Use these commands to generate code to get started or to scaffold your solution
Generates code samples that integrates Affinidi Login. Requires git
$ affinidi generate app [--json] [--no-color] [--no-input] [-a <value>] [-f
<value>] [-l <value>] [-p <value>] [--force]
-a, --provider=<value> Authentication provider for the sample app
-f, --framework=<value> Framework for the sample app
-l, --library=<value> Library for the sample app
-p, --path=<value> Relative or absolute path where sample app should be cloned into
--force Override destination directory if exists
--json Format output as json.
--no-color Disables color in the output. If you have trouble distinguishing colors, consider using this flag.
--no-input Disables all the interactive prompts
$ affinidi generate app
$ affinidi generate app -p "../my-app" -f django -a affinidi
$ affinidi generate app --path "../my-app" --framework django --provider affinidi --force
See code: src/commands/generate/app.ts