- Burger Party now speaks Hungarian, thanks to Balázs Úr
- Burger Party now speaks Basque, thanks to Josu Igoa
- Spanish translation has been updated, thanks to Victor Hck
- Rebuilt to remove unnecessary files shipped in the APK
- Burger Party now speaks Dutch, thanks to Heimen Stoffels
- It also speaks Polish, thanks to Marek Szumny
- Added an end sequence
- Turned the app icon into an adaptive one
- Removed ads! Burger Party is now free software
- Added a goodies button
- Replaced Facebook and Google+ buttons with Mastodon and Twitter buttons
- Fix missing translations
- Nicer buttons in the configuration dialog
- Added a sumo customer
- Turned the "more" menu into a dialog with links to Facebook, Google+ and Google Play
- Fixed bug in score count in Kids difficulty level
- Fix "Star Collector" achievement appearing 3 times in achievement screen
- Make parsing of saved data more resilient
- Introduced three difficulty levels:
- kids: no global timer, customers are more patient
- normal: just like before
- expert: shorter times, less patient customers, no arrow indicating the next item to add
Made the game slightly harder
New item: Pineapple replaces salad in pirate world
Sandbox mode: Use a world map icon for the world selector button
Slightly increased size of burgers, made super-big burgers 3 stages high
Improved the game icon
Made character a bit taller in cut scenes
Fixed the annoying intermittent "can't add any item after an error" bug
Adjusted proportions of character in "new world" cut scenes
Adjusted colors of pickles
New sounds for soda and sundae, reassigned existing sounds to other ingredients
Made the game a little bit easier
Big fries appear earlier (level 2-6 instead of 3-6)
Doubled the number of burgers required for "Apprentice", "King" and "God" achievements
Reworked loading image: it now uses flat shading and is smoothly scaled on bigger screens
The "new item" animation on the level list has been improved
Redrawn salad one more time
Reworked the appearance of many meal items:
- Cucumbers
- Meat
- Cheese
- Salad
- Bottom bun (looks nicer when used as a middle bun)
Three new ingredients have been added: bacon and two sundaes (chocolate and strawberry). To accommodate those new ingredients, new levels have been added: worlds now come with 15 levels.
More sound effects:
All images of the "new world" animation have sound effects
There is now a sound effect when one get a "Perfect" and a short jingle for the new item unlocked screen
The game over jingle has been redone
There is now a tutorial when playing level 1.1
Credits now list the authors of all fonts and sound effects used in the game
There is now an indicator which appears over the achievement button when a new achievement has been unlocked
Changed layout of "Pause", "Level Finished" and "Game Over" overlays. In particular, the "Pause" and "Level Finished" overlays now provides an achievement button.
- The game difficulty has been adjusted: levels are shorter and a bit harder, making the game more challenging. One now gains back up to 4 seconds of extra time when customers are satisfied.
- Burgers are now more "realistic": all stages now have at least one meat or fish ingredient, two sauces cannot be stacked on each others
- Pirate world: Background has been redrawn.
- Japan world: Added a boss.
- The "new world" sequences are a bit longer: they show the heroine leaving the current world and boarding a plane to the next world. The maps have also been improved.
- When two achievements are unlocked at the same time, their notifications do not overlap themselves anymore.
- Make sure the content of the customer bubble always fit in the screen.
- Translated texts of achievements added in 0.14 to French.
- Reworked how ads are shown: they now appear between levels, never before first level and no more than once every 5 minutes.
- Use linear filtering to shrink images on devices with low resolution screen.
- New achievements have been added:
- Creative: create 10 different burgers in sandbox mode.
- Fan: play 40 levels.
- Burger Apprentice: create 25 burgers.
- Fixed a bug which made it possible to skip a level by pressing the "next level" button twice.
- Reworked Japan world to add more variety in customers.
- Back to 12 levels per world.
- Fixed text overflowing out of screen in the "new item screen" when using the game in French.
- Reworked the background of achievement notifications.
- New achievements have been added:
- 3 "All stars" achievements: finish all levels of world 1, 2, 3 with three stars.
- 3 "Perfect" achievements: get a perfect in all levels of world 1, 2, 3.
- A new ingredient has been added: mustard.
- All visible texts are now translatable, and translated in French.
- Added a gameover sound.
- Pirate world: Added a boss.
- Japan world: Created world-specific buttons for the sandbox mode, instead of reusing the Pirate world buttons.
- An achievement system has been added.
- Mini-games have been removed.
- Start screen has been rearranged to make room for the achievement button: about and audio buttons are now grouped in a configuration button.
- A cut-scene has been added when the player completes world 1 and world 2
- An ad is now displayed when you click on the Start button. The ad is game-oriented. It currently starts to appear after 8 plays, and no more than one every 12 minutes. Those values may change in the future: my goal with introducing ads early is to be able to adjust their frequency.
- Logging support: to help with debugging, Burger Party now logs information on the sdcard, in the "burgerparty" folder. This is why it now requests authorization to write to the sdcard.
- Burger Party can now be installed on the sdcard.
- Fix broken "Next" button on level finished screen when user made a "perfect".
- New way to gain stars: depending on his satisfaction, a customer will pay you between 1 and 3 coins. When you have enough coins you get a star. Stars cost more and more as you progress through levels.
- If all customers of a level are satisfied then you get a "perfect" ribbon in addition to the 3 stars.
- In advanced levels, burger size varies more from one customer to another.
- Big burgers may now have a middle bun.
- It is now possible to mute music and sound effects.
- Japan world:
- Replaced place-holder "new item" cook with a real version.
- Air Burger:
- Nicer level design
- Collisions are now more visible
- The "bad cheese" has been replaced with spikes
- A bug which caused the ground to become temporarily translucent has been fixed
- Burger Vaders:
- A new enemy type has been added: a burger which looses one ingredient each time you hit it
- Fire sound has changed, a sound is now emitted when an enemy is hit
- Extra guns now have a time limit, and will go away unless you hit another present box
- Burger Crush:
- Destroying 3 items now gives a one-second bonus
- Sound has been added when items are destroyed
- Overlay screens: Fixed blurry borders (pause, game over, level finished).
- Loading screen: Make sure Green Yeti Lab logo stretches as expected.
- Mini-games! Each world features a mini game, which can be unlocked with stars
- The sandbox mode is now locked until the player has collected some stars, to avoid confusion when the game is started for the first time
- The background of the new item screen is now animated
- Added an about screen
- Star count is now visible in world list screen
- US world:
- The counter color has changed, making the whole screen more colorful
- Japan world:
- The ninja customer has been redrawn to use the same drawing style as the other customers
- New customer: Japanese girl in traditional costume
- Low level changes:
- libgdx has been updated to 0.9.9
- Images are more compact, the game should use less space now
- New world: Japan. Still a work in progress
- New burger item: fish
- Adjusted game levels: each world has 9 levels now
- Customers are now stacked behind each others like a real queue
- Some meal items are now world-specific versions of other meal items, for example the coconut-drink is the pirate version of the soda, the rice-toast is the Japanese version of the toast
- Updated music
- Started to balance the game levels. Still some work to do
- Do not forget levels which have been unlocked when the game is restarted
- Fix gradients in bubble not adjusting to the bubble width
- World and level selection screens: show disabled elements in gray-scale
- When customers order a large burger, they now wait longer before getting angry
- The animation announcing a new items is not played again when retrying the level
- Fries and soda are now available from the beginning
- The "meal done" sound has been changed
- Texts are now more readable, thanks to a thin border around the letters
- US world:
- Boss for last level is now a wrestler
- New city-like background
- A few changes on the screen to select world or sandbox mode:
- Number of unlocked stars and total stars are now shown on world buttons
- One can no longer select worlds until they have been unlocked
- A thin separator has been added between the world buttons and the sandbox button
- Sandbox mode:
- Just like in the world screen, one can no longer select worlds until they have been unlocked
- The "done" button now uses the "meal done" sound
- Reworked burger scrolling: target burgers scroll in their bubble now instead of scrolling the whole view
- Sandbox mode: use proper icons and world-specific buttons
- Hopefully fixed black screen on resume
- Added (early version of) music in menu screens
- Reworked menu screens: only one play button, then player picks either a world or the sand box mode
- Added 'create your own burger' mode
- Added tick sound when reaching end of timeout
- Scroll up burgers when reaching the top of the screen
- Visual improvements
- Flatter appearance for world 1 customers
- Meal now may or may not include drinks or fries
- Pirate customers for all levels of world 2
- Improved head-up-display, does not overlap with order bubble anymore
- Added cut-scenes when unlocking meal items
- Fixed bug causing burger arrow to sometimes disappear
- Fixed bug which allowed adding multiple copies of the same drink or fries