We provide an add-on script to explore the QC statistics when setting different data-dependent QC metrics-thresholds based on different MAD (Median Absolute Deviation) combinations. This script will provide:
summary statistics of lost/kept cells for the whole dataset and/or by metadata variable. The metadata variables that should be mandatory to exploe are: cell type classification variables (predicted.celltype.l1/predicted.celltype.l2/scpred_prediction, predicted from WG2) and the batch variable (sequencing lane/pool).
heatmap plots showing the percentage and number of lost/kept cells for the metadata variables
Additionally, in case you have run this add-on script among several datasets, you can explore all the outputs together by running the QC_heatmaps.R script. See the Exploring the QC filtering results for several datasets section.
Of note: To run these scripts you should have successfully run WG1 and WG2 sc-eQTLGen consortium pipelines.
If you have any questions or issues, feel free to open an issue or directly email Aida Ripoll-Cladellas ([email protected])
- R >=4.0.0 version: You need to install the packages loaded in the add-on script and in the external script.
This section explains the input data and it’s structure to run the add-on script.
Of note: To follow better the explanations in the Required Input section, you can clone this repository and change your current working directory.
git clone https://github.com/aidarripoll/wg1-qc_filtering.git
cd wg1-qc_filtering
We have provided a test dataset (wg2_onek1k_subset) that contains one pool of a 10x run from the OneK1K dataset. Notice that it is a significantly down-sized and sub-sampled version of the whole dataset. In this test dataset, the total number of cells is 1,207 from 13 donors.
Here is the structure of the input directory for the test dataset. This input directory (/wg2-cell_type_classification/wg2_onek1k_subset/) should have the same structure as the WG2 pipeline output directory. We will need only the files in the step4_reduce directory:
└── wg2_onek1k_subset
├── cell_classification.sif
├── map_hierscpred.R
├── schier_workaroung.sh
├── step1_split
│ └── OneK1K-test_dataset.RDS
├── step2_azimuth
│ ├── OneK1K-test_dataset.RDS
│ ├── OneK1K-test_dataset_ref_spca.png
│ └── OneK1K-test_dataset_ref_umap.png
├── step3_hierscpred
│ └── OneK1K-test_dataset.RDS
├── step4_reduce
│ ├── metadata.reduced_data.RDS
│ └── reduced_data.RDS
└── step5_compare
├── comparison_contingency_table.tsv
├── comparison_heatmap_counts.pdf
└── comparison_heatmap_prop.pdf
The main input for the add-on script is the metadata slot (metadata.reduced_data.RDS) of the seurat object provided by WG2 pipeline (reduced_data.RDS). The WG2 pipeline is peforming the cell type classification of the non-QC filtered singlets predicted by WG1 pipeline.
Recommended: We recommend you to use the WG2 seurat object's metadata slot (metadata.reduced_data.RDS). It will improve the running time and memory of the script.
Alternative: You can also use the WG2 seurat object (reduced_data.RDS). However, it will slow down the running time and memory of the script as we will need to read the full seurat object which can be very large depending on the number of cells (e.g., ~77K cells, 8.9G).
Of note:
At this moment, the WG2 pipeline is not providing the (metadata.reduced_data.RDS) yet. Although you can run the add-on script using the whole seurat object, we encourage you to save the metadata slot with the name metadata.reduced_data.RDS in the step4_reduce/ directory provided by WG2 pipeline before running the add-on script to improve the running time and memory of the script.
In case your dataset contains V2 and V3 chemistries, you should create different metadata or seurat objects files in order to run this add-on script separately. If this had been the case of this test dataset, you would have ended up with two different datasets (e.g., wg2_onek1k_subset.V2 and wg2_onek1k_subset.V3), meaning that the add-on script would have been run separately in each of these two datasets.
|-- azimuth_l1_l2.csv
|-- downsampling.tab
|-- metadata_variables.tab
|-- qc_mad.tab
|-- wg2-cell_type_classification
QC-MAD combinations (qc_mad.tab)
A tsv file that has in the:
- 1st column: QC metrics. By default, number of UMIs (nCount_RNA) and % of mitochondrial genes (percent.mt).
- 2nd column: Upper or lower threshold. By default, lower for nCount_RNA and upper for percent.mt.
- 3rd and 4rd columns: minimum and maximum MADs. By default, minimum=1 and maximum=5.
Of note:
- Tab separated
- It is assumed that the QC metrics are calculated in the seurat object as a result from WG1 pipeline, and thus, they are columns of the metadata slot of the seurat object.
- This file must have this header.
- The QC-MAD combinations file provided for the test dataset is the qc_mad.tab file:
QC_metric | bound | MAD_min | MAD_max |
nCount_RNA | lower | 1 | 5 |
percent.mt | upper | 1 | 5 |
Azimuth l1-l2 pairing file (azimuth_l1_l2.csv)
A csv file that has in the:
- 1st column: Azimuth's level 1 cell type classification (L1).
- 2nd column: Azimuth's level 2 cell type classification (L2).
Of note:
- Semmicolon separated.
- It is assumed that the Azimuth's level 2 classification is predicted from WG2 pipeline from WG1 pipeline, whereas Azimuth's level 1 has been manually defined to make a broader cell type classification.
- This file must have this header.
- The Azimuth l1-l2 pairing file provided for the test dataset is the azimuth_l1_l2.csv file:
L1 | L2 |
CD4T | Treg |
CD4T | CD4 Naive |
CD4T | CD4 TCM |
CD4T | CD4 TEM |
CD4T | CD4 CTL |
CD4T | CD4 Proliferating |
CD8T | CCD8 Naive |
CD8T | CD8 TCM |
CD8T | CD8 TEM |
CD8T | CD8 Proliferating |
T_other | MAIT |
T_other | dnT |
T_other | gdT |
T_other | ILC |
NK | NK |
NK | NK Proliferating |
NK | NK_CD56bright |
Mono | CD14 Mono |
Mono | CD16 Mono |
DC | cDC1 |
DC | cDC2 |
DC | pDC |
B | B naive |
B | B intermediate |
B | B memory |
B | Plasmablast |
Platelet | Platelet |
Eryth | Eryth |
Metadata variables (metadata_variables.tab)
A tsv file that has in the:
- 1st column: Metadata variable name.
- 2nd column: Metadata variable type.
- 3rd and 4rd columns: minimum and maximum MADs. By default, minimum=1 and maximum=5.
Of note:
- Tab separated.
- This file must have this header.
- By default, the QC statistics will be summarized at the whole dataset. You can choose to summarize them by metadata variable.
- In case you have another type of metadata variable (e.g. stimulation condition), you could add them. For example, 'pathogen' in the 1st column (md_var) and 'condition' in the 2nd column (type).
- It is assumed that the metadata variable names are columns of the metadata file or metadata slot of the seurat object.
- The metadata variables file provided for the test dataset is the metadata_variables.tab file:
md_var | type |
Pool | donor |
Assignment | donor |
predicted.celltype.l2 | cell |
scpred_prediction | cell |
predicted.celltype.l1 | cell |
Downsampling file (downsampling.tab)
A tsv file that has in the:
- 1st column: Metadata variable name.
- 2nd column: Number of cells to use for downsampling every level of the specified metadata variable.
Of note:
- Tab separated.
- It is assumed that the metadata variable name is a column of the metadata file or metadata slot of the seurat object.
- This file must have this header.
- By default, the QC statistics will be calculated using the whole dataset. You can choose to downsample the whole dataset to a specific number of cells (n) for each level of a specific metadata variable (md_var).
- The downsampling file provided for the test dataset is the downsampling.tab file:
md_var | n |
predicted.celltype.l1 | 100 |
Running the add-on script
Of note: The functions called in the add-on script are defined in an external script.
1. If you have not done it yet, the first step would be to clone this repository and change your current working directory.
git clone https://github.com/aidarripoll/wg1-qc_filtering.git
cd wg1-qc_filtering
2. Set common environmental variables:
3. Running the add-on script with different parameters:
3.1. Summarize the QC statistics at the dataset level after:
- Calculating the QC statistics at the dataset level:
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
- Calculating the QC statistics at the batch metadata variable (i.e., Pool) level:
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --level $batch_variable --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
The output for each of the parameters settings is the summary statistics (tag.rds):
└── wg2_onek1k_subset
└── nCount_RNA_lower_1_5.percent.mt_upper_1_5
└── by_dataset
├── dataset
│ └── tag.rds
└── Pool
└── tag.rds
3.2. Summarize the QC statistics at the metadata level after:
- Calculating the QC statistics at the dataset level:
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --md_vars $metadata_vars --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
- Calculating the QC statistics at the batch metadata variable (i.e., Pool) level:
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --level $batch_variable --md_vars $metadata_vars --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
The outputs for each of the parameters settings are the summary statistics (tag.rds) and the heatmap plots for each of the metadata variable, which are organized by the metadata variable type (e.g., cell or donor):
└── wg2_onek1k_subset
└── nCount_RNA_lower_1_5.percent.mt_upper_1_5
├── by_dataset
│ └── Pool
│ └── tag.rds
└── by_metadata
├── dataset
│ ├── cell
│ ├── donor
│ ├── md_order.rds
│ └── tag.rds
└── Pool
├── cell
├── donor
├── md_order.rds
└── tag.rds
3.3. Downsampling (optional): By default, the QC statistics will be calculated using the whole dataset. You can choose to downsample the whole dataset to a specific number of cells (n) for each level of a specific metadata variable (md_var) by adding the --downsampling
parameter in the previous commands in the 3.1 and 3.2 sections.
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --downsampling $downsampling_file --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --level $batch_variable --downsampling $downsampling_file --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --md_vars $metadata_vars --downsampling $downsampling_file --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
Rscript QC_statistics.R --dataset $dataset --level $batch_variable --md_vars $metadata_vars --downsampling $downsampling_file --in_dir $input_directory --out_dir $output_directory
The outputs will be the same as in 3.1 and 3.2, for example the 3.1 outputs will be in predicted.celltype.l1_100 directory.
├── dataset
│ └── predicted.celltype.l1_100
│ └── tag.rds
└── Pool
├── predicted.celltype.l1_100
│ └── tag.rds
└── tag.rds
To decide the final QC threshold selection criteria, we will need that you follow the next steps:
- Run all the commands in the sections 3.1 and 3.2.
- Send the outputs to us by:
- Recommended: We recommend that you tar and gunzip all the outputs.
tar -cvf ${output_directory}.tar.gz $output_directory
- Alternative: You can also extract the main outputs by quickly running an extra script. These outputs will be the ones we will focus on for further discussions within the QC threshold selection committee.
Rscript QC_extract_files.R --dataset $dataset --level $batch_variable --in_dir $output_directory
Then, you can tar and gunzip these files.
tar -cvf ${output_directory_files}.tar.gz $output_directory_files
We have provided the two output directories for the test data (wg2_onek1k_subset) in a tar.gz format:
QC_statistics_examples.tar.gz: Outputs from running the commands in 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 as part of Running the add-on script section.
QC_statistics_examples.files.tar.gz: Outputs from running the commands in 3.1 and 3.2 as part of Running the add-on script section, and also running the alternative option in the Discussion in the QC Threshold Selection Committee section.
You can decompress them by:
tar -xvf QC_statistics_examples.tar.gz
tar -xvf QC_statistics_examples.files.tar.gz
If you have run the add-on script among several datasets, you can explore all the outputs together by running the QC_heatmaps.R script. In this case, your $output_directory
will have a directory for each of the datasets (e.g., dataset_1, dataset_2 and dataset_3) with the results of the add-on script:
├── dataset_1
├── dataset_2
├── dataset_3
Of note: This QC_heatmaps.R script will be also used to integrate the add-on script results from a diverse set of datasets within the consortium in order to make the final decisions in the QC threshold selection committee.
A tsv file that has only one column with the a dataset name per row (e.g., datasets_names.tab)
Of note:
- Tab separated.
- This file do not have to incorporte a header.
- It is assumed that the dataset names are the same as the ones of the directories in the
. - As an example:
dataset_1 | |
dataset_2 | |
dataset_3 |
Running the QC_heatmaps.R
Of note: The functions called in the add-on script are defined in an external script.
1. Set the environmental variables:
Revisit the variables previously set:
(add-on script outputs) andbatch_variable
(e.g., Pool). -
Set new variables:
. For example (see the Required input section):
2. Running the QC_heatmaps.R with different parameters to summarize the QC statistics at the dataset level after:
- Calculating the QC statistics at the dataset level:
Rscript QC_heatmaps.R --datasets $datasets_file --in_dir $output_directory
- Calculating the QC statistics at the batch metadata variable (i.e., Pool) level:
Rscript QC_heatmaps.R --datasets $datasets_file --level $batch_variable --in_dir $output_directory
By default, the $output_directory
of the QC_heatmaps.R script will be named QC_heatmaps. The main output for each of the parameters settings is the heatmap named Outlier_pct.label_n.pdf. See an example of the $output_directory
├── dataset_1.dataset_2.dataset_3
└── nCount_RNA_lower_1_5.percent.mt_upper_1_5
└── dataset
├── Outlier_pct.label_n.pdf
└── Pool
├── Outlier_pct.label_n.pdf
- add-on script: To speed up the running time and improve the memory requirements of the [add-on script](QC_statistics.R), we recommend to submit each of the commands in 3.1 and 3.2 of the Running the add-on script section as an independent job on your HPC infrastructure (i.e., run each job as an element of a job array). The running time and memory requirements will depend on:
- The size of your dataset. Notice that the test dataset is a significantly down-sized and sub-sampled version of the whole dataset (# of cells=1,207 and # of donors=13).
- Whether you already have the metadata slot (metadata.reduced_data.RDS) of the seurat object provided by WG2 pipeline, or you only have the whole seurat object reduced_data.RDS provided by WG2 pipeline. If possible, you should use the WG2 seurat object's metadata slot (metadata.reduced_data.RDS).
Of note: We have run this add-on script on a larger dataset provided in Oelen et al, 2020 (V2 dataset: # of cells=480,503 and # of donors=88) taking as the main input the metadata slot of the seurat object provided by WG2 pipeline using the following SLURM parameters: --cpus-per-task=48
and --nodes=1
script to extract the main outputs from the QC_statistics.R add-on script (optional): The time and memory requirements to run this script are minimal. It is used to extract the main outputs generated by the add-on script. The QC threshold selection committee will use them to have define the final criteria.
script to explore the QC filtering results from several datasets (optional): The time and memory requirements to run this script are minimal. It is used in case you have run the add-on script among several datasets. It will help you to explore all the outputs together. The QC threshold selection committee will use them to have define the final criteria.