csvGPT is an AI-powered web application that allows users to upload CSV files, visualize the data, and have interactive conversations with an AI model. The application leverages natural language processing and data analysis capabilities to provide insights, answer queries, and facilitate data exploration in a user-friendly manner.
- CSV Upload: Users can easily upload their CSV files through the web interface.
- Data Visualization: The uploaded CSV data is displayed in a tabular format for easy visualization and exploration.
- AI-powered Conversations: Users can have interactive conversations with the AI model by entering queries related to the uploaded data.
- Insights and Answers: The AI model analyzes the data and provides valuable insights and answers based on the user's queries.
- User-friendly Interface: The web application is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for users to interact with and explore their data.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/csvGPT.git
cd csvGPT
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up your OpenAI API key:
- Obtain an API key from OpenAI.
- Set your OpenAI API key as an environment variable named OPENAI_API_KEY.
- Run the web application:
streamlit run app.py
- Access the application:
- Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8501 to access the csvGPT web application.
- Upload your CSV file:
- Click on the "Upload your CSV file" button and select the CSV file you want to analyze.
- The uploaded data will be displayed in a table for visualization.
- Interact with the AI model:
- Enter your queries in the provided text area.
- Click the "Chat with CSV" button to interact with the AI model based on the uploaded data.
- The AI model will provide insights and answers related to your queries.