- Fixed an issue when AR was loading despite choosing Mongoid in multi-ORM Rails applications (thanks to Robert Ulejczyk)
- Fixed a bug which modified globals (thanks to Weera Wu)
- Fixed undefined constant PublicActivity::Activity for Activist associations (thanks to Стас Сушков)
- #create_activity now correctly returns activity object.
- Fixed :owner not being set correctly when passed to #create_activity (thanks to Drew Miller)
Now supports Mongoid 3 and Active Record.
Added indexes for polymorphic column pairs to speed up queries in ActiveRecord
now returns the newly created Activity object -
Support for custom Activity attributes. Now if you need a custom relation for Activities you can create a migration which adds the desired column, whitelist the attribute, and then you can simply pass the value to #create_activity
can now accept a single Symbol for its:only
options. -
It is now possible to include
in your models if you just want to use#create_activity
method and skip the default CRUD tracking. -
now accepts Symbols or Strings for :layout parameter.# All look for app/views/layouts/_activity.erb render_activity @activity, :layout => "activity" render_activity @activity, :layout => "layouts/activity" render_activity @activity, :layout => :activity
Fixed support for namespaced classes when transforming into view path.
For example
now correctly transforms to key:my_namespace_camel_case.create