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nchernia edited this page Feb 3, 2017 · 20 revisions


  • Extract all reads on chromosome X at 1MB resolution with no normalization in local file "HIC001.hic"

    import straw
    result = straw.straw('NONE', 'HIC001.hic', 'X', 'X', 'BP', 1000000)
    # the values returned are in x / y / counts
    for i in range(len(result[0])):
       print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(result[0][i], result[1][i], result[2][i]))
  • Extract reads between 1MB and 7.5MB on chromosome 1 at 25KB resolution with KR (balanced) normalization:

    import straw
    result = straw.straw("KR", "HIC001.hic", "1:1000000:7500000", "1:1000000:7500000", "BP", 25000)
    # the values returned are in results
    for i in range(len(result[0])):
       print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(result[0][i], result[1][i], result[2][i]))
  • Extract all interchromosomal reads between chromosome 5 and chromosome 12 at 500 fragment resolution with VC (vanilla coverage) normalization:

    import straw
    result = straw.straw("VC", "HIC001.hic", "5", "12", "FRAG", 500)
    # the values returned are in results
    for i in range(len(result[0])):
       print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(result[0][i], result[1][i], result[2][i]))

See the script for an example of how to print the results to a file.

Read header

See the file for a Python script that reads the header of a hic file and outputs the information (including resolutions).

OLD: Compiling (Bootstrap version)

These are old instructions and are no longer necessary.

Straw can be called from Python by using Boost

The files Jamroot,, and main-python.cpp are used to hook the C++ to Python. main-python.cpp is essentially the same as main.cpp

  1. Get Boost:
  2. Compile bjam: (just do --with-libraries python)
  3. Type "bjam" in the directory with the files (assuming you've put boost and bjam in your path).
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