- Tested on ZCU102 with Vitis-AI 1.4
The Xilinx DPU can accelerate the execution of many different types of operations and layers that are commonly found in convolutional neural networks but occasionally we need to execute models that have fully custom layers. One such layer is the sampling function of a convolutional variational autoencoder. The DPU can accelerate the convolutional encoder and decoder but not the statistical sampling layer - this must be executed in software on a CPU. This tutorial will use the variational autoencoder as an example of how to approach this situation.
An autoencoder is an artificial neural network that learns how to efficiently compress and encode data to a lower dimensionality and also how to reconstruct the data back from the reduced encoded representation to something that is as close as possible to the original input. This is a form of representation learning. An autoencoder consists of three main parts, the encoder, the decoder and between them a ‘bottleneck’ or ‘latent space’ which is the encoded version of the input. The encoder and decoder can be made up from MLPs, CNNs or LSTMs - in this tutorial we will use a CNN based encoder and decoder. A variational autoencoder maps the input to a latent space which is a normal distribution. We pass the mean and standard deviation of the learned distribution to the decoder.
Figure 1: Variational Autoencoder architecture
The variational autoencoder model is defined in the vae.py Python script. The encoder section is a series of 2D convolution layers (with batchnorm and ReLU activations) that reduce the dimensions of the input feature map. The final feature map is flatten and then passed to two dense/FC layers. The dense/FC layer outputs are encoder_mu, encoder_log_variance and the sampled latent space (encoder_z).
The custom layer in our model samples the latent space using the well know 'reparametrization trick' which overcomes problems related to backpropagation:
class Sampling(layers.Layer):
"""Uses (encoder_mu, encoder_log_variance) to sample encoder, the vector encoding a digit."""
def call(self, inputs):
encoder_mu, encoder_log_variance = inputs
batch = tf.shape(encoder_mu)[0]
dim = tf.shape(encoder_mu)[1]
epsilon = tf.keras.backend.random_normal(shape=(batch, dim))
return encoder_mu + tf.exp(0.5 * encoder_log_variance) * epsilon
The host machine has several requirements that need to be met before we begin. You will need:
An x86 host machine with a supported OS and either the CPU or GPU versions of the Vitis-AI docker installed - see System Requirements.
The host machine will require Docker to be installed and the Vitis-AI CPU or GPU docker image to be built - see Getting Started.
A GPU card suitable for training is recommended, but the training in this tutorial is quite simple and a CPU can be used.
If you plan to use the ZCU102 evaluation board, it should be prepared with the board image as per the Step2: Setup the Target instructions. Hints on how to connect the various cables to the ZCU102 are also available here.
For the Alveo U50, follow the Setup Alveo Accelerator Card instructions.
For more details, refer to the latest version of the Vitis AI User Guide (UG1414).
This tutorial assumes the user is familiar with Python3, TensorFlow and has some knowledge of machine learning principles.
Copy this repository by doing either of the following:
- Download the repository as a ZIP file to the host machine, and then unzip the archive.
- From a terminal, use the
git clone
Open a linux terminal,
to <path_to_autoencoder_design>/files folder. -
Start either the Vitis AI GPU or CPU docker (we recommend using the GPU docker if possible):
# navigate to files folder cd <path_to_autoencoder_design>/files # to start GPU docker container ./docker_run.sh xilinx/vitis-ai-gpu:latest # ..or if you wish to use CPU docker container ./docker_run.sh xilinx/vitis-ai-cpu:latest
The docker container will start and after accepting the license agreement, you should see something like this in the terminal:
__ ___ _ _ _____
\ \ / (_) | (_) /\ |_ _|
\ \ / / _| |_ _ ___ ______ / \ | |
\ \/ / | | __| / __|______/ /\ \ | |
\ / | | |_| \__ \ / ____ \ _| |_
\/ |_|\__|_|___/ /_/ \_\_____|
Docker Image Version: 1.4.776
Build Date: 2021-06-22
VAI_ROOT: /opt/vitis_ai
For TensorFlow 1.15 Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow
For Caffe Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-caffe
For Neptune Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-neptune
For PyTorch Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-pytorch
For TensorFlow 2.3 Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2
For Darknet Optimizer Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-optimizer_darknet
For Caffe Optimizer Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-optimizer_caffe
For TensorFlow 1.15 Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-optimizer_tensorflow
For LSTM Workflows do:
conda activate vitis-ai-lstm
Vitis-AI /workspace >
💡 If you get a "Permission Denied" error when starting the docker container, it is almost certainly because the docker_run.sh script is not set to be executable. You can fix this by running the following command:
chmod +x docker_run.sh
Activate the Tensorflow2 python virtual environment with conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2
and you should see the prompt change to indicate that the environment is active:
Vitis-AI /workspace > conda activate vitis-ai-tensorflow2
(vitis-ai-tensorflow2) Vitis-AI /workspace >
The remainder of this README describes each single step to implement the tutorial - each command needs to be run from within the Vitis-AI Docker container which was started in the previous section.
A shell script called run_all.sh is also provided - this contains all the commands needed to run the complete flow:
source run_all.sh
To run the training and evaluation of the floating-point model:
python -u train.py -p 2>&1 | tee build/logs/train.log
We will use the MNIST dataset as a simple example of image denoising. The dataset download and preprocessing is done by the mnist_download() function defined in utils.py. The training and test data is downloaded using the built-in download function of the tf.keras API:
def mnist_download():
(x_train, _), (x_test, _) = mnist.load_data()
..and then we scale the pixel data from range 0:255 to range 0:1 by dividing by 255. We add the channel dimension to each image (they are downloaded as (28,28) and we require them to be (28,28,1) ). Then the random noise is added to create a noisy training set and a noisy test set:
# scale to (0,1)
x_train = (x_train/255.0).astype(np.float32)
x_test = (x_test/255.0).astype(np.float32)
# add channel dimension
x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0],28,28,1)
x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0],28,28,1)
# add noise
noise = np.random.normal(loc=0.2, scale=0.3, size=x_train.shape)
x_train_noisy = np.clip(x_train + noise, 0, 1)
noise = np.random.normal(loc=0.2, scale=0.3, size=x_test.shape)
x_test_noisy = np.clip(x_test + noise, 0, 1)
return x_train, x_test, x_train_noisy, x_test_noisy
In train.py, we create the training and test datasets:
x_train, x_test, x_train_noisy, x_test_noisy = mnist_download()
train_dataset = input_fn((x_train_noisy,x_train), batchsize, True)
test_dataset = input_fn((x_test_noisy,x_test), batchsize, False)
predict_dataset = input_fn((x_test_noisy), batchsize, False)
Note how the train and test datasets are composed of noisy images which will be the input to the variational autoencoder model and clean images whic are the ground truths - the autoencoder will learn how to generate clean images from noisy ones.
During training, we use a loss function which quantifies the difference between the learned distribution and a standard normal distribution using Kullback-Liebler divergence (KL divergence). The second component of the loss function is a reconstruction loss - often mean-squared error (MSE) or cross-entropy is used here. The total loss is the sum of KL divergence and reconstruction loss.
The trained checkpoint will be saved at the end of each epoch if the mean squared error improves. At the end of training, we can optionally make a set of predictions using the test dataset. To make the predictions, we first reload the best checkpoint, including the custom layer:
with custom_object_scope({'Sampling': Sampling}):
model = load_model(float_model, compile=False, custom_objects={'Sampling': Sampling})
model.compile(loss=lambda y_true,y_predict: loss_func(y_true,y_predict,encoder_mu,encoder_log_variance))
predictions = model.predict(predict_dataset, verbose=1)
..the predictions are returned as numpy arrays, so we can then save the predictions and inputs as PNG images:
for i in range(20):
cv2.imwrite(pred_dir+'/pred_'+str(i)+'.png', predictions[i] * 255.0)
cv2.imwrite(pred_dir+'/input_'+str(i)+'.png', x_test_noisy[i] * 255.0)
print('Inputs and Predictions saved as images in ./' + pred_dir)
Here are some samples so that they can be directly compared:
Figure 2: Noisy inputs and predicted outputs of the trained autoencoder
To run the generation of the quantized model:
python -u quantize.py -p 2>&1 | tee build/logs/quant.log
The Xilinx DPU family of ML accelerators execute models and networks that have their parameters in integer format so we must convert the trained, floating-point checkpoint into a fixed-point integer checkpoint - this process is known as quantization.
The quantize.py script loads the trained floating-point checkpoint, creates a quantizer object and then a quantized model:
with custom_object_scope({'Sampling': Sampling}):
# load trained floating-point model
float_model = load_model(float_model, compile=False, custom_objects={'Sampling': Sampling} )
# quantizer with custom strategy for Sampling layer
quantizer = vitis_quantize.VitisQuantizer(float_model)
quantized_model = quantizer.quantize_model(calib_dataset=calib_dataset)
The quantized model is saved and will be the input to the compiler phase:
If the appropriate command line option is provided, quantize.py will run a number of predictions using the quantized model and save the results as image files:
if (predict):
# remake predictions folder
shutil.rmtree(pred_dir, ignore_errors=True)
predict_dataset = input_fn((x_test_noisy), batchsize, False)
predictions = quantized_model.predict(predict_dataset, verbose=0)
# scale pixel values back up to range 0:255 then save as PNG
for i in range(20):
cv2.imwrite(pred_dir+'/pred_'+str(i)+'.png', predictions[i] * 255.0)
cv2.imwrite(pred_dir+'/input_'+str(i)+'.png', x_test_noisy[i] * 255.0)
To run compile the quantized model in xmodel format run the source compile.sh with one of the target boards as a command line argument, for example:
source compile.sh zcu102
source compile.sh u50
source compile.sh vck190
The compile.sh shell script will compile the quantized model and create an .xmodel file which contains the instructions and data to be executed by the DPU.
If we look at the compiler report log (./logs/compile_.log) we can see one line that indicates how the compiled model has been divided into subgraphs:
[UNILOG][INFO] Total device subgraph number 6, DPU subgraph number 2
..so we can tell from this line that our compiled xmodel contains a total of six subgraphs of which two are DPU subgraphs (and hence executed on the DPU accelerator). The other four subgraphs are either CPU subgraphs or User subgraphs.
To establish how the different subgraphs are connected together, we can generate a PNG image of the subgraphs using the following command:
xir png build/compiled_model_zcu102/autoenc.xmodel build/autoenc_zcu102.png
When you open the PNG file, you will see numerous colored boxes with connection lines between them. Boxes with green outlines are User subgraphs and appear only at the inputs:
..in this case, we have a single input called 'quant_input_3' with shape (1, 28, 28, 1). The shape is in NHWC format. This tensor input corresponds to the encoder input.
The 'quant_input_3' tensor feeds into another subgraph called 'subgraph_quant_conv2d' that contains only boxes with blue outlines - these will be executed on the DPU and hence 'subgraph_quant_conv2d' is a DPU subgraph. There are two output tensors 'quant_dense_1_fix' and 'quant_dense_fix' which correspond to the 'encoder_log_variance' and 'encoder_mu' outputs from the encoder block.
'quant_dense_1_fix' and 'quant_dense_fix' feed into another subgraph called 'subgraph_quant_dense_1_fix_opt_mode8_elemmul'. This subgraph contains boxes with red outlines and hence is a CPU subgraph. This subgraph implements the custom sampling layer:
Figure 4: CPU subgraph - custom sampling layer
The next subgraph is 'subgraph_quant_conv2d_transpose' containing blue boxes indicating a DPU subgraph - this is our decoder.
The final subgraph, 'subgraph_activation_8' is another CPU subgraph and contains the sigmoid activation function.
The complete compiled architecture can be summarized like this:
Figure 5: All subgraphs and connections
Our application code must do the following things:
- Pre-process the images as done in training (i.e scale the pixel values to range 0:1)
- For each DPU subgraph..
- Create a DPU runner
- For each CPU subgraph..
- Provide code that will be executed by the CPU tom implement the CPU sbugraph functions
- Create one or more Python threads that execute the DPU and CPU subgraphs in the correct sequence. In each thread we must also..
- initialize an input buffer for each input tensor of each DPU subgraph
- initialize an output buffer for each output tensor of each DPU subgraph
The application code is contained in the application/app_mt.py Python script. Let's look in detail at each of these steps...
Each image will need to be pre-processed in exactly the same way that was done during training and quantization. The images are read as grayscale format and hence have shape (28,28). We need to add the channel dimension so that they have shape (28,28,1) before scaling each pixel to the range 0, 1.0.
def preprocess_fn(image_path):
image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
image = np.reshape(image, [image.shape[0],image.shape[1],1] )
image = (image/255.0).astype(np.float32)
return image
The preprocess_fn
is used in the main application function (app
) to create a list of pre-processed images:
img = []
for i in range(runTotal):
path = os.path.join(image_dir,listimage[i])
In this tutorial, we have two DPU subgraphs which correspond to the encoder and decoder sections of our variational autoencoder.
In the main application function (app
) we first load the .xmodel file (which was generated by the quantize and compile tools of Vitis-AI) and then get a topographically sorted list of DPU subgraphs:
g = xir.Graph.deserialize(model)
subgraphs = get_child_subgraph_dpu(g)
Then we create a DPU runner for each DPU subgraph. Because the list of DPU subgraphs (the subgraphs
variable in the above code snippet) is topographically sorted, we know that subgraphs[0]
is the encoder and subgraphs[1]
is the decoder:
all_dpu_runners = []
for i in range(threads):
all_dpu_runners.append( [vart.Runner.create_runner(subgraphs[0], "run"),
vart.Runner.create_runner(subgraphs[1], "run")] )
We have two CPU subgraphs - one for the custom sampling layer..
def sampling_layer(encoder_mu, encoder_log_variance):
Sampling layer
batch = encoder_mu.shape[0]
dim = encoder_mu.shape[1]
epsilon = np.random.normal(size=(batch, dim))
sample = encoder_mu + (np.exp(0.5 * encoder_log_variance) * epsilon)
return sample
and one for the final sigmoid activation:
def sigmoid(x):
calculate sigmoid
pos = x >= 0
neg = np.invert(pos)
result = np.empty_like(x)
result[pos] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x[pos]))
result[neg] = np.exp(x[neg]) / (np.exp(x[neg]) + 1)
return result
The function called by each thread (runThread
) will set up input buffers and output buffers for each of the two DPU runners ans also establish the batchsize for
Set up encoder DPU runner buffers & I/O mapping dictionary
encoder_dict, encoder_inbuffer, encoder_outbuffer = init_dpu_runner(encoder_dpu_runner)
# batchsize
batchSize = encoder_dict['quant_input_3'].shape[0]
Set up decoder DPU runner buffers
decoder_dict, decoder_inbuffer, decoder_outbuffer = init_dpu_runner(decoder_dpu_runner)
Then for each batch of pre-processed images, it will run the encoder DPU runner, the code for the sampling layer CPU subgraph, the decoder DPU runner and finally the code for the sigmoid CPU subgraph. The predicted images are written into a global list called predictions_buffer
Once all the threads have completed execution, predictions_buffer
will contain a list of predicted image outputs in numpy array format. The final step is to convert them into PNG image files and write them into a folder:
post-processing - save output images
# make folder for saving predictions
os.makedirs(pred_dir, exist_ok=True)
for i in range(len(predictions_buffer)):
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(pred_dir,'pred_'+str(i)+'.png'), predictions_buffer[i]*255.0)
print('Predicted images saved to','./'+pred_dir)
To prepare the images, xmodel and application code for copying to the selected target, run any or all of the following commands:
python -u make_target.py -m build/compiled_model_zcu102/autoenc.xmodel -td build/target_zcu102 2>&1 | tee build/logs/target_zcu102.log
python -u make_target.py -m build/compiled_model_u50/autoenc.xmodel -td build/target_u50 2>&1 | tee build/logs/target_u50.log
python -u make_target.py -m build/compiled_model_vck190/autoenc.xmodel -td build/target_vck190 2>&1 | tee build/logs/target_vck190.log
The make_target.py
script will do the following:
- Create a set of noisy images in JPEG files and then copy them to the target folder.
- the number of images is set by the
command line argument which defaults to 2000.
- the number of images is set by the
- Copy the compiled model to the target folder.
- Copy the Python application code to the target folder.
The entire target_zcu102
folder will be copied to the ZCU102's SDcard. Copy it to the /home/root folder of the flashed SD card, this can be done in one of several ways:
- Direct copy to SD Card:
If the host machine has an SD card slot, insert the flashed SD card and when it is recognised you will see two volumes, BOOT and ROOTFS. Navigate into the ROOTFS and then into the /home folder. Make the ./root folder writeable by issuing the command
sudo chmod -R 777 root
and then copy the entiretarget_zcu102
folder from the host machine into the /home/root folder of the SD card. -
Unmount both the BOOT and ROOTFS volumes from the host machine and then eject the SD Card from the host machine.
- With scp command:
If the target evaluation board is connected to the same network as the host machine, the
folder can be copied using scp. -
The command will be something like
scp -r ./build/target_zcu102 [email protected]:~/.
assuming that the target board IP address is - adjust this as appropriate for your system. -
If the password is asked for, insert 'root'.
With the target_zcu102
folder copied to the SD Card and the evaluation board booted, you can issue the command for launching the application - note that this done on the target evaluation board, not the host machine, so it requires a connection to the board such as a serial connection to the UART or an SSH connection via Ethernet.
The application can be started by navigating into the target_zcu102
folder on the evaluation board and then issuing the command python3 app_mt.py
. The application will start and after a few seconds will show the throughput in frames/sec, like this:
root@xilinx-zcu102-2021_1:~/target_zcu102# python3 app_mt.py
Command line options:
--image_dir : images
--pred_dir : predictions
--threads : 1
--model : autoenc.xmodel
Pre-processing 2000 images...
Found 2 DPU subgraphs
Starting 1 threads...
Throughput=646.65 fps, total frames = 2000, time=3.0929 seconds
Predicted images saved to ./predictions
The predicted images will be written to a folder called 'predictions' on the SDcard.
The throughput can be improved by increasing the number of threads with the --threads
root@xilinx-zcu102-2021_1:~/target_zcu102# python3 app_mt.py -t 3
Command line options:
--image_dir : images
--pred_dir : predictions
--threads : 3
--model : autoenc.xmodel
Pre-processing 2000 images...
Found 2 DPU subgraphs
Starting 3 threads...
Throughput=1290.60 fps, total frames = 2000, time=1.5497 seconds
Predicted images saved to ./predictions
- Python code for sampling layer taken from Keras example
Argument | Default | Description |
--float_model or -m | float_model/f_model.h5 | Full path of floating-point model |
--batchsize or -b | 100 | Batchsize used in training and validation - adjust for memory capacity of your GPU(s) |
--epochs or -e | 40 | Number of training epochs |
--learnrate or -lr | 0.0001 | Learning rate for optimizer |
--predict or -p | False | Will enable predictions if specified |
--pred_dir or -pd | float_predict | Full path of folder for saving predictions |
Argument | Default | Description |
--float_model or -m | float_model/f_model.h5 | Full path of floating-point model |
--quant_model or -q | quant_model/q_model.h5 | Full path of quantized model |
--batchsize or -b | 100 | Batchsize used in training and validation - adjust for memory capacity of your GPU(s) |
--predict or -p | False | Will enable predictions if specified |
--pred_dir or -pd | quant_predict | Full path of folder for saving predictions |
Argument | Default | Description |
--target_dir or -td | target | Full path of target folder |
--image_format or -f | png | Image file format - valid choices are png, jpg, bmp |
--num_images or -n | 2000 | Number of images to create |
--app_dir or -a | application | Full path of application code folder |
--model or -m | compiled_model/autoenc.xmodel | Full path of compiled model |