTTPS端口,特定于Nginx。

498 -> 令牌过期/无效(Esri):用于ArcGIS for Server,当令牌过期或无效时。

499 -> 需要令牌(Esri):用于ArcGIS for Server,当需要令牌但未提供时。

500 -> 内部服务器错误:一个通用的错误信息,当遇到意外情况时返回。

501 -> 未实现:服务器不支持完成请求所需的功能。

502 -> 网关错误:服务器作为网关或代理,从上游服务器接收到无效响应。

503 -> 服务不可用:服务器当前不可用,通常是由于超负荷或维护中。

504 -> 网关超时:服务器作为网关或代理,没有及时收到上游服务器的响应。

505 -> HTTP版本不支持:服务器不支持请求中使用的HTTP协议版本。

506 -> 变体也在协商:透明内容协商导致循环引用。

507 -> 存储空间不足:服务器无法存储完成请求所需的表示。

508 -> 检测到循环:服务器在处理请求时检测到无限循环。

509 -> 带宽限制超出(Apache):非官方的HTTP状态码,Apache用来表示带宽使用超出。

510 -> 未扩展:请求需要进一步扩展才能由服务器完成。

511 -> 需要网络认证:客户端需要进行网络认证以获取访问权限。

520 -> 未知错误(微软/CloudFlare):当原始服务器返回意外响应时的通用错误代码。

521 -> Web服务器关闭(CloudFlare):原始服务器拒绝了CloudFlare的连接。

522 -> 连接超时(CloudFlare):CloudFlare无法与原始服务器协商TCP握手。

523 -> 原始服务器不可达(CloudFlare):CloudFlare无法访问原始服务器,可能是因为DNS记录错误。

524 -> 超时发生(CloudFlare):CloudFlare与原始服务器建立了TCP连接,但未及时收到HTTP响应。

525 -> SSL握手失败(CloudFlare):CloudFlare无法与原始服务器协商SSL/TLS握手。

526 -> 无效的SSL证书(CloudFlare):CloudFlare无法验证原始服务器提供的SSL/TLS证书。

527 -> Railgun错误(CloudFlare):在WAN连接建立后请求失败,特定于CloudFlare的Railgun。

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100 -> Continue: The server has received the request headers, and the client should continue to send the request body.

101 -> Switching Protocols: The client requested a protocol change, and the server acknowledges it will switch protocols.

102 -> Processing: The server is processing the request but no response is available yet.

200 -> OK: The request was successful, and the server is returning the requested resource.

201 -> Created: The request was successful, and a new resource has been created.

202 -> Accepted: The request has been accepted but has not yet been processed. Successful processing is not guaranteed.

203 -> Non-Authoritative Information: The server processed the request successfully, but the returned information may be from another source.

204 -> No Content: The server successfully processed the request but is not returning any content, often used in response to a DELETE request.

205 -> Reset Content: Similar to 204 No Content, but the client must reset the document view.

206 -> Partial Content: The server is delivering only part of the resource, as requested by the client via the Range header.

207 -> Multi-Status: The body contains multiple status codes, typically as an XML message, for different sub-requests.

208 -> Already Reported: The DAV binding members have already been enumerated in a previous response and are not included again.

226 -> IM Used: The server fulfilled a GET request and applied one or more instance manipulations to the current resource instance.

300 -> Multiple Choices: There are multiple options the client can follow.

301 -> Moved Permanently: The resource has been moved permanently to a new URI. All future requests should use the new URI.

302 -> Found: The resource has been temporarily moved to another URI. Often used in response to POST requests.

303 -> See Other: The resource can be retrieved by following a different URI using the GET method. Typically sent in response to a POST, PUT, or DELETE.

304 -> Not Modified: The resource has not been modified since the date specified in the If-Modified-Since or If-Match headers.

305 -> Use Proxy: The requested resource is only accessible through a proxy provided in the response.

306 -> Switch Proxy: No longer used. Originally meant the client should switch to a specified proxy.

307 -> Temporary Redirect: The requested resource is temporarily available at a different URI, but future requests should continue using the original URI.

308 -> Resume Incomplete (Google): Used in resumable HTTP requests to resume aborted PUT or POST operations.

400 -> Bad Request: The server cannot process the request due to malformed syntax.

401 -> Unauthorized: Authentication is required and has either failed or has not been provided.

402 -> Payment Required: Reserved for future use, though some services use it for rate limiting or premium features.

403 -> Forbidden: The server understood the request but refuses to authorize it. Authentication will not make a difference.

404 -> Not Found: The requested resource could not be found on the server.

405 -> Method Not Allowed: The HTTP method used is not supported for the requested resource.

406 -> Not Acceptable: The resource cannot be provided in a format specified by the Accept headers in the request.

407 -> Proxy Authentication Required: Authentication with the proxy is required before the request can be fulfilled.

408 -> Request Timeout: The server timed out waiting for the request from the client.

409 -> Conflict: The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.

410 -> Gone: The requested resource is no longer available and will not be available again.

411 -> Length Required: The server requires the Content-Length header field to be specified.

412 -> Precondition Failed: The server does not meet one of the preconditions set by the client.

413 -> Payload Too Large: The request is too large for the server to process.

414 -> URI Too Long: The URI provided was too long for the server to process.

415 -> Unsupported Media Type: The media type of the request is not supported by the server.

416 -> Range Not Satisfiable: The client requested a portion of the file, but the server cannot supply that portion.

417 -> Expectation Failed: The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.

418 -> I'm a Teapot: A humorous code from the HTCPCP/1.0 protocol, indicating the server is a teapot and cannot brew coffee.

421 -> Misdirected Request: The request was directed at a server that cannot respond to it.

422 -> Unprocessable Entity: The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.

423 -> Locked: The requested resource is currently locked and cannot be accessed.

424 -> Failed Dependency: The request failed because it depended on another request that also failed.

426 -> Upgrade Required: The client should switch to a different protocol, such as TLS/1.0.

428 -> Precondition Required: The server requires the request to be conditional, typically to avoid conflicts with other clients.

429 -> Too Many Requests: The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (rate limiting).

431 -> Request Header Fields Too Large: The server refuses to process the request because the header fields are too large.

440 -> Login Timeout (Microsoft): The session has expired. Specific to Microsoft services.

444 -> No Response (Nginx): The server returned no information and closed the connection, often used to deter malware.

449 -> Retry With (Microsoft): The request should be retried after performing the appropriate action.

450 -> Blocked by Windows Parental Controls (Microsoft): Access is blocked by Windows Parental Controls.

451 -> Redirect (Microsoft): Used in Exchange ActiveSync when there is a more efficient server to use or the server cannot access the user's mailbox.

494 -> Request Header Too Large (Nginx): The request headers were too large for the server to process.

495 -> SSL Certificate Error (Nginx): An internal Nginx code indicating an SSL certificate error.

496 -> No SSL Certificate (Nginx): The client did not provide a certificate, specific to Nginx.

497 -> HTTP to HTTPS (Nginx): A plain HTTP request was sent to an HTTPS port, specific to Nginx.

498 -> Token Expired/Invalid (Esri): Used by ArcGIS for Server when a token is expired or invalid.

499 -> Token Required (Esri): Used by ArcGIS for Server when a token is required but not provided.

500 -> Internal Server Error: A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered.

501 -> Not Implemented: The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.

502 -> Bad Gateway: The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.

503 -> Service Unavailable: The server is currently unavailable, often due to being overloaded or down for maintenance.

504 -> Gateway Timeout: The server, acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.

505 -> HTTP Version Not Supported: The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.

506 -> Variant Also Negotiates: Transparent content negotiation resulted in a circular reference.

507 -> Insufficient Storage: The server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request.

508 -> Loop Detected: The server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.

509 -> Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (Apache): Not an official HTTP status code, used by Apache to indicate bandwidth usage has been exceeded.

510 -> Not Extended: Further extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfill it.

511 -> Network Authentication Required: The client needs to authenticate to gain network access.

520 -> Unknown Error (Microsoft/CloudFlare): A catch-all error code for when the origin server returns an unexpected response.

521 -> Web Server Is Down (CloudFlare): The origin server has refused the connection from CloudFlare.

522 -> Connection Timed Out (CloudFlare): CloudFlare could not negotiate a TCP handshake with the origin server.

523 -> Origin Is Unreachable (CloudFlare): CloudFlare could not reach the origin server, possibly due to incorrect DNS records.

524 -> A Timeout Occurred (CloudFlare): CloudFlare established a TCP connection to the origin server but did not receive a timely HTTP response.

525 -> SSL Handshake Failed (CloudFlare): CloudFlare could not negotiate an SSL/TLS handshake with the origin server.

526 -> Invalid SSL Certificate (CloudFlare): CloudFlare could not validate the SSL/TLS certificate presented by the origin server.

527 -> Railgun Error (CloudFlare): The request failed after the WAN connection was established, specific to CloudFlare's Railgun.

@aiyoudiao aiyoudiao changed the title Organize the translation content related to http status 🚧 Organize the translation content related to http status Aug 28, 2024
@aiyoudiao aiyoudiao changed the title 🚧 Organize the translation content related to http status 🚧 Organize the translation content related to http status 🌐 Aug 28, 2024
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