diff --git a/docs/_build/doctrees/environment.pickle b/docs/_build/doctrees/environment.pickle index b54548e..05a771b 100644 Binary files a/docs/_build/doctrees/environment.pickle and b/docs/_build/doctrees/environment.pickle differ diff --git a/docs/_build/doctrees/nellie.feature_extraction.doctree b/docs/_build/doctrees/nellie.feature_extraction.doctree index 8885523..767eec9 100644 Binary files a/docs/_build/doctrees/nellie.feature_extraction.doctree and b/docs/_build/doctrees/nellie.feature_extraction.doctree differ diff --git a/docs/_build/html/_modules/nellie/feature_extraction/hierarchical.html b/docs/_build/html/_modules/nellie/feature_extraction/hierarchical.html index 43b6d12..abf7329 100644 --- a/docs/_build/html/_modules/nellie/feature_extraction/hierarchical.html +++ b/docs/_build/html/_modules/nellie/feature_extraction/hierarchical.html @@ -47,6 +47,53 @@
Bases: object
A class to extract and store branch-level features from hierarchical image data.
+The Hierarchy object containing the image data and metadata.
+The Hierarchy object.
+List of time frames associated with the extracted branch features.
+List of branch labels for each frame.
+List of aggregated voxel metrics for each branch.
+List of aggregated node metrics for each branch.
+List of branch centroid coordinates in 3D or 2D space.
+List of branch length values.
+List of branch thickness values.
+List of aspect ratios for branches.
+List of tortuosity values for branches.
+List of branch area values.
+List of major and minor axis lengths for branches.
+List of extent values for branches.
+List of solidity values for branches.
+List of reassigned branch labels across time.
+List of statistics to aggregate for branches.
+List of branch features to save.
+Main function to run the extraction of branch features over all time frames. +Iterates over each frame to extract branch features and calculate metrics.
+Bases: object
A class to extract and store component-level features from hierarchical image data.
+The Hierarchy object containing the image data and metadata.
+The Hierarchy object.
+List of time frames associated with the extracted component features.
+List of component labels for each frame.
+List of aggregated voxel metrics for each component.
+List of aggregated node metrics for each component.
+List of aggregated branch metrics for each component.
+List of component centroid coordinates in 3D or 2D space.
+List of component area values.
+List of major and minor axis lengths for components.
+List of extent values for components.
+List of solidity values for components.
+List of reassigned component labels across time.
+List of statistics to aggregate for components.
+List of component features to save.
+Main function to run the extraction of component features over all time frames. +Iterates over each frame to extract component features and calculate metrics.
+Bases: object
A class to handle the hierarchical structure of image data, including voxel, node, branch, and component features.
+Object containing metadata and pathways related to the image.
+Whether to skip node processing (default is True).
+Viewer for updating status messages (default is None).
+The ImInfo object containing the image metadata.
+Number of time frames in the image.
+Spacing between dimensions (Z, Y, X) or (Y, X) depending on the presence of Z.
+Raw image data loaded from disk.
+Preprocessed structural image data.
+Distance-transformed image data.
+Skeletonized image data.
+Instance-labeled image data of components.
+Re-labeled skeleton data of branches.
+Image data with border mask.
+Image data classified by pixel types.
+Object reassigned labels across time.
+Branch reassigned labels across time.
+Forward flow interpolator.
+Backward flow interpolator.
+Viewer to display status updates.
+Main function to run the entire hierarchical feature extraction process, which includes memory allocation, +hierarchical analysis, and saving the results.
+Bases: object
A class to extract and store global image-level features from hierarchical image data.
+The Hierarchy object containing the image data and metadata.
+The Hierarchy object.
+List of time frames associated with the extracted image-level features.
+List of image file names.
+List of aggregated voxel metrics for the entire image.
+List of aggregated node metrics for the entire image.
+List of aggregated branch metrics for the entire image.
+List of aggregated component metrics for the entire image.
+List of statistics to aggregate for the entire image.
+List of image-level features to save.
+Main function to run the extraction of image-level features over all time frames. +Iterates over each frame to extract and aggregate voxel, node, branch, and component-level features.
+Bases: object
A class to extract and store node-level features from hierarchical image data.
+The Hierarchy object containing the image data and metadata.
+The Hierarchy object.
+List of time frames associated with the extracted node features.
+List of node coordinates for each frame.
+List of node coordinates in 3D or 2D space.
+List of node thickness values.
+List of divergence values for nodes.
+List of convergence values for nodes.
+List of vergere values (convergence + divergence).
+List of aggregated voxel metrics for each node.
+List of voxel indices associated with each node.
+List of branch labels assigned to nodes.
+List of component labels assigned to nodes.
+List of image file names.
+List of statistics to aggregate for nodes.
+List of node features to save.
+Main function to run the extraction of node features over all time frames. +Iterates over each frame to extract node features and calculate metrics.
+Bases: object
A class to extract and store voxel-level features from hierarchical image data.
+The Hierarchy object containing the image data and metadata.
+The Hierarchy object.
+List of time frames associated with the extracted voxel features.
+List of voxel coordinates.
+List of voxel intensity values.
+List of voxel structural values.
+List of vectors from frame t-1 to t.
+List of vectors from frame t to t+1.
+List of linear velocity vectors.
+List of angular velocity vectors.
+List of directionality features.
+List of node labels assigned to voxels.
+List of branch labels assigned to voxels.
+List of component labels assigned to voxels.
+List of node bounding box limits in dimension 0 (Z or Y).
+List of node bounding box limits in dimension 1 (Y or X).
+List of node bounding box limits in dimension 2 (X).
+List of voxel indices associated with each node.
+List of statistics to aggregate for features.
+List of voxel features to save.
+Main function to run the extraction of voxel features over all time frames. +Iterates over each frame to extract coordinates, intensity, structural features, and motility statistics.
+Converts feature dictionaries into lists of arrays and headers for saving to a CSV.
+Dictionary containing feature names and values to append.
+List of feature arrays.
+List of corresponding feature headers.
+Creates a 2D feature array and corresponding headers for saving features to CSV.
+The level (e.g., voxel, node, branch, etc.) from which features are extracted.
+Array of labels to use for the first column of the output (default is None).
+2D array of features.
+List of corresponding feature headers.