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Maintainer Hints

Creating a New Release

These are the steps for a Release Manager to create and publish a new release of the Agoric SDK. This combines the process of GitHub-based release managment and publication together with NPM-based publication of the SDK and its individual packages.


Build Environment

Follow the instructions at the getting started guide to install the correct versions of node, yarn, and git. Also install the latest version of the Go development tools.

NPM Account

Sign up for an NPM account with some form of 2FA. Then request that an administrator add your NPM user ID to the @agoric organization and the agoric package.


Together with the Release Owner and other appropriate stakeholders, ensure there is consensus on the following parameters for the release:

  • Base branch: which branch will the release be based on? The base branch will need to be stable and may be frozen at various times, so it is a good practice to have the base branch be a branch off of master. The base branch might also be used for followon patch releases before the next major release.

  • Release labels: we currently label our releases with both a human-meaningful label such as pismoA and a sequential upgrade label like agoric-upgrade-8. In the future, semantic versioning might replace either or both label styles.

  • Development history oriented release descrition: a short description of the major changes in the release from the point of view of understanding the source code and tracked issues addressed by the release.

  • Validator oriented release description: a short description of the release from the perspective of a validator to understand why the release should be installed and important operational changes.

Generating the Release

Until we reach the next section "Publish the release", the release process can be aborted.

  • Check the development history oriented release description into the top-level on the base branch.

  • Review the next release label for additional tasks particular to this release.

  • Create a fresh, clean clone of the repository.

This avoids accidental contamination from untracked or ignored changes in one's usual development repository.

Note: If there is an error or problem following the steps below, after debugging, please restart from this step to ensure there's no accidental contamination.

# Fresh checkout under ~/release or any other preferred directory without agoric-sdk
cd ~/release
git clone
cd agoric-sdk
  • Check out the appropriate base branch as outlined in "Preparation" above.

  • Create a release branch tagged with a timestamp. The specific commit tagged as the release will live in this branch. The release tags will be human-meaningful, the release branch need not be.

    # Create a release branch.
    now=`date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`
    git checkout -b prepare-release-$now
  • Do a yarn install to generate tooling needed for the release.

    # yarn install to build release tools
    yarn install --force
  • Generate new SDK version and per-package files

    Use --conventional-prerelease instead of --conventional-graduate if you just want to generate a dev release.

    These instructions will:

    • modify the package.json (to bump the version) of every package which saw changes since the previous release, or whose dependencies change because of other packages being bumped (in practice this means pretty much every package in the monorepo);
    • update all dependencies in the monorepo to match the bumped versions;
    • create files for each package with a summary of the git commit history;
    • make a Git commit with those changes and push its branch;
    • create a $package@$version git tag for every package that changed, including a special @agoric/sdk@$n "SDK version" tag that (among other things) CI will use for tagging a Docker image;
    • create a special v$version tag derived from the @agoric/cosmos@$version tag for Go's opinionated reference scheme as used in e.g. go get$version.
    # Create the final release CHANGELOGs.
    yarn lerna version --no-push --conventional-graduate
    prior=$(git tag -l | sed -ne 's!^@agoric/sdk@\([0-9]*\).*!\1!p' | sort -n | tail -1)
    SDKVER=$(( prior + 1 ))
    git tag @agoric/sdk@$SDKVER
    goTag="v$(git tag -l --contains HEAD | sed -n 's!^@agoric/cosmos@!!p' | head -1)"
    git tag -f "$goTag"
    # Push the branch.
    git push -u origin HEAD
    # Tell which packages have actual news.
    scripts/have-news HEAD^ >
  • Create the release PR.

    The above should have pushed state to GitHub to let you create a new PR to merge the release branch back to the main branch. The PR name should follow the convention of previous releases, which is currently chore(release): publish _release_label_. Paste as the description of the PR. Follow the example of previous releases for any other details of the PR.

    (Note that the file might be too large for a Git commit message if you've gone too long without making a release.)

    Creating this PR will also kick off the CI tests.

  • Build the NPM-installed SDK packages.

    While the above CI tests run, build the SDK:

    # Build all package generated files.
    yarn install --force
    yarn build
  • Wait for the release PR's CI tests to pass.

Publish the Release

These steps cannot be undone, so be sure that you are ready to proceed. In particular, be sure that you have waited for the release PR's CI tests to pass.

  • Publish to NPM

    # Publish to NPM. NOTE: You may have to repeat this several times if there are failures.
    # without concurrency until
    yarn lerna publish --concurrency 1 from-package
  • Merge the release PR into the base branch. DO NOT REBASE OR SQUASH OR YOU WILL LOSE REFERENCES TO YOUR TAGS. You may use the "Merge" button directly instead of automerge.

  • DO NOT change your local git environment to the base branch - keep it on the release branch for the following steps.

  • Publish the released package tags

    # Publish the released package tags.
    ./scripts/get-released-tags git push origin

    This will push all the tags created in the "Generate new SDK version" step above.

  • (Optional) Publish an NPM distribution tag

    If you want to update an NPM dist-tag for the current checked-out Agoric SDK's packages (enabling e.g. agoric install agoric-upgrade-42 to use the version for that dist-tag), choose a <TAG> and run:

    ./scripts/ --dry-run lerna add <TAG>

    If you're happy with the corresponding commands, execute them:

    ./scripts/ lerna add <TAG>

    As a special case, by supplying a pre-release suffix argument, you can do something like publish a community-dev dist-tag for an existing version:

    rev=$(git rev-parse --short=7 community-dev)
    ./scripts/ lerna add community-dev -dev-${rev}.0
  • Push release labels as tags

    Perform the following for each <TAG> that we will use to label this release.

    git tag <TAG>
    git push origin <TAG>
  • Confirm that a Docker image for SDK version $SDKVER has been published to the agoric-sdk Container registry.

    Note that this is triggered by pushing the @agoric/sdk@$n tag in the "Publish the released package tags" step and may take a while. You can observe workflow initiation and progress at Build release Docker Images.

  • Create a GitHub release

    Follow the GitHub instructions and use previous releases as a template. This uses the validator-oriented release description.


  • Review recent changes in the base branch for anything that should be merged into its ancestors, all the way up to master. This should include the changes to

  • Remove the repository clone you created for this release, so you don't accidentally reuse it.

More subtlety

To get help for the command-line options that will affect these commands, use:

yarn lerna version --help
yarn lerna publish --help

Useful testing commands are:

yarn lerna version --conventional-prerelease --no-git-tag-version

Syncing Endo dependency versions

Assuming that the most recent release of the Endo repository has been checked out in your home directory:


From origin/master, begin a branch for syncing Endo.

NOW=`date -u +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S`
git checkout -b "$USER-sync-endo-$NOW" origin/endo-integration-master
git rebase origin/master

Use a helper script from the Endo repository to update the dependency versions in all packages in Agoric SDK.

"$ENDO/scripts/" "$ENDO"
git add -u
git commit -m 'chore: Sync Endo versions'

In patches, there may be patch files for the previous versions of @endo/* or ses packages. Each of these patches will need to either be deleted or renamed to reflect the new version number or deleted, depending on whether the patch was incorporated in the latest release. Create a commit for each of these changes like chore: Updated patch version for ses-ava 0.2.33 or chore: Remove patch version for ses 0.15.22

This command will tell you the version number for every package published from Endo:

"$ENDO/scripts/" "$ENDO"

Update yarn.lock.

git add yarn.lock
git commit -m 'chore: Update yarn.lock'

It is safe to assume that any change to Endo will invalidate assumptions about guest application meters.

Increment the meter type in packages/xsnap/api.js:

export const METER_TYPE = 'xs-meter-0';

Be sure to also update test/test-xs-perf.js with the new meter version.

cd packages/xsnap
git add api.js
git commit -am 'chore: Bump xsnap meter type'
cd ../..

Changing anything in Endo usually frustrates the SwingSet kernel hashes, and if Endo changes nothing, bumping the meter version certainly will, and so predictably frustrates the kernel hash golden test. Update the test snapshots.

# at the repo root
yarn build
cd packages/SwingSet
yarn test test/test-xsnap-store.js --update-snapshots
git add test/snapshots/test-xsnap-store.*
git commit -m 'chore(swingset-vat): Update xsnap store test snapshots'
cd ../..

Push this branch and create a pull request.

git push origin "$USER-sync-endo-$NOW"