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Discord Community Soundboard

A discord bot built for "enriching" your discord experience by playing custom soundclips in discord voice channels. The main feature is a web interface that allows you to control the playback, manage users and upload custom sound clips. The bot authenticates users via Discord using Oauth2, so the web interface is only accessible to users on the same discord servers as the bot.

As one of the bots features is uploading/playing custom mp3 files, I can not offer a publicly hosted version due to copyright reasons. However, you can easily set up a self hosted instance of the bot with the steps below.

(Even though the master branch holds a usable version of the bot, it is under development at the moment. A release version with a full list of features and usage explanation will be released in the future.)

General Setup

These steps are the same for both deployment and development setups.

Discord setup

  • Create a bot application here

  • Copy the client id, client secret and the token (Add Bot > Copy Token).

  • Next, head to "OAuth2" and add YOUR_FRONTEND_URL_HERE/auth to the redirects (http://localhost:3000/auth for development or something like for deployment). Then, check identify and guilds, select the redirect and copy/save the generated oauth link.

  • You will also want to add the bot to a server of yours.

Config files

  • Clone the repository.

  • In the frontend directory, fill in the values in config.js.template and rename the file to config.js

  • In the backend directory, fill in the values in and rename the file to Generate the django secret at djecrety.


First of all, change the value of POSTGRES_PASSWORD in .env.template to the password specified in and rename the file to .env

For deployment on your Linux machine, you will need both docker and docker-compose.

To build the docker images, run

docker-compose build

in the root directory. This might take a while.

Running the bot

After completing the setup, start the bot with

docker-compose up -d

and stop it with

docker-compose down

The frontend and backend will be attached to and, respectively. Use Virtualhosts (Apache) or Server Blocks (Nginx) with reverse proxy to expose these to the outside.


To update the bot, simply stop the running containers, run a git pull and build the docker files once more.

Managing Soundclips

You will find all uploaded mp3 files in /var/lib/docker/volumes/discord-community-soundboard_backend-data/_data.

If you want to manually load a lot of files into the database, place them in the folder specified above and run

docker-compose exec backend /bin/bash
python3.7 migrate_clips ./clips

from the project root.


If you want to set the bot up for local development, you will have to do some of the installation steps by hand.



A recent version of Node.js is required.


From the frontend directory, run

npm install


Run the app in the development mode with

npm start

in the fronted directory.

By default, open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.



The backend of the bot is built on Django and various python packages, so Python 3.7 is required. If you are on Windows, be sure to add Python to PATH.


To play sound files, the bot needs to have access to the ffmpeg library.

  • Windows: Download FFMPEG and place the ffmpeg.exe from bin in your backend folder.
  • Linux: apt-get install ffmpeg


From the backend directory, run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Database Setup

Get PostgreSQL 10.12.

In psql, setup a database and a user while replacing your_password_here with the password specified in

CREATE DATABASE discordbotbackend;
CREATE USER discordbotuser WITH PASSWORD 'your_password_here';
ALTER ROLE discordbotuser SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE discordbotuser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE discordbotuser SET timezone TO 'CET';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE discordbotbackend TO discordbotuser;

Afterwards, run

python makemigrations
python migrate

in the backend directory to configure the database.

Running the backend

Make sure the database service is active. Then, start the backend with


in the backend directory.

By default, the server will be listening on http://localhost:8080

Managing Soundclips

If you want to manually load sound files into the database, create a clips folder in backend, place the mp3s there and run

python migrate_clips ./clips

in the backend directory.


  • Adrian Steffan - adriansteffan website
  • Till Mueller - deployment setup and docker files
  • Samuel Amar - content management rest endpoints