diff --git a/examples/macaque_reaching/run_marble.sh b/examples/macaque_reaching/run_marble.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 4c213343..00000000 --- a/examples/macaque_reaching/run_marble.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -#BATCH --job-name M_pca5 # Name for your job -#SBATCH --ntasks 5 # Number of (cpu) tasks -#SBATCH --time 1200 # Runtime in minutes. -#SBATCH --mem 10000 # Reserve 10 GB RAM for the job -#SBATCH --partition gpu # Partition to submit ('gpu' or 'cpu') -#SBATCH --qos students # QOS ('staff' or 'students') -#SBATCH --output myjob-%j.txt # Standard out goes to this file -#SBATCH --error myjob-%j.txt # Standard err goes to this file -#SBATCH --mail-user adam.gosztolai@epfl.ch # this is the email you wish to be notified at -#SBATCH --mail-type ALL # ALL will alert you of job beginning, completion, failure etc -#SBATCH --gres gpu:gtx1080:1 # Reserve 1 GPU for usage, can be 'teslak40', 'gtx1080', or 'titanrtx' -#SBATCH --chdir /mnt/scratch/lts2/gosztolai/MARBLE/examples/macaque_reaching - -# ACTIVATE ANACONDA -eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" -conda activate MARBLE - -# RUN TRAINING -python -m run_marble