Code for generating the pannels of figure 2 and accompanying supplementary figures
Set up python environment & load data
## Set up environment
import os
import dill
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
work_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus'
plot_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/plots'
ranking_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k'
color_dict = {
'B cells' : '#FF5714' ,
'CD14+ Monocytes' : '#6EEB83' ,
'FCGR3A+ Monocytes' : '#65B891' ,
'Dendritic cells 1' : '#575761' ,
'Dendritic cells 2' : '#1BE7FF' ,
'CD4 T cells' : '#1D3461' ,
'CD8 T cells' : '#3D5A6C' ,
'NK cells' : '#64B6AC'
## Load data
scplus_obj = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_obj.pkl' ), 'rb' )
region_ranking = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (ranking_dir , 'scenicplus/region_ranking.pkl' ), 'rb' )
gene_ranking = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (ranking_dir , 'scenicplus/gene_ranking.pkl' ), 'rb' )
Supplementary figure S9, pannel a: Filtering eRegulons
## Filter eRegulons
from scenic .preprocessing .filtering import apply_std_filtering_to_eRegulons
apply_std_filtering_to_eRegulons (scplus_obj )
score_eRegulons (scplus_obj ,
ranking = region_ranking ,
eRegulon_signatures_key = 'eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ,
key_added = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
enrichment_type = 'region' ,
auc_threshold = 0.05 ,
normalize = False ,
n_cpu = 5 )
score_eRegulons (scplus_obj ,
gene_ranking ,
eRegulon_signatures_key = 'eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ,
key_added = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
enrichment_type = 'gene' ,
auc_threshold = 0.05 ,
normalize = False ,
n_cpu = 5 )
from scenicplus .cistromes import TF_cistrome_correlation , generate_pseudobulks
generate_pseudobulks (
scplus_obj = scplus_obj ,
variable = 'GEX_celltype' ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
signature_key = 'Gene_based'
generate_pseudobulks (
scplus_obj = scplus_obj ,
variable = 'GEX_celltype' ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
signature_key = 'Region_based'
TF_cistrome_correlation (
scplus_obj ,
use_pseudobulk = True ,
variable = 'GEX_celltype' ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
signature_key = 'Gene_based' ,
out_key = 'filtered_gene_based' )
TF_cistrome_correlation (
scplus_obj ,
use_pseudobulk = True ,
variable = 'GEX_celltype' ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
signature_key = 'Region_based' ,
out_key = 'filtered_region_based' )
n_targets = [int (x .split ('(' )[1 ].replace ('r)' , '' )) for x in scplus_obj .uns ['TF_cistrome_correlation' ]['filtered_region_based' ]['Cistrome' ]]
rho = scplus_obj .uns ['TF_cistrome_correlation' ]['filtered_region_based' ]['Rho' ].to_list ()
adj_pval = scplus_obj .uns ['TF_cistrome_correlation' ]['filtered_region_based' ]['Adjusted_p-value' ].to_list ()
thresholds = {
'rho' : [- 0.8 , 0.7 ],
'n_targets' : 0
import seaborn as sns
plot_dir = plotdir
fig , ax = plt .subplots ()
sc = ax .scatter (rho , n_targets , c = - np .log10 (adj_pval ), s = 5 )
ax .set_xlabel ('Correlation coefficient' )
ax .set_ylabel ('nr. target regions' )
#ax.hlines(y = thresholds['n_targets'], xmin = min(rho), xmax = max(rho), color = 'black', ls = 'dashed', lw = 1)
ax .vlines (x = thresholds ['rho' ], ymin = 0 , ymax = max (n_targets ), color = 'black' , ls = 'dashed' , lw = 1 )
ax .text (x = thresholds ['rho' ][0 ], y = max (n_targets ), s = str (thresholds ['rho' ][0 ]))
ax .text (x = thresholds ['rho' ][1 ], y = max (n_targets ), s = str (thresholds ['rho' ][1 ]))
sns .despine (ax = ax )
fig .colorbar (sc , label = '-log10(adjusted_pvalue)' , ax = ax )
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'eRegulon_selection_n_targets_rho.pdf' ))
selected_cistromes = scplus_obj .uns ['TF_cistrome_correlation' ]['filtered_region_based' ].loc [
np .logical_or (
scplus_obj .uns ['TF_cistrome_correlation' ]['filtered_region_based' ]['Rho' ] > thresholds ['rho' ][1 ],
scplus_obj .uns ['TF_cistrome_correlation' ]['filtered_region_based' ]['Rho' ] < thresholds ['rho' ][0 ]
)]['Cistrome' ].to_list ()
selected_eRegulons = [x .split ('_(' )[0 ] for x in selected_cistromes ]
selected_eRegulons_gene_sig = [
x for x in scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Gene_based' ].keys ()
if x .split ('_(' )[0 ] in selected_eRegulons ]
selected_eRegulons_region_sig = [
x for x in scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Region_based' ].keys ()
if x .split ('_(' )[0 ] in selected_eRegulons ]
scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ] = {'Gene_based' : selected_eRegulons_gene_sig , 'Region_based' : selected_eRegulons_region_sig }
## Set celltype names
scplus_obj .metadata_cell ['celltype_name' ] = [x .replace ('_' , ' ' ) for x in scplus_obj .metadata_cell ['GEX_celltype' ]]
## Save changes
dill .dump (scplus_obj , open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_obj.pkl' ), 'wb' ))
Export to loom for visualizations in R
binarize_AUC (scplus_obj ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
out_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered_thresholds' ,
signature_keys = ['Gene_based' ],
n_cpu = 5 )
def remove_second_sign (x ):
if 'extended' not in x :
TF , first , second , n = x .split ('_' )
return f'{ TF } _{ first } _{ n } '
else :
TF , extended , first , second , n = x .split ('_' )
return f'{ TF } _{ extended } _{ first } _{ n } '
scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ]['Gene_signature_name' ] = [remove_second_sign (x ) for x in scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ]['Gene_signature_name' ]]
scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ]['Region_signature_name' ] = [remove_second_sign (x ) for x in scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ]['Region_signature_name' ]]
del (scplus_obj .dr_cell ['GEX_X_pca' ])
del (scplus_obj .dr_cell ['GEX_rep' ])
from scenicplus .loom import *
export_to_loom (scplus_obj ,
signature_key = 'Gene_based' ,
eRegulon_metadata_key = 'eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
auc_thr_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered_thresholds' ,
keep_direct_and_extended_if_not_direct = True ,
tree_structure = (),
title = 'Gene based eGRN' ,
nomenclature = 'hg38' ,
out_fname = os .path .join (work_dir ,'SCENIC+_gene_based.loom' ))
binarize_AUC (scplus_obj ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
out_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered_thresholds' ,
signature_keys = ['Region_based' ],
n_cpu = 5 )
export_to_loom (scplus_obj ,
signature_key = 'Region_based' ,
eRegulon_metadata_key = 'eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
auc_thr_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered_thresholds' ,
keep_direct_and_extended_if_not_direct = True ,
tree_structure = (),
title = 'Region based eGRN' ,
nomenclature = 'hg38' ,
out_fname = os .path .join (work_dir ,'SCENIC+_region_based.loom' ))
with open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'selected_eRegulons.txt' ), 'w' ) as f :
for eRegulon_name in scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ]['Gene_based' ]:
f .write (eRegulon_name .rsplit ('_' , 1 )[0 ])
f .write ('\n ' )
Main Figure 2, pannel A: eRegulons tSNE
work_dir <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus'
plot_dir <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/plots'
# load data
library(SCopeLoomR )
loom <- open_loom(paste0(work_dir , ' /SCENIC+_gene_based.loom' ))
cell_data <- get_cell_annotation(loom )
embeddings <- get_embeddings(loom )
eRegulons_tSNE <- embeddings $ eRegulons_tSNE
colnames(eRegulons_tSNE ) <- c(' tSNE_1' , ' tSNE_2' )
cell_data [] <- lapply(cell_data , sub , pattern = " " , replacement = " -" )
cell_data [] <- lapply(cell_data , sub , pattern = " -(.*)" , replacement = " " )
# Color by cell type
cell_plot_data <- cbind(eRegulons_tSNE , cell_data [rownames(eRegulons_tSNE ),])
color_dict = c(
' B_cells' = ' #FF5714' ,
' CD14+_Monocytes' = ' #6EEB83' ,
' FCGR3A+_Monocytes' = ' #65B891' ,
' Dendritic_cells_1' = ' #575761' ,
' Dendritic_cells_2' = ' #1BE7FF' ,
' CD4_T_cells' = ' #1D3461' ,
' CD8_T_cells' = ' #3D5A6C' ,
' NK_cells' = ' #64B6AC' )
# plot
library(ggplot2 )
source(' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/software/plotting_aux.R' )
plot <- ggplot(cell_plot_data , aes(x = tSNE_1 , y = tSNE_2 , colour = ACC_celltype ))
plot <- plot + geom_point(size = 0.2 )
plot <- plot + theme_classic()
plot <- plot + theme(legend.position = " none" )
plot <- plot + labs(x = NULL , y = NULL )
plot <- plot + scale_color_manual(values = color_dict )
plot <- plot + guides(x = " none" , y = " none" )
ggsave(filename = paste0(plot_dir , ' /R_eRegulons_tSNE.png' ), device = ' png' , bg = " transparent" , width = 5.24 , height = 4.5 )
pdf(paste0(plot_dir , ' /R_eRegulons_tSNE.pdf' ), width = 5.24 , height = 4.5 )
LabelClusters(plot , ' ACC_celltype' , = ' ACC_celltype' , box = FALSE , repel = TRUE ) + scale_color_manual(values = color_dict )
Main Figure 2, Pannel b: n regions per gene
import os
import dill
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
work_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus'
plot_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/plots'
color_dict = {
'B cells' : '#FF5714' ,
'CD14+ Monocytes' : '#6EEB83' ,
'FCGR3A+ Monocytes' : '#65B891' ,
'Dendritic cells 1' : '#575761' ,
'Dendritic cells 2' : '#1BE7FF' ,
'CD4 T cells' : '#1D3461' ,
'CD8 T cells' : '#3D5A6C' ,
'NK cells' : '#64B6AC'
## Load data
scplus_obj = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_obj.pkl' ), 'rb' )
from tqdm import tqdm
from random import sample
scplus_obj .uns ['search_space' ] = scplus_obj .uns ['search_space' ].explode ('Distance' )
scplus_obj .uns ['search_space' ]['abs_distance' ] = abs (scplus_obj .uns ['search_space' ]['Distance' ])
from scipy .stats import rankdata
def get_rank_region_gene (region , gene ):
search_space_region = scplus_obj .uns ['search_space' ].query ('Name == @region' )
ranking = rankdata (search_space_region ['abs_distance' ], method = 'dense' )
return ranking [np .where (search_space_region ['Gene' ] == gene )[0 ][0 ]]
from scenicplus .utils import *
selected_regions = list (set (flatten_list ([scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Region_based' ][x ] for x in [x for x in scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ]['Region_based' ] if '_+_' in x ]])))
selected_genes = list (set (flatten_list ([scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Gene_based' ][x ] for x in [x for x in scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ]['Gene_based' ] if '_+_' in x ]])))
n_regions_per_gene = scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ].query ('Gene in @selected_genes' ).query ('Region in @selected_regions' )[['Gene' , 'Region' ]].drop_duplicates ().groupby ('Gene' ).count ()['Region' ].to_numpy ()
nth_gene_region = []
for region , gene in tqdm (list (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ].query ('Gene in @selected_genes' ).query ('Region in @selected_regions' )[['Region' , 'Gene' ]].to_numpy ()), total = 161180 ):
nth_gene_region .append (get_rank_region_gene (region , gene ))
import seaborn as sns
fig , axs = plt .subplots (ncols = 2 , figsize = (3.75 , 2.5 ), sharey = True )
ax = axs [0 ]
ax .hist (
n_regions_per_gene ,
color = 'darkgray' ,
edgecolor = 'black' ,
bins = np .arange (0 , 30 , 1 ))
sns .despine (ax = ax )
ax .set_title ('Number of regions linked to gene.' , fontsize = 6 )
ax .set_ylabel ('Frequency' , fontsize = 6 )
ax .set_xticks (np .arange (1 , 30 , 5 ))
ax .spines ['left' ].set_position ('zero' )
ax .set_yticks ([500 , 1000 , 1500 , 2000 ])
ax .tick_params (axis = 'both' , which = 'major' , labelsize = 5 )
ax .set_xlim (left = 0 )
ax = axs [1 ]
ax .hist (nth_gene_region , bins = np .arange (max (nth_gene_region )) - 0.5 , color = 'darkgray' , edgecolor = 'black' )
ax .set_xticks (np .arange (1 , 30 , 5 ))
sns .despine (ax = ax )
ax .set_title ('nth. gene per region' , fontsize = 6 )
#ax.set_ylabel('Frequency', fontsize = 5)
ax .set_xlim (left = 0 )
ax .tick_params (axis = 'both' , which = 'major' , labelsize = 5 )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'n_regions_per_gene_nth_regions_per_gene.pdf' ))
Main Figure 2, Pannel d: DotPlot
work_dir <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus'
plot_dir <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/plots'
# load data
library(SCopeLoomR )
loom <- open_loom(paste0(work_dir , ' /SCENIC+_gene_based.loom' ))
cells_AUC_gene <- AUCell :: getAUC(get_regulons_AUC(loom , = ' RegulonsAUC' ))
rownames(cells_AUC_gene ) <- gsub(' _extended' , ' ' , rownames(cells_AUC_gene ) )
cell_data <- get_cell_annotation(loom )
dgem <- get_dgem(loom )
loom <- open_loom(paste0(work_dir , ' /SCENIC+_region_based.loom' ))
cells_AUC_region <- AUCell :: getAUC(get_regulons_AUC(loom , = ' RegulonsAUC' ))
rownames(cells_AUC_region ) <- gsub(' _extended' , ' ' , rownames(cells_AUC_region ))
cells_AUC_gene <- cells_AUC_gene [rownames(cells_AUC_region ), which(colnames(cells_AUC_gene ) %in% colnames(cells_AUC_region ))]
cells_AUC_region <- cells_AUC_region [rownames(cells_AUC_gene ), colnames(cells_AUC_gene )]
selected_eRegulon_names = scan(paste0(work_dir , ' /selected_eRegulons.txt' ), what = " " , sep = " \n " )
# Get eRegulons
loom <- open_loom(paste0(work_dir , ' /SCENIC+_gene_based.loom' ))
regulons_gene <- get_regulons(loom , = ' Regulons' )
regulon_gene_list <- list ()
for (row in rownames(regulons_gene )){
regulon_gene_list [[row ]] <- colnames(regulons_gene )[which(regulons_gene [row ,] == 1 )]
regulon_gene_list <- regulon_gene_list [selected_eRegulon_names ]
names(regulon_gene_list ) <- gsub(' _extended' , ' ' , names(regulon_gene_list ))
regulon_gene_list <- tapply(unlist(regulon_gene_list , use.names = FALSE ), rep(names(regulon_gene_list ), lengths(regulon_gene_list )), FUN = c )
positive <- names(regulon_gene_list )[grep(' _+' , names(regulon_gene_list ), fixed = TRUE )]
negative <- names(regulon_gene_list )[grep(' _-' , names(regulon_gene_list ), fixed = TRUE )]
# calculate RSS
library(SCENIC )
rss_values <- calcRSS(cells_AUC_gene , cell_data $ ACC_celltype )
rss_values <- sweep(rss_values ,2 ,colSums(rss_values ),`/` )* 100
rss_values <- rss_values [,sort(colnames(rss_values ))]
# Prepare data for plotting
expression_list <- list ()
for (x in unique(cell_data $ ACC_celltype )){
print(x )
expression_list [[x ]] <- [,grep(x , cell_data $ ACC_celltype , fixed = TRUE )])/ sum(rowSums(dgem [,grep(x , cell_data $ ACC_celltype , fixed = TRUE )]))* 10 ^ 6 + 1 )))
exp_mat <- t(data.table :: rbindlist(expression_list ))
colnames(exp_mat ) <- names(expression_list )
exp_mat <- exp_mat
sel_rel <- c(positive , negative )
order_list <- list ()
for (i in 1 : ncol(rss_values )){
order_list [[i ]] <- vector()
for (x in sel_rel ){
i <- which.max(rss_values [x ,])
order_list [[i ]] <- c(order_list [[i ]], x )
sel_rel <- unlist(order_list )
rss_values <- t(apply(rss_values , 1 , function (x )(x - min(x ))/ (max(x )- min(x ))))
rel_list <- sel_rel
rel_data <- data.frame ()
for (rel in rel_list ){
for (name in colnames(rss_values )){
tf <- strsplit(rel , split = " _" )[[1 ]][1 ]
row_to_add <- t(c(rel , name , exp_mat [tf , name ], rss_values [rel ,name ]))
rel_data <- rbind(rel_data , row_to_add )
colnames(rel_data ) <- c(' Regulon' , ' Cell_type' , ' Expression' , ' RSS' )
sel_rel_color <- rep(' grey' ,length(sel_rel ))
sel_rel_color [which(rev(sel_rel ) %in% positive )] <- ' forestgreen'
sel_rel_color [which(rev(sel_rel ) %in% negative )] <- ' red'
# plot
library(ggplot2 )
rel_data $ Regulon <- factor (rel_data $ Regulon , levels = rev(sel_rel ))
rel_data $ Cell_type <- gsub(' _' , ' ' , rel_data $ Cell_type )
rel_data $ Cell_type <- factor (rel_data $ Cell_type , levels = gsub(' _' , ' ' , colnames(rss_values )))
rel_data $ RSS <- as.numeric(rel_data $ RSS )
rel_data $ Expression <- as.numeric(rel_data $ Expression )
rel_data $ Expression_scale <- ave(rel_data $ Expression , rel_data $ Regulon , FUN = scale )
rel_data $ Repressor_activator <- unlist(lapply(grepl(" +" , rel_data $ Regulon , fixed = TRUE ), function (x ) if (x ) ' Activators' else ' Repressors' ))
g <- ggplot(data = rel_data , mapping = aes_string(y = ' Cell_type' , x = ' Regulon' )) +
facet_grid(rows = vars(Repressor_activator ), scales = " free_y" , space = ' free' ) +
geom_tile(mapping = aes_string(fill = ' Expression_scale' )) +
geom_point(mapping = aes_string(size = ' RSS' ), colour = " black" ,pch = 21 , fill = ' black' ) +
scale_radius(range = c(0.1 , 3 ), limits = c(0 , 1 )) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = " RdYlBu" ) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90 , hjust = 1 )) + coord_flip() +
theme(legend.position = " none" )
ggsave(paste0(plot_dir , ' /R_Dotplot_RSS_no_legend.pdf' ), g , width = 3.5 , height = 13 )
# plot
library(ggplot2 )
rel_data $ Regulon <- factor (rel_data $ Regulon , levels = rev(sel_rel ))
rel_data $ Cell_type <- gsub(' _' , ' ' , rel_data $ Cell_type )
rel_data $ Cell_type <- factor (rel_data $ Cell_type , levels = gsub(' _' , ' ' , colnames(rss_values )))
rel_data $ RSS <- as.numeric(rel_data $ RSS )
rel_data $ Expression <- as.numeric(rel_data $ Expression )
rel_data $ Expression_scale <- ave(rel_data $ Expression , rel_data $ Regulon , FUN = scale )
rel_data $ Repressor_activator <- unlist(lapply(grepl(" +" , rel_data $ Regulon , fixed = TRUE ), function (x ) if (x ) ' Activators' else ' Repressors' ))
g <- ggplot(data = rel_data , mapping = aes_string(y = ' Cell_type' , x = ' Regulon' )) +
facet_grid(rows = vars(Repressor_activator ), scales = " free_y" , space = ' free' ) +
geom_tile(mapping = aes_string(fill = ' Expression_scale' )) +
geom_point(mapping = aes_string(size = ' RSS' ), colour = " black" ,pch = 21 , fill = ' black' ) +
scale_radius(range = c(0.1 , 3 ), limits = c(0 , 1 )) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = " RdYlBu" ) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90 , hjust = 1 )) + coord_flip()
ggsave(paste0(plot_dir , ' /R_Dotplot_RSS.pdf' ), g , width = 3.5 , height = 13 )
# plot
library(ggplot2 )
rel_data $ Regulon <- factor (rel_data $ Regulon , levels = rev(sel_rel ))
rel_data $ Cell_type <- gsub(' _' , ' ' , rel_data $ Cell_type )
rel_data $ Cell_type <- factor (rel_data $ Cell_type , levels = gsub(' _' , ' ' , colnames(rss_values )))
rel_data $ RSS <- as.numeric(rel_data $ RSS )
rel_data $ Expression <- as.numeric(rel_data $ Expression )
rel_data $ Expression_scale <- ave(rel_data $ Expression , rel_data $ Regulon , FUN = scale )
rel_data $ Repressor_activator <- unlist(lapply(grepl(" +" , rel_data $ Regulon , fixed = TRUE ), function (x ) if (x ) ' Activators' else ' Repressors' ))
g <- ggplot(data = rel_data [rel_data $ Repressor_activator == ' Activators' , ], mapping = aes_string(y = ' Cell_type' , x = ' Regulon' )) +
geom_tile(mapping = aes_string(fill = ' Expression_scale' )) +
geom_point(mapping = aes_string(size = ' RSS' ), colour = " black" ,pch = 21 , fill = ' black' ) +
scale_radius(range = c(0.1 , 3 ), limits = c(0 , 1 )) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = " RdYlBu" ) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90 , hjust = 1 )) + coord_flip() +
theme(legend.position = " none" )
ggsave(paste0(plot_dir , ' /R_Dotplot_RSS_no_legend_activators.pdf' ), g , width = 3.5 , height = 13 )
# plot
library(ggplot2 )
rel_data $ Regulon <- factor (rel_data $ Regulon , levels = rev(sel_rel ))
rel_data $ Cell_type <- gsub(' _' , ' ' , rel_data $ Cell_type )
rel_data $ Cell_type <- factor (rel_data $ Cell_type , levels = gsub(' _' , ' ' , colnames(rss_values )))
rel_data $ RSS <- as.numeric(rel_data $ RSS )
rel_data $ Expression <- as.numeric(rel_data $ Expression )
rel_data $ Expression_scale <- ave(rel_data $ Expression , rel_data $ Regulon , FUN = scale )
rel_data $ Repressor_activator <- unlist(lapply(grepl(" +" , rel_data $ Regulon , fixed = TRUE ), function (x ) if (x ) ' Activators' else ' Repressors' ))
g <- ggplot(data = rel_data [rel_data $ Repressor_activator == ' Activators' , ], mapping = aes_string(y = ' Cell_type' , x = ' Regulon' )) +
geom_tile(mapping = aes_string(fill = ' Expression_scale' )) +
geom_point(mapping = aes_string(size = ' RSS' ), colour = " black" ,pch = 21 , fill = ' black' ) +
scale_radius(range = c(0.1 , 3 ), limits = c(0 , 1 )) +
scale_fill_distiller(palette = " RdYlBu" ) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90 , hjust = 1 )) + coord_flip()
ggsave(paste0(plot_dir , ' /R_Dotplot_RSS_activators.pdf' ), g , width = 3.5 , height = 13 )
Main Figure 2, pannel e: overlap of regions
import os
import dill
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
work_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus'
plot_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/plots'
color_dict = {
'B cells' : '#FF5714' ,
'CD14+ Monocytes' : '#6EEB83' ,
'FCGR3A+ Monocytes' : '#65B891' ,
'Dendritic cells 1' : '#575761' ,
'Dendritic cells 2' : '#1BE7FF' ,
'CD4 T cells' : '#1D3461' ,
'CD8 T cells' : '#3D5A6C' ,
'NK cells' : '#64B6AC'
## Load data
scplus_obj = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_obj.pkl' ), 'rb' )
celltype_to_group = {
'CD4_T_cells' : 'T_cells' ,
'B_cells' : 'B_cells' ,
'NK_cells' : 'NK_cells' ,
'CD8_T_cells' : 'T_cells' ,
'CD14+_Monocytes' : 'Myeloid' ,
'Dendritic_cells_1' : 'Myeloid' ,
'FCGR3A+_Monocytes' : 'Myeloid' ,
'Dendritic_cells_2' : 'Myeloid'
scplus_obj .metadata_cell ['cell_type_group' ] = [celltype_to_group [ct ] for ct in scplus_obj .metadata_cell ['GEX_celltype' ]]
from scenicplus .RSS import *
regulon_specificity_scores (
scplus_obj ,
variable = 'cell_type_group' ,
auc_key = 'eRegulon_AUC_filtered' ,
signature_keys = ['Region_based' ],
selected_regulons = [x for x in scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ]['Region_based' ] if '-' not in x ],
out_key_suffix = 'filtered' )
flat_list = lambda t : [item for sublist in t for item in sublist ]
selected_markers = list (set (flat_list ([scplus_obj .uns ['RSS' ]['cell_type_groupfiltered' ].loc [celltype ].sort_values (ascending = False ).head (10 ).index .to_list () for celltype in scplus_obj .uns ['RSS' ]['cell_type_groupfiltered' ].index ])))
from scenicplus .plotting .correlation_plot import *
region_intersetc_data , Z = jaccard_heatmap (
scplus_obj ,
method = 'intersect' ,
gene_or_region_based = 'Region_based' ,
save = os .path .join (plot_dir , 'hm_overlap_regions_manuel_selection_w_cbar.pdf' ),
use_plotly = False ,
selected_regulons = selected_markers ,
signature_key = 'eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ,
figsize = (10 , 10 ), return_data = True , vmax = 0.5 , cmap = 'plasma' )
fig , ax = plt .subplots (figsize = (10 , 10 ))
sns .heatmap (region_intersetc_data , ax = ax , cmap = 'plasma' , vmax = 0.5 , cbar = False , xticklabels = False )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'hm_overlap_regions_manuel_selection_wo_cbar.pdf' ))
selected_markers = list (
set (flat_list ([scplus_obj .uns ['RSS' ]['cell_type_groupfiltered' ].loc [celltype ].sort_values (ascending = False ).head (5 ).index .to_list () for celltype in scplus_obj .uns ['RSS' ]['cell_type_groupfiltered' ].index ])))
region_intersetc_data , Z = jaccard_heatmap (
scplus_obj ,
method = 'intersect' ,
gene_or_region_based = 'Region_based' ,
save = os .path .join (plot_dir , 'hm_overlap_regions_manuel_selection_w_cbar_top_5.pdf' ),
use_plotly = False ,
selected_regulons = selected_markers ,
signature_key = 'eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ,
figsize = (10 , 10 ), return_data = True , vmax = 0.4 , cmap = 'plasma' )
fig , ax = plt .subplots (figsize = (10 , 10 ))
sns .heatmap (region_intersetc_data , ax = ax , cmap = 'plasma' , vmax = 0.4 , cbar = False , xticklabels = False )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'hm_overlap_regions_manuel_selection_wo_cbar_top_5.pdf' ))
clustered_jaccard_df ,p_adj_df , Z = fisher_exact_test_heatmap (
scplus_obj = scplus_obj ,
gene_or_region_based = 'Region_based' ,
signature_key = 'eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ,
selected_regulons = selected_markers ,
save = os .path .join (plot_dir , 'hm_overlap_regions_manuel_selection_w_cbar_top_5_fisher.pdf' ),
use_plotly = False ,
figsize = (10 , 10 ), return_data = True , vmax = 3 , cmap = 'plasma' )
Main Figure 2, Pannel f: ChIP-seq coverage
eGRNs_of_interest = ['PAX5_+_(205r)' , 'POU2AF1_+_(170r)' , 'EBF1_+_(274r)' , 'POU2F2_+_(489r)' ]
regions_POU2AF1 = set (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Region_based' ]['POU2AF1_+_(170r)' ])
regions_POU2F2 = set (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Region_based' ]['POU2F2_+_(489r)' ])
regions_EBF = set (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Region_based' ]['EBF1_+_(274r)' ])
regions_PAX = set (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Region_based' ]['PAX5_+_(205r)' ])
import pyranges as pr
summits_PAX5 = pr .read_bed ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/DPCL/data/ChIP-seq/summits/GM12878_PAX5_ENCSR000BHD.bed' )
summits_EBF1 = pr .read_bed ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/DPCL/data/ChIP-seq/summits/GM12878_EBF1_ENCSR000BGU.bed' )
summits_POU2F2 = pr .read_bed ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/data/ENCFF934JFA.bed.gz' )
import pyBigWig
bw_PAX5 = pyBigWig .open ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/DPCL/data/ChIP-seq/bigwig/GM12878_PAX5_ENCFF702MTT.bigWig' )
bw_EBF1 = pyBigWig .open ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/DPCL/data/ChIP-seq/bigwig/GM12878_EBF1_ENCFF107LDM.bigWig' )
bw_POU2F2 = pyBigWig .open ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/data/ENCFF803HIP.bigWig' )
def region_name_to_coord (r ):
return r .replace ('-' , ':' ).split (':' )
def calc_coverage (regions , n_bins , bw , offset = 500 ):
coverage = []
for region in regions :
chrom , start , end = region_name_to_coord (region )
coverage .append (bw .stats (chrom , int (start ) - offset , int (end ) + offset , nBins = n_bins ))
return pd .DataFrame (coverage )
def calc_coverage_keep_region_names (regions , n_bins , bw , offset = 500 ):
coverage = []
for region in tqdm (regions , total = len (regions )):
chrom , start , end = region_name_to_coord (region )
coverage .append (bw .stats (chrom , int (start ) - offset , int (end ) + offset , nBins = n_bins ))
return pd .DataFrame (coverage , index = regions )
from scenicplus .utils import region_names_to_coordinates
from scenicplus .utils import coord_to_region_names
from pycistarget .utils import target_to_query
def intersect_w_summit (regions , summits ):
def _extend (r ):
chrom , start , end = r .replace ('-' , ':' ).split (':' )
return f'{ chrom } :{ int (start ) - 249 } -{ int (end ) + 250 } '
pr_regions = pr .PyRanges (region_names_to_coordinates (regions ))
target_query = target_to_query (summits , pr_regions ).drop_duplicates (subset = 'Query' , keep = 'first' )
overlapping_regions = [_extend (r ) for r in target_query ['Target' ]]
non_overlapping_regions = set (regions ) - set (target_query ['Query' ])
return [* overlapping_regions , * non_overlapping_regions ]
n_bins = 50
region_sets_of_interest = {'PAX5' : regions_PAX , 'EBF1' : regions_EBF , 'POU2F2' : regions_POU2F2 }
bw_of_interest = {'PAX5' :bw_PAX5 , 'EBF1' :bw_EBF1 , 'POU2F2' :bw_POU2F2 }
summits_of_interest = {'PAX5' : summits_PAX5 , 'EBF1' : summits_EBF1 , 'POU2F2' : summits_POU2F2 }
eRegulons_of_interest = set (['PAX5' , 'EBF1' , 'POU2F2' ])
coverages = {}
coverages_w_region_names = {}
from itertools import combinations
for ChIP_seq_track in eRegulons_of_interest :
print (f'ChIP-seq: { ChIP_seq_track } ' )
for n_region_sets in range (1 , len (eRegulons_of_interest ) + 1 ):
for combination in combinations (eRegulons_of_interest , n_region_sets ):
others = eRegulons_of_interest - set (combination )
regions = region_sets_of_interest [combination [0 ]]
if n_region_sets > 1 :
for partner in combination [1 :]:
regions = regions & region_sets_of_interest [partner ]
if len (others ) > 0 :
for other in others :
regions = regions - region_sets_of_interest [other ]
print (f'c_{ ChIP_seq_track } _r_{ "_n_" .join (combination )} _d_{ "_" .join (others )} : { len (regions )} ' )
if len (regions ) > 0 :
coverages [f'c_{ ChIP_seq_track } _r_{ "_n_" .join (combination )} _d_{ "_" .join (others )} ' ] = calc_coverage (
intersect_w_summit (regions , summits_of_interest [ChIP_seq_track ]), n_bins , bw_of_interest [ChIP_seq_track ])
color_dict = {
'EBF1' : 'Blue' ,
'PAX5' : 'Green' ,
'POU2AF1' : 'Red'
#set global min max for scaling
min_max_factor = {}
for ChIP_seq_track in eRegulons_of_interest :
maxs = []
mins = []
for x in coverages .keys ():
if x .startswith (f'c_{ ChIP_seq_track } ' ) and len (x .split ('_d_' )[1 ]) > 0 :
print (f'{ ChIP_seq_track } -- { x } ' )
df = pd .DataFrame (coverages [x ])
mins .append (df .mean (0 ).min ())
maxs .append (df .mean (0 ).max ())
min_max_factor [ChIP_seq_track ] = [min (mins ), max (maxs )]
fig , axs = plt .subplots (ncols = 3 , nrows = 3 , figsize = (3.75 , 5.75 ))
for j , region_set_1 in enumerate (eRegulons_of_interest ):
axs [0 , j ].set_title (region_set_1 )
for i , region_set_2 in enumerate (eRegulons_of_interest ):
axs [i , 0 ].set_ylabel (region_set_2 )
if j <= i : #this will only plot one triangle
for ChIP_seq_track in eRegulons_of_interest :
ChIP_min , ChIP_max = min_max_factor [ChIP_seq_track ]
data_name = [
x for x in coverages .keys ()
if x .startswith (f'c_{ ChIP_seq_track } ' )
and region_set_1 in x .split ('_r_' )[1 ].split ('_d_' )[0 ].split ('_n_' )
and region_set_2 in x .split ('_r_' )[1 ].split ('_d_' )[0 ].split ('_n_' )][0 ]
print (f'{ i } , { j } : { data_name } region 1: { region_set_1 } region 2: { region_set_2 } ' )
coverage = coverages [data_name ]
axs [i , j ].plot (
np .arange (n_bins ),
(coverage .mean (0 ) - ChIP_min ) / (ChIP_max - ChIP_min ), #scale between global 1 and 0
lw = 1 ,
label = ChIP_seq_track ,
color = color_dict [ChIP_seq_track ]
sns .despine (ax = axs [i , j ])
axs [i ,j ].set_ylim (0 ,1 )
axs [i , j ].set_yticks ([0 , 0.25 , 0.5 , 0.75 , 1 ])
axs [i ,j ].set_xticks (np .arange (0 , 51 , 16.66666 ))
axs [i , j ].set_xticklabels (np .round ((np .arange (0 , 51 , 16.66666 ) * 30 - 249.5 )).astype (int ), fontsize = 5 )
axs [i , j ].set_axisbelow (True )
axs [i , j ].grid ()
else :
sns .despine (ax = axs [i , j ], top = True , bottom = True , left = True , right = True )
axs [i , j ].set_xticks ([])
axs [i , j ].set_yticks ([])
handles , labels = axs [0 ,0 ].get_legend_handles_labels ()
fig .legend (handles , labels , loc = 'center right' , frameon = False )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'aggreation_chip_combinations_POU2AF1_EBF1_PAX5.pdf' ))
Supplementary Figure S9, pannel m: Accessibility in B Cells
B_cell_bw = pyBigWig .open ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/pycistopic/consensus_peak_calling/pseudobulk_bw_files/' )
coverages = {}
for n_region_sets in range (1 , len (eRegulons_of_interest ) + 1 ):
for combination in combinations (eRegulons_of_interest , n_region_sets ):
others = eRegulons_of_interest - set (combination )
regions = region_sets_of_interest [combination [0 ]]
if n_region_sets > 1 :
for partner in combination [1 :]:
regions = regions & region_sets_of_interest [partner ]
if len (others ) > 0 :
for other in others :
regions = regions - region_sets_of_interest [other ]
print (f'c_{ ChIP_seq_track } _r_{ "_n_" .join (combination )} _d_{ "_" .join (others )} : { len (regions )} ' )
if len (regions ) > 5 :
coverages [f'c_B_cell_r_{ "_n_" .join (combination )} _d_{ "_" .join (others )} ' ] = calc_coverage (regions , n_bins , B_cell_bw )
fig , ax = plt .subplots (figsize = (3.5 , 3.5 ))
for region_combination in coverages .keys ():
region_combination_name = region_combination .split ('_r_' )[1 ]
region_combination_coverage = coverages [region_combination ]
ax .plot (
np .arange (n_bins ),
region_combination_coverage .mean (0 ),
label = region_combination_name .split ('_d_' )[0 ],
color = color_dict [region_combination_name ],
lw = 1 )
a = list (pd .concat ([coverages [x ] for x in coverages .keys () if '_n_' in x ], axis = 0 )[24 ])
b = list (pd .concat ([coverages [x ] for x in coverages .keys () if '_n_' not in x ], axis = 0 )[24 ])
pval = round (mannwhitneyu (a , b , nan_policy = 'omit' , alternative = 'greater' ).pvalue , 4 )
ax .text (1 , 5.2 , f'p = { pval } ' , fontsize = 8 )
ax .set_ylabel ('B cells Accessibility' )
ax .set_xticks (np .arange (0 , 51 , 16.66666 ))
ax .set_xticklabels ((np .arange (0 , 51 , 16.66666 ) * 30 - 249.5 ).astype (int ))
sns .despine (ax = ax )
plt .legend (frameon = False , ncol = 1 , loc = 'best' , columnspacing = 0.5 , fontsize = 5 )
plt .grid (which = 'both' )
ax .set_axisbelow (True )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'ACC_B_cell.pdf' ))
fig , ax = plt .subplots (figsize = (3.5 , 3.5 ))
ax .plot (
np .arange (n_bins ),
pd .concat ([coverages [x ] for x in coverages .keys () if '_n_' in x ]).mean (0 ),
label = '> 1' ,
color = 'blue' ,
lw = 1 )
ax .plot (
np .arange (n_bins ),
pd .concat ([coverages [x ] for x in coverages .keys () if '_n_' not in x ]).mean (0 ),
label = '< 1' ,
color = 'red' ,
lw = 1 )
ax .set_ylabel ('B cells Accessibility' )
ax .set_xticks (np .arange (0 , 51 , 16.66666 ))
ax .set_xticklabels ((np .arange (0 , 51 , 16.66666 ) * 30 - 249.5 ).astype (int ))
sns .despine (ax = ax )
plt .legend (frameon = False , ncol = 1 , loc = 'best' , columnspacing = 0.5 , fontsize = 5 )
plt .grid (which = 'both' )
ax .set_axisbelow (True )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'ACC_B_cell_1_v_2.pdf' ))
Supplementary Figure S9, pannel L: Cell type specificity
expr_thr = 0
B_cells = scplus_obj .metadata_cell .query ('GEX_celltype == "B_cells"' ).index .to_list ()
X_B_cells = scplus_obj .to_df ('EXP' ).loc [B_cells ]
genes_PAX5 = set (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Gene_based' ]['PAX5_+_(132g)' ])
genes_POU2AF1 = set (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Gene_based' ]['POU2AF1_+_(123g)' ])
genes_EBF1 = set (scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Gene_based' ]['EBF1_+_(161g)' ])
gene_sets_of_interest = {'PAX5' : genes_PAX5 , 'EBF1' : genes_EBF1 , 'POU2AF1' : genes_POU2AF1 }
eRegulons_of_interest = set (['PAX5' , 'EBF1' , 'POU2AF1' ])
from itertools import combinations
gene_sets = {}
for n_gene_sets in range (1 , len (eRegulons_of_interest ) + 1 ):
for combination in combinations (eRegulons_of_interest , n_gene_sets ):
others = eRegulons_of_interest - set (combination )
genes = gene_sets_of_interest [combination [0 ]]
if n_gene_sets > 1 :
for partner in combination [1 :]:
genes = genes & gene_sets_of_interest [partner ]
if len (others ) > 0 :
for other in others :
genes = genes - gene_sets_of_interest [other ]
print (f'{ "_n_" .join (combination )} _d_{ "_" .join (others )} : { len (genes )} ' )
if len (genes ) > 5 :
gene_sets [f'{ "_n_" .join (combination )} _d_{ "_" .join (others )} ' ] = genes
else :
print (f'{ "_n_" .join (combination )} : { len (genes )} ' )
gene_sets [f'{ "_n_" .join (combination )} ' ] = genes
import tspex
X = scplus_obj .to_df ('EXP' )
ct_indeces = {ct : scplus_obj .metadata_cell .query ('GEX_celltype == @ct' ).index for ct in set (scplus_obj .metadata_cell ['GEX_celltype' ])}
X_bulk = {}
for ct in ct_indeces :
X_bulk [ct ] = np .log1p ((X .loc [ct_indeces [ct ]].T / X .loc [ct_indeces [ct ]].T .sum () * 1e6 ).mean (1 ))
X_bulk = pd .DataFrame (X_bulk )
flatten_list = lambda t : [item for sublist in t for item in sublist ]
scale = lambda X : [(x - min (X )) / (max (X ) - min (X )) for x in X ]
spm = tspex .TissueSpecificity (X_bulk .loc [flatten_list (gene_sets .values ())], 'tau' , log = False , transform = False ).tissue_specificity
spm .update (pd .Series (scale (spm .values ), index = spm .index ))
tau_gene_sets = {combo : spm .loc [list (gene_sets [combo ])] for combo in gene_sets .keys ()}
data = pd .DataFrame (
[(np .repeat (combo , len (tau_gene_sets [combo ])), tau_gene_sets [combo ]) for combo in gene_sets .keys ()],
columns = ['Gene_set' , 'tau' ]).explode (['Gene_set' , 'tau' ]).reset_index (drop = True )
data ['label' ] = [x .split ('_d_' )[0 ].replace ('_n_' , '\n ' ) for x in data ['Gene_set' ]]
data ['label' ] = data ['label' ].astype ('category' )
data ['tau' ] = data ['tau' ].astype (float )
color_dict ['EBF1_n_PAX5_n_POU2AF1' ] = '#4CB963'
color_dict_genes = {x .split ('_d_' )[0 ].replace ('_n_' , '\n ' ): color_dict [x ] for x in color_dict .keys ()}
data ['number_of_factors' ] = ['<2' if '\n ' not in x else '>=2' for x in data ['label' ]]
a = data .query ('number_of_factors == "<2"' )['tau' ].tolist ()
b = data .query ('number_of_factors == ">=2"' )['tau' ].tolist ()
pval = round (mannwhitneyu (b , a , nan_policy = 'omit' , alternative = 'greater' ).pvalue , 4 )
fig , ax = plt .subplots (figsize = (3.5 , 3.5 ))
sns .boxplot (
ax = ax ,
y = 'label' ,
x = 'tau' ,
data = data ,
order = [x .split ('_d_' )[0 ].replace ('_n_' , '\n ' ) for x in gene_sets .keys ()],
palette = color_dict_genes )
ax .text (0.9 , 3.5 , f'p = { pval } ' , fontsize = 5 )
sns .despine (ax = ax )
ax .set_ylabel (None )
plt .grid ()
ax .set_axisbelow (True )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'tau.pdf' ))
fig , ax = plt .subplots (figsize = (3.75 , 3.5 ))
sns .boxplot (
ax = ax ,
y = 'number_of_factors' ,
x = 'tau' ,
data = data ,
palette = {'<2' : 'red' , '>=2' : 'blue' })
sns .despine (ax = ax )
ax .set_ylabel (None )
plt .grid ()
ax .set_axisbelow (True )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (plot_dir , 'tau_1_2_.pdf' ))
Export Region-to-gene links for visualization in R
import os
import dill
work_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus'
## Load data
scplus_obj = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_obj.pkl' ), 'rb' )
with open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_cell_names.txt' ), 'w' ) as f :
for cell_barcode in scplus_obj .cell_names :
f .write (cell_barcode .split ('-10x_pbmc' )[0 ])
f .write ('\n ' )
with open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_region_names.txt' ), 'w' ) as f :
for region_name in scplus_obj .region_names :
f .write (region_name .replace (':' , '-' ))
f .write ('\n ' )
with open (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_gene_names.txt' ), 'w' ) as f :
for gene_name in scplus_obj .gene_names :
f .write (gene_name )
f .write ('\n ' )
scplus_obj .metadata_cell .to_csv (os .path .join (work_dir , 'scplus_metadata_cell.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
save_path = work_dir
path_bedToBigBed = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/De_Winter_hNTorg/COMBINED_ANALYSIS/r2g/'
biomart_host = ''
assembly = 'hg38'
species = 'hsapiens'
from scenicplus .enhancer_to_gene import export_to_UCSC_interact
r2g_data = export_to_UCSC_interact (scplus_obj ,
species ,
os .path .join (save_path ,'r2g.rho.bed' ),
path_bedToBigBed = path_bedToBigBed ,
bigbed_outfile = os .path .join (save_path ,'' ),
region_to_gene_key = 'region_to_gene' ,
pbm_host = biomart_host ,
assembly = assembly ,
ucsc_track_name = 'R2G' ,
ucsc_description = 'SCENIC+ region to gene links' ,
cmap_neg = 'Reds' ,
cmap_pos = 'Greens' ,
key_for_color = 'rho' ,
scale_by_gene = False ,
subset_for_eRegulons_regions = True ,
eRegulons_key = 'eRegulons' )
r2g_data = export_to_UCSC_interact (scplus_obj ,
species ,
os .path .join (save_path ,'r2g.importance.bed' ),
path_bedToBigBed = path_bedToBigBed ,
bigbed_outfile = os .path .join (save_path ,'' ),
region_to_gene_key = 'region_to_gene' ,
pbm_host = biomart_host ,
assembly = assembly ,
ucsc_track_name = 'R2G' ,
ucsc_description = 'SCENIC+ region to gene links' ,
cmap_neg = 'Reds' ,
cmap_pos = 'Greens' ,
key_for_color = 'importance' ,
scale_by_gene = True ,
subset_for_eRegulons_regions = True ,
eRegulons_key = 'eRegulons' )
from scenicplus .utils import export_eRegulons
regions = export_eRegulons (scplus_obj ,
os .path .join (save_path ,'eRegulons.bed' ),
assembly ,
eRegulon_signature_key = 'eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ,
bigbed_outfile = os .path .join (save_path ,'' ),
path_bedToBigBed = path_bedToBigBed )
Main Figure 2, pannel g and Supplementary Figure S9, pannel k: Genome Browser plots
# create signac object
library(Signac )
library(Seurat )
library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 )
library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 )
set.seed(1234 )
counts <- Read10X_h5(' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_combined/data/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/outs/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5' )
fragpath <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_combined/data/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/outs/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k_atac_fragments.tsv.gz'
work_dir <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus'
plot_dir <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/plots'
annotation <- GetGRangesFromEnsDb(ensdb = EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 )
seqlevelsStyle(annotation ) <- " UCSC"
# create a Seurat object containing the RNA adata
pbmc <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = counts $ `Gene Expression` ,
assay = " RNA"
# create ATAC assay and add it to the object
pbmc [[" ATAC" ]] <- CreateChromatinAssay(
counts = counts $ Peaks ,
sep = c(" :" , " -" ),
fragments = fragpath ,
annotation = annotation
# load data
library(SCopeLoomR )
loom <- open_loom(paste0(work_dir , ' /SCENIC+_gene_based.loom' ))
cell_data <- get_cell_annotation(loom )
cells_to_keep <- gsub(' -10x_pbmc' , ' ' , rownames(cell_data ))
pbmc <- subset(pbmc , cells = cells_to_keep )
r2g_links <- read.table(
paste0(work_dir , ' /r2g.rho.bed' ), sep = ' \t ' , skip = 1 ,
col.names = c(' chrom' , ' chromStart' , ' chromEnd' , ' name' , ' score' , ' value' , ' exp' ,
' color' , ' sourceChrom' , ' sourceStart' , ' sourceEnd' , ' sourceName' ,
' sourceStrand' , ' targetChrom' , ' targetStart' , ' targetEnd' , ' targetName' ,
' targetStrand' ))
cell_metadata <- read.table(paste0(work_dir , ' /scplus_metadata_cell.tsv' ), sep = ' \t ' , header = T )
rownames(cell_metadata ) = cell_metadata $ ACC_barcode
pbmc <- AddMetaData(pbmc , cell_metadata )
DefaultAssay(pbmc ) <- ' ATAC'
library(GenomicRanges )
r2g_links <- transform(r2g_links , start_ = pmin(sourceStart , targetEnd ))
r2g_links <- transform(r2g_links , end_ = pmax(sourceStart , targetEnd ))
r2g_links <- r2g_links [c(' chrom' , ' start_' , ' end_' , ' targetName' , ' value' , ' chrom' , ' chromStart' , ' chromEnd' )]
colnames(r2g_links ) <- c(' seqnames' , ' start' , ' end' , ' gene' , ' score' , ' chrom' , ' chromStart' , ' chromEnd' )
eRegulon_regions <- read.table(paste0(work_dir , ' /eRegulons.bed' ), sep = ' \t ' )
colnames(eRegulon_regions ) <- c(' seqnames' , ' start' , ' end' , ' name' )
color_dict = c(
' B_cells' = ' #FF5714' ,
' CD14+_Monocytes' = ' #6EEB83' ,
' FCGR3A+_Monocytes' = ' #65B891' ,
' Dendritic_cells_1' = ' #575761' ,
' Dendritic_cells_2' = ' #1BE7FF' ,
' CD4_T_cells' = ' #1D3461' ,
' CD8_T_cells' = ' #3D5A6C' ,
' NK_cells' = ' #64B6AC' )
selected_eRegulons <- c(' POU2AF1_+' , ' EBF1_+' , ' PAX5_+' )
color_dict_eRegulons = c(
' POU2AF1_+' = ' Red' ,
' EBF1_+' = ' Green' ,
' PAX5_+' = ' Blue' ,
' EBF1_+, POU2AF1_+' = ' goldenrod1' ,
' EBF1_+, PAX5_+' = ' cyan4' ,
' PAX5_+, POU2AF1_+' = ' purple4' ,
' EBF1_+, PAX5_+, POU2AF1_+' = ' black'
bw_PAX5 <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/DPCL/data/ChIP-seq/bigwig/GM12878_PAX5_ENCFF702MTT.bigWig'
bw_EBF1 <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/DPCL/data/ChIP-seq/bigwig/GM12878_EBF1_ENCFF107LDM.bigWig'
bw_POU2F2 <- ' /staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/Figure_pbmc/v3_clustered_consensus/data/ENCFF803HIP.bigWig'
library(dplyr )
eRegulon_regions <- subset(eRegulon_regions , name %in% selected_eRegulons )
eRegulon_regions <- eRegulon_regions [order(eRegulon_regions $ name ), ]
eRegulon_regions <- eRegulon_regions %> %
group_by(seqnames , start , end ) %> %
mutate(name = paste0(name , collapse = " , " ))
gr_eRegulon_regions <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(eRegulon_regions , keep.extra.columns = TRUE )
r2g_links_gene <- subset(r2g_links , gene == " BLNK" )
r2g_links_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(subset(r2g_links_gene , chromStart %in% eRegulon_regions $ start )[c(' seqnames' , ' start' , ' end' , ' gene' , ' score' )], keep.extra.columns = TRUE )
Links(pbmc ) <- r2g_links_gr
gene_to_region_of_interest = c(
' BLNK' = ' chr10-96226082-96316945' ,
' PLEKHG1' = ' chr6-150562217-150730918' ,
' CD22' = ' chr19-35316521-35485142'
library(ggplot2 )
library(RColorBrewer )
for (gene in names(gene_to_region_of_interest )) {
print(gene )
region = gene_to_region_of_interest [[gene ]]
eRegulon_regions <- eRegulon_regions [eRegulon_regions [[' name' ]] %in% selected_eRegulons , ]
eRegulon_regions <- eRegulon_regions [order(eRegulon_regions $ name ), ]
eRegulon_regions <- eRegulon_regions %> %
group_by(seqnames , start , end ) %> %
mutate(name = paste0(name , collapse = " , " ))
gr_eRegulon_regions <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(eRegulon_regions , keep.extra.columns = TRUE )
r2g_links_gene <- r2g_links [r2g_links [[' gene' ]] == gene , ]
r2g_links_gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(r2g_links_gene [r2g_links_gene [[' chromStart' ]] %in% eRegulon_regions $ start ,][c(' seqnames' , ' start' , ' end' , ' gene' , ' score' )], keep.extra.columns = TRUE )
Links(pbmc ) <- r2g_links_gr
peak_plot <- PeakPlot(
object = pbmc ,
region = region ,
peaks = gr_eRegulon_regions , = ' name'
) & scale_fill_manual(values = color_dict_eRegulons )
cov_plot <- CoveragePlot(
object = pbmc ,
region = region , = ' GEX_celltype' ,
annotation = FALSE ,
peaks = FALSE ,
links = FALSE ,
bigwig = list (' PAX5 ChIP-seq' = bw_PAX5 , ' EBF1 ChIP-seq' = bw_EBF1 , ' POU2F2 ChIP-seq' = bw_POU2F2 ),
bigwig.scale = ' separate'
) & scale_fill_manual(values = color_dict )
cov_plot_wo_bw <- CoveragePlot(
object = pbmc ,
region = region , = ' GEX_celltype' ,
annotation = FALSE ,
peaks = FALSE ,
links = FALSE
) & scale_fill_manual(values = color_dict )
expr_plot <- ExpressionPlot(
object = pbmc ,
features = c(gene , ' PAX5' , ' POU2AF1' , ' EBF1' ),
assay = ' RNA' , = ' GEX_celltype'
) & scale_fill_manual(values = color_dict )
# Annotation
gene_plot <- AnnotationPlot(
object = pbmc ,
region = region
# Links
link_plot <- LinkPlot(
object = pbmc ,
region = region ,
min.cutoff = - 1 ) + scale_colour_gradientn(colours = brewer.pal(n = 9 , name = " Blues" ), limits = c(0 , NA ))
library(patchwork )
p <- CombineTracks(
plotlist = list (cov_plot , peak_plot , link_plot , gene_plot ),
heights = c(5 , 1 , 1 , 1 ),
widths = c(10 ,4 )
pdf(paste0(plot_dir , paste0(' /R_R2G_' , gene , ' .pdf' )))
print(p )
p <- CombineTracks(
plotlist = list (cov_plot_wo_bw , peak_plot , link_plot , gene_plot ),
expression.plot = expr_plot ,
heights = c(5 , 1 , 1 , 1 ),
widths = c(10 ,4 ))
pdf(paste0(plot_dir , paste0(' /R_R2G_' , gene , ' _w_expr.pdf' )))
print(p )
saveRDS(pbmc , paste0(work_dir , ' SIGNAC_obj.RDS' ))
Supplementary Figure S9, pannel c: Comparison with HiC
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import os
wdir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/figures_reviewer_questions/HiC_pbmc'
data_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/HIC_PBMC'
merged_data_hic = pd .read_csv (
os .path .join (data_dir , 'merged_data_hic.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
merged_data_scplus = pd .read_csv (
os .path .join (data_dir , 'merged_data_scplus.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
import dill
scplus_obj = dill .load (
open ('/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus/scplus_obj.pkl' , 'rb' ))
from scenicplus .utils import *
selected_regions = list (set (flatten_list ([scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Region_based' ][x ] for x in [x for x in scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ]['Region_based' ] if '_+_' in x ]])))
selected_genes = list (set (flatten_list ([scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_signatures_filtered' ]['Gene_based' ][x ] for x in [x for x in scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ]['Gene_based' ] if '_+_' in x ]])))
n_regions_per_gene = scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ].query ('Gene in @selected_genes' ).query ('Region in @selected_regions' )[['Gene' , 'Region' ]].drop_duplicates ().groupby ('Gene' ).count ()['Region' ].to_numpy ()
#histogram of nr of regions per gene and rank
fig , axs = plt .subplots (nrows = 2 , ncols = 2 , figsize = (8 ,8 ), sharex = 'col' , sharey = 'col' )
axs [0 , 0 ].hist (
merged_data_scplus .groupby ('Gene' )['Region' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x ))),
bins = np .arange (merged_data_scplus .groupby ('Gene' )['Region' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x ))).max ()), color = 'gray' , edgecolor = 'black' )
axs [1 , 0 ].hist (
merged_data_hic .groupby ('Gene' )['Region' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x ))),
bins = np .arange (merged_data_hic .groupby ('Gene' )['Region' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x ))).max ()), color = 'gray' , edgecolor = 'black' )
rank_max_importance_splus = merged_data_scplus .groupby ('Region' )[['rank_gene' , 'R2G_importance' ]].apply (lambda x : np .array (x ['rank_gene' ])[np .argmax (x ['R2G_importance' ])])
axs [0 , 1 ].hist (
rank_max_importance_splus ,
bins = np .arange (rank_max_importance_splus .max ()), color = 'gray' , edgecolor = 'black' )
rank_max_score = merged_data_hic .groupby ('Region' )[['rank_gene' , 'Score' ]].apply (lambda x : np .array (x ['rank_gene' ])[np .argmax (x ['Score' ])])
axs [1 , 1 ].hist (
rank_max_score ,
bins = np .arange (rank_max_score .max ()), color = 'gray' , edgecolor = 'black' )
for ax in axs .ravel ():
sns .despine (ax = ax )
axs [0 , 0 ].set_ylabel ('Frequency' )
axs [1 , 0 ].set_ylabel ('Frequency' )
axs [0 , 0 ].set_title ('SCENIC+: # regions per gene' )
axs [0 , 1 ].set_title ('SCENIC+: nth. gene per region' )
axs [1 , 0 ].set_title ('Hi-C: # regions per gene' )
axs [1 , 1 ].set_title ('Hi-C: nth. gene per region' )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (wdir , 'hist_n_regions_per_gene_and_rank.pdf' ))
fig .savefig (os .path .join (wdir , 'hist_n_regions_per_gene_and_rank.png' ))
hic_correlation_data = pd .read_csv (
os .path .join (data_dir , 'correlation_w_hic_B_cell_marker_genes.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
order = ['GBM_rnd' , 'GBM' , 'rho_rnd' , 'rho' ]
hic_correlation_data ['method' ] = pd .Categorical (hic_correlation_data ['method' ], categories = order )
color_dict = {
'GBM_rnd' : '#D0CFEC' ,
'GBM' : '#3454D1' ,
'rho_rnd' : '#F8C0C8' ,
'rho' : '#CC5A71' }
sns .set_palette ([color_dict [t ] for t in order ])
from scipy .stats import mannwhitneyu
pairs = [('GBM_rnd' , 'GBM' ), ('rho_rnd' , 'rho' )]
p_values = [
mannwhitneyu (hic_correlation_data .loc [hic_correlation_data ['method' ] == t1 , 'correlation' ], hic_correlation_data .loc [hic_correlation_data ['method' ] == t2 , 'correlation' ]).pvalue
for t1 , t2 in pairs ]
p_values_formated = [f'p={ p :.1e} ' for p in p_values ]
from statannotations .Annotator import Annotator
fig , ax = plt .subplots ()
sns .boxplot (
data = hic_correlation_data ,
x = 'method' , y = 'correlation' )
ax .hlines (y = 0 , xmin = - 0.5 , xmax = 4 , ls = 'dashed' , color = 'gray' )
ax .set_ylim ((- 1 , 1 ))
annotator = Annotator (ax , pairs , data = hic_correlation_data , x = 'method' , y = 'correlation' )
annotator .set_custom_annotations (p_values_formated )
annotator .annotate ()
sns .despine (ax = ax )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (wdir , 'bxplot_corr_hic.pdf' ))
fig .savefig (os .path .join (wdir , 'bxplot_corr_hic.png' ))
sum (merged_data_scplus .groupby ('Gene' )['Region' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x ))).values < 10 ) #5928
len (set (merged_data_scplus ['Gene' ])) #6605
sum (merged_data_hic .groupby ('Gene' )['Region' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x ))).values < 10 ) #4047
len (set (merged_data_hic ['Gene' ])) #6825
sum (rank_max_importance_splus == 1 ) #11533
len (rank_max_importance_splus ) #23470
sum (rank_max_score == 1 ) #17903
len (rank_max_score ) #23450
Supplementary Figure S9, pannel e: TFs found by SCENIC+, Signac and ArchR
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
outdir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/figures_reviewer_questions/pbmc_signac_archr'
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import dill
scplus_folder = "/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus"
scplus_obj = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (scplus_folder , 'scplus_obj.pkl' ), 'rb' ))
data_folder = "/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/extra_methods/pbmc/extract_data"
archr_signac_outdir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/cbravo/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/archr_signac_comparison/pbmc/'
tool_to_data = {
'SCENIC+' : scplus_obj .uns ['eRegulon_metadata_filtered' ].copy (),
'Signac DEM' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (archr_signac_outdir , 'find_motifs_dars_matrix.tsv' )),
'Signac ChromVar' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (archr_signac_outdir , 'chromVAR_cistromes.tsv' )),
'ArchR motif DEM' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (archr_signac_outdir , 'ArchR/ArchR_motifs_DARs_matrix.tsv' )),
'ArchR track DEM' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (archr_signac_outdir , 'ArchR/ArchR_ENCODE_DARs_matrix.tsv' )),
'ArchR ChromVar' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (archr_signac_outdir , 'ArchR/ArchR_chromVAR_cistromes_matrix.tsv' ))}
from tqdm import tqdm
def split_dimers_into_two_columns (df : pd .DataFrame ):
for column in tqdm (df .columns , total = len (df .columns )):
if '::' in column :
col1 , col2 = column .split ('::' )
if col1 in df .columns :
df [col1 ] = df [col1 ].to_numpy () + df [column ].to_numpy ()
else :
df [col1 ] = df [column ].to_numpy ()
if col2 in df .columns :
df [col2 ] = df [col2 ].to_numpy () + df [column ].to_numpy ()
else :
df [col2 ] = df [column ].to_numpy ()
df .drop (column , axis = 1 , inplace = True )
for tool in set (tool_to_data .keys ()) - set (['SCENIC+' ]):
print (tool )
split_dimers_into_two_columns (tool_to_data [tool ])
tool_to_data ['ArchR track DEM' ].columns = [x .split ('_' )[0 ].split ('-' )[0 ] for x in tool_to_data ['ArchR track DEM' ].columns ]
tool_to_data ['ArchR track DEM' ] = tool_to_data ['ArchR track DEM' ].groupby (lambda x : x , axis = 1 ).sum ()
tool_to_data ['SCENIC+' ]['Consensus_name' ] = [x .split ('_(' )[0 ] for x in tool_to_data ['SCENIC+' ]['Region_signature_name' ]]
tool_to_data ['SCENIC+' ].rename ({'Region' : 'region' , 'Gene' : 'gene' }, axis = 1 , inplace = True )
TFs_all_tools = list (set (tool_to_data ['SCENIC+' ]['TF' ]))
TFs_all_tools = []
for tool in set (tool_to_data .keys ()) - set (['SCENIC+' ]):
TFs_all_tools .extend (list (tool_to_data [tool ].columns [tool_to_data [tool ].sum () >= 10 ]))
TFs_all_tools = set (TFs_all_tools )
TFs_for_tools = pd .DataFrame (
index = TFs_all_tools ,
columns = tool_to_data .keys ()).fillna (0 )
TFs_for_tools .loc [tool_to_data ['SCENIC+' ]['TF' ]] = 1
for tool in set (tool_to_data .keys () - set (['SCENIC+' ])):
TFs_for_tools .loc [list (tool_to_data [tool ].columns [tool_to_data [tool ].sum () >= 10 ]), tool ] = 1
TFs_for_tools = TFs_for_tools .loc [list (set (TFs_for_tools .index ) & set (scplus_obj .gene_names ))]
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
g = sns .clustermap (
TFs_for_tools .T ,
cmap = ['Red' , 'Green' ],
yticklabels = True ,
xticklabels = False ,
figsize = (13 , 4 ),
dendrogram_ratio = 0.05 ,
** dict (cbar_kws = dict (ticks = [0 , 1 ], orientation = 'horizontal' , shrink = 0.01 )))
x0 , _y0 , _w , _h = g .cbar_pos
g .ax_heatmap .set_yticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_yticklabels (), va = 'center' , rotation = 0 )
g .ax_heatmap .set_xticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_xticklabels (), ha = 'right' , rotation = 45 , rotation_mode = "anchor" )
g .ax_cbar .set_position ([0.02 , 0.98 , 0.01 , 0.02 ])
g .ax_cbar .set_title ('TF found' )
#g.ax_cbar.set_ticklabels(['0', '1'])
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "scplus_TFs_found_by_methods.pdf" ))
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "scplus_TFs_found_by_methods.png" ), dpi = 300 )
TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes = TFs_for_tools .copy ()
cistrome_TFs = list (set ([x .split ('_' )[0 ] for x in scplus_obj .uns ['Cistromes' ]['Unfiltered' ].keys ()]))
new_TFs = list (set (cistrome_TFs ) - set (TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes .index ))
TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes = pd .concat ([pd .DataFrame (index = new_TFs , columns = TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes .columns ), TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes ]).fillna (0 )
TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes .loc [cistrome_TFs , 'SCENIC+ Cistromes' ] = 1
TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes = TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes .fillna (0 )
g = sns .clustermap (
TFs_for_tools_w_cistromes .T ,
cmap = ['Red' , 'Green' ],
yticklabels = True ,
xticklabels = False ,
figsize = (13 , 4 ),
dendrogram_ratio = 0.05 ,
** dict (cbar_kws = dict (ticks = [0 , 1 ], orientation = 'horizontal' , shrink = 0.01 )))
x0 , _y0 , _w , _h = g .cbar_pos
g .ax_heatmap .set_yticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_yticklabels (), va = 'center' , rotation = 0 )
g .ax_heatmap .set_xticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_xticklabels (), ha = 'right' , rotation = 45 , rotation_mode = "anchor" )
g .ax_cbar .set_position ([0.02 , 0.98 , 0.01 , 0.02 ])
g .ax_cbar .set_title ('TF found' )
#g.ax_cbar.set_ticklabels(['0', '1'])
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "scplus_TFs_found_by_methods_w_cistromes.pdf" ))
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "scplus_TFs_found_by_methods_w_cistromes.png" ), dpi = 300 )
Supplementary Figure S9, pannel f: TFs found by SCENIC+, CellOracle, FigR and SCENIC
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
outdir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/figures_reviewer_questions/pbmc_other_eGRN_methods'
import os
os .makedirs (outdir )
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import dill
scplus_folder = "/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/Multiomics_pipeline/analysis/pbmc_granulocyte_sorted_10k/scenicplus_clustered_consensus"
scplus_obj = dill .load (
open (os .path .join (scplus_folder , 'scplus_obj.pkl' ), 'rb' ))
data_folder = "/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/extra_methods/pbmc/extract_data"
tool_to_regulon_metadata = {
'SCENIC' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (data_folder , 'SCENIC_regulons.tsv' )),
'CellOracle' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (data_folder , 'celloracle_eRegulons.tsv' )),
'FigR' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (data_folder , 'figr_eRegulons.tsv' )),
'Pando' : pd .read_table (os .path .join (data_folder , 'pando_eRegulons.tsv' )),
#'SCENIC+': scplus_obj.uns['eRegulon_metadata_filtered'].copy()}
tool_to_regulon_metadata ['SCENIC' ]['TF' ] = [x .split ('_' )[0 ] for x in tool_to_regulon_metadata ['SCENIC' ]['TF' ]]
tool_to_regulon_metadata ['SCENIC' ]['Consensus_name' ] = tool_to_regulon_metadata ['SCENIC' ]['TF' ]
tool_to_regulon_metadata ['CellOracle' ]['Consensus_name' ] = [
f"{ TF } _+" if score >= 0 else f"{ TF } _-" for TF , score in tool_to_regulon_metadata ['CellOracle' ][['TF' , 'coef_mean' ]].to_numpy ()]
tool_to_regulon_metadata ['FigR' ]['Consensus_name' ] = [
f"{ TF } _+" if score >= 0 else f"{ TF } _-" for TF , score in tool_to_regulon_metadata ['FigR' ][['TF' , 'Corr' ]].to_numpy ()]
tool_to_regulon_metadata ['Pando' ]['Consensus_name' ] = [
f"{ TF } _+" if score >= 0 else f"{ TF } _-" for TF , score in tool_to_regulon_metadata ['Pando' ][['TF' , 'estimate' ]].to_numpy ()]
tool_to_regulon_metadata ['SCENIC+' ]['Consensus_name' ] = [x .split ('_(' )[0 ] for x in tool_to_regulon_metadata ['SCENIC+' ]['Region_signature_name' ]]
tool_to_regulon_metadata ['SCENIC+' ].rename ({'Region' : 'region' , 'Gene' : 'gene' }, axis = 1 , inplace = True )
min_target_genes = 10
for tool in tool_to_regulon_metadata .keys ():
eRegulon_and_counts = tool_to_regulon_metadata [tool ].groupby ('Consensus_name' )['gene' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x )))
eRegulons_to_keep = eRegulon_and_counts .index [eRegulon_and_counts >= min_target_genes ]
tool_to_regulon_metadata [tool ] = tool_to_regulon_metadata [tool ].query ('Consensus_name in @eRegulons_to_keep' )
TFs_all_tools = []
for tool in tool_to_regulon_metadata .keys ():
TFs_all_tools .extend (tool_to_regulon_metadata [tool ]['TF' ])
TFs_all_tools = set (TFs_all_tools )
TFs_for_tools = pd .DataFrame (
index = TFs_all_tools ,
columns = tool_to_regulon_metadata .keys ()).fillna (0 )
for tool in tool_to_regulon_metadata .keys ():
TFs_found_by_tool = list (set (tool_to_regulon_metadata [tool ]['TF' ]))
TFs_for_tools .loc [TFs_found_by_tool , tool ] = 1
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
g = sns .clustermap (
TFs_for_tools .T [[x .split ('_' )[0 ] for x in scplus_obj .uns ['selected_eRegulon' ]['Gene_based' ]]],
cmap = ['Red' , 'Green' ],
yticklabels = True ,
xticklabels = True ,
figsize = (13 , 4 ),
dendrogram_ratio = 0.05 ,
** dict (cbar_kws = dict (ticks = [0 , 1 ], orientation = 'horizontal' , shrink = 0.01 )))
x0 , _y0 , _w , _h = g .cbar_pos
g .ax_heatmap .set_yticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_yticklabels (), va = 'center' , rotation = 0 )
g .ax_heatmap .set_xticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_xticklabels (), ha = 'right' , rotation = 45 , rotation_mode = "anchor" )
g .ax_cbar .set_position ([0.02 , 0.98 , 0.01 , 0.02 ])
g .ax_cbar .set_title ('TF found' )
#g.ax_cbar.set_ticklabels(['0', '1'])
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "scplus_TFs_found_by_methods.pdf" ))
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "scplus_TFs_found_by_methods.png" ), dpi = 300 )
g = sns .clustermap (
TFs_for_tools .T ,
cmap = ['Red' , 'Green' ],
yticklabels = True ,
xticklabels = False ,
figsize = (13 , 4 ),
dendrogram_ratio = 0.05 ,
** dict (cbar_kws = dict (ticks = [0 , 1 ], orientation = 'horizontal' , shrink = 0.01 )))
x0 , _y0 , _w , _h = g .cbar_pos
g .ax_heatmap .set_yticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_yticklabels (), va = 'center' , rotation = 0 )
g .ax_heatmap .set_xticklabels (labels = g .ax_heatmap .get_xticklabels (), ha = 'right' , rotation = 45 , rotation_mode = "anchor" )
g .ax_cbar .set_position ([0.02 , 0.98 , 0.01 , 0.02 ])
g .ax_cbar .set_title ('TF found' )
#g.ax_cbar.set_ticklabels(['0', '1'])
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "TFs_found_by_methods.pdf" ))
g .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , "TFs_found_by_methods.png" ), dpi = 300 )
Supplementary Fig S9, pannel g: GO enrichment on TFs found by Signac, SCENIC+ and ArchR
import pandas as pd
out_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/figures_reviewer_questions/pbmc_signac_archr'
import os
data_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/extra_methods/pbmc/pbmc_signac_archr/'
geo_result_files = {
'SCENIC+' : pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'SCPLUS_targets.csv' )),
'Signac' : pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'Signac_targets.csv' )),
'ArchR' : pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'ArchR_targets.csv' ))}
top_n = 10
top_on = 'negative_log10_of_adjusted_p_value'
geo_result = []
for tool in geo_result_files .keys ():
tmp = geo_result_files [tool ]
tmp = tmp .nlargest (top_n , top_on )
tmp ['Tool' ] = tool
geo_result .append (tmp )
geo_result = pd .concat (geo_result )
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from adjustText import adjust_text
import seaborn as sns
fig , axs = plt .subplots (ncols = 3 , figsize = (3 * 4 , 5 ))
for tool ,ax in zip (set (geo_result ['Tool' ]), axs .ravel ()):
data = geo_result .loc [geo_result ['Tool' ] == tool ]
ax .scatter (
y = np .arange (len (data ))[::- 1 ], x = data ['negative_log10_of_adjusted_p_value' ], color = 'black' )
texts = [ax .text (x , y , t ) for x , y , t in zip (data ['negative_log10_of_adjusted_p_value' ], np .arange (len (data ))[::- 1 ], data ['term_name' ])]
ax .set_title (f'{ tool } ' )
ax .set_xlabel ('log10(Adjusted p value)' )
sns .despine (ax = ax )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'geo_scatter.pdf' ))
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'geo_scatter.png' ))
Supplementary Fig S9, pannel h: Supplementary Fig S9, pannel g: GO enrichment on TFs found by Pando, SCENIC+ and CellOracle
import pandas as pd
out_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/figures_reviewer_questions/pbmc_other_eGRN_methods'
import os
data_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/extra_methods/pbmc/extract_data'
geo_result_files = {
'SCENIC+' : pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'gProfiler_scenic_plus.csv' )),
'CellOracle' : pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'gProfiler_celloracle.csv' )),
'Pando' : pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'gProfiler_pando.csv' )),
'SCENIC' : pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'gProfiler_scenic.csv' ))}
top_n = 10
top_on = 'negative_log10_of_adjusted_p_value'
geo_result = []
for tool in geo_result_files .keys ():
tmp = geo_result_files [tool ]
tmp = tmp .nlargest (top_n , top_on )
tmp ['Tool' ] = tool
geo_result .append (tmp )
geo_result = pd .concat (geo_result )
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from adjustText import adjust_text
import seaborn as sns
fig , axs = plt .subplots (ncols = 3 , figsize = (3 * 4 , 5 ), sharex = False )
for tool ,ax in zip (set (geo_result ['Tool' ]), axs .ravel ()):
data = geo_result .loc [geo_result ['Tool' ] == tool ]
ax .scatter (
y = np .arange (len (data ))[::- 1 ], x = data ['negative_log10_of_adjusted_p_value' ], color = 'black' )
texts = [ax .text (x , y , t ) for x , y , t in zip (data ['negative_log10_of_adjusted_p_value' ], np .arange (len (data ))[::- 1 ], data ['term_name' ])]
ax .set_title (f'{ tool } ' )
ax .set_xlabel ('log10(Adjusted p value)' )
sns .despine (ax = ax )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'geo_scatter.pdf' ))
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'geo_scatter.png' ))
Supplementary Fig S9, pannel i: Accuracy of target regions identified by SCENIC+, Signac and ArchR
data_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/extra_methods/pbmc/pbmc_signac_archr'
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
outdir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/figures_reviewer_questions/pbmc_signac_archr'
out_dir = outdir
import pandas as pd
import os
data_f1 = pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'data_f1.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
data_pr = pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'data_pr.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
data_re = pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'data_re.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
tool_to_color = {
'SCENIC+ Cistromes' : '#f70404' ,
'Signac ChromVar' : '#3772FF' ,
'Signac DEM' : '#30BCED' ,
'ArchR motif DEM' : '#44AF69' ,
'ArchR ChromVar' : '#008148' ,
'ArchR track DEM' : '#C8D5B9' }
def plot (params , ax ):
sns .violinplot (
inner = None ,
ax = ax ,
** params )
sns .stripplot (
color = "#2b2b2b" , size = 2 ,
ax = ax ,
** params )
def set_y_log (ax ):
ax .yaxis .set_major_formatter (mticker .StrMethodFormatter ("$10^{{{x:.0f}}}$" ))
ymin , ymax = ax .get_ylim ()
tick_range = np .arange (np .floor (ymin ), ymax )
ax .yaxis .set_ticks (tick_range )
ax .yaxis .set_ticks ([np .log10 (x ) for p in tick_range for x in np .linspace (10 ** p , 10 ** (p + 1 ), 10 )], minor = True )
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
from scipy .stats import mannwhitneyu
from itertools import combinations
from scenicplus .utils import p_adjust_bh
from statannotations .Annotator import Annotator
from matplotlib import ticker as mticker
import numpy as np
fig , axs = plt .subplots (ncols = 3 , nrows = 1 , figsize = (12 , 4 ))
order = data_f1 .groupby ('Tool' )['F1' ].median ().sort_values (ascending = False ).index
data_f1 ['Tool' ] = pd .Categorical (data_f1 ['Tool' ], categories = order )
sns .set_palette (sns .color_palette ([tool_to_color [tool ] for tool in order ]))
plot (params = {'data' : data_f1 , 'x' : 'Tool' ,'y' : 'F1' }, ax = axs [0 ])
axs [0 ].set_xticklabels (order , rotation = 45 , ha = 'right' )
set_y_log (axs [0 ])
sns .despine (ax = axs [0 ])
pairs = []
for i in range (0 , len (order ) - 1 , 1 ):
pairs .append ((order [i ], order [i + 1 ]))
pairs = pairs [::- 1 ]
p_values = [mannwhitneyu (data_f1 .loc [data_f1 ['Tool' ] == t1 , 'F1' ], data_f1 .loc [data_f1 ['Tool' ] == t2 , 'F1' ]).pvalue for t1 , t2 in pairs ]
p_values = p_adjust_bh (p_values )
p_values_formatted = [f'p={ p :.1e} ' for p in p_values ]
annotator = Annotator (axs [0 ], pairs , ** {'data' : data_f1 , 'x' : 'Tool' ,'y' : 'F1' })
annotator .set_custom_annotations (p_values_formatted )
annotator .annotate ()
order = data_pr .groupby ('Tool' )['Precision' ].median ().sort_values (ascending = False ).index
data_pr ['Tool' ] = pd .Categorical (data_pr ['Tool' ], categories = order )
sns .set_palette (sns .color_palette ([tool_to_color [tool ] for tool in order ]))
plot (params = {'data' : data_pr , 'x' : 'Tool' ,'y' : 'Precision' }, ax = axs [1 ])
axs [1 ].set_xticklabels (order , rotation = 45 , ha = 'right' )
set_y_log (axs [1 ])
sns .despine (ax = axs [1 ])
pairs = []
for i in range (0 , len (order ) - 1 , 1 ):
pairs .append ((order [i ], order [i + 1 ]))
pairs = pairs [::- 1 ]
p_values = [mannwhitneyu (data_pr .loc [data_pr ['Tool' ] == t1 , 'Precision' ], data_pr .loc [data_pr ['Tool' ] == t2 , 'Precision' ]).pvalue for t1 , t2 in pairs ]
p_values = p_adjust_bh (p_values )
p_values_formatted = [f'p={ p :.1e} ' for p in p_values ]
annotator = Annotator (axs [1 ], pairs , ** {'data' : data_pr , 'x' : 'Tool' ,'y' : 'Precision' })
annotator .set_custom_annotations (p_values_formatted )
annotator .annotate ()
order = data_re .groupby ('Tool' )['Recall' ].median ().sort_values (ascending = False ).index
data_re ['Tool' ] = pd .Categorical (data_re ['Tool' ], categories = order )
sns .set_palette (sns .color_palette ([tool_to_color [tool ] for tool in order ]))
plot (params = {'data' : data_re ,'x' : 'Tool' ,'y' : 'Recall' }, ax = axs [2 ])
axs [2 ].set_xticklabels (order , rotation = 45 , ha = 'right' )
set_y_log (axs [2 ])
sns .despine (ax = axs [2 ])
pairs = []
for i in range (0 , len (order ) - 1 , 1 ):
pairs .append ((order [i ], order [i + 1 ]))
pairs = pairs [::- 1 ]
p_values = [mannwhitneyu (data_re .loc [data_re ['Tool' ] == t1 , 'Recall' ], data_re .loc [data_re ['Tool' ] == t2 , 'Recall' ]).pvalue for t1 , t2 in pairs ]
p_values = p_adjust_bh (p_values )
p_values_formatted = [f'p={ p :.1e} ' for p in p_values ]
annotator = Annotator (axs [2 ], pairs , ** {'data' : data_re , 'x' : 'Tool' ,'y' : 'Recall' })
annotator .set_custom_annotations (p_values_formatted )
annotator .annotate ()
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'pr_re_f1.pdf' ))
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'pr_re_f1.png' ))
Supplementary Fig S9, pannel j: Accuracy of target regions identified by SCENIC+, CellOracle and Pando
tool_to_n_regions = {}
for tool in ['SCENIC+' , 'Pando' , 'CellOracle' ]:
tool_to_n_regions [tool ] = tool_to_regulon_metadata [tool ].groupby ('Consensus_name' )['region' ].apply (lambda x : len (set (x ))).values
tool_to_color = {
'SCENIC+' : '#f70404' ,
'GRaNIE' : '#f9a204' ,
'Pando' : '#1c94fb' ,
'CellOracle' : '#228b21' ,
'SCENIC' : '#ff1494' ,
'FigR' : '#a020f0' }
from scipy .stats import mannwhitneyu
SCENIC = np .log10 (list (tool_to_n_regions .values ())[0 ])
Pando = np .log10 (list (tool_to_n_regions .values ())[1 ])
CellOracle = np .log10 (list (tool_to_n_regions .values ())[2 ])
data = pd .concat ([
pd .DataFrame ({'SCENIC+' : SCENIC }).melt ().rename ({'variable' : 'tool' , 'value' : 'log(n_regions)' }, axis = 1 ),
pd .DataFrame ({'Pando' : Pando }).melt ().rename ({'variable' : 'tool' , 'value' : 'log(n_regions)' }, axis = 1 ),
pd .DataFrame ({'CellOracle' : CellOracle }).melt ().rename ({'variable' : 'tool' , 'value' : 'log(n_regions)' }, axis = 1 )
from statannotations .Annotator import Annotator
pvalues = [
mannwhitneyu (SCENIC , Pando ).pvalue ,
mannwhitneyu (Pando , CellOracle ).pvalue ,
mannwhitneyu (SCENIC , CellOracle ).pvalue ]
formatted_pvalues = [f'p={ pvalue :.1e} ' for pvalue in pvalues ]
pairs = [('SCENIC+' , 'Pando' ), ('Pando' , 'CellOracle' ), ('SCENIC+' , 'CellOracle' )]
plotting_parameters = {
'data' : data ,
'x' : 'tool' ,
'y' : 'log(n_regions)' }
from matplotlib import ticker as mticker
fig , ax = plt .subplots ()
sns .violinplot (
inner = None ,
# hue = 'tool',
palette = tool_to_color ,
ax = ax ,
** plotting_parameters )
sns .stripplot (
color = "#2b2b2b" , size = 4 ,
ax = ax , alpha = 0.4 ,
** plotting_parameters )
#plt.legend([],[], frameon=False)
annotator = Annotator (ax , pairs , ** plotting_parameters )
annotator .set_custom_annotations (formatted_pvalues )
annotator .annotate ()
ax .yaxis .set_major_formatter (mticker .StrMethodFormatter ("$10^{{{x:.0f}}}$" ))
ymin , ymax = ax .get_ylim ()
tick_range = np .arange (np .floor (ymin ), ymax )
ax .yaxis .set_ticks (tick_range )
ax .yaxis .set_ticks ([np .log10 (x ) for p in tick_range for x in np .linspace (10 ** p , 10 ** (p + 1 ), 10 )], minor = True )
ax .set_xticklabels (list (tool_to_n_regions .keys ()))
ax .set_ylabel ('Nr. of target regions per eRegulon' )
fig .tight_layout ()
sns .despine (ax = ax )
fig .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , 'n_target_regions_vln.pdf' ))
fig .savefig (os .path .join (outdir , 'n_target_regions_vln.png' ))
ax_n_targets = ax
data_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/extra_methods/pbmc/ChIP_seq_comparison/'
F1 = pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'F1.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
PREC = pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'PREC.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
REC = pd .read_csv (os .path .join (data_dir , 'REC.tsv' ), sep = '\t ' )
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import ticker as mticker
from adjustText import adjust_text
import matplotlib
matplotlib .rcParams ['pdf.fonttype' ] = 42
matplotlib .rcParams ['svg.fonttype' ] = 'none'
from statannotations .Annotator import Annotator
from itertools import combinations
from scipy .stats import mannwhitneyu
from scenicplus .utils import p_adjust_bh
def plot (ax , data , x , y , TFs_to_label ):
data = data .copy ()
tools_to_median = data .groupby (x )[y ].median ()
tool_order = tools_to_median .sort_values (ascending = False ).index
data [y ] = np .log10 (data [y ])
data [x ] = pd .Categorical (data [x ], categories = tool_order )
pairs = list (combinations (tool_order , 2 ))
p_values = [
mannwhitneyu (data .loc [data [x ] == tool_a , y ], data .loc [data [x ] == tool_b , y ]).pvalue
for tool_a , tool_b in pairs ]
p_values = p_adjust_bh (p_values )
#pairs = [pair for pair, pval in zip(pairs, p_values) if pval < 0.05]
#p_values = [pval for pval in p_values if pval < 0.05]
p_values_formatted = [f'p={ p :.1e} ' for p in p_values ]
sns .set_palette (sns .color_palette ([tool_to_color [tool ] for tool in tool_order ]))
sns .violinplot (
inner = None , ax = ax ,
data = data , x = x , y = y )
sns .swarmplot (
color = "#2b2b2b" , size = 4 , ax = ax ,
data = data , x = x , y = y )
y_TF_to_label = {TF :
data .loc [np .logical_and (data [x ] == tool , data ['TF' ] == TF ), y ].values [0 ]
if TF in data .loc [data [x ] == tool , 'TF' ].to_numpy () else None
for tool in tool_order ]
for TF in TFs_to_label }
labels = []
xs = []
ys = []
for tool_id in range (len (tool_order )):
for TF in y_TF_to_label .keys ():
if not y_TF_to_label [TF ][tool_id ] == None :
xy = ax .collections [tool_id + len (tool_order )].get_offsets ()
xy_TF = xy [
np .where (
[np .round (_xy [1 ], 5 ) == np .round (y_TF_to_label [TF ][tool_id ], 5 ) for _xy in xy ])[0 ][0 ]]
labels .append (ax .text (xy_TF [0 ], xy_TF [1 ], TF , fontweight = 'bold' , fontname = "Arial" , fontsize = 11 ))
xs .append (xy_TF [0 ])
ys .append (xy_TF [1 ])
adjust_text (labels ,
ax = ax ,
add_objects = ax .collections [0 :3 ],
x = xs , y = ys ,
arrowprops = dict (arrowstyle = '->' , lw = 2 , color = 'black' ),
autoalign = 'x' )
#expand_points = (2.5, 1.5))
ax .yaxis .set_major_formatter (mticker .StrMethodFormatter ("$10^{{{x:.0f}}}$" ))
ymin , ymax = ax .get_ylim ()
tick_range = np .arange (np .floor (ymin ), ymax )
ax .yaxis .set_ticks (tick_range )
ax .yaxis .set_ticks ([np .log10 (x ) for p in tick_range for x in np .linspace (10 ** p , 10 ** (p + 1 ), 10 )], minor = True )
#ax.set_ylim(-7, 0)
annotator = Annotator (ax , pairs , data = data , x = x , y = y )
annotator .set_custom_annotations (p_values_formatted )
annotator .annotate ()
sns .despine (ax = ax )
TFs_to_label = ['PAX5' , 'CEBPB' , 'BCL11A' , 'EBF1' ]
out_dir = '/staging/leuven/stg_00002/lcb/sdewin/PhD/papers/SCENICPLUS_BravoDeWinter_etal_2022/revisions_nat_meth/figures_reviewer_questions/pbmc_other_eGRN_methods'
fig , axs = plt .subplots (ncols = 3 , nrows = 1 , figsize = (15 , 5 ))
plot (axs [0 ], F1 , 'tool' , 'F1' , TFs_to_label )
plot (axs [1 ], PREC , 'tool' , 'Precision' , TFs_to_label )
plot (axs [2 ], REC , 'tool' , 'Recall' , TFs_to_label )
fig .tight_layout ()
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'f1_prec_rec.pdf' ))
fig .savefig (os .path .join (out_dir , 'f1_prec_rec.png' ))