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Harmonia Operator SDK

This README shows usage of harmonia/operator image. contents:

System Architecture

The above figure illustrates the Harmonia workflow with two local training nodes. The numbers shown in the figure indicate the steps to finish a federated learning cycle in the release. To start a FL training, a training paremeter set is registered in the train plan repository (1), and the registry notifies all the participants via webhooks (2). Two model training nodes are then triggered to load a pretrained global model (3), and start local training with a predefined number of epochs (4). When a local train is completed, the resulting model (called a local model) is pushed to the edge model repository (5) and the aggregator pulls this local model (6). Once the aggregator receives local models of all the participants, it performs model aggregation (7) and push the aggregated model the aggregated model repository (8). The aggregated model is then pulled to local nodes to start another round of local training (9). These processes are repeated until a user-defined converge condition is met.

System Compoments

Gitea is an open source git registry. In Harmonia, it is used to be a public storage and communication channel.


We have three types of repositories in Gitea:

  1. Training Plan: it stores the required parameters for a FL cycle. The training plan should be a json file named plan.json :
        "name": "A Sample Train Task",
        "pretrainedModel": "<git ref>",
        "round": 100,
        "edge": 2,
        "EpR": 1,
        "timeout": 86400,
    Field Description
    name task name
    round number of rounds in this FL training job
    edge number of edges
    EpR number of epochs per round
    timeout local train timeout (second)
    pretrainedModel git reference to pretrained model commit in the global model repository.
  2. Aggregated Model: it stores aggregated models pushed by the Aggregator container. The final aggregated model is tagged with inference-<commit_hash_of_train_plan>.
  3. Edge Models: these repositories store local models pushed by each nodes seperatedly.

Aggregator/Edge Nodes

An FL participant is composed by an Operator container and Application container.


Shared Storage

This volume stores git cloned repositories and is shared Operator and Application.


Operator Container

Harmonia operator, an instance of harmonia/operator image, is responsible for:

  1. handling Gitea webhooks and pulling updates from Gitea.
  2. serving gRPC requests from an Application container
  3. managing FL states, and taking corresponding actions, e.g., pushing models to Gitea or sending messages to an Application container.

Operator can be configured with /app/config.yml. Each field in the configuration file is described below:

type: aggregator
    type: push
gitUserToken: <aggregator_token>
    gitHttpURL: http://<aggregator_account>@<gitea_URL>/<global_model_repo>.git
    - gitHttpURL: http://<aggregator_account>@<gitea_URL>/<local_model1_repo>.git
    - gitHttpURL: http://<aggregator_account>@<gitea_URL>/<local_model2_repo>.git
    gitHttpURL: http://<aggregator_account>@<gitea_URL>/<train_plan_repo>.git
Field Description Required
type one of aggregator or edge Required
logLevel one of debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal Optional: default info
logPath absolute path to log Optional: default "", console log only
notification NotificationDesp Required
operatorGrpcServerURI listens application gRPC message on hostname:port Optional: default localhost:8787
appGrpcServerURI location that application gRPC server listens to. Optional: default localhost:7878
gitUserToken the token of Gitea user Required
aggregatorModelRepo A RepositoryDesp of aggregated model repository Required
trainPlanRepo A RepositoryDesp of train plan repository Required
edgeModelRepos An RepositoryDesp array of edge model repositories \ Required by aggregator operator
edgeModelRepo.gitHttpURL A RepositoryDesp edge model repository Required by edge operator
Type Description
RepositoryDesp An repository medata contains gitHttpURL
gitHttpURL format: http://<username>@<gitea_URL>/<repo>.git
NotificationDesp push or pull notification metadata
NotificationDesp.type "push" or "pull"
NotificationDesp.stewardServerURI listens gitea webhooks on hostname:port
NotificationDesp.pullPeriod Period between pull (in seconds)


Application Container

Local training or aggregation applications is encapsulated in an Application container, which is implemented by users. An Application container is responsible for

  1. serving gRPC requests from operator
  2. performing local model training or model aggregation
  3. sending back process status to operator through Harmonia operator protocol descrobed below

    Users should build gRPC services via protos/service.proto with their prefered language and message handlers should be implemented . See gRPC tutorial.
    Following is a piece of aggregator Application for demonstration: (see mnist example for full example)
import grpc
import os
import service_pb2
import service_pb2_grpc

class AggregateServerServicer(service_pb2_grpc.AggregateServerAppServicer):
    def Aggregate(self, request, context):
        f = os.fork()
        if pid > 0:
            msg = service_pb2.Msg(message="ok")
            return msg
            # Training Your Model Here
            channel = grpc.insecure_channel(OPERATOR_URI)
            stub = service_pb2_grpc.AggregateServerOperatorStub(channel)
            msg = service_pb2.Msg(message="finish")

            response = stub.AggregateFinish(msg)

def serve():
    server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
    service_pb2_grpc.add_AggregateServerAppServicer_to_server(AggregateServerServicer(), server)
    while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":

FL System States & gRPC protocols


gRPC protocol:

  • Message to Application

    • Aggregate:
      This message is sent when aggregator Operator pulls all local models to the shared volume that means it is ready for model aggregation.
      Message Inputs: AggregateParams
      message AggregateParams {
          message LocalModel {
              // relative path of the edge model from shared storage 
              string path = 7;
              // Training dataset size
              int32 datasetSize = 8;
              // Local customized validation results
              map<string, double> metrics = 21;
          repeated LocalModel localModels = 10;
          message AggregatedModel {
              // Aggregated model output path
              string path = 11;
          AggregatedModel aggregatedModel = 12;
      Following is an example Aggregate input (written in json format):
          "localModels": [{
              "path": "repoOwner/edge1-model",
              "datasetSize": 10000,
              "metrics": {
                  "accuracy": 0.87,
                  "loss": 0.15
          }, {
              "path": "repoOwner/edge2-model",
              "datasetSize": 15000,
              "metrics": {
                  "accuracy": 0.88,
                  "loss": 0.13
          "aggregatedModel": [{
              "path": "repoOwner/global-model"
      Message Outputs: Empty
  • Message from Application

    • AggregateFinish:
      This action is sent after finishing merge and places the aggregated model into aggregatedModel.path in Aggregate message. Message Inputs: AggregateResult
      message AggregateResult {
          // Aggregation error
          enum Error {
              SUCCESS = 0;
              AGGREGATE_CONDITION = 1;
              FAIL = 2;
          Error error = 16; 
          // Local customized validation results after aggregation
          map<string, double> metrics = 19;
      Following is an example message (written in json format):
          "error": SUCCESS,
          "metrics": {
              "accuracy": 0.85,
              "loss": 0.12
      Message Outputs: Empty


gRPC protocol:

  • Message to Application

    • TrainInit: Edges should initialize FL while receiving this message triggered by a train plan. Message Inputs: Empty Message Outputs: Empty
    • LocalTrain: This event is sent when receiving an aggregated model indicating another local train is ready to process.
      Message Inputs: LocalTrainParams
      message LocalTrainParams {
          message BaseModel {
              // relative path of the base model from shared storage
              string path = 1;
              // User customized model metadata which are string to string key value pairs 
              map<string, string> metadata = 2;
               // Local customized validation results
              map<string, double> metrics = 20;
          BaseModel baseModel = 3;
          message LocalModel {
              // relative path of resulting model from shared storage
              string path = 4;
          LocalModel localModel = 5;
          // Epoch Per Round
          int32 EpR = 6;
      Following is an example message (written in json format):
          "baseModel": {
              "path": "repoOwner/global-model",
              "metrics": {
                  "accuracy": 0.85,
                  "loss": 0.12
          "localModel": {
              "path": "repoOwner/local-model1",
          "EpR": 1,
      Message Outputs: Empty
    • TrainInterrupt: An edge should stop and cleanup current local train due to timeout. After response this message, another LocalTrain message would be sent to the edge successively. Message Inputs: Empty Message Outputs: Empty
    • TrainFinish: A FL was finished at receiving this message. Edge should cleanup and gracefully stop the service Message Inputs: Empty Message Outputs: Empty
  • Message from Application

    • LocalTrainFinish: This action is sent without payload after user finishes local train. Message Inputs: LocalTrainResult
      message LocalTrainResult {
          // Local train error
          enum Error {
              SUCCESS = 0;
              FAIL = 1;
          Error error = 13;
          // Training dataset size
          int32 datasetSize = 14;
          // User customized model metadata which are string to string key value pairs
          map<string, string> metadata = 15;
          // Local customized validation results
          map<string, double> metrics = 18;
      Following is an example message (written in json format):
          "error": SUCCESS,
          "datasetSize": 10000,
          "metrics": {
              "accuracy": 0.89,
              "loss": 0.1
      Message Outputs: Empty
    • TrainFinish: A FL was finished at receiving this message. Edge should cleanup and gracefully stop the service Message Inputs: Empty Message Outputs: Empty