- whitelist some globals under Windows for node >=v0.8.x #6 yannickcr
- update travis img
- no longer guaranteed compatibility with node 0.4x
- added; node v0.10 dtrace garbage
- added; node v0.10 setImmediate, clearImmediate #5 jonathanong
- tests; handle express 2 or 3
- fixed; test for node 0.4.x
- added; compatibility with node 0.7.x & node 0.8.x
- fixed; tests for node v0.6x
- fixed; works on node v0.5.0-pre
- fixed; node engine
- fixed; package.json dependency versioning
- added; node v0.5 / v0.6 support
- use old school node engine format in package.json
- changed; utilize detectNew in middleware
- updated; docs
- added; #detectNew method
- added; #ignore method
- added; multiple instance support
- added; allow whitelisting by variable name
- initial release