diff --git a/client/src/api/jobs.ts b/client/src/api/jobs.ts
index a4d3499fae51..f6c5eb3d2db4 100644
--- a/client/src/api/jobs.ts
+++ b/client/src/api/jobs.ts
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ export type ShowFullJobResponse = components["schemas"]["ShowFullJobResponse"];
export type JobBaseModel = components["schemas"]["JobBaseModel"];
export type JobDetails = components["schemas"]["ShowFullJobResponse"] | components["schemas"]["EncodedJobDetails"];
export type JobInputSummary = components["schemas"]["JobInputSummary"];
+export type JobDisplayParametersSummary = components["schemas"]["JobDisplayParametersSummary"];
diff --git a/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.test.js b/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b11420459940..000000000000
--- a/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-import { createLocalVue, mount } from "@vue/test-utils";
-import BootstrapVue from "bootstrap-vue";
-import JobStep from "./JobStep";
-import jobs from "./test/json/jobs.json";
-// create an extended `Vue` constructor
-const localVue = createLocalVue();
-// install plugins as normal
-describe("DatasetUIWrapper.vue with Dataset", () => {
- let wrapper;
- let propsData;
- beforeEach(async () => {
- propsData = {
- jobs: jobs,
- };
- wrapper = mount(JobStep, {
- localVue,
- propsData,
- stubs: {
- JobProvider: { template: "
I am expanded
" },
- },
- });
- });
- test("it renders a table with 2 jobs", async () => {
- expect(wrapper.find("tbody").findAll("tr").length).toBe(2);
- });
- test("it expands on row click", async () => {
- // verify no item is expanded
- expect(wrapper.vm.toggledItems["1"]).toBe(undefined);
- expect(wrapper.find(".expanded").exists()).toBeFalsy();
- // expand
- await wrapper.find("tbody").find("tbody").find("tr").trigger("click");
- expect(wrapper.vm.toggledItems["1"]).toBeTruthy();
- expect(wrapper.find(".expanded").exists()).toBeTruthy();
- await wrapper.find("tbody").find("tbody").find("tr").trigger("click");
- // close again
- expect(wrapper.vm.toggledItems["1"]).toBeFalsy();
- expect(wrapper.find(".expanded").exists()).toBeFalsy();
- });
- test("it sustains expanded on prop update", async () => {
- // verify no item is expanded
- expect(wrapper.vm.toggledItems["1"]).toBe(undefined);
- expect(wrapper.find(".expanded").exists()).toBeFalsy();
- // expand
- await wrapper.find("tbody").find("tbody").find("tr").trigger("click");
- expect(wrapper.vm.toggledItems["1"]).toBeTruthy();
- expect(wrapper.find(".expanded").exists()).toBeTruthy();
- // 2 collapsed rows, plus 1 expanded row
- expect(countVisibleRows(wrapper)).toBe(3);
- // update data
- const additionalJob = { ...jobs[0], id: 3 };
- await wrapper.setProps({ jobs: [...jobs, additionalJob] });
- // verify new data is displayed
- expect(countVisibleRows(wrapper)).toBe(4);
- // verify first row is still expanded
- expect(wrapper.vm.toggledItems["1"]).toBeTruthy();
- expect(wrapper.find(".expanded").exists()).toBeTruthy();
- });
-/** When expanding a row, a hidden `` may be added like:
- * ```
- *
- * ```
- * and this function will count rows other than these hidden ones.
- */
-function countVisibleRows(wrapper) {
- const rows = wrapper.find("tbody").find("tbody").findAll("tr");
- const visibleRows = rows.filter((row) => {
- // only count rows that are not hidden
- return !(row.attributes("aria-hidden") && row.attributes("aria-hidden") === "true");
- });
- return visibleRows.length;
diff --git a/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.test.ts b/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65ba2af0fcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import { createTestingPinia } from "@pinia/testing";
+import { createLocalVue, mount, type Wrapper } from "@vue/test-utils";
+import flushPromises from "flush-promises";
+import { HttpResponse, useServerMock } from "@/api/client/__mocks__";
+import type { JobDisplayParametersSummary, ShowFullJobResponse } from "@/api/jobs";
+import paramResponse from "@/components/JobParameters/parameters-response.json";
+import jobs from "./test/json/jobs.json";
+import JobStep from "./JobStep.vue";
+const localVue = createLocalVue();
+const { server, http } = useServerMock();
+const SELECTORS = {
+ JOB_TABS_LIST: ".nav-pills",
+ JOB_TAB: ".nav-link",
+ JOB_CONTENT: "[data-description='workflow invocation job'] > .card-body",
+describe("DatasetUIWrapper.vue with Dataset", () => {
+ let wrapper: Wrapper;
+ let propsData;
+ let iteration: "base" | "state_change" = "base";
+ const pinia = createTestingPinia();
+ function getSummary(job_id: string) {
+ let summary = jobs.find((s) => s.id === job_id);
+ if (summary && iteration === "state_change" && job_id === "1") {
+ summary.state = "running";
+ }
+ if (job_id === "3") {
+ summary = { ...(jobs[0] as any), id: "3" };
+ }
+ return summary as ShowFullJobResponse;
+ }
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ server.use(
+ http.get("/api/jobs/{job_id}", ({ response, params }) => {
+ const { job_id } = params;
+ const summary = getSummary(job_id);
+ if (!summary) {
+ return response("4XX").json({ err_msg: "Job not found", err_code: 404 }, { status: 404 });
+ }
+ return response(200).json(summary);
+ })
+ );
+ server.use(
+ http.get("/api/invocations", ({ response }) => {
+ return response(200).json([]);
+ })
+ );
+ server.use(
+ http.get("/api/jobs/{job_id}/parameters_display", ({ response }) => {
+ return response(200).json(paramResponse as JobDisplayParametersSummary);
+ })
+ );
+ server.use(
+ http.get("/api/datasets/{dataset_id}", ({ response, params }) => {
+ const { dataset_id } = params;
+ // We need to use untyped here because this endpoint is not
+ // described in the OpenAPI spec due to its complexity for now.
+ return response.untyped(
+ HttpResponse.json({
+ id: dataset_id,
+ creating_job: `job-${dataset_id}`,
+ })
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ propsData = {
+ jobs: jobs,
+ };
+ wrapper = mount(JobStep as object, {
+ localVue,
+ propsData,
+ stubs: {
+ BPopover: true,
+ ContentItem: true,
+ FontAwesomeIcon: true,
+ JobInformation: true,
+ JobParameters: true,
+ BTooltip: true,
+ LoadingSpan: true,
+ },
+ pinia,
+ });
+ await flushPromises();
+ });
+ test("shows as many tabs as jobs and clicking tab changes shown job", async () => {
+ // it renders 2 jobs in 2 tabs with states
+ const ulTabs = wrapper.find(SELECTORS.JOB_TABS_LIST);
+ const liTabs = ulTabs.findAll(SELECTORS.JOB_TAB);
+ expect(liTabs.length).toBe(jobs.length);
+ const jobsContents = wrapper.findAll(SELECTORS.JOB_CONTENT);
+ expect(jobsContents.length).toBe(jobs.length);
+ liTabs.wrappers.forEach((liTab, i) => {
+ expect(jobs[i]).toBeTruthy();
+ expect(liTab.text()).toEqual(jobs[i]?.state);
+ // expect the first job to be shown and rest to be hidden
+ expect(liTab.attributes("aria-selected")).toEqual(i === 0 ? "true" : "false");
+ expect(jobsContents.at(i).attributes("style")).toEqual(i === 0 ? "" : "display: none;");
+ });
+ // click on the second tab
+ await liTabs.at(1).trigger("click");
+ await flushPromises();
+ // expect the second job to be shown and rest to be hidden
+ jobsContents.wrappers.forEach((jobContent, i) => {
+ expect(jobContent.attributes("style")).toEqual(i === 1 ? "" : "display: none;");
+ expect(liTabs.at(i).attributes("aria-selected")).toEqual(i === 1 ? "true" : "false");
+ });
+ });
+ test("it reacts to prop update", async () => {
+ // verify initial data is displayed for first tab
+ expect(wrapper.find(SELECTORS.JOB_TAB).text()).toBe("new");
+ // update first job to change state from 'new' to 'running'
+ iteration = "state_change";
+ // technically, we only need to trigger a prop update, the state
+ // change is handled by the mock server in `getSummary`
+ const updatedJob = { ...jobs[0], state: "running" };
+ await wrapper.setProps({ jobs: [updatedJob, ...jobs.slice(1)] });
+ await flushPromises();
+ // verify new data is displayed
+ expect(wrapper.find(SELECTORS.JOB_TAB).text()).toBe("running");
+ // update data
+ const additionalJob = { ...jobs[0], id: "3" };
+ await wrapper.setProps({ jobs: [...jobs, additionalJob] });
+ await flushPromises();
+ // verify new data is displayed
+ const ulTabs = wrapper.find(SELECTORS.JOB_TABS_LIST);
+ const liTabs = ulTabs.findAll(SELECTORS.JOB_TAB);
+ expect(liTabs.length).toBe(jobs.length + 1);
+ });
diff --git a/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.vue b/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.vue
index 3daa23176000..dbe29d6e6a88 100644
--- a/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.vue
+++ b/client/src/components/WorkflowInvocationState/JobStep.vue
@@ -72,7 +72,12 @@ function getTabClass(job: JobDetails) {
{{ job.state }}