The system administrator may perform the several tasks using the web application. Below highlight tasks significant to set up, maintain, and debug the system. All tasks assume the user is logged into the web application and has the proper permission.
- Go to Configuration in the top menu.
- Find the System category and go to Site Information.
- Edit the Site Name field.
- Save the changes.
- Go to People in the top menu.
- Go to Add User
- Fill out required fields in form
- Ensure user has role of SysAdmin
- Save the changes.
- Go to People in the top menu.
- Find or search for the user
- Cancel Account and confirm
- Go to Configuration in the top menu.
- Find the System category and go to Cron.
- Run cron
- Go to Configuration in the top menu.
- Find the Development category and go to Performance.
- Clear all caches
- Go to Configuration in the top menu.
- Find the Development category and go to Maintenance mode
- Check the “Put site into maintenance mode” box to put the site offline
- Save the changes.
- Go to Configuration in the top menu.
- Find the Development category and go to Maintenance mode
- Un-check the “Put site into maintenance mode” box to put the site offline
- Save the changes.
- Go to Reports in the top menu.
- Go to Status report
- Go to Reports in the top menu.
- Go to Recent log messages
- Go to Configuration in the top menu.
- Find the System category and go to XAPI Content
- Fill out the required fields
- Save the changes.
- Go to Configuration in the top menu.
- Find the System category and go to Recommendations Engine Configuration
- Update the required fields
- Save the changes.