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Shape inference and projection inference

To separate concerns, OCANNL is split into the arrayjit library, responsible for compilation of high-level n-D array operation sequences (Assignments.comp) via the gccjit and cuda backends, and the main ocannl library, responsible for deriving the operations computing the forward propagation and backpropagation from tensor expressions. In particular, arrayjit contains Indexing, which represents complex indexing into arrays, and the main library ocannl has Row and Shape modules, which do the most "heavy-lifting" in the translation from concise tensor expressions to sequences of assignments.

Shape inference broadly speaking consists in OCANNL of inferring the Shape.t record -- shape inference proper, and inferring the Indexing.projections record -- projections inference. Shape.t records are mutable, so that the partially inferred shapes can be observed by the user. Shape and projections inference is intended to be declarative -- independent of the order in which constraints are added. There is one aspect that is not declarative: when tensor expressions are compiled to assignments, i.e. jitted, still-unsolved shape variables in terminal nodes are substituted by their least upper bounds if any, or by dimension-1 / no-more-axes.

The bulk of the projections inference happens alongside shape inference, with the projections-relevant information stored in auxiliary fields -- this prevents subtle bugs where projection semantics deviates from shape semantics, and will simplify adding new shape/projection inference features. Shape inference happens during propagate_shapes calls, and then again in a finish_inference call, which is triggered whenever the dimensions or projections are required (i.e. typically by jitting). Finally, the projections are reconstructed in derive_projections. It would seem derive_projections could reuse the already-computed solutions constraints. But we face a problem: we must prevent contaminating projections across different operations. To illustrate: we conclude the dimensions of two axes are the same because they are reduced together in another operation -- this should not force the axes to share a projection in the processed operation. To prevent the contamination, in each derive_projections call, we freshen the projection ids in the (inferred) shapes, and regenerate and re-solve the constraints with the fresh projection ids.

Representing shapes and constraints

A tensor shape in OCANNL is composed of three rows of axes: batch, input and output. These are ordered input-last (batch @ output @ input) in the underlying n-dimensional array implementation of tensors. A (fully inferred) tensor shape must have non-empty output axes; we do not use the convention where empty axes mean the tensor is a scalar -- scalars = 1-D output-only tensors. For printing and einsum-notation-like specifications, we use the syntax: batch|input->output (or input->output, batch|output, output), where batch, input, output are whitespace or comma or parenthesis separated axis entries; or the axis entries are the individual characters, if no separators are used (except if it's digits only).

A row is a sequence of axes of a single kind: batch, input, or output. The shape type incorporates information relevant to inference, in particular shape variables: both for individual axes (dim variables), and for extending a row with more axes (row variables). Currently, all rows are (independently) broadcastable: can be broadcasted to a larger number of axes. However, in OCANNL the broadcasting can happen "in the middle", with not only the given trailing axes fixed, but also with the given leading axes fixed.

type dim = Var of dim_var | Dim of { d : int; label : string option; proj_id : int option }

type bcast =
  | Row_var of row_var  (** The row can be inferred to have more axes. *)
  | Broadcastable  (** The shape does not have more axes of this kind, but is "polymorphic". *)

type row = Row.t = { dims : dim list; bcast : bcast; id : row_id }

type shape = Shape.t = {
  mutable batch : row;
  mutable input : row;
  mutable output : row;
  id : int;  (** A node that has the same shape as this shape. *)
  debug_name : string;

The actual implementation is split into the Row module, which handles multi-row inference, and the Shape module which deals with the specific axis kinds (batch, input, output), einsum specifications, and the shape-relevant semantics of operations expressed via the Shape.logic variant type. Since broadcasting extends leading axes (preserves trailing axes), substituting a row_var means prepending to the dims of the row that has the row variable as its bcast field.

Labels are a part of OCANNL, but it's a topic that needs more exploration and future work. Currently, OCANNL has labeled dimensions, but not labeled axes. This means that when two axes need to agree on the number of dimensions, they also need to agree on the labels. If the dimensions of both axes have labels, the labels need to be the same, and if one doesn't have a label initially, it's inferred to have the label from the other axis. Intuitively, the label is a specification of the semantics of an axis that is more fine-grained than, but of similar nature as, the number of dimensions. Currently, there is no global check to prevent the same label be used with different numbers of dimensions (on unrelated axes). Example: a label "rgb" attached to dimensions size 3 to denote that an axis represents three channels "red", "green" and "blue".

The actual shape inference combines row polymorphism with (nominal) subtyping, as known in the type inference literature. The subtyping stems merely from the fact that a dimension-1 axis can be used in the context of any dimension due to per-axis broadcasting. Row polymorphism stems from broadcasting to more axes: for example, when unifying an unknown (shape) row with a known one, we cannot assume that the unknown row will have just the axes of the known one, because maybe the known row is meant to be broadcasted here to more axes. The combination of row polymorphism with nominal subtyping means that the constraints we are solving are inequalities, both inequalities between rows (the Row.t type, i.e. the row type above), and between axes/dimensions (the Row.dim type). We maintain the inequality ordering between variables in the environment to compute the transitive closure during simplification. We also maintain a least upper bound on the solution.

type dim_entry =
  | Solved_dim of dim
  | Bounds_dim of { cur : dim_var list; subr : dim_var list; lub : dim option; constr : dim_constraint }

type row_entry =
  | Solved_row of t
  | Bounds_row of { cur : row_var list; subr : row_var list; lub : t option; constr : row_constraint }

type dim_env = dim_entry Map.M(Dim_var).t
type row_env = row_entry Map.M(Row_var).t

type environment = { dim_env : dim_env; row_env : row_env }

type constraint_ =
  | Dim_eq of { d1 : dim; d2 : dim }
  | Row_eq of { r1 : t; r2 : t }
  | Reverse_eq of { r1 : t; r2 : t }
  | Dim_ineq of { cur : dim; subr : dim }
  | Row_ineq of { cur : t; subr : t }
  | Dim_constr of { d : dim; constr : dim_constraint }
  | Row_constr of { r : t; constr : row_constraint }
  | Terminal_dim of dim
  | Terminal_row of t

We tie the direction of inequalities with capturing information in the structure of tensor expressions: where relevant, cur is a part of the shape of a super-tensor, and subr of a sub-tensor in a tensor expression. This reflects the nature of broadcasting: it is one-directional in that the shape of a subtensor can be "smaller-than-expected" thanks to broadcasting, but the shape of a super-tensor cannot be "smaller-than-expected". So, for ground (variable-free) dimensions, n ≥ m means: either n = m, or m = 1; and for ground (variable-free) rows, q ≥ r means: q has at least as many axes as r, and for each dimension n of q at an axis where r has dimension m, we have n ≥ m. The least upper bound lub of a variable is derived from the cur sides of inequalities with the variable on the subr side. We don't need to maintain a greatest lower bound, because we can incorporate the corresponding information immediately. For rows, we can substitute the row variable by a new row consisting of variables only, and add the corresponding dim inequalities with the variables on the cur side.

The entry point to shape inference is the shape logic specification, that each operation instance needs to provide. There are shortcuts in the syntax extension %cd to make it painless.

type deduce_within_shape = Not_constrained | Input_equals_output

type compose_type =
  | Pointwise_bin  (** NumPy-style broadcast matching batch, input and output axes, e.g. as in [s1 + s2]. *)
  | Compose
      (** Compose the outputs of the second shape with the inputs of the first shape, i.e. the shape of
      [fun x -> s1(s2(x))], or [s1 * s2] where [*] is the inner product (e.g. matrix multiply). *)
  | Einsum of string
      (** The [einsum] syntax: LABELS1;LABELS2=>LABELS3, where LABELSi are labels specifications.
      Since OCANNL's extended einsum notation supports both axis variables and row variables, it makes
      other compose types redundant.
      The [axis_labels] use pseudo-labels local to the notation, to line up the axes.
      For [Einsum (ls1^";"^ls2^"=>"^ls3)], the symmetric difference / disjunctive union of [ls1] and [ls2]'s
      pseudo-labels should be equal to [ls3] pseudo-labels.

      Note: The "right-hand-side" is on the left! I.e. the syntax is "rhs=>lhs", "rhs1;rhs2=>lhs". *)

type transpose_type =
  | Transpose  (** Swaps inputs and outputs of a shape, preserves batch axes. *)
  | Pointwise_un  (** Preserves the shape. *)
  | Permute of string
      (** [Permute (ls1^"=>"^ls2)] is a variant of the [einsum] syntax [Einsum (ls1^";"^ls1^"=>"^ls2)].
      Note: The "right-hand-side" is on the left! I.e. the syntax is "rhs=>lhs", "rhs1;rhs2=>lhs". *)
  | Batch_slice of Arrayjit.Indexing.static_symbol  (** Removes the leftmost batch axis. *)

type logic =
  | Broadcast of compose_type * shape * shape
      (** Matches the shapes for a binary operation.

      For [Broadcast (Einsum (ls1, ls2, ls3), s1, s2)], the labels of [s1] and [s2] must match according
      to the [ls1], [ls2] lineup, and the resulting shape inherits the labels according to the [ls3] lineup.
  | Transpose of transpose_type * shape
      (** Permutes the axes of a shape. One case of [Transpose] is to swap inputs with outputs of [s1],
      hence the name. *)
  | Terminal of Arrayjit.Ops.init_op
      (** Extracts any available shape information from the initialization. E.g.
      for [File_mapped fn], opens the file [fn] to check its length. *)

Non-tensor-like constraints

The above mechanisms (excluding dim_constraint and row_constraint) are sufficient to express tensor applications such as inner and outer products, axis permutations. They cannot directly express: size constraints, fixed position indexing (except for the special case of position 0), axis concatenation and "reverse concatenation" / splitting, strides, convolutions. At present, we implement size constraints and fixed position indexing.

type dim_constraint = Unconstrained_dim | At_least_dim of int

type row_constraint =
  | Unconstrained
  | Total_elems of { nominator : int; divided_by : dim_var list }
      (** The row or remainder of a row, inclusive of the further row spec, has this many elements. *)

During the solution process, the constraints are incorporated, or propagated, into the environment constr entry fields, and into further constraint_ constraints, as needed. This provides sufficient scaffolding to implement the other complex constraints as the need arises.

Solving the constraints

The constraints are solved by: unification of the equation constraints, unification-like simplification of the inequality constraints, propagation of the complex constraints. Simplification of an inequality, and constraint propagation, can generate more constraints, so we need to be careful to keep it terminating. The solution proceeds in stages.

  • Stage 1 is online as tensors are composed, and conservatively performs unification and constraint propagation. Stages 2, 3, 4 are only performed once necessary: when projections or dimensions are requested.
  • Stage 2, when solving the constraints, substitutes dim variables in terminal shapes that do not have a LUB or other constraints, by dimension-1. (This is generalized at stage 6 to all variables.) It substitutes row variables in terminal shapes that do not have a LUB by no-further-axes, or by one axis if that's required to satisfy the variable's constraint. (This is generalized at stage 5 to all variables.)
  • Stage 3, when solving the constraints, sets yet-unknown dimension and row variables in terminal shapes to their least upper bounds (if any).
  • Stage 4 sets yet-unknown dimensions with >1 lower bounds from direct accesses, to their LUBs if they have any, otherwise to the lower bound.
  • Stage 5 addresses Total_elems constraints with yet-unknown row variables. If the constraint can be satisfied by assuming the row variable is no-further-axes, it sets the row variable to Broadcastable, otherwise it sets it to one axis of the required dimension.
  • Stage 6 sets row variables in the remaining inequalities to no-further-axes values. This can unlock further between-axis inequalities because of row variables sandwiched between leftmost axes from their side of the inequality and rightmost axes from the other side of the inequality.
  • Stage 7 sets all dim resp. row variables remaining in updated shapes to dimension-1 resp. no-further-axes.

Let's explain the shape inference functions.

  • s_dim_one_in_entry / s_row_one_in_entry: substitutes the given dim / row variable in one dim / row env entry. Generates new inequalities if the variable was in one of the sides of a Bounds entry. Updates the constraint constr if the variable appears in it.
  • subst_dim / subst_row: substitutes out a variable in a dim / row value, if any.
  • unify_dim: solves a single equation between two values of type dim, and recursively all dim equations that this entails, but not other constraints.
  • unify_row: solves a single equation between two rows, and recursively all dim and row equations that this entails, but not other constraints.
    • This is a depth-first component of an otherwise breadth-first overall constraint solution process, a "simplify early" optimization.
    • It also solves equal-to-reverse Reverse_eq constraints. For simplicity, it postpones solving till at most one row variable remains in a Reverse_eq.
  • apply_dim_constraint resp. apply_row_constraint: if they cannot make any progress on the constraint, they return None. Otherwise, they return a list of derived constraints, and an updated dim_constraint resp. row_constraint.
  • solve_dim_ineq: solves a single inequality between two values of type dim; returns derived equations and inequalities. It maintains the between-variable bounds and the least-upper-bound (LUB). But there can only be one LUB (a dimension > 1) without forcing the bound variable itself to a solved form (with dimension = 1).
  • solve_row_ineq: solves a single inequality between two rows; returns derived equations and inequalities. It derives between-dim inequalities from the known parts of the compared rows. It maintains between-row-variable bounds (when known parts of the rows match) and the LUB. It forces the cur side to have at least the number of axes of the subr side (via a variables-only template). It updates the LUB by computing dimensions-wise LUBs.
  • close_dim_terminal and close_row_terminal: produce the equal-to-LUB constraint when available, from Terminal_dim and Terminal_row constraints produced for shapes of leaf tensors in tensor expressions, but only when ~stage:true.
  • solve_inequalities: solves equations, inequalities, and row constraints, until only row constraints remain. Row constraints can "pass" if there is not enough information, rather than reflecting their effect in the environment. Calls close_dim_terminal and close_row_terminal as appropriate.

The rationale behind only closing leaf (terminal) tensor shapes to their LUBs, while closing the remaining ones to dim-1:

  • the composite tensors will get their shapes forced "from below" by their components;
  • the leaf tensors cannot have their shape forced as they can always be broadcasted -- the only way they acquire shape information is downstream of close_row_terminal.

Projections inference

type proj = Var of dim_var | Proj of { proj_id : int; d : int } | Solved of axis_index
type proj_to_index = Arrayjit.Indexing.axis_index Map.M(Int).t
type proj_classes = int Map.M(Int).t

type proj_env = {
  proj_to_index : proj_to_index;
  proj_classes : proj_classes;
  product_dim : int Map.M(Int).t;
  non_product : Set.M(Int).t;

The projection inference functions.

  • get_proj_equations inequalities proj_axis_env env converts both equations and inequalitites to projection equations. For inequalities, it takes broadcasting into account, and equates a potentially-broadcasted dim-1 projection to Fixed_idx 0. proj_axis_env originates from the Shape module, holds projections from the slice operator and the einsum syntax.
  • solve_proj_equations unifies the projection equations, using union-find to maintain a representative for equal projections. Projections that already have an axis_index are non_product (not to be iterated over). The remaining projections have a product_dim, and get a fresh iterator.
  • get_proj_index gets an axis_index for a dim based on the representative of its proj_id; and Fixed_idx 0 for dim-1.

Deriving the constraints

Other important functions in the Shape module.

  • einsum_slot_spec_to_dims_bio ~generative parses an einsum spec for a single shape, returns the three rows and a mapping from axis (dim) variables to indices where the einsum specifies fixed indexing. When generative is true for the kind of a row, when an axis has a fixed projection to dimension 0, the axis is not a variable added to the fixed indexing mapping, but is instead dimension-1 (solved). The "generative" rows are the ones with no initial user-provided shape information. This is just a heuristic to avoid surprises where a tensor axis with only dimension 0 populated gets inferred a bigger dimension size -- it might be revisited in the future.
  • get_inequalities builds row inequalities by pairing the rows of the current shape (as cur) with the rows of sub-shapes (as subr). It also derives a batch row constraint for terminals initialized with Constant_fill { values; strict = true } and File_mapped (filename, prec) (where the file is scanned to get its length). For Batch_slice (the @| operation) it waits till the batch row variables (if any) are solved, and derives row equations (not inequalities) between the current shape and the sub-shape, with cur_sh.batch.dims expanded to account for the slicing / indexing. For einsum specs, it derives inequalities, roughly: current shape ≥ lhs spec shape, and rhs spec shape ≥ sub-shape.
  • propagate_shapes gets and then solves the inequalities, using a global state for the environment. It udpates the shapes in-place with the partial solution. It is invoked twice for each update_step: first during the bottom-up process of building tensors, and then in reverse order from finish_inference.
  • finish_inference is called right before some projections or array dimensions are required (typically, because of jitting). It performs a second round of propagate_shapes, and then once again attempts to solve any remaining constraints that propagate_shapes didn't solve. Then it "closes the shapes": substitutes out remaining shape variables by their LUBs if any, or dimension-1 / Broadcastable (no-more-axes). Then it resets the environment state, since the shapes are now guaranteed to not have variables.
  • derive_projections starts by freshening the proj_ids in the update_step. Then it generates and solves shape inequalities, and then generates and solves projection equations, and constructs the projections record.
  • of_spec constructs a shape record from an einsum slot spec. If deduced = Input_equals_output, it adds the corresponding equation to the global environment.