diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store index dd64616..091475c 100644 Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1f0ac72..b6554e6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -73,6 +73,111 @@ We welcome contributions! If you have a suggestion for a new snippet or an impro This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details. + + + + +Basic Imports + +imr: Import React +imrc: Import React and Component +imrd: Import ReactDOM +imrs: Import React and useState +imrse: Import React, useState, and useEffect +impt: Import PropTypes +impc: Import React and PureComponent + +Components + +cc: Class Component +ffc: Function Component +afc: Arrow Function Component +rmc: React.memo Component +tsrc: TypeScript React Component + +Hooks + +ush: useState Hook +ueh: useEffect Hook +uch: useContext Hook +umh: useMemo Hook +uch: useCallback Hook +urh: useReducer Hook +urefh: useRef Hook +uih: useImperativeHandle Hook +uleh: useLayoutEffect Hook + +Custom Hooks + +cuh: Custom Hook +cuht: Custom Hook with TypeScript +crht: Custom React Hook with TypeScript +rceh: React Custom Event Hook + +Props and Types + +pt: PropTypes declaration +dp: defaultProps declaration + +Styling + +sc: Styled component +thp: Theme Provider + +State Management + +rac: Redux Action Creator +rr: Redux Reducer +cp: Context Provider +rctx: React Context with TypeScript +rca: Recoil Atom +rcs: Recoil Selector + +Routing + +rrs: React Router Setup + +Testing + +rtl: React Testing Library Test + +Next.js + +nxp: Next.js Page + +React Native + +rnc: React Native Component + +Forms + +frm: Formik Form + +Error Handling + +eb: Error Boundary +reb: React Error Boundary with Fallback UI + +Performance Optimization + +hoc: Higher-Order Component +rfr: React.forwardRef + +Data Fetching + +gql: GraphQL Query +rqh: React Query Hook +apif: API Fetch + +Miscellaneous + +sbst: Storybook Story +rpt: React Portal +rlz: React.lazy with Suspense + +Use these prefixes in your code editor to quickly generate the corresponding React code snippets. + + --- Happy coding! πŸ’»βœ¨ Don't forget to star this repo if you find it useful! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ReactSnipp-0.0.4.vsix b/ReactSnipp-0.0.4.vsix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98619cf Binary files /dev/null and b/ReactSnipp-0.0.4.vsix differ diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc24e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/_config.yml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +theme: jekyll-theme-hacker \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hello.jsx b/hello.jsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/old.me b/old.me new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86593df --- /dev/null +++ b/old.me @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +Aditya Vijay + +``` +sudo dnf showing-Aditya-Vijay card +``` + +```js +const user = { + name: "Aditya Vijay", + age: "little more than the age of earth", + theme: [ "one dark", "github dark" ], + state: "oblivion", + + line_endings: "crlf", + codeStyle: "Prettier", + variables: "camelCase", + trailing_comma: true, + + hobbies: [ "programming", "chess", "gaming", "breathing", "hiding dead bodies", ], + languages: [ "C", "HTML", "JavaScript", "CSS", "flutter", "Java",], + editors: [ "Android Studio", "VS Code", "Sublime" ], + + newLanguage: function () { + console.log("Namaste, World!") + }, + + hereIsYourGame: function (game) { + const good = [ "FPS", "Competitive", "AAA" ] + const acceptable = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("acceptablegames.json")) + + if (good.includes(game)) { + console.log("Ready! Shoot! Win!") + } else { + console.log("No, thanks.") + } + }, +} +``` + + + +

About Me

+ + +Github +
  • +Name: Aditya | Vijay
  • +
  • +Nationality: Indian +
  • +
  • +Loves: Video & Photo Editing, Graphic Designing +
  • +
  • +Gender: he/him/Male +
  • +
  • +Hobbys: Breathing , Hiding Dead Bodies, Programming, Playing Dino Game On Chrome. +
  • +
  • +Working @: Dustland Developer +
  • +
  • +Mail: kiriotheo@gmail.com +
  • +
  • +β€œIn C we had to code our own bugs. In C++ we can inherit them.” +
  • +
    +  + +

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    + +[![@kiriotheo's Holopin board](https://holopin.me/kiriotheo)](https://holopin.io/@kiriotheo) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index d32838c..89a744c 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,27 +1,41 @@ { "name": "ReactSnipp", - "displayName": "React Snipp ~ Snippets you need.", - "description": "Supercharge your React development with essential code snippets and utilities for a faster, smoother workflow.", - "version": "0.0.3", + "displayName": "React Snipp ~ Essential React Snippets", + "description": "Supercharge your React development with 50+ essential code snippets for hooks, components, state management, and more. Boost productivity for React, React Native, and Next.js projects.", + "version": "0.0.4", "icon": "images/logo.png", "publisher": "adityavijay21", "engines": { "vscode": "^1.30.0" }, "categories": [ - "Snippets" + "Snippets", + "Programming Languages" ], "keywords": [ + "react", "react-native", "javascript", "typescript", "snippets", - "react-navigation", + "hooks", + "components", "redux", - "async-storage", - "mobile-development", + "context-api", + "next-js", + "react-router", + "styled-components", + "formik", + "testing", + "graphql", + "recoil", + "react-query", + "performance", + "error-boundary", + "storybook", "frontend", - "ui" + "ui", + "productivity" ], "contributes": { "snippets": [ @@ -54,9 +68,8 @@ "url": "https://github.com/adityavijay21/reactsnipp.git" }, "bugs": { - "url": "https://github.com/adityavijay21/reactsnipp.git" + "url": "https://github.com/adityavijay21/reactsnipp/issues" }, "homepage": "https://github.com/adityavijay21/reactsnipp#readme", "license": "MIT" - } - \ No newline at end of file +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/snippets/snippets.code-snippets b/snippets/snippets.code-snippets index 386e0e5..fe0f60f 100644 --- a/snippets/snippets.code-snippets +++ b/snippets/snippets.code-snippets @@ -43,45 +43,6 @@ "export default ${1:ComponentName};" ] }, - "Class Component With Constructor": { - "prefix": "ccc", - "body": [ - "class ${1:ComponentName} extends Component {", - " constructor(props) {", - " super(props);", - " this.state = {", - " $2", - " };", - " }", - "", - " render() {", - " return (", - "
    ", - " $0", - "
    ", - " );", - " }", - "}", - "", - "export default ${1:ComponentName};" - ] - }, - "Class Pure Component": { - "prefix": "cpc", - "body": [ - "class ${1:ComponentName} extends PureComponent {", - " render() {", - " return (", - "
    ", - " $0", - "
    ", - " );", - " }", - "}", - "", - "export default ${1:ComponentName};" - ] - }, "Function Component": { "prefix": "ffc", "body": [ @@ -114,136 +75,701 @@ "export default ${1:ComponentName};" ] }, - "useEffect Hook": { - "prefix": "uef", + "React Hook useState": { + "prefix": "ush", + "body": [ + "const [${1:state}, set${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState(${2:initialState});" + ] + }, + "React Hook useEffect": { + "prefix": "ueh", "body": [ "useEffect(() => {", - " $1", + " ${1:effect}", " return () => {", - " $0", + " ${2:cleanup}", " };", - "}, []);" + "}, [${3:dependencies}]);" ] }, - "useCallback Hook": { - "prefix": "ucb", + "React Hook useContext": { + "prefix": "uch", "body": [ - "const ${1:memoizedCallback} = useCallback(() => {", - " $2", - "}, [$0]);" + "const ${1:contextValue} = useContext(${2:MyContext});" ] }, - "useMemo Hook": { - "prefix": "ume", + "Custom Hook": { + "prefix": "cuh", "body": [ - "const ${1:memoizedValue} = useMemo(() => {", - " return $2;", - "}, [$0]);" + "import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';", + "", + "function use${1:CustomHook}(${2:params}) {", + " const [${3:state}, set${3/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState(${4:initialState});", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " // Effect logic", + " $0", + " }, [${5:dependencies}]);", + "", + " return ${3:state};", + "}", + "", + "export default use${1:CustomHook};" ] }, - "getDerivedStateFromProps": { - "prefix": "gds", + "PropTypes": { + "prefix": "pt", "body": [ - "static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {", - " $0", - " return null;", - "}" + "${1:ComponentName}.propTypes = {", + " ${2:prop}: PropTypes.${3:type},", + "};" ] }, - "shouldComponentUpdate": { - "prefix": "scu", + "Default Props": { + "prefix": "dp", "body": [ - "shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {", - " $0", - " return true;", - "}" + "${1:ComponentName}.defaultProps = {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:defaultValue},", + "};" ] }, - "componentDidUpdate": { - "prefix": "cdu", + "Styled Component": { + "prefix": "sc", "body": [ - "componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {", - " $0", - "}" + "import styled from 'styled-components';", + "", + "const ${1:StyledComponent} = styled.${2:div}`", + " ${3:css}", + "`;", + "", + "export default ${1:StyledComponent};" ] }, - "componentWillUnmount": { - "prefix": "cwun", + "Redux Action Creator": { + "prefix": "rac", "body": [ - "componentWillUnmount() {", - " $0", - "}" + "export const ${1:actionName} = (${2:payload}) => ({", + " type: ${3:ACTION_TYPE},", + " payload: ${2:payload},", + "});" ] }, - "componentDidCatch": { - "prefix": "cdc", + "Redux Reducer": { + "prefix": "rr", "body": [ - "componentDidCatch(error, info) {", - " $0", + "const initialState = {", + " ${1:property}: ${2:value},", + "};", + "", + "export default function ${3:reducerName}(state = initialState, action) {", + " switch (action.type) {", + " case ${4:ACTION_TYPE}:", + " return {", + " ...state,", + " ${5:property}: action.payload,", + " };", + " default:", + " return state;", + " }", "}" ] }, - "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate": { - "prefix": "gsbu", + "Context Provider": { + "prefix": "cp", "body": [ - "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {", - " $0", - " return null;", - "}" + "import React, { createContext, useState } from 'react';", + "", + "export const ${1:MyContext} = createContext();", + "", + "export const ${1:MyContext}Provider = ({ children }) => {", + " const [${2:state}, set${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState(${3:initialState});", + "", + " return (", + " <${1:MyContext}.Provider value={{ ${2:state}, set${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/} }}>", + " {children}", + " ", + " );", + "};" ] }, - "setState": { - "prefix": "ss", + "React Router Setup": { + "prefix": "rrs", "body": [ - "this.setState((prevState, props) => ({", - " $0", - "}));" + "import React from 'react';", + "import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';", + "", + "const App = () => {", + " return (", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export default App;" ] }, - "Declare a new state variable using State Hook": { - "prefix": "usf", + "React Testing Library Test": { + "prefix": "rtl", "body": [ - "const [${1:state}, set${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState($2);" + "import React from 'react';", + "import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';", + "import ${1:ComponentName} from './${1:ComponentName}';", + "", + "test('renders ${1:ComponentName}', () => {", + " render(<${1:ComponentName} />);", + " const element = screen.getByText(/${2:text}/i);", + " expect(element).toBeInTheDocument();", + "});" ] }, - "Render Prop": { - "prefix": "rprop", + "Next.js Page": { + "prefix": "nxp", "body": [ - "${1:renderProp}={({ ${2:prop} }) => (", - " $0", - ")}" + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:PageName} = () => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + "


    ", + " $0", + "
    ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export default ${1:PageName};" ] }, - "Higher Order Component": { + "React Native Component": { + "prefix": "rnc", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = () => {", + " return (", + " ", + " ${1:ComponentName}", + " ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "const styles = StyleSheet.create({", + " container: {", + " flex: 1,", + " justifyContent: 'center',", + " alignItems: 'center',", + " },", + "});", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "Formik Form": { + "prefix": "frm", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import { Formik, Form, Field } from 'formik';", + "", + "const ${1:FormName} = () => (", + " {", + " console.log(values);", + " actions.setSubmitting(false);", + " }}", + " >", + " {({ isSubmitting }) => (", + "
    ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " )}", + " ", + ");" + ] + }, + "Error Boundary": { + "prefix": "eb", + "body": [ + "import React, { Component } from 'react';", + "", + "class ErrorBoundary extends Component {", + " constructor(props) {", + " super(props);", + " this.state = { hasError: false };", + " }", + "", + " static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {", + " return { hasError: true };", + " }", + "", + " componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {", + " console.log(error, errorInfo);", + " }", + "", + " render() {", + " if (this.state.hasError) {", + " return

    Something went wrong.

    ;", + " }", + "", + " return this.props.children;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "export default ErrorBoundary;" + ] + }, + "Higher-Order Component": { "prefix": "hoc", "body": [ "import React from 'react';", "", - "const ${1:withSomething} = (WrappedComponent) => {", + "const with${1:HOCName} = (WrappedComponent) => {", " return class extends React.Component {", " render() {", - " return ;", + " return ;", " }", " };", "};", "", - "export default ${1:withSomething};" + "export default with${1:HOCName};" ] }, - "Context Provider": { - "prefix": "cp", + "useMemo Hook": { + "prefix": "umh", + "body": [ + "const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(${1:a}, ${2:b}), [${1:a}, ${2:b}]);" + ] + }, + "useCallback Hook": { + "prefix": "uch", + "body": [ + "const memoizedCallback = useCallback(", + " () => {", + " doSomething(${1:a}, ${2:b});", + " },", + " [${1:a}, ${2:b}],", + ");" + ] + }, + "TypeScript React Component": { + "prefix": "tsrc", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "interface ${1:ComponentName}Props {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:type};", + "}", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName}: React.FC<${1:ComponentName}Props> = ({ ${2:prop} }) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " ${4:content}", + "
    ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "GraphQL Query": { + "prefix": "gql", + "body": [ + "import { gql, useQuery } from '@apollo/client';", + "", + "const GET_${1:DATA} = gql`", + " query Get${1:Data} {", + " ${2:queryName} {", + " ${3:field}", + " }", + " }", + "`;", + "", + "const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_${1:DATA});" + ] + }, + "Storybook Story": { + "prefix": "sbst", "body": [ - "<${1:Context}.Provider value={${2:value}}>", - " ${0}", - "" + "import React from 'react';", + "import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/react';", + "", + "import { ${1:ComponentName}, ${1:ComponentName}Props } from './${1:ComponentName}';", + "", + "export default {", + " title: 'Components/${1:ComponentName}',", + " component: ${1:ComponentName},", + "} as Meta;", + "", + "const Template: Story<${1:ComponentName}Props> = (args) => <${1:ComponentName} {...args} />;", + "", + "export const Default = Template.bind({});", + "Default.args = {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:value},", + "};" ] }, - "Class Property Function": { - "prefix": "cpf", + "API Fetch": { + "prefix": "apif", "body": [ - "${1:propertyName} = (${2:params}) => {", - " $0", + "const fetchData = async () => {", + " try {", + " const response = await fetch('${1:url}');", + " const data = await response.json();", + " console.log(data);", + " } catch (error) {", + " console.error('Error:', error);", + " }", "};" ] - } + }, + "Theme Provider": { + "prefix": "thp", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';", + "", + "const theme = {", + " colors: {", + " primary: '${1:#007bff}',", + " secondary: '${2:#6c757d}',", + " },", + "};", + "", + "const ThemedApp = () => (", + " ", + " ", + " ", + ");" + ] + }, + "React.memo Component": { + "prefix": "rmc", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = React.memo(({ ${2:props} }) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " $0", + "
    ", + " );", + "});", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "useReducer Hook": { + "prefix": "urh", + "body": [ + "const [state, dispatch] = useReducer((state, action) => {", + " switch (action.type) {", + " case '${1:ACTION_TYPE}':", + " return {...state, ${2:property}: action.payload};", + " default:", + " return state;", + " }", + "}, {", + " ${3:initialState}", + "});" + ] + }, + "useRef Hook": { + "prefix": "urefh", + "body": [ + "const ${1:refName} = useRef(${2:initialValue});" + ] + }, + "useMemo with TypeScript": { + "prefix": "umht", + "body": [ + "const ${1:memoizedValue} = useMemo<${2:ReturnType}>(() => {", + " return ${3:computeExpensiveValue}(${4:a}, ${5:b});", + "}, [${4:a}, ${5:b}]);" + ] + }, + "Custom Hook with TypeScript": { + "prefix": "cuht", + "body": [ + "import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';", + "", + "interface ${1:HookName}Props {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:type};", + "}", + "", + "interface ${1:HookName}Result {", + " ${4:resultProp}: ${5:resultType};", + "}", + "", + "const use${1:HookName} = ({ ${2:prop} }: ${1:HookName}Props): ${1:HookName}Result => {", + " const [${4:resultProp}, set${4/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState<${5:resultType}>(${6:initialValue});", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " // Effect logic", + " $0", + " }, [${2:prop}]);", + "", + " return { ${4:resultProp} };", + "}", + "", + "export default use${1:HookName};" + ] + }, + "React Portal": { + "prefix": "rpt", + "body": [ + "import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';", + "", + "const ${1:PortalComponent} = ({ children }) => {", + " const el = document.getElementById('${2:portal-root}');", + " return el ? ReactDOM.createPortal(children, el) : null;", + "};" + ] + }, + "React.lazy with Suspense": { + "prefix": "rlz", + "body": [ + "import React, { Suspense } from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:LazyComponent} = React.lazy(() => import('./${1:LazyComponent}'));", + "", + "const ${2:ParentComponent} = () => (", + " Loading...}>", + " <${1:LazyComponent} />", + " ", + ");" + ] + }, + "useImperativeHandle Hook": { + "prefix": "uih", + "body": [ + "useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({", + " ${1:exposedMethod}: () => {", + " $0", + " }", + "}));" + ] + }, + "React Component with PropTypes": { + "prefix": "rcpt", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import PropTypes from 'prop-types';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = ({ ${2:prop} }) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " {${2:prop}}", + "
    ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "${1:ComponentName}.propTypes = {", + " ${2:prop}: PropTypes.${3:type}.isRequired,", + "};", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "useLayoutEffect Hook": { + "prefix": "uleh", + "body": [ + "useLayoutEffect(() => {", + " // Synchronous side effect", + " $0", + " return () => {", + " // Clean up", + " };", + "}, [${1:dependencies}]);" + ] + }, + "React.forwardRef": { + "prefix": "rfr", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " $0", + "
    ", + " );", + "});", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "Custom React Hook with Typescript": { + "prefix": "crht", + "body": [ + "import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';", + "", + "type ${1:HookName}Props = {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:type};", + "};", + "", + "type ${1:HookName}Result = {", + " ${4:resultProp}: ${5:resultType};", + "};", + "", + "export const use${1:HookName} = ({ ${2:prop} }: ${1:HookName}Props): ${1:HookName}Result => {", + " const [${4:resultProp}, set${4/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState<${5:resultType}>(${6:initialValue});", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " // Effect logic", + " $0", + " }, [${2:prop}]);", + "", + " return { ${4:resultProp} };", + "};" + ] + }, + "React Context with TypeScript": { + "prefix": "rctx", + "body": [ + "import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';", + "", + "type ${1:ContextName}Type = {", + " ${2:stateName}: ${3:StateType};", + " ${4:setterName}: React.Dispatch>;", + "};", + "", + "const ${1:ContextName}Context = createContext<${1:ContextName}Type | undefined>(undefined);", + "", + "export const ${1:ContextName}Provider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {", + " const [${2:stateName}, ${4:setterName}] = useState<${3:StateType}>(${5:initialState});", + "", + " return (", + " <${1:ContextName}Context.Provider value={{ ${2:stateName}, ${4:setterName} }}>", + " {children}", + " ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export const use${1:ContextName} = (): ${1:ContextName}Type => {", + " const context = useContext(${1:ContextName}Context);", + " if (context === undefined) {", + " throw new Error('use${1:ContextName} must be used within a ${1:ContextName}Provider');", + " }", + " return context;", + "};" + ] + }, + "React Query Hook": { + "prefix": "rqh", + "body": [ + "import { useQuery } from 'react-query';", + "", + "const fetch${1:Data} = async () => {", + " const response = await fetch('${2:apiUrl}');", + " if (!response.ok) {", + " throw new Error('Network response was not ok');", + " }", + " return response.json();", + "};", + "", + "export const use${1:Data} = () => {", + " return useQuery('${3:queryKey}', fetch${1:Data}, {", + " staleTime: ${4:staleTime},", + " cacheTime: ${5:cacheTime},", + " });", + "};" + ] + }, + "Recoil Atom": { + "prefix": "rca", + "body": [ + "import { atom } from 'recoil';", + "", + "export const ${1:atomName}State = atom({", + " key: '${1:atomName}',", + " default: ${2:defaultValue},", + "});" + ] + }, + "Recoil Selector": { + "prefix": "rcs", + "body": [ + "import { selector } from 'recoil';", + "import { ${1:dependencyAtom} } from './atoms';", + "", + "export const ${2:selectorName} = selector({", + " key: '${2:selectorName}',", + " get: ({ get }) => {", + " const value = get(${1:dependencyAtom});", + " return ${3:computedValue};", + " },", + "});" + ] + }, + "React Error Boundary with Fallback UI": { + "prefix": "reb", + "body": [ + "import React, { Component, ErrorInfo, ReactNode } from 'react';", + "", + "interface ErrorBoundaryProps {", + " children: ReactNode;", + " fallback: ReactNode;", + "}", + "", + "interface ErrorBoundaryState {", + " hasError: boolean;", + "}", + "", + "class ErrorBoundary extends Component {", + " constructor(props: ErrorBoundaryProps) {", + " super(props);", + " this.state = { hasError: false };", + " }", + "", + " static getDerivedStateFromError(_: Error): ErrorBoundaryState {", + " return { hasError: true };", + " }", + "", + " componentDidCatch(error: Error, errorInfo: ErrorInfo) {", + " console.error('ErrorBoundary caught an error:', error, errorInfo);", + " }", + "", + " render() {", + " if (this.state.hasError) {", + " return this.props.fallback;", + " }", + "", + " return this.props.children;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "export default ErrorBoundary;" + ] + }, + "React Custom Event Hook": { + "prefix": "rceh", + "body": [ + "import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';", + "", + "export function use${1:EventName}(handler: (event: ${2:EventType}) => void) {", + " const savedHandler = useRef<(event: ${2:EventType}) => void>();", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " savedHandler.current = handler;", + " }, [handler]);", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " const eventListener = (event: ${2:EventType}) => savedHandler.current?.(event);", + " window.addEventListener('${3:eventName}', eventListener);", + " return () => {", + " window.removeEventListener('${3:eventName}', eventListener);", + " };", + " }, []);", + "}" + ] + } + + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/snippets/types/React.json b/snippets/types/React.json index 386e0e5..fe0f60f 100644 --- a/snippets/types/React.json +++ b/snippets/types/React.json @@ -43,45 +43,6 @@ "export default ${1:ComponentName};" ] }, - "Class Component With Constructor": { - "prefix": "ccc", - "body": [ - "class ${1:ComponentName} extends Component {", - " constructor(props) {", - " super(props);", - " this.state = {", - " $2", - " };", - " }", - "", - " render() {", - " return (", - "
    ", - " $0", - "
    ", - " );", - " }", - "}", - "", - "export default ${1:ComponentName};" - ] - }, - "Class Pure Component": { - "prefix": "cpc", - "body": [ - "class ${1:ComponentName} extends PureComponent {", - " render() {", - " return (", - "
    ", - " $0", - "
    ", - " );", - " }", - "}", - "", - "export default ${1:ComponentName};" - ] - }, "Function Component": { "prefix": "ffc", "body": [ @@ -114,136 +75,701 @@ "export default ${1:ComponentName};" ] }, - "useEffect Hook": { - "prefix": "uef", + "React Hook useState": { + "prefix": "ush", + "body": [ + "const [${1:state}, set${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState(${2:initialState});" + ] + }, + "React Hook useEffect": { + "prefix": "ueh", "body": [ "useEffect(() => {", - " $1", + " ${1:effect}", " return () => {", - " $0", + " ${2:cleanup}", " };", - "}, []);" + "}, [${3:dependencies}]);" ] }, - "useCallback Hook": { - "prefix": "ucb", + "React Hook useContext": { + "prefix": "uch", "body": [ - "const ${1:memoizedCallback} = useCallback(() => {", - " $2", - "}, [$0]);" + "const ${1:contextValue} = useContext(${2:MyContext});" ] }, - "useMemo Hook": { - "prefix": "ume", + "Custom Hook": { + "prefix": "cuh", "body": [ - "const ${1:memoizedValue} = useMemo(() => {", - " return $2;", - "}, [$0]);" + "import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';", + "", + "function use${1:CustomHook}(${2:params}) {", + " const [${3:state}, set${3/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState(${4:initialState});", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " // Effect logic", + " $0", + " }, [${5:dependencies}]);", + "", + " return ${3:state};", + "}", + "", + "export default use${1:CustomHook};" ] }, - "getDerivedStateFromProps": { - "prefix": "gds", + "PropTypes": { + "prefix": "pt", "body": [ - "static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {", - " $0", - " return null;", - "}" + "${1:ComponentName}.propTypes = {", + " ${2:prop}: PropTypes.${3:type},", + "};" ] }, - "shouldComponentUpdate": { - "prefix": "scu", + "Default Props": { + "prefix": "dp", "body": [ - "shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {", - " $0", - " return true;", - "}" + "${1:ComponentName}.defaultProps = {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:defaultValue},", + "};" ] }, - "componentDidUpdate": { - "prefix": "cdu", + "Styled Component": { + "prefix": "sc", "body": [ - "componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {", - " $0", - "}" + "import styled from 'styled-components';", + "", + "const ${1:StyledComponent} = styled.${2:div}`", + " ${3:css}", + "`;", + "", + "export default ${1:StyledComponent};" ] }, - "componentWillUnmount": { - "prefix": "cwun", + "Redux Action Creator": { + "prefix": "rac", "body": [ - "componentWillUnmount() {", - " $0", - "}" + "export const ${1:actionName} = (${2:payload}) => ({", + " type: ${3:ACTION_TYPE},", + " payload: ${2:payload},", + "});" ] }, - "componentDidCatch": { - "prefix": "cdc", + "Redux Reducer": { + "prefix": "rr", "body": [ - "componentDidCatch(error, info) {", - " $0", + "const initialState = {", + " ${1:property}: ${2:value},", + "};", + "", + "export default function ${3:reducerName}(state = initialState, action) {", + " switch (action.type) {", + " case ${4:ACTION_TYPE}:", + " return {", + " ...state,", + " ${5:property}: action.payload,", + " };", + " default:", + " return state;", + " }", "}" ] }, - "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate": { - "prefix": "gsbu", + "Context Provider": { + "prefix": "cp", "body": [ - "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {", - " $0", - " return null;", - "}" + "import React, { createContext, useState } from 'react';", + "", + "export const ${1:MyContext} = createContext();", + "", + "export const ${1:MyContext}Provider = ({ children }) => {", + " const [${2:state}, set${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState(${3:initialState});", + "", + " return (", + " <${1:MyContext}.Provider value={{ ${2:state}, set${2/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/} }}>", + " {children}", + " ", + " );", + "};" ] }, - "setState": { - "prefix": "ss", + "React Router Setup": { + "prefix": "rrs", "body": [ - "this.setState((prevState, props) => ({", - " $0", - "}));" + "import React from 'react';", + "import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';", + "", + "const App = () => {", + " return (", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export default App;" ] }, - "Declare a new state variable using State Hook": { - "prefix": "usf", + "React Testing Library Test": { + "prefix": "rtl", "body": [ - "const [${1:state}, set${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState($2);" + "import React from 'react';", + "import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';", + "import ${1:ComponentName} from './${1:ComponentName}';", + "", + "test('renders ${1:ComponentName}', () => {", + " render(<${1:ComponentName} />);", + " const element = screen.getByText(/${2:text}/i);", + " expect(element).toBeInTheDocument();", + "});" ] }, - "Render Prop": { - "prefix": "rprop", + "Next.js Page": { + "prefix": "nxp", "body": [ - "${1:renderProp}={({ ${2:prop} }) => (", - " $0", - ")}" + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:PageName} = () => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + "


    ", + " $0", + "
    ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export default ${1:PageName};" ] }, - "Higher Order Component": { + "React Native Component": { + "prefix": "rnc", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = () => {", + " return (", + " ", + " ${1:ComponentName}", + " ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "const styles = StyleSheet.create({", + " container: {", + " flex: 1,", + " justifyContent: 'center',", + " alignItems: 'center',", + " },", + "});", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "Formik Form": { + "prefix": "frm", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import { Formik, Form, Field } from 'formik';", + "", + "const ${1:FormName} = () => (", + " {", + " console.log(values);", + " actions.setSubmitting(false);", + " }}", + " >", + " {({ isSubmitting }) => (", + "
    ", + " ", + " ", + " ", + " )}", + " ", + ");" + ] + }, + "Error Boundary": { + "prefix": "eb", + "body": [ + "import React, { Component } from 'react';", + "", + "class ErrorBoundary extends Component {", + " constructor(props) {", + " super(props);", + " this.state = { hasError: false };", + " }", + "", + " static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {", + " return { hasError: true };", + " }", + "", + " componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {", + " console.log(error, errorInfo);", + " }", + "", + " render() {", + " if (this.state.hasError) {", + " return

    Something went wrong.

    ;", + " }", + "", + " return this.props.children;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "export default ErrorBoundary;" + ] + }, + "Higher-Order Component": { "prefix": "hoc", "body": [ "import React from 'react';", "", - "const ${1:withSomething} = (WrappedComponent) => {", + "const with${1:HOCName} = (WrappedComponent) => {", " return class extends React.Component {", " render() {", - " return ;", + " return ;", " }", " };", "};", "", - "export default ${1:withSomething};" + "export default with${1:HOCName};" ] }, - "Context Provider": { - "prefix": "cp", + "useMemo Hook": { + "prefix": "umh", + "body": [ + "const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(${1:a}, ${2:b}), [${1:a}, ${2:b}]);" + ] + }, + "useCallback Hook": { + "prefix": "uch", + "body": [ + "const memoizedCallback = useCallback(", + " () => {", + " doSomething(${1:a}, ${2:b});", + " },", + " [${1:a}, ${2:b}],", + ");" + ] + }, + "TypeScript React Component": { + "prefix": "tsrc", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "interface ${1:ComponentName}Props {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:type};", + "}", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName}: React.FC<${1:ComponentName}Props> = ({ ${2:prop} }) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " ${4:content}", + "
    ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "GraphQL Query": { + "prefix": "gql", + "body": [ + "import { gql, useQuery } from '@apollo/client';", + "", + "const GET_${1:DATA} = gql`", + " query Get${1:Data} {", + " ${2:queryName} {", + " ${3:field}", + " }", + " }", + "`;", + "", + "const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_${1:DATA});" + ] + }, + "Storybook Story": { + "prefix": "sbst", "body": [ - "<${1:Context}.Provider value={${2:value}}>", - " ${0}", - "" + "import React from 'react';", + "import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/react';", + "", + "import { ${1:ComponentName}, ${1:ComponentName}Props } from './${1:ComponentName}';", + "", + "export default {", + " title: 'Components/${1:ComponentName}',", + " component: ${1:ComponentName},", + "} as Meta;", + "", + "const Template: Story<${1:ComponentName}Props> = (args) => <${1:ComponentName} {...args} />;", + "", + "export const Default = Template.bind({});", + "Default.args = {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:value},", + "};" ] }, - "Class Property Function": { - "prefix": "cpf", + "API Fetch": { + "prefix": "apif", "body": [ - "${1:propertyName} = (${2:params}) => {", - " $0", + "const fetchData = async () => {", + " try {", + " const response = await fetch('${1:url}');", + " const data = await response.json();", + " console.log(data);", + " } catch (error) {", + " console.error('Error:', error);", + " }", "};" ] - } + }, + "Theme Provider": { + "prefix": "thp", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';", + "", + "const theme = {", + " colors: {", + " primary: '${1:#007bff}',", + " secondary: '${2:#6c757d}',", + " },", + "};", + "", + "const ThemedApp = () => (", + " ", + " ", + " ", + ");" + ] + }, + "React.memo Component": { + "prefix": "rmc", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = React.memo(({ ${2:props} }) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " $0", + "
    ", + " );", + "});", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "useReducer Hook": { + "prefix": "urh", + "body": [ + "const [state, dispatch] = useReducer((state, action) => {", + " switch (action.type) {", + " case '${1:ACTION_TYPE}':", + " return {...state, ${2:property}: action.payload};", + " default:", + " return state;", + " }", + "}, {", + " ${3:initialState}", + "});" + ] + }, + "useRef Hook": { + "prefix": "urefh", + "body": [ + "const ${1:refName} = useRef(${2:initialValue});" + ] + }, + "useMemo with TypeScript": { + "prefix": "umht", + "body": [ + "const ${1:memoizedValue} = useMemo<${2:ReturnType}>(() => {", + " return ${3:computeExpensiveValue}(${4:a}, ${5:b});", + "}, [${4:a}, ${5:b}]);" + ] + }, + "Custom Hook with TypeScript": { + "prefix": "cuht", + "body": [ + "import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';", + "", + "interface ${1:HookName}Props {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:type};", + "}", + "", + "interface ${1:HookName}Result {", + " ${4:resultProp}: ${5:resultType};", + "}", + "", + "const use${1:HookName} = ({ ${2:prop} }: ${1:HookName}Props): ${1:HookName}Result => {", + " const [${4:resultProp}, set${4/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState<${5:resultType}>(${6:initialValue});", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " // Effect logic", + " $0", + " }, [${2:prop}]);", + "", + " return { ${4:resultProp} };", + "}", + "", + "export default use${1:HookName};" + ] + }, + "React Portal": { + "prefix": "rpt", + "body": [ + "import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';", + "", + "const ${1:PortalComponent} = ({ children }) => {", + " const el = document.getElementById('${2:portal-root}');", + " return el ? ReactDOM.createPortal(children, el) : null;", + "};" + ] + }, + "React.lazy with Suspense": { + "prefix": "rlz", + "body": [ + "import React, { Suspense } from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:LazyComponent} = React.lazy(() => import('./${1:LazyComponent}'));", + "", + "const ${2:ParentComponent} = () => (", + " Loading...}>", + " <${1:LazyComponent} />", + " ", + ");" + ] + }, + "useImperativeHandle Hook": { + "prefix": "uih", + "body": [ + "useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({", + " ${1:exposedMethod}: () => {", + " $0", + " }", + "}));" + ] + }, + "React Component with PropTypes": { + "prefix": "rcpt", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "import PropTypes from 'prop-types';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = ({ ${2:prop} }) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " {${2:prop}}", + "
    ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "${1:ComponentName}.propTypes = {", + " ${2:prop}: PropTypes.${3:type}.isRequired,", + "};", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "useLayoutEffect Hook": { + "prefix": "uleh", + "body": [ + "useLayoutEffect(() => {", + " // Synchronous side effect", + " $0", + " return () => {", + " // Clean up", + " };", + "}, [${1:dependencies}]);" + ] + }, + "React.forwardRef": { + "prefix": "rfr", + "body": [ + "import React from 'react';", + "", + "const ${1:ComponentName} = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {", + " return (", + "
    ", + " $0", + "
    ", + " );", + "});", + "", + "export default ${1:ComponentName};" + ] + }, + "Custom React Hook with Typescript": { + "prefix": "crht", + "body": [ + "import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';", + "", + "type ${1:HookName}Props = {", + " ${2:prop}: ${3:type};", + "};", + "", + "type ${1:HookName}Result = {", + " ${4:resultProp}: ${5:resultType};", + "};", + "", + "export const use${1:HookName} = ({ ${2:prop} }: ${1:HookName}Props): ${1:HookName}Result => {", + " const [${4:resultProp}, set${4/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState<${5:resultType}>(${6:initialValue});", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " // Effect logic", + " $0", + " }, [${2:prop}]);", + "", + " return { ${4:resultProp} };", + "};" + ] + }, + "React Context with TypeScript": { + "prefix": "rctx", + "body": [ + "import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';", + "", + "type ${1:ContextName}Type = {", + " ${2:stateName}: ${3:StateType};", + " ${4:setterName}: React.Dispatch>;", + "};", + "", + "const ${1:ContextName}Context = createContext<${1:ContextName}Type | undefined>(undefined);", + "", + "export const ${1:ContextName}Provider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {", + " const [${2:stateName}, ${4:setterName}] = useState<${3:StateType}>(${5:initialState});", + "", + " return (", + " <${1:ContextName}Context.Provider value={{ ${2:stateName}, ${4:setterName} }}>", + " {children}", + " ", + " );", + "};", + "", + "export const use${1:ContextName} = (): ${1:ContextName}Type => {", + " const context = useContext(${1:ContextName}Context);", + " if (context === undefined) {", + " throw new Error('use${1:ContextName} must be used within a ${1:ContextName}Provider');", + " }", + " return context;", + "};" + ] + }, + "React Query Hook": { + "prefix": "rqh", + "body": [ + "import { useQuery } from 'react-query';", + "", + "const fetch${1:Data} = async () => {", + " const response = await fetch('${2:apiUrl}');", + " if (!response.ok) {", + " throw new Error('Network response was not ok');", + " }", + " return response.json();", + "};", + "", + "export const use${1:Data} = () => {", + " return useQuery('${3:queryKey}', fetch${1:Data}, {", + " staleTime: ${4:staleTime},", + " cacheTime: ${5:cacheTime},", + " });", + "};" + ] + }, + "Recoil Atom": { + "prefix": "rca", + "body": [ + "import { atom } from 'recoil';", + "", + "export const ${1:atomName}State = atom({", + " key: '${1:atomName}',", + " default: ${2:defaultValue},", + "});" + ] + }, + "Recoil Selector": { + "prefix": "rcs", + "body": [ + "import { selector } from 'recoil';", + "import { ${1:dependencyAtom} } from './atoms';", + "", + "export const ${2:selectorName} = selector({", + " key: '${2:selectorName}',", + " get: ({ get }) => {", + " const value = get(${1:dependencyAtom});", + " return ${3:computedValue};", + " },", + "});" + ] + }, + "React Error Boundary with Fallback UI": { + "prefix": "reb", + "body": [ + "import React, { Component, ErrorInfo, ReactNode } from 'react';", + "", + "interface ErrorBoundaryProps {", + " children: ReactNode;", + " fallback: ReactNode;", + "}", + "", + "interface ErrorBoundaryState {", + " hasError: boolean;", + "}", + "", + "class ErrorBoundary extends Component {", + " constructor(props: ErrorBoundaryProps) {", + " super(props);", + " this.state = { hasError: false };", + " }", + "", + " static getDerivedStateFromError(_: Error): ErrorBoundaryState {", + " return { hasError: true };", + " }", + "", + " componentDidCatch(error: Error, errorInfo: ErrorInfo) {", + " console.error('ErrorBoundary caught an error:', error, errorInfo);", + " }", + "", + " render() {", + " if (this.state.hasError) {", + " return this.props.fallback;", + " }", + "", + " return this.props.children;", + " }", + "}", + "", + "export default ErrorBoundary;" + ] + }, + "React Custom Event Hook": { + "prefix": "rceh", + "body": [ + "import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';", + "", + "export function use${1:EventName}(handler: (event: ${2:EventType}) => void) {", + " const savedHandler = useRef<(event: ${2:EventType}) => void>();", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " savedHandler.current = handler;", + " }, [handler]);", + "", + " useEffect(() => {", + " const eventListener = (event: ${2:EventType}) => savedHandler.current?.(event);", + " window.addEventListener('${3:eventName}', eventListener);", + " return () => {", + " window.removeEventListener('${3:eventName}', eventListener);", + " };", + " }, []);", + "}" + ] + } + + } \ No newline at end of file