diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 262dee0e3..2bff04aed 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,68 +1,35 @@
-# PopcornPicks: Your Destination for Movie Recommendations 🎥
- A collaborative filtering based recommendation engine!
-[![ForTheBadge built-with-love](http://ForTheBadge.com/images/badges/built-with-love.svg)](https://GitHub.com/ssp4all/)
+# PopcornPicks: Your Destination for Movie Recommendations 🍿
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-### Project 3 Plan
-(Please see [wiki](https://github.com/git-ankit/MovieRecommender/wiki/Project-3-Plan) for detailed information.)
-Testing how good the Movie Recommender is :
-1. Pick 10-15 very famous movies.
-2. Make sure the movies have diversity based on genre, cast and production style.
-3. Show users a set of 10 randomly generated movies vs top 10 movies recommended by the Movie Recommender.
-4. Also ask the user how satisfied is he/she with the recommended movies.
-4. Collect your results and quantify them.
-Note: Our system can be virtually uploaded to sites like [Code SandBox](https://codesandbox.io/), for easier testing.
-Make sure you taste your own medicine first and take into account other peoples familiarity with the system before you design your tests.
-### Video ▶️
-### Working 📱
+PopcornPicks is more than just a movie recommender system; it's a gateway to a world of cinematic adventures. With an ever-expanding library of films and a powerful recommendation algorithm, PopcornPicks is here to transform the way you discover, enjoy, and connect with movies.
+### Overview
+PopcornPicks is a webapp where you can get movie recommedations based the movies you like
### Tech stack 👨💻
-- Python, Flask, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
-### Requirements and Setup ⚙️
-- python 3.5 +
-- pip
-- Style check - black
- `pip install black`
-- Static code analyser - Pylance
- `Install it in VS Code`
-- Install all required python packages
- `pip install -r requirements.txt `
-### Usage
-1. `cd Code/recommenderapp`
-2. `python3 app.py`
+### Getting Started
+1. Clone the repository from GitHub.
+2. Follow the setup instructions in the documentation.
+3. Start enjoying personalized movie recommendations!
### Documentation 📚
Refer to Wiki page [here](https://github.com/git-ankit/MovieRecommender/wiki/Documentation)
### Bug? 🐛
Raise a issue on this repository, we would love to look at it ❤️
+### Contributors
+### Join the PopcornPicks Community:
+Contribute to the project and help us improve recommendations.
+Share your experience and film discoveries with us.
+Together, let's make PopcornPicks the ultimate movie companion!
+PopcornPicks is more than just code; it's a passion for cinema, and we invite you to be a part of this exciting journey. Start exploring, sharing, and discovering movies like never before with PopcornPicks !
+Let's make movie nights extraordinary together!