This example is a simple REST API for a store built using the basic-webserver platform and roc-pg's query builder.
To run it, you first need a PostgreSQL server running and database called roc_pg_example
# Create a new database
$ createdb roc_pg_example
# Restore dump
$ psql -U postgres -d roc_pg_example < examples/store/db.sql
Now you can generate the schema module from our new database:
# Build the CLI
$ roc build sql-cli/src/roc-sql.roc
# Generate schema for query builder
$ ./sql-cli/src/roc-sql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d roc_pg_example --schema public > examples/store/Public.roc
You can tweak the connection parameters at example/store/server.roc.
Run the server:
$ roc dev examples/store/server.roc
...and try hitting some of the routes!
- http://localhost:8000/products
- http://localhost:8000/products/1
- http://localhost:8000/orders
- http://localhost:8000/orders/1/products
See the output of the server for the generated SQL:
GET /products
SQL: select, from public.products as p
GET /orders/1/products
SQL: select, from public.products as p join public.order_products as op on op.product_id = where op.order_id = $1
$1 = 1