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Fix various bugs with the type generation of the deriving mechanism
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N-ary types were omitted and some DB indices were a bit off in some scenarios.
  • Loading branch information
WhatisRT committed Nov 28, 2024
1 parent 0f49baa commit c38d58f
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Showing 8 changed files with 136 additions and 34 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions Class/MonadTC.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ open import Reflection.Syntax

open import Reflection.Debug

open import Class.Show
open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.MonadReader
open import Class.MonadError
open import Class.Functor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,13 +137,82 @@ record MonadTC (M : ∀ {f} → Set f → Set f)
where _ error ("Not a record!" ∷ᵈ [])
return $ con c args

isSolvedMeta : Term M Bool
isSolvedMeta m@(meta x args) = do
r@(meta y _) reduce m
where _ return true
return (x ≠ y)
isSolvedMeta _ = error ("Not a meta!" ∷ᵈ [])

hasUnsolvedMetas : Term M Bool
hasUnsolvedMetas' : List (Arg Term) M Bool
hasUnsolvedMetasCl : List Clause M Bool
hasUnsolvedMetasTel : Telescope M Bool

hasUnsolvedMetas (var x args) = hasUnsolvedMetas' args
hasUnsolvedMetas (con c args) = hasUnsolvedMetas' args
hasUnsolvedMetas (def f args) = hasUnsolvedMetas' args
hasUnsolvedMetas (lam v (abs _ t)) = hasUnsolvedMetas t
hasUnsolvedMetas (pat-lam cs args) = do
a hasUnsolvedMetasCl cs
b hasUnsolvedMetas' args
return (a ∨ b)
hasUnsolvedMetas (pi (arg _ a) (abs _ b)) = do
a hasUnsolvedMetas a
b hasUnsolvedMetas b
return (a ∨ b)
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort (set t)) = hasUnsolvedMetas t
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort (prop t)) = hasUnsolvedMetas t
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort unknown) = return true
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort _) = return false
hasUnsolvedMetas (lit l) = return false
hasUnsolvedMetas m@(meta x x₁) = not <$> isSolvedMeta m
hasUnsolvedMetas unknown = return false

hasUnsolvedMetas' [] = return false
hasUnsolvedMetas' ((arg _ x) ∷ l) = do
a hasUnsolvedMetas x
b hasUnsolvedMetas' l
return (a ∨ b)

hasUnsolvedMetasCl [] = return false
hasUnsolvedMetasCl (clause tel _ t ∷ cl) = do
a hasUnsolvedMetas t
b hasUnsolvedMetasTel tel
c hasUnsolvedMetasCl cl
return (a ∨ b ∨ c)
hasUnsolvedMetasCl (absurd-clause tel _ ∷ cl) = do
a hasUnsolvedMetasTel tel
b hasUnsolvedMetasCl cl
return (a ∨ b)

hasUnsolvedMetasTel [] = return false
hasUnsolvedMetasTel ((_ , arg _ x) ∷ tel) = do
a hasUnsolvedMetas x
b hasUnsolvedMetasTel tel
return (a ∨ b)

-- this allows mutual recursion
declareAndDefineFuns : List (Arg Name × Type × List Clause) M ⊤
declareAndDefineFuns ds = do
traverse (λ (n , t , _) declareDef n t) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , cs) defineFun n cs) ds
return _

declareAndDefineFunsDebug : List (Arg Name × Type × List Clause) M ⊤
declareAndDefineFunsDebug ds = do
traverse (λ (n , t , _) declareDef n t) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , _) do
b getType n >>= hasUnsolvedMetas
if b then error [ strErr $ show n ] else return tt) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , cs) defineFun n cs) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , _) do
d@(function cs) getDefinition n
where _ error [ strErr "Weird bug" ]
b hasUnsolvedMetasCl cs
if b then error [ strErr $ show d ] else return tt) ds
return _

declareAndDefineFun : Arg Name Type List Clause M ⊤
declareAndDefineFun n ty cls = declareAndDefineFuns [ (n , ty , cls) ]

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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Reflection/Debug.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ instance
IsErrorPart-Name : IsErrorPart Name
IsErrorPart-Name .toErrorPart = ErrorPart.nameErr

IsErrorPart-Pattern : IsErrorPart Pattern
IsErrorPart-Pattern .toErrorPart = ErrorPart.pattErr

IsErrorPart-Clause : IsErrorPart Clause
IsErrorPart-Clause .toErrorPart c = ErrorPart.termErr (pat-lam [ c ] [])

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Reflection/Utils.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,3 +251,9 @@ updateField fs rexp fn fexp =
clause [] [ vArg (proj f) ] (f ∙⟦ rexp ⟧)
) []

toTelescope : List (Abs (Arg Type)) Telescope
toTelescope = map (λ where (abs n x) (n , x))

fromTelescope : Telescope List (Abs (Arg Type))
fromTelescope = map (λ where (n , x) (abs n x))
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions Reflection/Utils/TCI.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,6 +224,9 @@ viewAndReduceTy ty = helper ty =<< (length ∘ proj₁ ∘ viewTy) <$> normalise
getType' : Name M TypeView
getType' n = viewAndReduceTy =<< getType n

getTypeDB : M TypeView
getTypeDB n = viewAndReduceTy =<< inferType (♯ n)

getDataDef : Name M DataDef
getDataDef n = inDebugPath "getDataDef" do
debugLog ("Find details for datatype: " ∷ᵈ n ∷ᵈ [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,11 +271,11 @@ isSort t = do
where _ return false
return true

isNArySort : Term M Bool
isNArySort n t = do
isNArySort : Term M (Bool × ℕ)
isNArySort t = do
(tel , ty) viewAndReduceTy t
b isSort ty
return (⌊ (length tel) ≟ n ⌋ ∧ b)
return (b , length tel)

isDefT : Name Term M Bool
isDefT n t = do
Expand All @@ -293,8 +296,13 @@ withSafeReset x = runAndReset $ do
debugLog ("In term: " ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ [])
error1 "Unsolved metavariables remaining in withSafeReset!"

-- apply a list of terms to a name, picking the correct constructor & visibility
-- apply a list of terms to a name, picking the correct constructor of the term datatype & visibility
applyWithVisibility : Name List Term M Term
applyWithVisibility n l = do
(argTys , _) getType' n
nameConstr n (zipWith (λ where (abs _ (arg i _)) arg i) argTys l)

applyWithVisibilityDB : List Term M Term
applyWithVisibilityDB n l = do
(argTys , _) getTypeDB n
return $ var n (zipWith (λ where (abs _ (arg i _)) arg i) argTys l)
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions Tactic/Assumption.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,15 +21,6 @@ open import Reflection.Utils.TCI
_ = Functor-M

solve : ⦃ TCOptions ⦄ Term Tactic
solve t = initTac $ runSpeculative $ do
inj₁ goal reader TCEnv.goal
where _ error1 "solve: Goal is not a term!"
metas findMetas <$> checkType t goal
if null metas
then (_, true) <$> unify goal t
else (_, false) <$> error1 "Unsolved metavariables remaining!"

assumption' : ITactic
assumption' = inDebugPath "assumption" do
c getContext
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions Tactic/ClauseBuilder.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ open SortingAlgorithm ≤-decTotalOrder (mergeSort ≤-decTotalOrder) public
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI

open import Class.Show
open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.MonadError.Instances
Expand All @@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ private variable
a b : Level
A : Set a

open import Data.String as S using (parens)

record ClauseBuilder (M : Set Set) : Set₁ where
Base : Set Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +244,7 @@ module _ {M : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set a} ⦃ _ : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ me : MonadErr

-- if the goal is of type (a : A) → B, return the type of the branch of pattern p and new context
specializeType : SinglePattern Type M (Type × Telescope)
specializeType p@(t , arg i p') goalTy = markDontFail "specializeType" $ inDebugPath "specializeType" $ runAndReset do
specializeType p@(t , arg i p') goalTy = inDebugPath "specializeType" $ runAndReset do
debugLog ("Goal type to specialize: " ∷ᵈ goalTy ∷ᵈ [])
cls@((Clause.clause tel _ _) ∷ _) return $ clauseExprToClauses $ MatchExpr $
(p , inj₂ (just unknown)) ∷
Expand All @@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ module _ {M : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set a} ⦃ _ : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ me : MonadErr
return (goalTy' , newCtx)

ContextMonad-MonadTC : ContextMonad M
ContextMonad-MonadTC .introPatternM pat x = do
ContextMonad-MonadTC .introPatternM pat@(_ , arg _ p) x = do
goalTy goalTy
(newGoalTy , newContext) specializeType pat goalTy
extendContext' newContext (runWithGoalTy newGoalTy x)
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55 changes: 36 additions & 19 deletions Tactic/Derive.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,39 +34,56 @@ open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Tactic.ClauseBuilder

open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.Traversable
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadReader.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances
open import Class.Show
open import Class.Traversable

_ = ContextMonad-MonadTC
_ = Functor-M
_ = Show-List

open ClauseExprM

-- generate the type of the `className dName` instance
genClassType : Name Maybe Name TC Type
genClassType arity dName wName = do
params getParamsAndIndices dName
adjParams adjustParams $ take (length params ∸ arity) params
let params' = (λ where (abs x y) abs x (hide y)) $ take (length params ∸ arity) params
sorts collectRelevantSorts params'
debugLog1 ("Generate required instances at indices: " S.++ show ( proj₁ sorts))
let adjustedDBs = L.zipWith (λ (i , tel) a (i + a , tel)) sorts (upTo (length sorts))
adjustedDBs' extendContext' (toTelescope params) $ genSortInstanceWithCtx adjustedDBs
let adjParams = params' ++ adjustedDBs'
debugLog1 "AdjustedParams: "
logTelescope ( ((λ where (abs s x) just s , x) ∘ proj₁) adjParams)
ty applyWithVisibility dName ( ♯ (trueIndices adjParams))
return $ modifyClassType wName ( proj₁ adjParams , ty)
logTelescope ( ((λ where (abs s x) just s , x)) adjParams)
ty applyWithVisibility dName ( (♯ ∘ (_+ length sorts)) (downFrom (length params)))
return $ modifyClassType wName (adjParams , ty)
adjustParams : List (Abs (Arg Type)) TC (List ((Abs (Arg Type)) × Bool))
adjustParams [] = return []
adjustParams (abs x (arg _ t) ∷ l) = do
a (if_then [ (abs "_" (iArg (className ∙⟦ ♯ 0 ⟧)) , false) ] else []) <$> isNArySort arity t
ps extendContext (x , hArg t) (adjustParams l)
let ps' = flip ps λ where
(abs s (arg i t) , b) (abs s (arg i (mapVars (_+ (if b then length a else 0)) t)) , b)
return (((abs x (hArg t) , true) ∷ a) ++ ps')

trueIndices : {A : Set} List (A × Bool) List ℕ
trueIndices [] = []
trueIndices (x ∷ l) = if proj₂ x then length l ∷ trueIndices l else trueIndices l
-- returns list of DB indices (at the end) and telescope of argument types
collectRelevantSorts : List (Abs (Arg Type)) TC (List (ℕ × ℕ))
collectRelevantSorts [] = return []
collectRelevantSorts (abs x (arg _ t) ∷ l) = do
rec extendContext (x , hArg t) $ collectRelevantSorts l
(b , k) isNArySort t
return (if b then (length l , k) ∷ rec else rec)

genSortInstance : TC Term
genSortInstance k 0 i = do
res applyWithVisibilityDB (i + k) ( ♯ $ downFrom k)
return $ className ∙⟦ res ⟧
genSortInstance k (suc a) i = do
res extendContext ("" , hArg unknown) $ genSortInstance k a i
return $ pi (hArg unknown) $ abs "_" res

genSortInstanceWithCtx : List (ℕ × ℕ) TC (List (Abs (Arg Term)))
genSortInstanceWithCtx [] = return []
genSortInstanceWithCtx ((i , k) ∷ xs) = do
x' (abs "_" ∘ iArg) <$> (genSortInstance k k i)
(x' ∷_) <$> (extendContext ("", hArg unknown) $ genSortInstanceWithCtx xs)

modifyClassType : Maybe Name TypeView Type
modifyClassType nothing (tel , ty) = tyView (tel , className ∙⟦ ty ⟧)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +132,7 @@ module _ (arity : ℕ) (genCe : (Name → Maybe Name) → List SinglePattern →

derive-Class : ⦃ TCOptions ⦄ List (Name × Name) UnquoteDecl
derive-Class l = initUnquoteWithGoal (className ∙) $
declareAndDefineFuns =<< concat <$> traverse ⦃ Functor-List ⦄ helper l
declareAndDefineFuns =<< runAndReset (concat <$> traverse ⦃ Functor-List ⦄ helper l)
helper : Name × Name TC (List (Arg Name × Type × List Clause))
helper (a , b) = do hs genMutualHelpers a ; deriveMulti (a , b , hs)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Tactic/Derive/Show.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,12 +70,15 @@ private
open import Tactic.Derive.TestTypes
import Data.Nat.Show
open import Tactic.Defaults
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.Base

unquoteDecl Show-Bool Show-ℤ Show-List Show-Maybe Show-ℕ Show-Sign Show-⊤ = derive-Show ((quote Bool , Show-Bool) ∷ (quote ℤ , Show-ℤ) ∷ (quote List , Show-List) ∷ (quote Maybe , Show-Maybe) ∷ (quote ℕ , Show-ℕ) ∷ (quote Sign , Show-Sign) ∷ (quote ⊤ , Show-⊤) ∷ [])

unquoteDecl Show-Fin = derive-Show [ (quote Fin , Show-Fin) ]
unquoteDecl Show-Vec = derive-Show [ (quote Vec , Show-Vec) ]

unquoteDecl Show-Pointwise = derive-Show [ (quote Pointwise , Show-Pointwise) ]

unquoteDecl Show-These = derive-Show [ (quote These , Show-These) ]
unquoteDecl Show-⊎ = derive-Show [ (quote _⊎_ , Show-⊎) ]

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